Udyr is one of the old, but versatile junglers in League of Legends. He can be a bruiser, tank, or dps champion. His abilities have a short cooldown, but he can still rely on an ability haste build so that the players can spam his abilities during combat. In this article, we will rank each of his skins so we can determine which skins are worth buying.
5. Black Belt Udyr
Black Belt Udyr belongs to the Day Job skinline in League of Legends. It comes with updated splash art, and an in-game model where Udyr is a Sensei wearing a yellow gi, teaching at Hiraclaw Dojo. There are no new skills, sounds, or particle effects in this skin, considering that the price of this skin is very cheap.
How to get it: It can be obtained as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or by purchasing it for 520 Riot Points.
See Black Belt Udyr in action: https://youtu.be/Ci6TCGl7bMw4. Primal Udyr
Primal Udyr was the worst skin, but when they reworked the skins along with Udyr, this skin is slightly better than Black Belt Udyr. It comes with new splash art and an updated in-game model. There are no particle or sound effects, but there are some visual skill effects where Udyr wears a mask of the animal skill that is used. I personally like the prehistoric vibe that this skin gives.
How to get it: Currently unavailable. Players can buy this skin once the legacy vault has been reopened.
See Primal Udyr in action: https://youtu.be/oH8V-TuDyOs3. Definitely Not Udyr
This skin was created as an April Fool’s skin in 2015. Just like the other Definitely Not skins, Udyr is wearing a costume of himself, but with a funky face. His goofy costume also changes depending on the skill that is used. Aside from the updated splash art and in-game model, there are no changes into his skills, sounds, and particle effects, as well as his recall and death animations.
How to get it: It can be obtained as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or by purchasing it for 975 Riot Points.
See Definitely Not Udyr in action: https://youtu.be/5_N1wA6Ayf82. Dragon Oracle Udyr
Dragon Oracle Udyr is the most recent addition to his skins. It offers updated splash art, an in-game model where Udyr has dragon horns, scales, and spikes on his body. Instead of his usual animals, the spirits of dead dragons are incorporated in his skill, sound, and particle effects. It also comes with a new recall animation.
How to get it: It can be obtained as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or by purchasing it for 1350 Riot Points.
See Dragon Oracle Udyr in action: https://youtu.be/ggMG6yP5TRY1. Spirit Guard Udyr
Of course, Spirit Guard Udyr is the best skin for Udyr, especially now that the skin was also upgraded along with his rework. As an Ultimate tier skin, it offers tons of new features. He has four different stances, each with their own dance emotes, and once the skills are maxed, the effects also transform. The attack, idle, running, and kill animations of each stance are also different. The new recall animation is so astounding that even non-Udyr mains are tempted to buy this skin. It also offers a new death and respawn animation.
How to get it: It can be obtained as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or by purchasing it for 3250 Riot Points.
See Spirit Guard Udyr in action: https://youtu.be/Ji_POnks-v4
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