Ahri is one of the champions in League of Legends that has so many skins because of popularity. In fact, she belongs to the top 5 champions with many skins, yet almost all of them are still awesome which makes it irresistible for players not to buy, especially when she received a VFX update along with her skins. Today, we will rank the skins from worst to best.
16. Academy Ahri
Academy Ahri Spotlight
Dressed as a highschool student, Academy Ahri is one of the skins that belongs to the Academy skin line. This skin offers a new splash art, and in-game model, but does not have new particles, sounds, skill effects, and recall animation. Considering the price, this skin is still a go to for the players who want an aesthetic skin for Ahri. They may also change the color of the skin when they buy the Chroma bundle.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 750 Riot Points.
15. Dynasty Ahri
Dynasty Ahri Spotlight
Dynasty Ahri is one of the two skins that players can buy when she was released. It offers new in-game model, particles, dance animation, and skill effects. Unfortunately, players did not like the in-game visual bug on her knee which led this skin to be the worst skin for Ahri, but Riot Games reworked her skin in 2020 with a revamped splash art, different hairstyle, as well as in-game visual effects, and texture. Players can also get the Ahri-versary version when they buy the Chroma skin.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 975 Riot Points.
14. Midnight Ahri
Midnight Ahri Spotlight
Midnight Ahri is the popular skin that players bought even though it has no skin lore. Aside from the new in-game appearance that this skin offers, there are no other effects such as particles, skill effects, sounds, recall animation, or emotes. Players are hoping that Riot Games will add a lore to this skin because they think that it has so much potential.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 750 Riot Points.

13. Foxfire Ahri
Came from the Shadowfire Temple, Firefox Ahri uses her fire magic to hunt down enemies. This skin offers a new in-game model with a fiery touch on Ahri’s tails, new particles, and skill effects. Players may also change the color of the skin when they buy the Ahri-versary Chroma skin.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 975 Riot Points.

12. Elderwood Ahri
Elderwood Ahri Spotlight
As part of the Elderwood skin line, Elderwood Ahri is on a mission to fight the growing corruption within her ancestral home. The skin offers a new recall animation, new sound and skill effects, as well as new particles. There are nine different colored skins that players can use when they buy the Chroma bundle.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points.
11. Popstar Ahri
Popstar Ahri Spotlight
Popstar Ahri is one of the lovely skins that Riot Games released even though it does not have a skin lore. Some players bought the skin instantly because of the charming in-game splash art and in-game model, but I think the real reason why players loved the skin is because of the resemblance of the costume, and dance emote of this skin, which is a reference to a popular South Korean girl group called Girls Generation. The skin also offers new particles, skills, sound, and recall animation. A Chroma bundle is also offered on this skin so players can change the color of the skin.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 975 Riot Points.

10. Challenger Ahri
Challenger Ahri Spotlight
To celebrate the start of season five, Challenger Ahri was released and labeled as a legacy skin. Challenger skins are also created to hype the players for the Mid-Season Invitational. This skin offers a new model, sound , skill , particles, and recall animation.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 975 Riot Points once it is re-released from the legacy vault.

9. K/DA Ahri
Ahri is the leader of the Kpop group skin line in League of Legends, K/DA. The popularity of this skin is undeniable because Riot Games also released their music video called “Pop/Stars”. This skin offers a stunning splash art to in-game model accuracy, new particles, skills, and sound effects. The recall animation is the dance steps from the music video. An Ahri-versary chroma version is also available for this skin.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points.

8. K/DA All Out Ahri
K/DA All Out Ahri Spotlight
For their second album, Ahri, along with the other members and the addition of the newest member, Seraphine, released a music video called “More”. K/DA Ahri offers a new model, sound , skills, and particle effects. Players will get the music and dance steps as the recall animation for this skin. A Chroma Bundle is also available to buy if players want to change the color of this skin.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points.

7. Arcana Ahri
Arcana Ahri Spotlight
This skin is the recent addition to Ahri's skin selection. It offers a brand new in-game model with eye-catching colors, particles , skills , sound, and recall animation. Thankfully, Riot Games heard the suggestions of the players about the skin, so they tweaked some effects during the Public Beta Environment. A Chroma Bundle is also available to buy so players can change the color of this skin.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points.

6. Arcade Ahri
Arcade Ahri Spotlight
Arcade Ahri is one of the best sellers of the Arcade skin line. It offers a retro theme with new sound effects, pixelated particles, skill effects, and a new recall animation. The unique effect of this skill is the RGB tails of Arcade Ahri which brings joy to the players. A Chroma Bundle is also offered to players so they can pick their preferred color.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points.
5. Coven Ahri
Most of Ahri’s skins are bright or colorful, right? Coven Ahri is the only dark themed skin that brings out the sinister side of Ahri. This skin offers a new voice-over, sound and skill, particles, and recall animation. Different colors are also available for this skin if players buy the Chroma Bundle.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points.

4. K/DA Ahri Prestige Edition (2019)
K/DA skins are the first skin line that are introduced to have a Prestige Edition. This skin offers a tweaked splash art, noticeable sparkle, new in-game model and particles, but the same sound effects and recall animation from the normal K/DA Ahri.
How to get: This depends on the servers. On our server, It was offered for 100 Prestige Points which is obtained when you buy a battle pass, or exchanging 2200 tokens for 100 Prestige Points, or advertised as a grand prize for a certain event.

3. K/DA Ahri Prestige Edition (2022)
This skin is given to the players that have the original KD/A Ahri Prestige Edition. What makes it different from the 2019 version is the new load screen border, and new in-game model with a touch of pink.
How to get: Currently unavailable, but there is a chance that it will be offered in the rotating mythic essence shop.

2. Star Guardian Ahri
Star Guardian Ahri is the captain who leads the veteran and new Star Guardians. This skin is a legendary tier so it offers a new voice-over, sound, emotes, skills, particles, idle and recall animation. Players can also see her companion named Kiko inside the orb. A Chroma skin is also available for players that want to change the color of their skin.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1820 Riot Points.

1. Spirit Blossom Ahri
Let’s face it, Legendary tier skins are quite expensive, but do not fret, this skin totally delivers because it offers a new voice-over, sound, skills, emotes, particles, walking, idle and recall animation. She also transforms to her fox form during Homeguard, and when dashing with her ultimate. When it comes to the Chroma Bundle, it's not just a color change, even the design of her kimono is entirely different from each other. Players can also get the limited edition border using tokens from the event shop.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1820 Riot Points.