Steve Feak, or better known by his screen name Guinsoo, is famous for his work on the very popular Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Using Warcraft III as a base Guinsoo was able to help design Defense of the Ancients (DotA), which was one of the first multiplayer online battle arena mod (MOBA) games (although Aeon of Strife on Starcraft invented the MOBA genre). From DotA came many different versions, however, one of the most popular was DotA Allstars, which Guinsoo put a lot of time and effort into the maps and the items trying different ways to make the mods better. From DotA eventually came the ever popular League of Legends (LoL) and with it Guinsoo. Guinsoo has been credited with designing a number of characters in LoL, TwistedFate, Ashe, Nunu, and Shaco just to name a few. However, in 2013 something happened that had a lot of Guinsoo’s fans and followers worried. He stopped Tweeting on Twitter and his name has all but disappeared from social media and Riot Games. There are some rumblings in the “forum-spheres” that Guinsoo is still working for Riot. Maybe doing some designing just not as much as he used to. I was able to find maybe a hint of what is going on, on Guinsoo’s Facebook that he is still posting on. What struck me as odd is that the posts are a far stone throw from what he had on his Twitter back in 2013. Up until 2013 Guinsoo’s Twitter was filled with LoL type posts, his Facebook however, is more focused on…sports. No, not Esports, but football. Posts about the Superbowl and the Greenbay Packers (he is from Hartford, WI) riddled his Facebook feed. There was no mention of LoL or DotA anywhere. It seems that Guinsoo has taken to a simpler family life as seen with a picture of 2 kids (presumably his, not confirmed).
Presumably Guinsoo’s kids during Halloween (Steve Feak Facebook Profile)
His profile still has him as living in Los Angeles, CA which is only 30 minutes away from Riot Games in Santa Monica. As far as what he is actually up to now…Guinsoo has set his status to “appear offline” No one really has any hard facts about what he is doing. We tried looking into Riot Games to see if he has worked on anything recent, but it came up empty. We tried to reach out to Guinsoo for an interview, but we haven’t heard yet. So if you are ever in a LoL queue and see the name Guinsoo ask him where his been, we would all like to know.