Waging war from up above, the great Gyrocopter comes to wreak havoc on the battlefield. There are not many carry heroes who are capable of fighting right from the early game, while also being able to farm sufficiently. Gyrocopter is, without a doubt, an exception. Over the years, there have been various builds on Gyro, and surprisingly most of them are still very much relevant today. This evergreen flexibility of the hero explains his high win rate in the current meta. With the right skill and item builds, there is no way you end up with a loss on this hero as everything from his early-game potential to his late-game damage is impeccable.
If you are interested in playing Gyrocopter or want to enhance your gameplay, you’ve come to the right place. We bring you the best 5 builds that guarantee you a win. These builds are highly relevant in the current meta.
5. Topson Build
The legend Topson is known for his unorthodox builds and playstyles. His sheer skill and game sense ensures he triumphs even with the strangest builds, with two Ti wins under his belt, he has nothing left to prove. Gyrocopter is not your average mid-hero, yet Topson makes him look like a beast in the mid-lane with his magic build. His exceptional farming style and aggressive demeanor ensure there is no stone left unturned when it comes to winning the lane. His brilliant skill allocation and spellcasting are something you need to pay attention to if you’re trying to emulate his build. The magical build on Gyrocopter is still being explored, but Topson is one of the few players to consistently experiment with this build in high-ranked games.
As a mid-Gyrocopter, Topson prefers to gank other lanes as early as he can with this build. He ensures that no lane is lagging in terms of levels or farms. He builds an early game Midas due to the bonus it provides, helping him go head-to-head against his enemies in terms of levels and net worth. He also builds Aghanim’s Shard, Ethereal Blade, and Shiva’s Guard which provide him with that increased magic damage potential while also offering him some durability. Topson’s Mid Build is a hard-hitting one and must be tried if you are looking to expand your hero pool as a mid laner.
Use This Build If:
- You want to deal magic damage as a Gyrocopter
- You are facing heroes with low magic resistance
- You want an early-game fight-oriented build
Skill Points
Level 1: Rocket Barrage - Launches rockets at enemy units around Gyrocopter. The damage is spread if there are multiple units around him, but it is ideal against a lone enemy as it deals higher damage to it. It can be used to farm or fight right from the early game.
Level 2: Flak Cannon - For a limited number of times, Gyrocopter’s attacks hit enemies in an AoE around him. It is an ideal way to farm in the early game as you deal physical damage to multiple units at once. Combined with physical attack damage amplifying items, Flak Cannon can wreak havoc if you max it in the early game.
Level 3: Rocket Barrage
Level 4: Homing Missile - Fires a Homing Missle at the targetted unit which follows them while gaining increased speed and damage based on the distance it follows before hitting them. It is an ideal early-game skill to have if you want to harass enemies and shove them out of the lane.
Level 5: Rocket Barrage
Level 6: Call Down - Calls down two aerial missiles on a targeted area. The enemies affected by the huge AoE are dealt high damage and their movement speeds are also lowered. This is an effective way for Gyrcopter to solve his lockdown and damage problems in the early game. Unlike most carry heroes, Gyrocopter’s ultimate is successful in contributing to a fight right from the early game.
Level 7: Rocket Barrage
Level 8: Homing Missile
Level 9: Homing Missile
Level 10: Homing Missile
Level 11: +200 Health
Level 12: Call Down
Level 13: Flak Cannon
Level 14: Flak Cannon
Level 15: +0.4s Homing Missile Stun Duration
Level 16: Flak Cannon
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Call Down
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +16 Rocket Barrage Damage
Level 25: 3x Call Down
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Bottle - (675 Gold) Purchased at 1 minute. Bottle is an integral item on a mid-hero. Regardless of the hero you play, Bottle keeps you sustained through the laning phase by replenishing your mana and HP. It also ensures you store power runes for later instead of immediately using them up. As Topson is playing Gyrocopter in the mid-lane, he opts for the fast bottle rush.
- Hand of Midas (2200 Gold) - Bought at 12 minutes. Upon usage, it converts a creep/unit into 160 gold and grants 2.1x their normal experience, it also provides increased attack speed. It's a core item if Gyrocopter is facing some high-tempo heroes or if he is lacking behind in farm or XP. Topson wants to match the enemy's pace, hence he rushes a Midas.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Bought at 16 minutes. Upgrades Homing Missile as it allows Gyrocopter to deal the current level of Rocket Barrage to the missile in an AoE. It is a perfect addition as Nine is going the magical build.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Bought at 22 minutes. Provides magic immunity to Gyrocopter, helping him survive a teamfight. BKB is a core item on Gyro as it provides him with much-needed immunity due to his low magic resistance. An early game BKB is a necessity against the matchup iLTW is facing in this game.
- Ethereal Blade (4650 Gold) - Bought at 29 minutes. Upon usage, it disarms the targeted unit, making them take 40% more magical damage while also slowing them and dealing initial damage based on the enemy’s primary attribute.
- Blink Dagger (2250 Gold) - Purchased at 31 minutes. Blink Dagger allows Gyrocopter to initiate a teamfight, or chase enemies with it. It is an ideal item that can be used to chase enemies and initiate a teamfight.
- Shiva’s Guard (4850 Gold) - Purchased at 37 minutes. Upon usage, it emits a freezing wave that deals 200 damage and slows the enemy for 40% of their movement speed. This slow is impressive and lasts for 4 seconds. The increased armor and survivability ensure Topson stays durable in fights while reducing enemy healing in an AoE.
4. iLTW Build
Achieving major success at a young age is quite a rare feat in the Dota pro scene. Not all players are like the young and talented iLTW. The CIS star has been a relevant player for ages, and he’s still in his early 20s! handles it well. iLTW is an aggressive laner on Gyrocopter, extremely powerful right off the bat, and stays relevant even in the late game. This build offers high physical damage potential which may decimate your enemies within no time. While this build deals with damage, it also offers decent defense at the same time. It is advised that you begin this build with Flak Cannon and further max it so you can deal damage to multiple units at once.
iLTW is known to build various item builds that supplement his abilities and enhance his damage potential. On a physical damage build, it is often advised to build items that deal high damage and increase your potential, while also building items that can sustain you in a fight. Daedalus is an essential item on Gyrocopter, which offers him critical damage. Further, iLTW also builds Satanic and Black King Bar which help him stay durable and shield him from any threats in a fight. It is not a true Gyrocopter game if you do not build a Divine Rapier. It offers optimum damage which you need to close a game out, iLTW plays an excellent Gyrocopter, pay attention to his insane map awareness in the highlight video.
Use This Build If:
- You want a carry Gyrocopter build which helps you farm and fight from the early game
- If you want to be involved in skirmishes as early as possible
- If you are facing squishy low HP heroes
Skill Points
Level 1: Flak Cannon - For a limited number of times, Gyrocopter’s attacks hit enemies in an AoE around him. It is an ideal way to farm in the early game as you deal physical damage to multiple units at once. Combined with physical attack damage amplifying items, Flak Cannon can wreak havoc if you max it in the early game.
Level 2: Homing Missile - Fires a Homing Missle at the targetted unit which follows them while gaining increased speed and damage based on the distance it follows before hitting them. It is an ideal early-game skill to have if you want to harass enemies and shove them out of the lane.
Level 3: Flak Cannon
Level 4: Rocket Barrage - Launches rockets at enemy units around Gyrocopter. The damage is spread if there are multiple units around him, but it is ideal against a lone enemy as it deals higher damage to it. It can be used to farm or fight right from the early game.
Level 5: Flak Cannon
Level 6: Call Down - Calls down two aerial missiles on a targeted area. The enemies affected by the huge AoE are dealt high damage and their movement speeds are also lowered. This is an effective way for Gyrcopter to solve his lockdown and damage problems in the early game. Unlike most carry heroes, Gyrocopter’s ultimate is successful in contributing to a fight right from the early game.
Level 7: Flak Cannon
Level 8: Rocket Barrage
Level 9: Rocket Barrage
Level 10: Rocket Barrage
Level 11: +30 Movement Speed during Rocket Barrage
Level 12: Call Down
Level 13: Homing Missile
Level 14: Homing Missile
Level 15: Homing Missile
Level 16: +0.4s Homing Missile Stun Duration
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Call Down
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +16 Rocket Barrage Damage
Level 25: 3x Call Down
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Power Treads (1400 Gold) - Bought at 5 minutes. It provides 45 movement speed and 25 attack speed along with toggleable attributes, which offer everything from increased mana pool to armor and even strength, helping Gyrocopter survive and fight through the early game.
- Crystalys - (1950 Gold) Bought at 9 minutes. It grants each attack a 30% chance to deal 160% critical damage. The damage can be extremely useful in the early game to fend off enemies and neutralize them. Anchor Smash also has a crit chance.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Bought at 16 minutes. Provides magic immunity to Gyrocopter, helping him survive a teamfight. BKB is a core item on Gyro as it provides him with much-needed immunity due to his low magic resistance. An early game BKB is a necessity against the matchup iLTW is facing in this game.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Bought at 20 minutes. Upgrades Homing Missile as it allows Gyrocopter to deal the current level of Rocket Barrage to the missile in an AoE. It is a perfect addition as Nine is going the magical build.
- Aghanim’s Scepter (4200 Gold) - Bought at 24 minutes. It upgrades Flak Cannon by adding a Side Gunner which attacks units near Gyrocopter. It is essential in helping Gyro farm in the early game and then further helps him deal higher damage in teamfights.
- Satanic (5050 Gold) - Bought at around 28 minutes. Allows Gyrocopter to lifesteal by up to 175% on physical attacks when activated, and also provides basic dispel from the latter. Great to sustain in the ultra-late game as you can be surrounded by multiple enemies at once. It also works on Flak Cannon, increasing your healing and durability well into the late game.
- Daedalus (5150 Gold) - Purchased at 32 minutes. Daedalus allows Gyrocopter to deal critical damage. This significant damage will enable him to be a devastating hard hitter, as he can also solo kill and does not always need follow-up from his team due to the items he has built earlier.
- Divine Rapier (5950 Gold)- Bought 38 minutes into the game. Rapier is always a preferred item on Gyrocopter due to the massive AoE physical damage that he deals. Divine Rapier is synonymous with Gyrocopter. In most builds, people do not wait for the late game to purchase this item on Gyrocopter if he has defensive items or ways his teammates can shield him. Gyro benefits heavily from the Rapier as it provides extra 300 physical damage. It is an extremely powerful yet risky purchase as you drop it when you die, and handing it over to the enemies can just mean game over.
- Aeon Disk (3000 Gold) - Purchased at 39 minutes. Provides a strong dispel for Gyrocopter if health falls below 70%, making him take no damage for a brief duration while also making his attacks deal no damage. It also provides 75% Status Resistance for the same duration. It is not a common item on carry heroes like Gyrocopter, but it is an ideal item against the heroes (Terrorblade, Storm Spirit) he is facing in this game.
3. Nine Build
The mechanical genius Nine is an all-rounder, his flexibility on multiple heroes is the reason why he was a crucial part of Tundra’s recent International win. Gyrocopter is a flexible hero. His potential to be played in any core position makes him a hot pick in the current meta. Nine excels well in the mid-lane due to his magical build on this hero. Gyrocopter is also known to fare well in pretty much all mid-matchups due to his survivability. He can also farm quickly and rotate to the other lanes when he gets his ultimate. It is difficult to stop an early game-farmed Nine, he just snowballs and runs over his enemies effortlessly as this build is highly effective in the early game.
Nine adores farming as a Gyrocopter in the early game, his abilities deal AoE damage which further helps him farm faster. He often builds items that ensure he has enough mobility and lockdown to win a teamfight early on. Hence, items such as Veil of Discord, Blink Dagger, Aghanim’s Shard, and Gleipnir are built by him as they are highly effective in the early stages of the game. As the game progresses, you can opt for items like Ethereal Blade to further amplify the magical damage dealt. It is not a late-game build, and it only is successful in certain matchups. Hence it is advised to end the game early with this build.
Use This Build If:
- You want to deal magical damage as a Gyrocopter
- You are facing low magic-resistant heroes or squishy heroes with low HP and high armor
- You want a mid-Gyrocopter build that prioritizes teamfight
Skill Points
Level 1: Homing Missile - Fires a Homing Missle at the targetted unit which follows them while gaining increased speed and damage based on the distance it follows before hitting them. It is an ideal early-game skill to have if you want to harass enemies and shove them out of the lane.
Level 2: Rocket Barrage - Launches rockets at enemy units around Gyrocopter. The damage is spread if there are multiple units around him, but it is ideal against a lone enemy as it deals higher damage to it. It can be used to farm or fight right from the early game.
Level 3: Rocket Barrage
Level 4: Homing Missile
Level 5: Rocket Barrage
Level 6: Call Down - Calls down two aerial missiles on a targeted area. The enemies affected by the huge AoE are dealt high damage and their movement speeds are also lowered. This is an effective way for Gyrcopter to solve his lockdown and damage problems in the early game. Unlike most carry heroes, Gyrocopter’s ultimate is successful in contributing to a fight right from the early game.
Level 7: Rocket Barrage
Level 8: Homing Missile
Level 9: Homing Missile
Level 10: +200 Health
Level 11: Flak Cannon - For a limited number of times, Gyrocopter’s attacks hit enemies in an AoE around him. It is an ideal way to farm in the early game as you deal physical damage to multiple units at once. Combined with physical attack damage amplifying items, Flak Cannon can wreak havoc if you max it in the early game.
Level 12: Call Down
Level 13: Flak Cannon
Level 14: Flak Cannon
Level 15: Flak Cannon
Level 16: +0.4s Homing Missile Stun Duration
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Call Down
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +16 Rocket Barrage Damage
Level 25: 3x Call Down
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Phase Boots (1400 Gold) - Bought at 6 minutes. Upon usage, it increases Gyrocopter’s movement speed while passively providing him with increased damage and armor. The active allows Gyro to phase through enemies and also increases his turn rate. It is an exceptional item in the early game for a carry hero.
- Veil of Discord (1525 Gold) - Bought at 11 minutes. Upon usage, it amplifies the spell damage done to enemies in an AoE. It is the perfect early-game item that works swimmingly with Rocket Barrage and Call Down, increasing its damage.
- Maelstrom (2700 Gold) - Bought at 14 minutes. Upon physical attacks, it has a high chance of releasing a lighting bolt that passes through enemies in proximity and deals damage to them. This allows Gyrocopter to farm faster while also providing him with increased attack damage.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Bought at 17 minutes. Upgrades Homing Missile as it allows Gyrocopter to deal the current level of Rocket Barrage to the missile in an AoE. It is a perfect addition as Nine is going the magical build.
- Rod of Atos (2750 Gold) - Bought at 20 minutes. Upon usage, it roots the targeted unit. It can be the much-needed lockdown that Bloodseeker needs to stop enemies from TP’ing after he uses his Rupture. It can also be combined with Blood Rite to lock enemies down and silence them.
- Gleipnir (6150 Gold) - Bought at 22 minutes. Maelstorm and Rod of Atos can be upgraded into Gleipnir which roots multiple heroes in an AoE, all at once. Gleipnir is an essential item that provides Bloodseeker with that much-needed lockdown he needs to beat enemies down without much effort.
- Blink Dagger (2250 Gold) - Purchased at 25 minutes. Blink Dagger allows Gyrocopter to initiate a teamfight, or chase enemies with it. It can also be upgraded into Overwhelming or Swift Blink. It is an ideal item that can be used to chase enemies and initiate a teamfight.
- Scythe of Vyse (5675 Gold) - Purchased at 32 minutes. Scythe offers Gyrocopter immense disable potential which he seems to lack. It turns the targeted enemy into a pig, making them unable to use any spells or items while also reducing their movement speed. This disabler item is of high value to him as it allows him to dominate the late game, locking down his foes and decimating them with the follow-up from his team.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Bought at 41 minutes. Provides magic immunity to Gyrocopter, helping him survive a teamfight. BKB is a core item on Gyro as it provides him with much-needed immunity due to his low magic resistance.
2. Pakazs Build
Pakazs’ vast hero pool and excellent game sense is the reason why he is a star player on EG. His stellar Gyrocopter performance is quite hard to miss, and his impeccable playstyle at the past International gained him a barrage of fans. Pakazs leaves no stone unturned when it comes to destroying the enemy team with his hard-hitting Gyrocopter build. Pakazs is known to prioritize fighting over farming, his skill build is evidence of that. His lethal physical damage build is the reason why he prefers to max the Flak Canon ability, allowing him to hit multiple enemies at once.
While he knows what's best, Pakazs is known to often juggle around between skill builds, sometimes he prefers the max Flak build, which is great if you’re going for a quick teamfight build, or sometimes he may opt for the max Homing Missile build, which helps him deal high magical damage. Regardless of the build, Pakazs is a menace on Gyrocopter and it is quite evident in the highlight video. His item build is situational, but considering the heroes he is facing, it is highly viable and strong. His item build consists of rather unusual items like Aeon Disk, or an early game Satanic, but it helps him sustain in fights against the heroes he is facing. There are many things that you can learn from Pakazs, but the primary thing that you can learn from Pakazs is to prioritize flexibility in skill builds.
Use This Build If:
- You want a physical damage-oriented carry build
- You want a hard-hitting build that is relevant through the late game
- You want to be involved in more skirmishes from the early game
- You want a highly sustainable build that deals terrific damage in teamfights
Skill Points
Level 1: Flak Cannon - For a limited number of times, Gyrocopter’s attacks hit enemies in an AoE around him. It is an ideal way to farm in the early game as you deal physical damage to multiple units at once. Combined with physical attack damage amplifying items, Flak Cannon can wreak havoc if you max it in the early game.
Level 2: Homing Missile - Fires a Homing Missle at the targetted unit which follows them while gaining increased speed and damage based on the distance it follows before hitting them. It is an ideal early-game skill to have if you want to harass enemies and shove them out of the lane.
Level 3: Flak Cannon
Level 4: Rocket Barrage - Launches rockets at enemy units around Gyrocopter. The damage is spread if there are multiple units around him, but it is ideal against a lone enemy as it deals higher damage to it. It can be used to farm or fight right from the early game.
Level 5: Flak Cannon
Level 6: Call Down - Calls down two aerial missiles on a targeted area. The enemies affected by the huge AoE are dealt high damage and their movement speeds are also lowered. This is an effective way for Gyrcopter to solve his lockdown and damage problems in the early game. Unlike most carry heroes, Gyrocopter’s ultimate is successful in contributing to a fight right from the early game.
Level 7: Flak Cannon
Level 8: Rocket Barrage
Level 9: Rocket Barrage
Level 10: Rocket Barrage
Level 11: +200 Health
Level 12: Call Down
Level 13: Homing Missile
Level 14: Homing Missile
Level 15: +3 Flak Cannon Attacks
Level 16: Homing Missile
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Call Down
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +40 Flak Cannon Damage
Level 25: -6s Flak Cannon
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Falcon Blade (1125 Gold) - Purchased at 4 minutes. It provides 200 HP, 1.8 mana regen, and 14 attack damage. The increased mana pool and HP helps Gyrocopter in the early stage of the game by providing him with decent survivability.
- Power Treads (1400 Gold) - Bought at 8 minutes. It provides 45 movement speed and 25 attack speed along with toggleable attributes, which offer everything from increased mana pool to armor and even strength, helping Clinkz in all stages of the game
- Aghanim’s Scepter (4200 Gold) - Bought at 14 minutes. It upgrades Flak Cannon by adding a Side Gunner which attacks units near Gyrocopter. An early Aghanim is essential in helping Gyro farm in the early game and then further helps him deal higher damage in teamfights.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Bought at 18 minutes. Provides magic immunity to Gyrocopter, helping him survive a teamfight. BKB is a core item on Gyro as it provides him with much-needed immunity due to his low magic resistance.
- Satanic (5050 Gold) - Bought at around 24 minutes. Allows Gyrocopter to lifesteal by up to 175% on physical attacks when activated, and also provides basic dispel from the latter. Great to sustain in the ultra-late game as you can be surrounded by multiple enemies at once. It also works on Flak Cannon, increasing your healing and durability well into the late game.
- Nullifier (4725 Gold) - Purchased at 30 minutes. Nullifier allows Gyrocopter to actively dispel any buffs that the targeted enemy may have, this disables their impact and prevents them from using any defensive items or spells in a fight. It also provides him with increased damage and armor, which is also beneficial in a teamfight.
- Swift Blink (6800 Gold) - Purchased 35 minutes into the game. Swift Blink allows Gyrocopter to gain 40% phased movement speed and +35 agility for 6 seconds. This makes Gyro highly mobile, and also allows him to deal more damage which is suitable with the above build.
- Aeon Disk (3000 Gold) - Purchased at 43 minutes. Provides a strong dispel for Gyrocopter if health falls below 70%, making him take no damage for a brief duration while also making his attacks deal no damage. It also provides 75% Status Resistance for the same duration. It is not a common item on carry heroes like Gyrocopter, but it is an ideal item against the heroes (Leshrac, Enigma) he is facing in this game.
- Bloodthorn (6800 Gold) - Bought at 47 minutes. It silences the targeted enemy for 5 seconds, making them take 30% of the total damage Gyro deals to them during the silence. The attacks will also have True Sight, and deal critical damage under its duration. It is an ideal item against spellcasting or squishy heroes.
1. Early Game Fight Oriented Build
It is not every day that you see carry Gyrocopter running and gunning from the laning phase. The hero is conventionally played as a laner and prefers farming in the late game, but the recent buffs to his talent tree and overall stats make him a suitable pick as an early-game aggressor. Gyro is a highly viable carry hero if you build the right items. It is more of a hard-hitting build and should be tried out in unranked games first, as you can be at grave risk of losing your MMR if you jump in a ranked game with it.
Divine Rapier may be a risky choice, but it does work if you can trust your teammates to back you up. Carry Gyro is an exceptional hero if he gets the backup he needs in order to dominate a fight. This build also allows him to essentially 1v5 due to the massive AoE damage and sustain it provides in the form of Aghanim’s Scepter, Butterfly, Silver Edge, and Satanic. If you manage to get all these items early, there is no way your enemies can match up to your fight and damage potential.
Use This Build If:
- You are looking for an early-game skirmish build
- You’re facing low-armor heroes
- You’re facing illusion or AoE-based heroes like Meepo or Phantom Lancer
- You want a reliable carry build that stays relevant into the late game
Skill Points
Level 1: Homing Missile - Fires a Homing Missle at the targetted unit which follows them while gaining increased speed and damage based on the distance it follows before hitting them. It is an ideal early-game skill to have if you want to harass enemies and shove them out of the lane.
Level 2: Flak Cannon - For a limited number of times, Gyrocopter’s attacks hit enemies in an AoE around him. It is an ideal way to farm in the early game as you deal physical damage to multiple units at once. Combined with physical attack damage amplifying items, Flak Cannon can wreak havoc if you max it in the early game.
Level 3: Flak Cannon
Level 4: Rocket Barrage - Launches rockets at enemy units around Gyrocopter. The damage is spread if there are multiple units around him, but it is ideal against a lone enemy as it deals higher damage to it. It can be used to farm or fight right from the early game.
Level 5: Flak Cannon
Level 6: Call Down - Calls down two aerial missiles on a targeted area. The enemies affected by the huge AoE are dealt high damage and their movement speeds are also lowered. This is an effective way for Gyrcopter to solve his lockdown and damage problems in the early game. Unlike most carry heroes, Gyrocopter’s ultimate is successful in contributing to a fight right from the early game.
Level 7: Flak Cannon
Level 8: Rocket Barrage
Level 9: Rocket Barrage
Level 10: Rocket Barrage
Level 11: +30 Movement Speed during Rocket Barrage
Level 12: Homing Missile
Level 13: Call Down
Level 14: Homing Missile
Level 15: +3 Flak Cannon Attacks
Level 16: Homing Missile
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Call Down
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +40 Flak Cannon Damage
Level 25: -6s Flak Cannon
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Power Treads (1400 Gold) - Bought at 5 minutes. It provides 45 movement speed and 25 attack speed along with toggleable attributes, which offer everything from increased mana pool to armor and even strength, helping Gyrocopter survive and fight through the early game.
- Crystalys - (1950 Gold) Bought at 9 minutes. It grants each attack a 30% chance to deal 160% critical damage. The damage can be extremely useful in the early game to fend off enemies and neutralize them. Anchor Smash also has a crit chance.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Bought at 14 minutes. Provides magic immunity to Gyrocopter, helping him survive a teamfight. BKB is a core item on Gyro as it provides him with much-needed immunity due to his low magic resistance.
- Aghanim’s Scepter (4200 Gold) - Bought at 22 minutes. It upgrades Flak Cannon by adding a Side Gunner which attacks units near Gyrocopter. It is essential in helping Gyro farm in the early game and then further helps him deal higher damage in teamfights.
- Butterfly (4975 Gold) - Bought at 26 minutes. It increases Gyrcopter’s evasion by 35%, making it hard for enemies to deal with physical attacks on him.
- Silver Edge (5450 Gold) - Bought at 29 minutes. Upon usage, it turns Gyrocopter invisible while increasing his movement speed. Attacking enemies will end the invisibility and will deal bonus physical damage while also disabling their passive spells. This item is good against heroes with OP passives like Bristleback, or Phantom Assassin.
- Satanic (5050 Gold) - Bought at around 32 minutes. Allows Gyrocopter to lifesteal by up to 175% on physical attacks when activated, and also provides basic dispel from the latter. Great to sustain in the ultra-late game as you can be surrounded by multiple enemies at once. It also works on Flak Cannon, increasing your healing and durability well into the late game.
- Divine Rapier (5950 Gold)- Bought 35 minutes into the game. Rapier is always a preferred item on Gyrocopter due to the massive AoE physical damage that he deals. Divine Rapier is synonymous with Gyrocopter. In most builds, people do not wait for the late game to purchase this item on Gyrocopter if he has defensive items or ways his teammates can shield him. Gyro benefits heavily from the Rapier as it provides extra 300 physical damage. It is an extremely powerful yet risky purchase as you drop it when you die, and handing it over to the enemies can just mean game over.
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