In League of Legends you need quick fingers, sharp senses, and a decent mouse - those things are important, but have you wondered how many times you click RMB while playing League of Legends? Yup, a mouse is also significantly important while playing League - you constantly need to check the map, react in time to ganks or even have multiple keys bound to your mouse.I'll show you some gameplay of pro players and what mouse they're using, include details about each mouse and why they're awesome.
5. Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng - Mouse Logitech G900
Yiliang Peng is a professional League of Legends player(currently retired, regularly streaming on Twitch) who was born in California, USA in 1993. Funnily enough, one of the first PC games he first started playing was DotA 1, he also played WoW and Heroes of Newerth. His relationship with video games was tough at times though, his parents didn't like it very much that he was spending so much time on video games, believing it was a waste of time. How wrong were they, silly boomers! The guy is pretty stacked, his net worth at 3 million dollars and is a very successful Twitch streamer. I watched some of his streams and he seems pretty chill most of the time, although there were instances where he was trash-talking in a funny way. His badassness is also off the charts, he scored 10 penta kills in LoL competitive history and he also has 8 LCS tournament wins under his belt - he's a pimp!
What's great about Logitech G900:
- Low click latency
- Works with many hand sizes
- 7 buttons in total
- Wireless
More details about Logitech G900:
Tian is another professional player from China who's currently playing for EDward Gaming as support since 2015. Before 2015 he was playing for a team called Rayunion, their biggest accomplishment was beating Star Horn Royal Club in the qualifier for National Electronic Sports Tournament 2014 - unfortunately for poor Meiko, the team disbanded after horrible results in TGA Grand Prix Winter 2014. Those events though didn't stop Tian from being a badass, his earliest achievement was 3rd place in the LPL Spring 2021 tournament, which got him 76,675$. 3 years before that he scored a 5-8th spot in the 2018 World Championship, receiving 258,000$ in total. He has achieved multiple achievements in the pro scene and if I had to name more of them I'd have to write a separate article for them! Let's talk about his mouse that he’s using - Steelseries Sensei Raw
What's great about Steelseries Sensei Raw:
- Sturdy and comfortable
- There are 2 types - a rubberized version and a plastic one
- Decent latency
- Feels smooth on gamer pads
Details about Steelseries Sensei Raw:
3. Kim "PraY" Jong-In - Mouse Razer Imperator
An excellent pro player from South Korea who has earned over 350,000$ from participation in 37 tournaments. He usually plays as an AD Carry and his story began back in 2012 when he was picked up by NaJin Sword - firstly he played an OGN at Azubu The Champions Summer 2012, unfortunately for Kim, he and his team lost to Counter Logic Gaming Europe 3-1. He pulled off a little comeback though and beat Azubu Blaze 2-0. After many other tournaments, Kim and his team attended the 2012 MLG Fall of Championship, making it to the finals but losing 2-1 and 2-0 in two sets to Blaze - a great achievement nonetheless, that dates back in OG times of pro scene in LoL. He's a pimp and a great inspiration to many League of Legends players, he swapped to different teams in the span of 9 years(NaJin Sword, NaJin Black Sword, HUYA Tigers, GE Tigers, KOO Tigers, Tigers, ROX Tigers, Longzhu Gaming, Kingzone DragonX, KT Rolster). He performed very well in all of them, truly a decent player. Check him out!
What's great about Mouse Razer Imperator:
- Responsive
- eye-pleasing, innovative design
- Comfortable to hold both with a hand or fingertips
- 5 levels of sensitivity
- Well placed thumb buttons
More details about Mouse Razer Imperator:
2. Soren "Bjergsen" Bjerg - Logitech G502
This one is from Denmark, he's out of the pro scene, but that doesn't change the fact that back in the days he was an extremely strong player. Currently he's a head coach for TSM. He was a decent mid laner from 2014 to 2020, playing for the team that he's currently coaching. He pulled off many amazing plays and I was always fascinated by his iconic champion - Syndra. I don't know what's his winrate with Syndra currently, but the last time I checked it was 68% - that's an incredibly decent win rate! He's also incredible with Orianna and it makes me sad that Bjergsen is out of the pro scene :< But like Bjergsen said, he doesn't feel like he's retiring, he's just changing roles, he said that he will continue to improve in League of Legends and hopes that he wins future tournaments in the future - a truly dedicated player that made everyone tear up when he "retired".
What's awesome about Logitech G502:
- Multiple programmable buttons
- Customizable CPI range
- The mouse is sturdy, heavy almost, but it also has 5 removable weights that you can remove
- Mouse designed for big as fu- hands
Details about Logitech G502:
1. Bae "Bang" Jun-Sik - Mouse Razer Deathadder Elite

The only and only, our favorite Bae - I'd like to introduce to you one of my favorite professionals in the pro scene in League of Legends - Bae motherducking Jun-Sik. I remember him back in 2012 when he used to play for NaJin Shield, god damn it, I was 12 years old back then. It's quite sad how fast the time flies, but what always cheers me up are the nostalgic, incredible plays that he managed to pull off, both in pubs and tournaments - one of my favorite was his pentakill in a 2016 tournament - LCK 2016 Spring. He managed to pull off 5 pentakills in total in his competitive history, switched to many teams such as Xenics Blast, SK Telecom, EG, Afreeca and played the AD Carry role. I still can't believe how much my beloved Bae has achieved, all those years I was admiring him and watched him destroy kids both in pubs and tournaments with Ezreal or Tristana. I can only wish him further success and hopefully one day I can track his home address and suck off his tiny asian peepee <3
What's great about Razer Deathadder Elite:
- Incredible performance
- Many setting options
- Fits pretty much any hand type+size
- Low latency
- Well-built design
More details about Razer Deathadder Elite:
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