Which of these 10 Hot AF LoL Female Champions Would You Date?
Guys, let’s be honest here. We’ve all had some crushes with a LoL female champion at least once. Well, maybe with an exception if you have only played Urgot your whole League life (or maybe you’re just that sick).
I don’t know about you guys, but I definitely wanna take some of the hottest girl champs on a date.
Don't worry, child. After this awesome article, you may proceed on decreasing your rank with all of the trolls out on summer vacation. But not to worry about that as well! I have an article that's perfect for you. I assure that you're gonna want to read it for your little dilemma at the end of this one.
For now, let’s take a little break from all the seriousness this Mid-season as we take a look at the 10 Hottest Female LoL Champs we’d love to be taking out on a date.
10. Janna, the Storm's Fury
"I bet the storm is brewing inside your pants right now just by looking at this photo. Get a girlfriend!"
Alright, all loveless harrassment aside, who in their right mind wouldn’t take Janna out on a date? The tempest is at your command! On top of that, she’s a great support. What more could you want from a champion that you’d hypothetically date?
"She's even a news reporter. How could one not date this beauty?"
Not only does she have one of the cutest and seductive voices in League, she’d also leave you blown away by how she looks and what she’s wearing. That sentence goes a very long way in every aspect of its definition. *winks twice*
Janna: 8/10 would date! It would've been higher if she's always a reporter, I swear!
9. Katarina, the Sinister Blade
"Violence solves everything? I'm in!"
Alright, hear me out on this one first.
We all know that Katarina has a switchblade attitude that’ll get you cut if you get to her bad side. But it’s also a fact that she’s extremely hot. So the latter wins and all logic is disregarded. If she tries to kill you after a date, it’s worth it.
"Who wouldn't love a killer Redhead date? Just look at her cinematic feature and tell me you don't want that!"
With an attitude and wit as sharp as her blades, you can’t really deny that she’d make an awesome date given she doesn’t try to kill you, of course. If you can withstand her crazy low cooldowns and skills to get you killed even for the first fifteen seconds, you’re worthy of her hotness.
Katarina: 8.25/10 would date.
8. LeBlanc, the Deciever
"What's better than Leblanc? LeBlanc and her mirror image, of course!"
LeBlanc is more on a gray area if you were ever lucky enough to date her. She’s one of the most clever, sexy-themed champions in League. But we all know that she’s a cheater, liar, and a deceiver at best. #UnfaithfulGFFeels
Picture this: You’re on a date and it’s time to pay the bill. She’ll play tricks and illusions to get the hell out of there and leave you with the bill. Don’t even ask why that happened, you wanted that to happen. She’s LeBlanc for God’s sake!
"Lying is like, 99% of what I do. She's starting to sound like my ex!"
If lying is 99% of what she does, to hell with it. To have a date with her would be magical (pun is definitely intended) in its own special way. I bet even her mirror image passive would be a blast to meet.
LeBlanc: 8.45/10 would date.
7. Caitlyn, the Sheriff of Piltover
"Shot to the heart, and you're to blame."
This hot police officer is gonna arrest you for sure if you don’t show her a good time, so make sure you do.
Caitlyn has one of the cutest faces in League with a strong British accent to boot. I’d never make her stop talking about herself if we’re out on a date. I bet she has a lot of investigative stories to tell. I mean, she has been a detective since she was a teen.
"Besides, all those police equipment can really get a guy going. *winks seductively*"
She came from a wealthy family, she has a british accent, she's the sheriff or Piltover, and she has an extremely annoying SS.Caitlyn FTW!
Caitlyn: 8.5/10 would date.
6. Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter
"That smoke already tells her my feelings about her."
It’s definitely not a misfortune if you ever score a date with Miss Fortune!
Maybe it will be if Gangplank ever seeks his vengeance while “you’re on a date with her”. Just run as fast as you can and never look back. It’ll be raining bullets before you can even say “Miss”.
Miss Fortune seriously has a great personalitits *ehem*. Err, I mean personality. She’s comedic, good-willed and full of charm for an ADC who can clean up a whole low-health wave. The strong pirate slayer isn’t that hard to look at either, plus, her old passive is already guaranteed to make you fall in love with her.
"She took over Bilgewater. She also took over my heart. MF ftw!"
If you don’t know what her old passive is, t'was Strut. She leaves a trail of hearts and she’ll run like an 80’s sexy lifeguard holding huge guns. What more could you want from her?
Miss Fortune: 8.8/10 would date.
5. Riven, the Exile
"We all have our first champions. Riven was mine. She was so broken then, but I still loved her so much."
Riven is the broken beauty of League. She may seem totally emotionally unavailable, but to be fair, she has been alone most of her life after that faithful day.
Nevertheless, she’s really stunning and she has been a Noxian General at one point in her life. Even when you’re that high in ranks, you’re bound to look for love and Riven has still proved to be a very nice young lady despite her ways.
"Choose your own path. I did, and I chose Riven. Great times!"
A broken sword can be reforged, as she says. Any man lucky enough to get with her is a lucky man at best.
Riven: 9/10 would date. Thanks for the memories!
4. Sona, the Maven of Strings
"The Maven of Strings, eh? So that's why she was able to play my heartstrings."
Another support that has a huge heart and a pleasing personalitits (Guy or a girl, you can’t blame me for using this meme on her, just look at them next loading screen!).
Who wouldn’t want to date Sona? There’d be enchanting music with a vibrant setting each time. The mood would be epic. The scenery would be romantic because of her presence alone. Yeah, maybe she can’t talk but it’s still fun as only you can hear her, summoner. It’s a date made in heaven!
"It'll always be a party when you're with Sona!"
Plus, she’s easily one of the hottest champions, not just as a support, but also in League history. Sona for life!
Sona: 9.5/10 would date!
3. Akali, the Fist of Shadow
Again, another female champ that’s extremely hot, but can get you killed in a matter of seconds. But again. it's so gonna be worth it!
Everyone knows Akali is the most enticing ninja to have ever be called a ninja. She’s that beautiful and deadly, but she tries to balance it. Her face and clothes are more than enough (by that I mean her clothes is totally less) to keep you satisfied.
"Everybody loves a nurse! Well, probably excluding Amumu."
Like she says, balance in all things. However, any guy in his right mind would definitely agree with me when I say that my love for one of the greatest League assassins ever created cannot be weighed by her balance.
Akali: 9.55/10 would die/date.
2. Lux, the Lady of Luminosity
"Just take a look at this beauty standing before you! Not too long though, you might get blind."
If you want to get DEMACIAAAAAA’d by her buffed AF brother, be my guest.
But God forbid, it’s gonna be so totally worth it! It’s Lux we’re talking about here - The most beautiful woman in all of Demacia, the Lady of Luminosity.
Not only would you instantly laugh when she does, she’s just a really adorable sight to see. Her blonde hair, her blinding beauty, her high intelligence, she has it all. To be completely honest, I really want a Lux in my life. She’s the most true-to-life Champion on this list and probably League in general as you could really picture a girl like her in real life. Without her magic powers, of course.
"She's probably the easiest to cosplay too! Again, she's mine, fellas."
You know, I just wish she didn’t have a big brother who could instantly kick my ass.
Even still, Lux: 10/10 would date.
1. Ahri, the Nine-Tailed Fox
"Don't you trust me? I don't have to. I always trust pretty women!"
There’s not much of a surprise here now, is there? Ahri is the most beautiful League champion to have ever dominated Summoner’s Rift.
She even got her theme from a nine-tail fox deity that makes you fall in love so that you could die by her hands. Ahri doesn’t embrace that much though as she’s peaceful with everyone and anything unless it’s on the rift as her opponent.
She has the most popular status here with the smallest Pick Rate and Win Rate ratio; that said- she has the highest pick rate. But we’re not her to talk numbers; we’re here to admire her extraordinary, foxy beauty as she definitely deserves to be number one on our list.
"There's no question that Ahri's the most beautiful champ in LoL. She's made for that title. Photo by Lyiet"
Any man who would even get a second glance from her is lucky. To even contemplate of her going out on a date with anyone would instantly get you killed, not by her, but other men who’d be deadly jealous of the lucky bastard. I’ll be leading the front if someone even finds a real-life Ahri. Like Lux, she’s mine, fellas!
Ahri: Of course, 10/10 would date!
What about you? Which female champions keep you up at night wishing they’re real? Penny for your thoughts at the comments section below!
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