The sinister genius has his outlandish ways of dominating the battlefield. Outworld Destroyer can shatter his opponents with his malice and treachery. Being one of the most OP heroes in the current meta means everyone is trying to find out ways to counter you, after all, we all are tired of the silly Meteor Hammer build!
We bring you the best 10 Heroes that can do wonders against Outworld Destroyer regardless of the lane you play them in. We list out the best items and strategies you can use to make him look like a helpless creep!
10. Drow Ranger
The frosty arrows of this lethal markswoman make her a deadly assassin! Drow Ranger is quite underrated in the pro scene but is often seen picked to counter the OD. The laning phase is quite easy for Drow as she has high damage and attack range, along with ways to farm waves or jungle stacks. Although more item reliant, Drow comes online pretty quickly as soon as she gets her first item. A stealthy Shadow Blade can act as a huge surprise to the unsuspecting OD!
Why is Drow Ranger Great against Outworld Destroyer?
- Silence negates any potential spell usage by OD
- High physical damage that rips through heavy armor
- Can counter push lanes and farm effortlessly
Items to Buy Against Outworld Destroyer
- Hurricane Pike
- Black King Bar
- Silver Edge
- Aghanim’s Shard
9. Juggernaut
Being a melee hero is quite a rough place to be in if you’re facing Outworld Destroyer. You often find yourself missing HP and INT. Juggernaut is a suitable counter to OD because he can negate all the magical damage and also be immune to it, along with that he provides healing to all his teammates with Healing Ward. Comparatively, Juggernaut can farm faster, the only downside is that he is more item reliant than OD.
Why is Juggernaut Great against Outworld Destroyer?
- Built-in spell immunity in the form of Blade Fury makes Juggernaut immune to all of OD’s spells.
- High physical damage output
- Scalable talent tree
Items to Buy Against Outworld Destroyer
- Eye of Skadi
- Monkey King Bar
- Butterfly
- Aghanim’s Shard
8. Sniper
Speaking of annoying heroes, we have Sniper on the list! (Seriously, did people forget 6.82?!) This hero is the epitome of obnoxity but at the same time, he is quite popular in the current patch. Low cooldown on Sharpnel and high attack range allows him to harass and shove OD out of the lane from miles away. Naturally, Sniper is also excellent at farming, which means he hits his item timings way before the OD.
Why is Sniper Great against Outworld Destroyer?
- Extremely high attack range
- Low CD on spells
- Annoying right from the laning phase
- High physical damage
Items to Buy Against Outworld Destroyer
- Hurricane Pike
- Daedalus
- Monkey King Bar
- Black King Bar
7. Death Prophet
The ghastly prophet looms over her prey, foreshadowing their existence and planning her every move towards chaos! Seeing Death Prophet in pub games is quite a rare sight in 2022, but her occasional cameos are a sight worth witnessing, especially against Outworld Destroyer. Her spammable spells make her a nuisance in the laning phase, which is even worsened if she has Spirit Siphon, making her drain enemy health. OD stands no chance against the Death Prophet if he ever gets silenced!
Why is Death Prophet Great against Outworld Destroyer?
- AoE Silence can render not only OD but the whole enemy team useless!
- Low CD on spells, allowing her to push lanes and dish out more damage in fights
- Spirit Siphon makes her unkillable in team fights!
Items to Buy Against Outworld Destroyer
- Black King Bar
- Eul’s Scepter
- Scythe of Vyse
- Shiva’s Guard
6. Doom
Feared by both angels and devils, Doom is known to dominate the battlefield with his terrifying spells and animosity. Though the laning phase may be rough on Doom, he hits his item timings quickly, thanks to Devour and Scorched Earth. Being more level reliant over farm, Doom must constantly gank other lanes to secure farm and space for his team! He shreds through OD due to his high magic damage and disables, rendering him useless.
Why is Doom Great against Outworld Destroyer?
- Doom (Ultimate) disables OD and turns him into a ranged creep.
- High armor that can take most of OD’s damage
- Initiation with items such as Blink Dagger or Shadow Blade can catch OD off-guard
Items to Buy Against Outworld Destroyer
- Black King Bar
- Shadow Blade
- Shiva’s Guard
- Blink Dagger
5. Templar Assassin
The guardian of the temple’s secrets is a lethal force to be reckoned with! Templar Assassin deals some heavy damage while taking barely any in return if she has the Refraction shield on! Laning versus an OD is quite the task for TA as she has a very short attack range, making it easy for OD to Astral her and deny her the farm. Most experienced TA players occasionally disappear into the jungle to stack and farm as soon as they have the levels and farm. And before you know, the TA shows up with a Desolator and Blink Dagger to one-shot you!
Why is Templar Assassin Great against Outworld Destroyer?
- Refraction blocks most of the damage dealt with Arcane Orb and Sanity's Eclipse if used correctly, and is difficult for Outworld Destroyer to deal with.
- If Astral Imprisonment is on cooldown, then an Outworld Destroyer slowed by Psionic Trap is an easy kill for Templar Assassin, especially during the laning stage.
Items to Buy Against Outworld Destroyer
- Bloodthorn
- Monkey King Bar
- Black King Bar
- Daedalus
4. Pugna
If there is one hero who sucks the soul out of you, it has to be Pugna! The skeletal figure comes alive after he drains their life and turns them into bones and dust. A pure mid-matchup can favor Pugna as he has more INT and mana pool compared to OD, along with that you face constant harass and get shoved out of the lane due to the bonkers damage he deals. He is known to farm effortlessly due to his AoE spell and hit his item timings relatively early.
Why is Pugna Great against Outworld Destroyer?
- Can deal damage/heal teammates with Life Drain.
- Can destroy towers and push lanes effortlessly
- Decent talent tree that scales well with items
- Nether Ward is a nuisance in the late game
Items to Buy Against Outworld Destroyer
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Octraine Core
- Force Staff
- Scythe of Vyse
3. Nightstalker
This silent stalker hunts for his enemies throughout the night, as dawn approaches his powers get weaker but he still holds the power to rip his enemies apart! OD can’t contest Nightstalker because he is frankly powerless against him, courtesy of the Silence. Nightstalker may be a slow farmer but as soon as he hits level 6, he can rotate towards other lanes to secure kills and gold. Blink Dagger remains an exceptional item that can be used to initiate along with the silence, turning OD into a useless ranged creep.
Why is Nightstalker Great against Outworld Destroyer?
- Silence prevents OD from using spells.
- High physical damage
- Tempo control potential
Items to Buy Against Outworld Destroyer
- Blink Dagger
- Black King Bar
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Abyssal Blade
2. Nyx Assassin
This pesky pest is hated extremely by OD players. Nyx Assassin is known to be one of the most annoying heroes in the game, regardless of the patch, he is the most relevant support in the game. Especially against a high INT and damage hero like OD, Nyx can do wonders with his powerful toolkit. One Spiked Carapace is enough to lock OD down, and the best part is that it does not break invisibility from your ultimate!
Why is Nyx Assassin Great against Outworld Destroyer?
- Mana Burn works well with high INT of OD.
- If timed correctly, Spiked Carapace will return the full damage from Sanity's Eclipse back to Outworld Destroyer.
- Spiked Carapace can be used to stun OD after getting Imprisoned
Items to Buy Against Outworld Destroyer
- Force Staff
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Meteor Hammer
1. Silencer
Why is Silencer Great against Outworld Destroyer?
- Spells that silence him and prevent him from casting.
- High physical damage that steals some serious INT!
- Excellent talent tree that scales well with items
Items to Buy Against Outworld Destroyer
- Scythe of Vyse
- Hurricane Pike
- Witch Blade
- Black King Bar
- Aghanim’s Scepter
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