Lanaya the Templar Assassin, the guardian of the Temple’s secrets, is a splendid pick in the current patch. She obliterates all her foes with her devastating physical damage. Her laning phase is nothing short of a struggle but if she farms well, there is no way you win the game! With her pick rate being off the roof, people are also tired of losing to her!
To help you win games against the tenacious Templar, we have compiled this list of the Best 5 Builds that can enhance your TA gameplay quite easily.
5. Bzm Build
We won’t be surprised if you hadn’t heard of Bzm before he joined OG. He is new to the pro scene, and at only 17 years of age, he is in the top 10 European leaderboards. Bzm is known to be a menace on crowd control and tempo heroes like Templar Assassin.
Bzm loves building mobility and farming items on Templar, essentially playing for the late game. He loves items like Dragon Lance, Blink Dagger, Desolator, and even Aghanim’s Scepter, which allows him to have a global presence which can further be worse for enemies when he gets the Shard as well. Bzm loves the Quas Exort build!
Use This Build If:
- You want to establish dominance in the mid-lane. This build allows you to be aggressive in the laning phase, further accelerating your farm. This domino effect eventually leads to your acquiring your items earlier than your counterparts.
Skill Points
- Level 1: Psi Blades - Increases TA’s attack range along with having her attacks splash through neighboring enemies, making it easy for her to farm faster
- Level 2: Refraction - This ability provides a shield to TA, which increases her attack damage and makes her immune to physical attacks under a certain threshold, depending on her level.
- Level 3: Refraction
- Level 4: Meld - Allows TA to go invisible in one spot, deals bonus physical damage, and reduces armor if she attacks an enemy under the Meld form.
- Level 5: Refraction
- Level 6: Trap - Places a trap that deals damage over time on detonation along with slowing enemies for up to 60% of their maximum movement speed, on full charge.
- Level 7: Refraction
- Level 8: Psi Blades
- Level 9: Meld
- Level 10: Meld
- Level 11: Meld
- Level 12: Trap
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Bottle - Bought at around 1 minute. Bottle contains 3 charges which slowly replenish mana and health. Bottle is an essential item on Mid TA as she does not have to call out for extra regen or head back to base in order to regen.
- Power Treads - Bought at 5 minutes. Power Treads provide TA with bonus three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
- Dragon Lance - Bought at 10 minutes. It provides increased attack range to TA, as she is severely in need of it, along with providing bonus stats. It is later upgraded into Hurricane Pike at 28 minutes.
- Blink Dagger- Bought at 14 minutes. Blink Dagger allows TA to initiate with Meld or disengage. It can be further upgraded into Swift Blink.
- Desolator - Bought at around 18 minutes. Provides her with increased damage and armor corruption, essential in teamfights and also to push towers.
- Manta Style - Bought at 25 minutes. Manta Style provides Templar Assassin with increased agility and movement speed. It is also used to disjoint spells and split push lanes. Manta also increases her map presence and helps her stay durable in fights.
- Aghanim’s Shard - Bought at 25 minutes. Activating the Traps silences the enemies on top of it.
- Linken’s Sphere - Bought at 28 minutes. This is a situational item, but it is extremely useful in games where the magic immunity from the Black King bar isn’t enough. It is highly essential in the late game in specific matchups where single targetted abilities can prove to be lethal.
4. Ana Build
The story of Ana’s pro career is the one to be remembered, as it has seen multiple highs and lows. From his early days in the Chinese giant iG to joining OG and winning multiple majors and Tis, Ana has achieved every feat this game has to offer.
Ana is known to have an aggressive playstyle on Templar Assassin, he is often known to build unconventional items that are extremely situational but win him the games. Ana loves buying items that provide him immense damage and resistance, such as Desolator, Black King Bar, Silver Edge, Blink Dagger, and much more!
Use This Build If:
- You want to take it slow and aim for the late game. This build is highly late-game and teamfight-focused. Silver Edge is an extremely rare item on Templar Assassin, but it works in this matchup due to the number of powerful passive abilities in the opposing team.
Skill Points
- Level 1: Psi Blades - Increases TA’s attack range along with having her attacks splash through neighboring enemies, making it easy for her to farm faster
- Level 2: Refraction - This ability provides a shield to TA, which increases her attack damage and makes her immune to physical attacks under a certain threshold, depending on her level.
- Level 3: Meld - Allows TA to go invisible in one spot, deals bonus physical damage, and reduces armor if she attacks an enemy under the Meld form
- Level 4: Refraction
- Level 5: Refraction
- Level 6: Trap - Places a trap that deals damage over time on detonation along with slowing enemies for up to 60% of their maximum movement speed, on full charge.
- Level 7: Psi Blades
- Level 8: Refraction
- Level 9: Psi Blades
- Level 10: Meld
- Level 11: Meld
- Level 12: Trap
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Power Treads - Bought at 5 minutes. Power Treads provide TA with bonus three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
- Dragon Lance - Bought at 12 minutes. It provides increased attack range to TA, as she is severely in need of it, along with providing bonus stats. It is later upgraded into Hurricane Pike at 28 minutes.
- Desolator - Bought at around 16 minutes. Provides her with increased damage and armor corruption, essential in teamfights and also to push towers.
- Blink Dagger- Bought at 20 minutes. Blink Dagger allows TA to initiate with Meld or disengage. It can be further upgraded into Swift Blink.
- Silver Edge - Bought at 25 minutes. Allows TA to go invisible and disengage or initiate the fight and also applies break if she attacked an enemy under its duration, which disables the passive abilities of enemies by applying Break.
- Black King Bar - Bought at around 32 minutes. It provides spell immunity, which is important as you are extremely vulnerable even after acquiring all the previous items.
3. Yatoro Build
Yatoro is one of the best carry players in the current professional scene, this is due to his immense understanding of the game and impressive map awareness. His Templar Assassin is highly lethal due to his excellent spell casting and item builds. As Templar, he focuses on shoving his enemy out of the lane and capitalizing on that by farming neutrals and taking all the runes, ensuring he hits his item timings earlier than his opponents.
Yatoro changes build according to the heroes he is against, constantly shuffling between items like Blink Dagger, Desolator, Hurricane Pike, Daedalus, and Black King Bar, and if the clock keeps on ticking for over 60 mins, he opts for the devastating Divine Rapier! Yatoro is quite the flashy player and Templar for sure suits his play style.
Use This Build If:
- You want to have global dominance and pressure. Building an early Aghanim's Scepter allows you to have an extremely high map presence, which further accelerates your farm and allows you to rat or sneak into Roshan as well. The build also includes various items which help her in both initiating
Skill Points
- Level 1: Psi Blades - Increases TA’s attack range along with having her attacks splash through neighboring enemies, making it easy for her to farm faster
- Level 2: Refraction - This ability provides a shield to TA, which increases her attack damage and makes her immune to physical attacks under a certain threshold, depending on her level.
- Level 3: Meld - Allows TA to go invisible in one spot, deals bonus physical damage, and reduces armor if she attacks an enemy under the Meld form.
- Level 4: Meld
- Level 5: Refraction
- Level 6: Trap - Places a trap that deals damage over time on detonation along with slowing enemies for up to 60% of their maximum movement speed, on full charge.
- Level 7: Psi Blades
- Level 8: Refraction
- Level 9: Refraction
- Level 10: Stats
- Level 11: Meld
- Level 12: Trap
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Quelling Blade - Bought at the 1-minute mark. Increases the damage dealt to creeps, making it easy for TA to last hit in the early game with low damage.
- Wraith Band - Bought at around 3 minutes. It provides all 3 Basic attributes along with 4 armor and 10 attack speed.
- Power Treads - Bought at 6 minutes. Power Treads provide TA with bonus three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
- Dragon Lance - Bought at 10 minutes. It provides increased attack range to TA, as she is severely in need of it, along with providing bonus stats. It is later upgraded into Hurricane Pike at 20 minutes.
- Desolator - Bought at around 15 minutes. Provides her with increased damage and armor corruption, essential in teamfights and also to push towers.
- Aghanim’s Scepter - Bought at 20 minutes. Grants Psionic Projection skill which allows TA to teleport to her traps anywhere on the map, providing her global presence.
- Black King Bar - Bought at around 25 minutes. It provides spell immunity, which is important as you are extremely vulnerable even after acquiring all the previous items.
- Silver Edge - Bought at 29 minutes. Allows TA to go invisible and disengage or initiate the fight and also applies break if she attacked an enemy under its duration, which disables the passive abilities of enemies by applying Break.
- Nullifier - Bought at 33 minutes. Actively dispels enemy buffs along with muting their items.
- Swift Blink- Bought at 39 minutes. Blink Dagger allows TA to initiate and combine with Meld or disengage from teamfights, along with providing increased movement speed and agility on usage.
2. Abed Build
While being an amazing mid-laner, Abed is also a great Templar Assassin player. His farming speed is unparalleled, along with his insane map awareness. Abed is known to be quite an aggressive mid-laner, but as a Templar Assassin, he is quite bloodthirsty, always in the mood for kills and ganks. His quick item timing combined with his mechanical skills makes him great at the Assassin.
Abed often juggles around between skill builds, sometimes he prefers the Psi Blades build, which is great if you’re going a quick farm, or sometimes he may opt for the max Refraction build, putting points in Refraction shield and Meld. Regardless of the build, Abed is a menace on Templar Assassin and it is quite evident in the highlight video.
Use This Build If:
- You want a farming oriented playstyle. Abed's farming patterns are excellent in this game. He has extremely high GPM due to his impressive farming capability. This build allows you to hit your item timings earlier than your mid counterpart. You can further skyrocket your farm by stacking or having your supports stack the jungle for you.
Skill Points
- Level 1: Psi Blades - Increases TA’s attack range along with having her attacks splash through neighboring enemies, making it easy for her to farm faster
- Level 2: Meld - Allows TA to go invisible in one spot, deals bonus physical damage, and reduces armor if she attacks an enemy under the Meld form.
- Level 3: Refraction - This ability provides a shield to TA, which increases her attack damage and makes her immune to physical attacks under a certain threshold, depending on her level.
- Level 4: Refraction
- Level 5: Refraction
- Level 6: Trap - Places a trap that deals damage over time on detonation along with slowing enemies for up to 60% of their maximum movement speed, on full charge.
- Level 7: Refraction
- Level 8: Psi Blades
- Level 9: Meld
- Level 10: Stats
- Level 11: Meld
- Level 12: Trap
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Bottle - Bought at around 1 minute. Bottle contains 3 charges which slowly replenish mana and health. Bottle is an essential item on Mid TA as she does not have to call out for extra regen or head back to base in order to regen.
- Power Treads - Bought at 6 minutes. Power Treads provide TA with bonus three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
- Dragon Lance - Bought at 9 minutes. It provides increased attack range to TA, as she is severely in need of it, along with providing bonus stats. It is later upgraded into Hurricane Pike at 20 minutes.
- Blink Dagger- Bought at 13 minutes. Blink Dagger allows TA to initiate with Meld or disengage. It can be further upgraded into Swift Blink.
- Desolator - Bought at around 17 minutes. Provides her with increased damage and armor corruption, essential in teamfights and also to push towers.
- Aghanim’s Shard - Bought at 19 minutes. Activating the Traps silences the enemies on top of it.
- Black King Bar - Bought at around 25 minutes. It provides spell immunity, which is important as you are extremely vulnerable even after acquiring all the previous items.
- Monkey King Bar - Bought at 30 minutes. Provides True Strike on physical attacks and increases the physical damage.
1. Miracle Build
Miracle as we all know, is a very versatile player, he loves to play all varieties of heroes in all lanes, but none is as threatening as his Templar Assassin. His immense kill potential on this hero makes him a beast! Miracle is an extremely aggressive laner, often diving towers to get kills, which he can do quite effortlessly with the TA.
It is impossible to contain this beast if let loose. Miracle can easily 1v5 and dominate various matchups with TA, as the hero naturally has ways to protect herself along with dealing high damage. Miracle loves the conventional build of Blink and Desolator, often throwing in items like Dragon Lance and Swift Blink.
Use This Build If:
- You want to end the game quickly. Miracle's early game dominance and aggression made it easy for his team to end the game quickly. Items like Desolator, Dragon Lance, and Blink Dagger help him get on top of his enemies and deal high damage to them in the early game.
Skill Points
- Level 1: Meld - Allows TA to go invisible in one spot, deals bonus physical damage, and reduces armor if she attacks an enemy under the Meld form.
- Level 2: Psi Blades - Increases TA’s attack range along with having her attacks splash through neighboring enemies, making it easy for her to farm faster
- Level 3: Refraction - This ability provides a shield to TA, which increases her attack damage and makes her immune to physical attacks under a certain threshold, depending on her level.
- Level 4: Refraction
- Level 5: Refraction
- Level 6: Trap - Places a trap that deals damage over time on detonation along with slowing enemies for up to 60% of their maximum movement speed, on full charge.
- Level 7: Refraction
- Level 8: Psi Blades
- Level 9: Meld
- Level 10: Meld
- Level 11: Psi Blades
- Level 12: Meld
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Quelling Blade - Bought at 1 minute. Increases the damage dealt to creeps, making it easy for TA to last hit in the early game with low damage.
- Power Treads - Bought at 3 minutes. Power Treads provide TA with bonus three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
- Dragon Lance - Bought at 9 minutes. It provides increased attack range to TA, as she is severely in need of it, along with providing bonus stats. It is later upgraded into Hurricane Pike at 20 minutes.
- Desolator - Bought at around 13 minutes. Provides her with increased damage and armor corruption, essential in teamfights and also to push towers.
- Aghanim’s Shard - Bought at 16 minutes. Activating the Traps silences the enemies on top of it.
- Blink Dagger- Bought at 18 minutes. Blink Dagger allows TA to initiate and combine with Meld or disengage from teamfights. It can be further upgraded into Swift Blink.
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