[Top 15] LOL Best Bot Lane Duos That Are Amazing
15-Miss Fortune + Leona
“If you would shine like a sun, first you must burn like one.”
Imbued with the fire of the sun, Leona the Radiant Dawn is a holy warrior of the Solari who defends Mount Targon with her Zenith Blade and the Shield of Daybreak. Her skin shimmers with starfire while her eyes burn with the power of the celestial aspect within her. Armored in gold and bearing a terrible burden of ancient knowledge, Leona brings enlightenment to some and death to others.
Miss Fortune:
“The bigger the risk, the bigger the bounty.”
A Bilgewater captain famed for her looks but feared for her ruthlessness, Sarah Fortune paints a stark figure among the hardened criminals of the port city. As a child, she witnessed the reaver king Gangplank murder her family—an act she brutally avenged years later, blowing up his flagship while he was still aboard. Those who underestimate her will face a beguiling and unpredictable opponent… and, likely, a bullet or two in their guts.
Why Miss Fortune + Leona?!
- Leona's multiple stuns can scale really well with MF's ultimate, as enemies won't have a chance to dodge them.
- MF has a high movement speed, which she can use to either engage with Leona or let Leona stun the opponents while she runs away.
- MF's E can significantly slow enemies, allowing Leona to engage.
What makes Miss Fortune + Leona great:
- Miss Fortune is a champion known for her high damage and ease of use.
- Players looking to get the most out of her would do well to pair Miss Fortune with a champion with tankier stats and a good form of crowd control, making Leona the perfect bot lane duo.
- Using Leona's stuns to set up a Miss Fortune ultimate can turn the tide in a team fight.
14-Samira + Galio
“Virtues, I've got a few. Vices, a few more.”
Ever heard about roses blooming in the desert?
Well, obviously, you haven’t heard about Samira.
The Desert Rose, Samira, stares death in the eye with unyielding confidence, seeking thrills wherever she goes. After her Shuriman home was destroyed as a child, Samira found her true calling in Noxus, where she built a reputation as a stylish daredevil, taking on dangerous missions of the highest caliber. Samira is at her best in life-or-death situations. Armed with black-powder pistols and a custom-made blade, she kills anyone who gets in her way with style.
“Get behind me, Demacian! You may not have noticed, but I’m very large.”
Outside the gleaming city of Demacia, the stone colossus Galio keeps vigilant watch. Built as a bulwark against enemy mages, he often stands motionless for decades until the presence of powerful magic stirs him to life. Once activated, Galio makes the most of his time, savoring the thrill of a fight and the rare honor of defending his countrymen. But his triumphs are always bittersweet, for the magic he destroys is also his source of reanimation, and each victory leaves him dormant once again.
Why Samira + Galio?!
- Samira can work out really well with any support who can have high CC, and Galio is one of the best CC champions.
- Galio's taunt and knock ups would activate Samira's passive multiple times.
- Samira can use her ultimate freely without being interupted as Galio CC opponents.
What makes Samira + Galio great:
- Samira is an AD Carry that thrives in the middle of fights.
- Samira is a tricky champion to play, as there are many things that can go wrong.
- Pairing Samira0 with a champion like Galio is a must as he can provide extra survivability when things look like they are about to turn out for the worst.
13-Jinx + Nami
“Volatile explosives are a girl’s best friend.”
A manic and impulsive criminal from Zaun, Jinx the Loose Cannon, lives to wreak havoc without care for the consequences. With an arsenal of deadly weapons, she unleashes the loudest blasts and brightest explosions to leave a trail of mayhem and panic in her wake. Jinx despises boredom, and gleefully brings her own chaotic brand of pandemonium wherever she goes.
“I decide what the tide will bring.”
Nami the tidecaller, a headstrong young vastaya of the seas, was the first of the Marai tribe to leave the waves and venture onto dry land when their ancient agreement with the Targonians was broken. With no other option, she took it upon herself to complete the sacred ritual that would ensure the safety of her people. Nami is tough and determined as she faces an unknown future in this new age of chaos. She uses her Tidecaller staff to call on the power of the oceans themselves.
Why Jinx + Nami?!
- Nami's multiple stuns would allow Jinx to aim her skill and place the traps right under the enemies so that he could have a higher CC.
- Nami can also increase Jinx's attack speed, which would scale with Jinx's Q attack speed.
- Nami increases her allies’ movement speed, which scales with Jinx's passive.
What Makes Jinx + Nami great:
- Jinx is a weaker character in the early game, so having a support who can heal is a must.
- Nami's kit synergizes well with Jinx, and her healing at the start of a game can make or break the laning phase.
- Jinx's game plan is to farm until mid-game, so having a support to take bot lane is essential.
12-Lulu + Twitch
''The best path between two points is upside-down, between, then inside-out and round again.''
The yordle mage Lulu is known for conjuring dreamlike illusions and fanciful creatures as she roams Runeterra with her fairy companion Pix. Lulu shapes reality on a whim, warping the fabric of the world, and what she views as the constraints of this mundane, physical realm. While others might consider her magic at best unnatural, and at worst dangerous, she believes everyone could use a touch of enchantment.
“They threw this away? But it’s so shiny!”
A Zaunite plague rat by birth, but a connoisseur of filth by passion, Twitch is not afraid to get his paws dirty. Aiming a chem-powered crossbow at the gilded heart of Piltover, he has vowed to show those in the city above just how filthy they really are. Always a sneaky sneak, when he's not rooting around in the Sump, he's digging deep into other people's garbage for discarded treasures… and perhaps a moldy sandwich.
Why Lulu + Twitch?!
- Twitch is a killing machine when he is provided with enough attack speed, which Lulu can provide.
- Twitch can receive multiple buffs from Lulu, such as increased moving and attack speed, while remaining invisible, making him extremely strong and sneaky.
- Lulu can borrow some time for Twitch when his ultimate is active by casting her ultimate on him.
What makes Lulu + Twitch great:
- Twitch and Lulu are a potent bot lane duo in the right hands.
- Playing passively is key until Twitch has built enough items to become a threat.
- After the items have been built, Lulu can enhance Twitch's damage during important team fights so that Twitch can carry the game.
11-Caitlyn + Morgana
“To be the best hunter, you have to be able to think like your prey.”
Renowned as its finest peacekeeper, Caitlyn is also Piltover's best shot at ridding the city of its elusive criminal elements. She is often paired with Vi, acting as a cool counterpoint to her partner's more impetuous nature. Even though she carries a one-of-a-kind hextech rifle, Caitlyn's most powerful weapon is her superior intellect, allowing her to lay elaborate traps for any lawbreakers foolish enough to operate in the City of Progress.
“Only those you love can break your heart.”
Conflicted between her celestial and mortal natures, Morgana bound her wings to embrace humanity and inflicted her pain and bitterness on the dishonest and the corrupt. She rejects laws and traditions she believes are unjust and fights for truth from the shadows of Demacia—even as others seek to repress it—by casting shields and chains of dark fire. More than anything else, Morgana truly believes that even the banished and outcast may one day rise again.
Why Caitlyn + Morgana?!
- Caitlyn and Morgana’s huge range would make them one of the strongest poking combos in the game.
- Morgana's snare lasts long enough for Caitlyn to deal significant damage, and she then freely places her traps under opponents.
- Morgana's ultimate is a beast skill, which would allow Caitlyn to kill enemies in the blink of an eye.
What makes Caitlyn + Morgana great:
- Caitlyn and Morgana can be a dominant force in the bot lane with a simple combo.
- Morgana roots enemies with her Q, and Caitlyn places down a trap for an easy headshot, dealing lots of damage and winning the lane early.
- With proper practice, players can bully the lane and snowball that into a win against the other team.
10-Senna + Tahm Kench
“As shadows embrace the light, I will embrace them...”
Cursed from childhood to be haunted by the supernatural Black Mist, Senna joined a sacred order known as the Sentinels of Light and fiercely fought back—only to be killed and her soul imprisoned in a lantern by the cruel wraith Thresh. Senna, refusing to give up hope, learned to use the mist inside the lantern and reemerged to a new life, forever changed. Now wielding darkness along with light, Senna seeks to end the Black Mist by turning it against itself—with every blast of her relic weapon, redeeming the souls lost within.
Tahm Kench:
''The whole world's a river, and I'm its king.''
Known by many names throughout history, the demon Tahm Kench travels the waterways of Runeterra, feeding his insatiable appetite with the misery of others. Though he may appear singularly charming and proud, he swaggers through the physical realm like a vagabond in search of unsuspecting prey. His lashing tongue can stun even a heavily armored warrior from a dozen paces, and to fall into his rumbling belly is to tumble into an abyss from which there is little hope of return.
Why Senna + Tahm Kench?!
- Senna and Tahm Kench have been played a lot recently, as they are one of the most annoying combos to enemies.
- Using Senna's invisibility while in Tahm Kench's mouth would allow both of them to be completely invisible.
- Tahm Kench is a really strong tank who stuns, and Senna has a very high range, which allows her to deal more damage and then snare enemies after Tahm's stun.
What makes Senna + Tahm Kench great:
- Tahm Kench acts as a farming carry, allowing Senna to start with a support item and stack her passive.
- Since Senna’s scaling is guaranteed, Tahm Kench can safely farm and stack tank items in order to become a strong frontline tank and a peeling machine for Senna.
- Besides picking a similar hyperscaling duo, this duo is smart wave manipulation and early ganks that will shut them down.
9-Zeri + Yuumi
“I belong here. We all belong here.”
A headstrong, spirited young woman from Zaun's working-class, Zeri channels her electric magic to charge herself and her custom-crafted gun. Her volatile power mirrors her emotions, its sparks reflecting her lightning-fast approach to life. Deeply compassionate toward others, Zeri carries the love of her family and her home into every fight. Though her eagerness to help can sometimes backfire, Zeri believes one truth to be certain: stand up for your community, and it will stand up with you.
“Cats are made of twilight and tricks, dogs are made of barks and sticks! Book’s just old trees.”
A magical cat from Bandle City, Yuumi was once the familiar of a yordle enchantress, Norra. When her master mysteriously disappeared, Yuumi became the Keeper of Norra's sentient Book of Thresholds, traveling through portals in its pages to search for her. Yearning for affection, Yuumi seeks friendly companions to partner with on her journey, protecting them with luminous shields and fierce resolve. While Book strives to keep her on task, Yuumi is often drawn to worldly comforts, such as naps and fish. In the end, however, she always returns to her quest to find her friend.
Why Zeri + Yuumi?!
- Zeri just loves moving around a lot, and Yummi loves being with someone who moves a lot.
- Yummi provides both attack speed and extra damage, along with the healing that would make Zeri a beast.
- Yummi's ultimate would snare all the enemies in front, which would allow Zeri to cast her ultimate freely.
What makes Zeri + Yuumi great:
- Many supports struggle to keep up with her, but Yuumi simply attaches herself to Zeri, further energizing her spark and her incessant need to move.
- With her crit build, Zeri has been seeing success when paired with Yuumi.
- Extremely strong in both early and midgame, this zooming duo, if played to its full potential, quickly becomes oppressive and challenging to catch.
8-Samira + Nautilus
“Virtues, I've got a few. Vices, a few more.”
Ever heard about roses blooming in the desert?
Well, obviously, you haven’t heard about Samira.
The Desert Rose, Samira, stares death in the eye with unyielding confidence, seeking thrills wherever she goes. After her Shuriman home was destroyed as a child, Samira found her true calling in Noxus, where she built a reputation as a stylish daredevil, taking on dangerous missions of the highest caliber. Samira is at her best in life-or-death situations. Armed with black-powder pistols and a custom-made blade, she kills anyone who gets in her way with style.
''When consumed by utter darkness, there is nothing left but forward.''
A lonely legend as old as the first piers sunk in Bilgewater, the armored goliath known as Nautilus roams the dark waters off the coast of the Blue Flame Isles. Driven by a forgotten betrayal, he strikes without warning, swinging his enormous anchor to save the wretched, and drag the greedy to their doom. It is said he comes for those who forget to pay the “Bilgewater tithe”, pulling them down beneath the waves with him—an iron-clad reminder that none can escape the depths.
Why Samira + Nautilus?!
- Samira, as mentioned, works well with high CC-machine champions, and Nautilus has the highest CC in the game.
- Nautilus has 2 knock ups which will allow Samira's passive that knocks up enemies for longer periods to be activated.
- Nautilus has the ability to both grab and snare, which would allow Samira to deal tons of damage and activate both her passive and ultimate.
What makes Samira + Nautilus great:
- With Nautilus by her side, Samira can focus on eliminating individual enemies.
- She shouldn't have to be concerned about her safety with the numerous crowd control tools he provides.
- Nautilus excels as one of the greatest supports to be played alongside Samira due to his aggressive kit and crowd control tools.
7-Jinx + Thresh
“Volatile explosives are a girl’s best friend.”
A manic and impulsive criminal from Zaun, Jinx the Loose Cannon, lives to wreak havoc without care for the consequences. With an arsenal of deadly weapons, she unleashes the loudest blasts and brightest explosions to leave a trail of mayhem and panic in her wake. Jinx despises boredom, and gleefully brings her own chaotic brand of pandemonium wherever she goes.
“The mind is a wondrous thing to tear apart.”
Sadistic and cunning, Thresh is an ambitious and restless spirit of the Shadow Isles. Once the custodian of countless arcane secrets, he was undone by a power greater than life or death, and now sustains himself by tormenting and breaking others with slow, excruciating inventiveness. His victims suffer far beyond their brief mortal coil as Thresh wreaks agony upon their souls, imprisoning them in his unholy lantern to torture for all eternity.
Why Jinx + Thresh?!
- Jinx and Thresh are known to be a combo that enemies fear, as Thresh would allow Jinx to stack her Q's attack speed when he stuns and grabs enemies.
- Thresh can either help Jinx engage or disengage with his lantern and ultimate, along with her passive if she gets a takedown or a turret.
- Thresh's slows and stuns would help Jinx aim her ultimate and W much easier.
What makes Jinx + Thresh great:
- Thresh has an amazing kill setup with his other abilities, meaning a good Thresh player will be able to Q his way into the midgame with a fed Jinx by his side, paving the way for a much more comfortable game.
- Thresh’s lantern is just so good that it cannot be overlooked, especially for a champion like Jinx.
- Jinx does not have that much self-peel; she only has her chompers to rely on, which is really not optimal if she has highly mobile assassins on her tail, so Thresh compensates for this.
6-Kog’maw + Lulu
“If that's just hungry, I don't want to see angry.”
Belched forth from a rotting Void incursion deep in the wastelands of Icathia, Kog'Maw is an inquisitive yet putrid creature with a caustic, gaping mouth. This particular Void-spawn needs to gnaw and drool on anything within reach to truly understand it. Though not inherently evil, Kog'Maw's beguiling naiveté is dangerous, as it often precedes a feeding frenzy—not for sustenance, but to satisfy its unending curiosity.
''The best path between two points is upside-down, between, then inside-out and round again.''
The yordle mage Lulu is known for conjuring dreamlike illusions and fanciful creatures as she roams Runeterra with her fairy companion Pix. Lulu shapes reality on a whim, warping the fabric of the world, and what she views as the constraints of this mundane, physical realm. While others might consider her magic at best unnatural, and at worst dangerous, she believes everyone could use a touch of enchantment.
Why Kog’maw + Lulu?!
- Kog'maw is a killing machine when given enough attack speed, which Lulu can provide.
- Twitch can get multiple buffs from Lulu, such as increased moving speed and attack speed while his W is on which will allow him to deal more true damage to enemies that could be lethal.
- When Twitch's ultimate is active, Lulu can borrow some time by casting her ultimate on him, allowing him to kill from a distance.
What Makes Kog’maw + Lulu great:
- Kog’s W extends the range of his basic attacks and empowers them to deal bonus max health damage.
- Kog’Maw has no mobility, but Lulu grants him speedy movement.
- Whenever Lulu shields or speeds up an ally, her fae companion Pix will stick around the ally to deal bonus damage on each auto-attack.
5-Jhin + Xerath
“Art requires a certain… cruelty.”
Jhin is a meticulous criminal psychopath who believes murder is art. Once an Ionian prisoner, but freed by shadowy elements within Ionia's ruling council, the serial killer now works as their cabal's assassin. Using his gun as his paintbrush, Jhin creates works of artistic brutality, horrifying victims and onlookers. He gains a cruel pleasure from putting on his gruesome theater, making him the ideal choice to send the most powerful of messages: terror.
“A lifetime as a slave has prepared me for eternity as your master.”
Xerath is an Ascended Magus of ancient Shurima, a being of arcane energy writhing in the broken shards of a magical sarcophagus. For millennia, he was trapped beneath the desert sands, but the rise of Shurima freed him from his ancient prison. Driven insane with power, he now seeks to take what he believes is rightfully his and replace the upstart civilizations of the world with one fashioned in his image.
Why Jhin + Xerath?!
- Jhin and Xerath are known for having a HUGE range that can outperform CS and even in-game enemies...Jhin and Xerath's ultimates have huge range and can snipe enemies with low health.
- Jhin and Xerath's range would allow them to both deal massive damage when taking on a baron or dragon, forcing opponents to back down.
- In bot lane, Xerath's stun, combined with Jhin's traps and snares, would be extremely annoying.
What makes Jhin + Xerath great:
- This duo aims to poke down the enemy while emphasizing their poor positioning.
- Jhin and Xerath can easily chain CC and punish their foes.
- Because Jhin and Xerath are long-range immobile champions primarily focused on poking, they struggle against sustain champions like Soraka.
4-Draven + Blitzcrank
'' 'The best' is wherever I decide to set the bar each day.''
In Noxus, warriors known as Reckoners face one another in arenas where blood is spilled and strength tested—but none has ever been as celebrated as Draven the Glorious Executioner. A former soldier, he found that the crowds uniquely appreciated his flair for the dramatic, and his unparalleled skill with his spinning axes. Addicted to the spectacle of his own brash perfection, Draven has sworn to defeat whomever he must to ensure that his name is chanted throughout the empire forever more.
Blitzcrank is an enormous, near-indestructible automaton from Zaun, originally built to dispose of hazardous waste. However, he found this primary purpose too restricting, and modified his own form to better serve the fragile people of the Sump. Blitzcrank selflessly uses his strength and durability to protect others, extending a helpful metal fist or burst of energy to subdue any troublemakers.
Why Draven + Blitzcrank?!
- Draven is known for his league, so if someone was close enough to Draven's axe, he would die, and that's exactly what Blitzcrank is good at.
- Blitzcrank's grabs and knockups would allow Draven to get a kill in a few seconds and disengage.
- Blitzcrank can deal enough damage so that when Draven's ultimate hits, it would get the kill.
What makes Draven + Blitzcrank great:
- Draven and Blitzcrank have long been the definition of a kill lane since Draven has been one of the strongest early-game marksmen.
- With Draven’s extremely strong early game and Blitzcrank’s core ability, Rocket Grab, Draven and Blitzcrank can easily stomp any lane.
- Since this duo is terribly volatile and bloodthirsty, the most common answer is not excessive ganking but rather a nullifying and controlled playstyle involving a champion paired with a long-range marksman.
3-Lucian + Braum
“Wield the light, endure the pain, and cleanse all shadow from this world.”
Lucian, a Sentinel of Light, is a grim hunter of undying spirits, pursuing them relentlessly and annihilating them with his twin relic pistols. After the wraith Thresh slew his wife, Lucian embarked on the path of vengeance—but even with her return to life, his rage is undiminished. Merciless and single-minded, Lucian will stop at nothing to protect the living from the long-dead horrors of the Black Mist.
“Today, we fight as enemies. Tomorrow, we may fight as brothers.”
Blessed with massive biceps and an even bigger heart, Braum, The Heart of Freljord, is a beloved hero of the Freljord. Every mead hall north of Frostheld toasts his legendary strength, said to have felled a forest of oaks in a single night, and punched an entire mountain into rubble. Bearing an enchanted vault door as his shield, Braum roams the frozen north sporting a mustachioed smile as big as his muscles—a true friend to all those in need.
Why Lucian + Braum?!
- Braum and Lucian are one of the greatest combos, as their skills can work really well together.
- Braum's passive requires four hits to activate in order to stun enemies, while Lucian's passive requires two hits when casting a skill, making them a great synergy.
- Lucian’s ultimate is pretty hard to aim, but with Braum's ultimate and stuns, it could be a piece of cake... Braum could jump on Lucian's dash and defend him with his huge shield.
What makes Lucian + Braum great:
- Lucian is excellent at proccing Braum’s passive, as he has a gap closer and a passive that lets him shoot two bullets simultaneously.
- Braum can cast his Q on the enemy champion, putting one stack of his passive on them. Lucian can quickly follow this up with an E auto-attack Q combo.
- Braum can quickly dash towards Lucian and passive proc the enemy.
2-Rakan + Xayah
“I got freedom. I got a lady. I got a cause I'd die for.”
As mercurial as he is charming, Rakan is an infamous vastayan troublemaker and the greatest battle-dancer in Lhotlan tribal history. To the humans of the Ionian highlands, his name has long been synonymous with wild festivals, uncontrollable parties, and anarchic music. Few would suspect this energetic, traveling showman is also partner to the rebel Xayah, and is dedicated to her cause.
“Ever been stabbed by a feather?”
Deadly and precise, Xayah is a vastayan revolutionary waging a personal war to save her people. She uses her speed, guile, and razor-sharp feather blades to cut down anyone who stands in her way. Xayah fights alongside her partner and lover, Rakan, to protect their dwindling tribe, and restore their race to her vision of its former glory.
Why Rakan + Xayah?!
- Xayah and Rakan are made for each other, and when together, their skills can get more powerful.
- If one of them is recalling and the other went to recall with him, he will have the same remaining time as the other.
- Rakan can dash in a huge range if the target is Xayah, unlike any other champion.
What makes Rakan + Xayah great?!
- Xayah and Rakan's interactions are unique to the game.
- Other duos can have synergy, but Xayah and Rakan have factors in their kits that only work with each other.
- Xayah can grant Rakan Deadly Plumage for a massive auto attack buff, and Rakan's Battle Dance dash has a higher range if Xayah's around.
1-Sivir + Morgana
“Coin may buy you skill for a day, but never loyalty.”
Sivir, the Battle Mistress, is a renowned fortune hunter and mercenary captain who plies her trade in the deserts of Shurima. Armed with her legendary jewelled crossblade, she has fought and won countless battles for those who can afford her exorbitant price. Known for her fearless resolve and endless ambition, she prides herself on recovering buried treasures from the perilous tombs of Shurima—for a generous bounty. With ancient forces stirring the very bones of Shurima, Sivir finds herself torn between conflicting destinies.
“Only those you love can break your heart.”
Conflicted between her celestial and mortal natures, Morgana bound her wings to embrace humanity and inflicted her pain and bitterness on the dishonest and the corrupt. She rejects laws and traditions she believes are unjust and fights for truth from the shadows of Demacia—even as others seek to repress it—by casting shields and chains of dark fire. More than anything else, Morgana truly believes that even the banished and outcast may one day rise again.
Why Sivir + Morgana?!
- Sivir and Morgana are kind of bothering to opponents, as they can both block any dark spells that would cause CC.
- Sivir's Q has a long range and massive damage, so if Morgana snares the enemy, Sivir can easily aim her Q.
- Morgana's ultimate is a mid-range skill that requires Morgana to keep moving around the targets, but with Sivir's ultimate activated, enemies can never flee.
What makes Sivir + Morgana great:
- Sivir and Morgana have dominated the Summoner’s Rift for quite some time.
- This duo doesn’t exhibit an unrelenting predatory nature but strives to win the lane on their terms.
- Sivir and Morgana spend their laning phase farming, baiting the enemy jungler and wasting their time, and preventing the enemy from farming.
- Morgana, a universal counterpick against engage-oriented champions, skillfully takes care of helping Sivir farm as they both poke the enemy.
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