[Top 15] Dota 2 Best Pusher Heroes That Wreck The Enemy Base

10 Jun 2023

In Dota, the aim of pushing is to force through the creeps and get to the meat of the matter, sweet objectives in the form of towers. It is an essential part of Dota, which lower MMR players generally tend to ignore. Pusher heroes can help you get good at the game by innately becoming objective-oriented. Such heroes are always highly in demand as they are such a reliable and key factor in the game. These heroes have certain spells or build certain items that give them the edge and make them effective heroes right from the laning phase.

The game can be lopsided and quite disastrous if you don’t have a pusher hero on your team, as the enemy team may have a pusher hero who may effectively ruin your game. We bring you the Best 15 Pusher Heroes in the current meta who can wreck the enemy base within no time. 


Best items for Pushing

  • Helm of Dominator - Allows you to take control of a neutral or enemy creep, increasing its movement speed, HP, armor, and damage. This additional ally can aid you in fighting or pushing lanes. The Dominator also allows you to use the creep’s abilities (if any).
  • Helm of the Overlord - It is the upgraded version of Helm of the Dominator, which essentially allows you to dominate an Ancient Creep while granting it various buffs under its control. Having an ancient creep under your control allows you to push lanes quite effortlessly. 
  • Desolator - Provides increased damage along with armor corruption on physical attacks. It can also gain stacks and increased the mentioned perks with the increase in stacks. Desolator is ideal to mow down the squishy towers.
  • Assault Cuirass - Increases armor and attack speed while reducing the same for enemies in an AoE. The increased armor allows you to push lanes and take down towers easily. 
  • Mjollnir - Mjollnir provides you a chance to proc on hits, passing AoE damage to your foes, making it easier to farm. The active also allows you to deal damage when the enemies hit you. It is an essential item for most carry heroes as it allows them to deal with AoE damage and push lanes easily.

15. Chen (Support)

Chen is criminally underrated, as most players fear understanding his true potential. As overwhelming as it may sound, Chen is one of the best fighters and early-game pushers present in the game. Chen starts pretty slow in the early game, but with enough farm and levels can assist his allies in ganking and even solo-pushing the towers with his infamous zoo army, while they provide various auras to him and his team. A late-game Chen isn’t squishy anymore, if he is farmed enough, he turns into the fourth and much-required core for a squishy lineup.

Chen is a devastating entity in the late game, his spells are amplified further with his lethal talent tree. He is highly dominant, and can catch multiple enemies off-guard at once if he has the right creeps in his zoo! There are various playstyles to Chen, even if you aren’t exceptional at micro, you can still play a different build of Chen which does not rely on his Zoo creeps. This immense flexibility proves Chen is an ideal fit regardless of the matchup. Chen is undoubtedly a favorable pick in the current meta.

What Makes Chen a powerful pusher?

  • Holy Persuasion converts jungle creeps into allied units controlled by Chen, allowing him to farm with them and further hit towers with them in the mid-game.
  • The abilities and auras of the creeps can be highly useful while farming, fighting, or even pushing.
  • Can build utility items, which provide armor, healing, and magic resistance. 
  • Chen can also be an impressive team fighter right from the early game with his controlled creeps.

Top 5 Best End-Game Items for Chen 

  • Solar Crest - Solar Crest grants armor, attack speed, and movement speed to the targetted ally while reducing the same stats if used upon enemies. This makes them unable to stand firm in teamfights.
  • Guardian Greaves - Upon usage, it heals Chen and his allies in a radius, along with providing a basic dispel to him. It is a great way to sustain yourself in the late game against lethal opponents.
  • Wraith Pact - On activation, the Pact summons a movable totem that deals 30 DPS and reduces 30% of the damage dealt by enemies in a certain radius. This makes it great against both magical and physical damage heroes.
  • Pipe of Insight - Upon activation, it provides magic resistance to Chen and nearby allies, which is essential against spell-casting enemies as it reduces the magic damage that Chen and his allies take from their spells. The duration lasts for 12 seconds and can block up to 400 magic damage.
  • Force Staff - Allows Chen to force himself or the targetted unit 600 units ahead in the direction he is facing, it can be useful to catch or escape from enemies.

Chen is strong against 

  • Arc Warden - Chen in the early game is a faster pusher than Arc Warden until Arc Warden buys Maelstrom.
  • Beastmaster - Chen can take control of the Boar from Call of the Wild Boar at any time.
  • Bane - Bane has zero Spells to deal with multiple Chen's Creeps.

Chen is weak against 

  • Sven - Great Cleave and God's Strength can destroy Chen and his creeps quickly.
  • Earthshaker - Echo Slam will deal immense damage due to the number of creeps Chen will have.
  • Monkey King - Monkey King can kill Chen or any of his allies with his physical damage burst from Boundless Strike and Jingu Mastery before he can use the Hand of God

14. Luna (Carry)

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Luna, the moon rider, is a phenomenal carry hero in the current meta. She can squash the squishy heroes and mow down towers within no time. Laning is difficult for Luna as she has low magic resistance, but she can always fall back on the jungle to farm with the help of her Moon Glaives and decent early-game damage. She is an optimal pick if you want to deal hybrid damage to most heroes, as her ultimate Eclipse deals an ungodly amount of magical damage if she can catch the foes off guard.

Luna’s quick farming abilities and massive AoE damage output which turn enemies into dust in no time are the primary reasons behind picking her. A typical carry hero relatively farms slower, and also finds it difficult to catch up against Luna if the game progresses over 30 minutes. The moon rider offers tremendous wave clearance, which returns her a great deal of gold, she is known to farm and split push faster. Luna can be picked alongside massive crowd-control heroes who can collectively counter the entire enemy team at once.

Why is Luna a powerful pusher?

  • She also farms extremely well due to her Moon Glaives, making her an efficient pusher as she deals AoE damage.
  • Deals both physical and magical damage hence has multiple build options
  • Luna is highly active in the late game with her immense damage
  • Luna has relatively low difficulty, making it easy for new players to try her out

Top 5 End Game Items for Luna

  • Eye of Skadi - Great for reducing Terrorblade’s regen while also providing stats.
  • Satanic - Can quickly heal up on physical attacks upon activation, also provides basic dispel from the latter.
  • Black King Bar - Provides spell immunity, making you invulnerable in the fight
  • Butterfly - Provides increased evasion, agility, and movement speed
  • Manta Style - Dodge enemy spells and can be used to push lanes which makes you highly efficient in the late-game.
  • Hurricane Pike - Allows Luna to close the gap and deal immense damage to Terrorblade, also provides decent stats 

Luna is strong against

  • Arc Warden - Luna's short range and fast movement speed allow her to fight Arc Warden inside his Magnetic Field.
  • Enchantress - Though Enchantress’ Untouchable can greatly reduce Luna's attack speed, and can go through any form of Spell Immunity, she has a pitiful HP so Lucent Beam and Eclipse can kill her very quickly.
  • Lifestealer - Although Lifestealer can avoid Eclipse with Rage and Infest, Luna's physical damage can be enough to deal with him.

Luna is weak against

  • Juggernaut - Both Blade Fury and Omnislash are direct counters to Eclipse, offering Juggernaut spell immunity.
  • Meepo - Meepo can shut down Luna's split-push ability with his global presence.
  • Pudge - Flesh Heap's magic resistance allows him to survive Eclipse, and Meat Hook and Dismember can disable Luna through her Black King Bar.

13. Sven (Carry)

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Sven, the rogue knight, is a deadly carry hero who deals ungodly physical damage. His toolkit allows him to lock down enemies or charge at them with increased movement speed, making it impossible for them to escape his wrath. Sven's abilities are enough to dominate the battlefield, with items only complementing his strength in team fights. Sven’s pub appearances were low before this patch, but with the buffs to his cleave and ultimate, he has quickly risen through the ranks as one of the most-played carry heroes in this meta.

There are several reasons why Sven is considered a powerful carry hero. His kit allows him to dominate and lock down even the toughest enemies, while his farming ability and item progression enable him to gain a significant advantage as the game progresses. Sven is capable of taking on entire teams by himself, especially in the late game, making him a nightmare for weaker opponents. His strength lies in his ability to face multiple heroes at once without crumbling, thanks to items like Satanic, Daedalus, and his massive physical damage.

What makes Sven a powerful pusher? 

  • Sven’s cleave allows him to deal high damage in an AoE, which makes him easy for him to farm creeps and deal damage to multiple heroes in a fight if combined with his ultimate.
  • Warcry provides Sven and his nearby allies with increased movement speed as well as armor which help them sustain a teamfight.
  • Sven can also lock enemy’s down with his Storm Hammer which stuns multiple units in an AoE, allowing him to mow down his enemies while they’re stunned.
  • Sven has the toolkit to dominate the battlefield and fight multiple heroes at once.

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Sven

  • Overwhelming Blink - Increases Sven’s strength and deals damage in an AoE that deals attack and movement speed slow to enemies, while also making them take 150% of his strength as damage. 
  • Assault Cuirass - Immense armor gain also reduces enemy armor at the same time 
  • Daedalus -  Daedalus allows Sven to deal critical damage. This high damage will enable him to be a devastating hard hitter, as he can also solo kill and does not always need follow-up from his team due to the items he has built earlier.
  • Black King Bar - Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Sven invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
  • Bloodthorn - It silences the targeted enemy for 5 seconds, making them take 30% of the total damage dealt during the silence. The attacks will also have True Sight, and deal critical damage under its duration. Sven prefers this item as it provides him with much-needed disables in the early game

Sven is strong against

  • Broodother - Great Cleave clears Spiderlings quickly to increase gold income.
  • Meepo - Cleave will demolish Meepo's clones. Against a closely packed group, Sven does not even need to target the clone with the lowest health.
  • Phantom Lancer - Storm Hammer's AoE stun will hit Phantom Lancer and his illusions.

Sven is weak against

  • Axe - Berserker's Call prevents Sven from bursting his targets before Axe can interfere. The worst kind of opponent for Sven is one who can stop him from attacking who he wants to, which is exactly what Axe does.
  • Medusa - Mana Shield makes it very hard for Sven to burst her within Storm Hammer's stun duration.
  • Templar Assassin - Sven has no easy way to burn Refraction charges and needs help from teammates to kill TA successfully.

12. Arc Warden (Versatile)

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Zet, the Arc Warden knows no bounds, his foes know no way of countering him, as there are often two of him. He is known to deal massive damage right off the bat, Arc secures the laning phase versus his opponent. He is also a quick pusher and farmer, as he can just duplicate and make his clone push out the lane while he farms the jungle. Late-game Arc Warden can disable and obliterate enemies within a few hits and clicks of spells. The pushing capabilities of Arc are unparalleled when the clock ticks beyond 60 minutes.

With the help of his Tempest Double, Arc Warden can split push and control multiple areas of the map, forcing enemies to spread out and defend against his relentless pressure. And in team fights, he can deal massive damage with his spells and disable key targets, making him a force to be reckoned with. Arc loves items such as Manta Style, Orchid of Malovalence, and Silver Edge which provide him with the right balance of disable, escape, and stats which allow him to be a formidable force in the teamfight and stand his ground.

Why is Arc Warden a powerful pusher? 

  • Arc’s abilities allow him to deal high amounts of damage to enemies, especially with the help of his magnetic field which provides a massive attack speed buff to himself and his illusions.
  • Arc’s unique abilities also allow him to control the battlefield through his ability to trap enemies with Flux, slow them down with Spark Wraiths, and even create a temporary bubble of immunity to spells with his magnetic field. 
  • He has strong defensive capabilities as well, with his Magnetic Field being able to create a shield that protects his allies from ranged attacks. 
  • Arc Warden can scale well into the late game with proper itemization, especially with the right balance between farming and participating in team fights. 

Best 5 End-Game items to buy on Arc Warden

  • Monkey King Bar - Gives increased physical damage and also provides a chance to true-strike on physical attacks.
  • Eye of Skadi - It reduces HP regen and healing upon physical attacks from the Arc Warden. It helps reduce enemy regen. Eye of Skadi also provides increased stats and HP to AW. 
  • Butterfly - Provides Arc with 35% evasion and increased agility and attack speed. The evasion is highly useful in the later stages of the game to stand your ground. It is an essential item if Arc is facing multiple heroes with high attack damage.
  • Silver Edge -  Upon usage, it turns Arc Warden invisible while increasing his movement speed. Attacking enemies will end the invisibility and will deal bonus physical damage while also disabling their passive spells. This item is good against heroes with OP passives like Bristleback, or Phantom Assassin.
  • Hurricane Pike - Pushes Arc and targeted enemy 450 units away from each other, and for 6 seconds, allows him to make 5 attacks against the target without range restrictions and with +100 attack speed. It is an essential team-fighting item on Arc Warden.

Arc Warden is strong against

  • Sniper - Magnetic Field's evasion completely negates Sniper's attacks unless he has True Strike.
  • Legion Commander - Magnetic Field prevents Legion Commander from getting wins with Duel.
  • Terrorblade - Arc Warden’s Magnetic Field allows him to defend against Terrorblade if he used  Metamorphosis.

Arc Warden is weak against

  • Broodmother - A good Broodmother looks to end the match early while Arc Warden, a very item-reliant hero, thrives in longer matches.
  • Anti-Mage - Arc Warden's high reliance on casting abilities leads him to be dependent on mana, which Anti-Mage can quickly burn with Mana Break.
  • Axe - The threat of a Blink and Berserker's Call may make the real Arc Warden stay further back, thus effectively halving the team's damage output for a while.

11. Alchemist (Versatile)

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Alchemy and greed go hand in hand for our fellow Alchemist. He controls the game with his powerful Orc who guides him around the battlefield. With his Greevil’s Greed talent, it’s expected that he has at least 2 items before the 20-minute mark in-game. With armor reduction from Acid Spray and Unstable Concoction, he can lock enemies down and give them a run for their money with his ultimate. His enemies find it quite impossible to out farm him, his pace is quite unparalleled if he is having a good time. With Greevil’s Greed now being an innate ability, Alchemist enjoys the surge of gold right from level 1.

Alchemist's potential is not only limited to his abilities but his items as well. With the help of Manta Style, he can dispel any debuffs or silence and create illusions to further confuse his enemies, Shiva's Guard gives him a powerful AoE slow armor, making it difficult for enemies to approach him. Alchemist needs mobility in a teamfight, which is fulfilled by Overwhelming Blink which satisfies his mobility needs while also granting him immense damage and strength to withstand a long skirmish. The mentioned items help Alchemist wreak havoc if acquired early on in the game.

Why is Alchemist a powerful pusher? 

  • Alchemist farms quickly due to innate ability, Greevil's Greed, which provides him with extra gold for every last hit, allowing him to procure his items faster and push lanes within no time. 
  • He can scale well into the late game with his ability to gain bonus stats from his ultimate, Chemical Rage, making him an incredibly tanky and hard-hitting carry. 
  • Alchemist's Acid Spray is a powerful AoE ability that reduces enemy armor and allows him to take down towers and objectives quickly if combined with Assault Cuirass or Shiva’s Guard. 
  • He can provide utility to his team with powerful items such as Aghanim's Scepter, and Moon Shard.

Best 5 End-Game Items to Buy on Alchemist

  • Radiance - Deals 60 damage per second in an AoE, while also causing them to miss 15% of their attacks. It also makes enemies miss 15% of their attacks. Radiance is an exceptional item on Alchemist as it allows him to deal high damage in fights and also farms fast with the help of his items.
  • Assault Cuirass - Assault Cuirass grants increased armor and attack speed which makes Alchemist extremely tanky. It also reduces enemy armor in an AoE, increasing its threat potential.
  • Shiva’s Guard - Upon usage, it emits a freezing wave that deals 200 damage and slows the enemy for 40% of their movement speed. This slow is impressive and lasts for 4 seconds. The increased armor and survivability ensure Alchemist stays durable in fights while reducing enemy healing in an AoE.
  • Manta Style -  Creates two illusions of Alchemist on usage, also allowing him to dispel certain spells or dodge if he times it right. It can also be used to split push lanes and farm efficiently. It also provides him with increased stats, agility, and attack damage.
  • Black King Bar - Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Alchemist invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance. It also applies a basic dispel upon usage.

Alchemist is strong against:

  • Doom - The health regeneration and bonus movespeed from Chemical Rage allow Alchemist to survive through Doom very easily.
  • Broodmother - Alchemist's Chemical Rage nullifies Broodmother's, Insatiable Hunger.
  • Nature’s Prophet - Acid Spray and Greevil's Greed will quickly destroy pushes with treants.

Alchemist is weak against:

  • Axe - Axe can force Alchemist to attack him with Berserker's Call. High attack speed from Chemical Rage will cause Counter Helix to proc multiple times.
  • Ancient Apparition - Ice Blast cancels out Chemical Rage's rapid health regeneration.  
  • Necrophps - Ghost Shroud can prevent Alchemist from attacking Necrophos, as well as make him immune to Acid Spray and Unstable Concoction damage.


10. Leshrac (Mid)

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It’s quite advantageous to pick Leshrac in the current meta as his toolkit is highly dangerous to play against. Leshrac is known for his high magical damage, AoE, and lockdown potential, all of these elements are lethal against squishy low magic resistance heroes. The best part is that Leshrac is often picked as a flex hero, meaning he can be played in quite any lane! Apart from countering low magic resistance heroes, Lesh can also mow down buildings with Edict providing equal counter push and ratting in the late game if required. A successful early game for Leshrac translates to domination in the late game, as most heroes have no way to stop his lethal magic damage.

The sinister Leshrac has been a staple mid-hero in the current meta due to his reliability and readily available ungodly magical damage. Leshrac is relevant right from the laning phase, his damage shoves out enemies from the lane and forces them to purchase magical resistance items early on, slowing their progression on other more necessary items Leshrac can push lanes with his Edict, deal immense damage to heroes, and lock them down with his Split Earth. He is a consistent mid-hero and does not fall off in the late game. 

Why is Leshrac a powerful pusher? 

  • Pushes towers with quickly Diabolical Edict, which deals high magical damage to them.
  • High AoE magical damage output which allows him to push right from the get-go, obliterating his foes within no time, also allowing him to farm quickly.
  • Immense farming and wave clear potential with the help of his spells

Best 5 End-Game Items to Buy on Leshrac 

  • Scythe of Vyse - Scythe of Vyse - Upon usage it hexes the targetted unit, essentially making them unable to use spells or items, along with reducing their movement speed for 3.5 seconds. 
  • Eul’s Scepter - It can be used to sweep the Leshrac or the targetted enemy into the air for 2.5 seconds, making them unable to use spells or move. This can be used to lock them down and set up with Earth Splitter.
  • Aghanim's Scepter - Grants Nihilism ability, which allows Leshrac to essentially decrepify nearby enemies, slowing them and boosting the damage of his abilities.
  • Kaya and Sange - Provides increased stats along with increased status resistance, spell amplification, health, and mana regeneration. This is an exceptional item on Leshrac as it allows him to deal immense damage to foes without worrying too much about his mana. 
  • Black King Bar - Provides spell immunity, making you invulnerable in the fight

Leshrac is strong against

  • Io - Lightning Storm will usually hit both Io and his Tethered target since both will be close enough for the lightning to jump. It can then be followed up by Split Earth.
  • Meepo - Pulse Nova deals an insane amount of damage in an area around him, which can quickly wear down Meepo clones.
  • Visage - Diabolic Edict and Pulse Nova hit all units around Leshrac, making it very easy for him to kill the Summon Familiars.

Leshrac is weak against

  • Pugna - Nether Ward punishes Leshrac's constant mana usage from spamming spells.
  • Clockwerk - Clockwerk naturally builds Blade Mail, reflecting Leshrac's high magic damage output at him.
  • Nyx Assassin - Nyx Assassin's Spiked Carapace will stun Leshrac when hit by any of his AOE abilities. While Mana Burn deals high damage due to Leshrac's high intelligence gain and burns a large amount of Leshrac's essential mana pool.

9. Death Prophet (Mid)

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The dreadful yet radiant Death Prophet looms over her prey, foreshadowing their existence and planning her every move toward chaos! Seeing Death Prophet in pub games is quite a rare sight in the recent meta, but she is a textbook counterpick to massive spell-casting heroes and can also counter-push with her ultimate. Most heroes are obliterated in the laning phase and are subjected to constant harassment. Death Prophet can snowball pretty quickly and take down towers if she has an easy early game.

Death Prophet can ward squishy enemies off the lane with her Spirit Siphon, further solidifying her lead in the early game. Late-game Death Prophet is a whole different beast as her ultimate, Exorcism allows her to not only fight well but also take down towers. It also heals her at the end of the duration, sustaining her in those long teamfights. The game can essentially be over for enemies if Death Prophet manages to silence them and have all her Exorcism spirits target them.

Why is Death Prophet a powerful pusher?

  • She is relevant even in the late game due to Exorcism and the damage it can do to both buildings and heroes, which is exceptional as enemies do lesser damage in the late game.
  • She can sustain through teamfights with Spirit Siphon which steals enemy HP, while also dealing immense nuke damage with her Crypt Swarm.
  • She has a long duration silence, which can help remove enemies from teamfights

Top 5 End Game items on Death Prophet 

  • Eul’s Scepter - Can be used to sweep yourself or the targetted enemy into the air for 2.5 seconds, making them unable to use spells or move. This can be used to lock enemies down and set them up with silence.
  • Black King Bar - Provides spell immunity from all of the enemy's magic damage spells, making her invulnerable in the fight. It is always a top priority, as most seasoned players prefer to purchase the BKB right after the Eul’s due to DP’s low magic resistance and HP pool.
  • Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard - High damage which can be used to push towers or deal immense damage during teamfights
  • Kaya and Sange - Increases stats along with increasing mana gain and reducing mana cost, allowing DP to cast her spells freely against enemies.
  • Shiva’s Guard - Upon activation, it deals damage in an AoE around Death Prophet, slowing down the affected targets near her. It also provides increased armor and reduces enemy armor in an AoE.

Death Prophet is strong against

  • Invoker - Silence also prevents Invoker from using Invoke or casting his main spells temporarily. There is no way Invoker can block it unless he has Eul's Scepter of Divinity to cyclone himself or has help from allies.
  • Nature’s Prophet - Crypt Swarm can quickly kill any Treants. Silence also prevents him from using Teleportation to escape or Sprout to lock you down.
  • Timbersaw- Exorcism's spirits do not count as regular attacks, and will not add stacks of Reactive Armor.

Death Prophet is weak against

  • Ancient Apparition - Ice Blast prevents Death Prophet from gaining health from Spirit Siphon and Exorcism.
  • Anti-Mage - Death Prophet has a high mana pool and due to her heavy reliance on her spells, she will be a prime target for Mana Void.
  • Omniknight - Guardian Angel nullifies the physical damage from Exorcism. Aghanim's Scepter also prevents Death Prophet from pushing towers.

8. Jakiro (Support)

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Jakiro, the twin-headed dragon has ravaged wars with the balance of his cold-blooded vengeance and scorching wrath. Mostly played in the safe lane as a support, there is not much interaction with enemies in the early game, but the mid and late game can be easily controlled by Jakiro as he deals immense magic damage with decent lockdowns. Most enemies are squishy which means all you need as a Jakiro is a Veil of Discord and Rod of Atos to get the job done. All his magic damage makes him a delight to play and push lanes with.

All you need is a few levels to have an impact in the game as Jakiro. He relies more on levels due to the sheer amount of damage his spells are capable of dishing out. He can without doubt solo kill low magic resistance heroes with his magical damage. Jakiro is also highly reliant as a lane pusher with his massive AoE, while also being a relevant team fighter throughout the late game.

Why is Jakiro a powerful pusher? 

  • Jakiro has 3 damage over time spells, Dual Breath and Liquid Fire) and 1 affecting an entire area ( Macropyre), making it easy for him to disable enemies to deal immense damage to them and the towers as well.
  • Jakiro is highly relevant through the late game due to his building damage potential.
  • Ice Path is also strong against his enemies, catching them off-guard. 

Top 5 Best End-Game Items to Buy on Jakiro

  • Glimmer Cape - Provides invisibility, and can also be used on allies to escape or to initiate on foes.
  • Aether Lens - Increased cast range along with providing decent stats and mana. It can further be upgraded into Octraine Core which reduces spell and item cooldowns by 25%. It can be an essential item to use your spells from a distance so you don’t get caught in fights
  • Veil of Discord - Amplifies the magic damage you deal in an AoE for a brief duration. This is an essential item in teamfights to deal the maximum amounts of magical damage to bring down tanky enemies.
  • Rod of Atos - Upon usage, it locks down an enemy and prevents them from using any spells. It can be an essential item to use in tandem with other spells.
  • Force Staff - Allows Jakiro to force himself or the targetted unit 600 units ahead in the direction he is facing, it can be useful to catch or initiate on enemies.

Jakiro is strong against

  • Chaos Knight - Chaos Knight usually doesn't buy a Black King Bar, making him vulnerable to an Ice Path into Macropyre combination.
  • Chen - Jakiro's damage over time forces Chen to use Hand of God prematurely, potentially wasting a chance to save his allies during the teamfight.
  • Enigma - Most of Jakiro's damage-over-time abilities put Enigma's Blink Dagger on cooldown, potentially forcing him to prematurely activate Black King Bar.

Jakiro is weak against

  • Anti-Mage - Blink allows Anti-Mage to hunt down Jakiro, who has no way to escape.
  • Oracle - Fate's Edict allows Oracle to make allies spell immune, allowing him to save allies from Jakiro's spells.
  • Clockwerk -  Battery Assault prevents Jakiro from casting spells as all his spells have very long cast times.

7.  Underlord (Offlane)

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The fierce and unforgiving Underlord can easily outpace and output the enemies throughout the game if he is in the offlane with the right lane partner. His impressive skill set is just the cherry on top, allowing his allies to escape and trapping his foes in the Pit of Malice. It’s quite a treat to see a farmed and fat Underlord take no damage from the equally farmed counterpart. This causes the latter to ignore him in teamfights, which eventually ends up costing him his life. The late game is a completely different playing field for Underlord as he can use Fiend’s Gate to transport himself and his allies into a fight or help them escape from a fight. 

Underlord is an essential counterpick if you are looking for an Offlaner that can decimate the enemy carry and push lanes effectively He is notorious for being a menacing and resilient offlane hero against most squishy heroes. Squishy and melee carry heroes simply hate laning against Underlord as the latter has high physical damage which is hard to negate in the early game, along with high HP and armor which they find hard to penetrate. This relentless global potential is unmatched by most relevant heroes in the current meta. 

Why is Underlord such a powerful pusher?

  • Firestorm, his first ability, deals an immense amount of AoE magical damage, helping him in clearing the waves and pushing fast.
  • Atrophy Aura increases his physical damage, killing creeps quickly and dealing high damage to enemies as well.
  • High base Strength gain which is only amplified by the items he makes
  • Immense global presence potential with Fiend’s Gate ultimate, allowing him and his allies to push lanes, and even rat if the time is right.

Top 5 End Game items on Underlord

  • Blademail - Reflects enemy damage to them upon activation, discouraging his enemies from using any high-damage dealing spells, as it could backfire at them.
  • Lotus Orb - Reflects targeted spells and hence can also be used to dodge spells if timed correctly. Lotus Orb also provides a basic dispel upon activation.
  • Shiva’s Guard - Upon activation, it deals damage in an AoE around Underlord, slowing down the affected targets. It also provides increased armor and reduces enemy armor in an AoE.
  • Pipe of Insight - Provides immense magic damage block on activation, and affects the whole team. 
  • Crimson Guard - Provides immense physical damage block, and also affects the whole team as well as the towers.
  • Rod of Atos - Upon usage, Rod of Atos locks enemies down and prevents them from using any spells or moving. This can be used to lock the enemy carry down and follow it up with Pit of Malice, essentially perma-stunning them while his allies can follow up with damage.

Underlord is strong against

  • Phantom Lancer - Pit of Malice will continuously disrupt many illusions, drastically reducing their damage and potency.
  • Phantom Assassin - Pit of Malice prevents Phantom Assassin from either escaping or engaging with Phantom Strike.
  • Terrorblade - Atrophy Aura reduces Terrorblade's damage significantly, even during Metamorphosis.

Underlord is weak against

  • Necrophos- Reaper's Scythe and Heartstopper Aura deal percentage-based damage, ignoring Underlord's high health.
  • Razor - Static Link greatly reduces Underlord damage, while benefiting Razor himself, even when in Atrophy Aura's range.
  • Luna - Eclipse can be devastating for Underlord's team when they're grouped up for Dark Rift, it can also be used to intercept arrivals with Dark Rift. And Pit of Malice does not prevent Luna from using it.


6. Anti-Mage (Carry)

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Anti-Mage and his hatred for the arcane arts are unmatchable. He has what you need to split-push lanes which he can do effortlessly due to his farming speed. He is known to decimate his foes with both Mana Break and Mana Void. An early-game AM can effortlessly decimate enemy mana and make them retreat to base or waste gold to compensate. This will slow down their farm while AM is known to farm at a faster pace, allowing him to get ahead in the net worth within no time.

Most carry heroes tend to lose tempo in the late game while Anti-Mage only does swimmingly there by split-pushing lanes and essentially being everywhere on the map. Magic and spell-casting heroes stand no chance when a six-slotted AM pounces on them thanks to Blink and decimates them within no time. Without a doubt, something is soothing about witnessing a fully farmed Anti-Mage beat down his enemies with the help of Mana Void. He can essentially one-shot the entire enemy team if he catches them lacking in the mana department.

What makes Anti-Mage a powerful pusher? 

  • He can split-push well and has immense mobility, allowing him to rat towers if needed.
  • Can escape or initiate fights with Blink spell.
  • Counterspell allows Anti-Mage to reflect spells and acts as a safety barrier in teamfights, while also making him take less magic damage.
  • Mana Void and Mana Break work extremely well against spell-casting intelligence heroes, making it quite hard for them to stand their ground in teamfights.

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Anti-Mage

  • Battlefury - Provides cleave on physical attacks which can be essential to split push and farm quickly
  • Black King Bar - Provides spell immunity from all enemy magic damage spells, making him invulnerable in the fight. It is always a top priority, as most seasoned players prefer to purchase the BKB right after the Battlefury
  • Manta Style - Creates two illusions of AM on usage, also allowing him to dispel certain spells or dodge if he times it right. It can also be used to split push lanes and farm efficiently.
  • Abyssal Blade - Upon cast, it stuns the targetted hero for 2 seconds. Can be used to quickly lock down enemies after blinking on top of them, allowing you to beat them down with the physical damage
  • Eye of Skadi - Reduces regen and healing upon physical attacks. It helps reduce enemy regen. Eye of Skadi also provides increased stats and HP to AM.

Anti-Mage is strong against:

  • Medusa - Anti-Mage easily destroys Mana Shield with Mana Break, especially once he has Manta Style.
  • Ogre Magi - Ogre only deals magical damage, which Anti-Mage is exceptionally resistant to due to Counterspell.
  • Rubick - Mana Break quickly eats away at Rubick's low mana pool, preventing Spell Steal abilities from triggering.

Anti-Mage is weak against:

  • Disruptor - Static Storm stops Anti-Mage from Blinking.
  • Grimstroke - A combination of Soulbind and Phantom's Embrace can prevent Anti-Mage from casting spells.
  • Meepo - Multiple Earthbinds allow Meepo to lock down Anti-Mage almost indefinitely.

5. Naga Siren (Carry)

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Not even the water gods can handle the havoc of this breathtaking siren. Naga emerges from the deep seas as a beautiful yet threatening entity whose voice can cure the worst diseases! She deals some heavy physical damage right off the get-go, her looks can deceive you! Along with her damage, she can also lock enemies down with her net or the ultimate. You may pierce the ultimate with BKB, but with her Aghanim’s Scepter, you can’t pierce the net! She can pin you down and rip you into pieces with the assistance of her mirror illusions.

The devastating force of Naga Siren is felt from the mid-game as she acquires certain items which help her farm quickly as well as stand her ground, making her tanky. Naga indeed requires more of her items to have an impact, but when she does acquire those items, there is no way you can put an end to her destruction. She cuts deep and drowns her enemies with her Rip Tide. 

What makes Naga Siren a powerful pusher? 

  • Great late-game hero, who can rip through most enemies with the immense lockdown.
  • Immense disable and crowd control potential with Song of the Siren
  • Fares well in the laning stage due to multiple illusions helping her farm.
  • She can also split push with her mirror illusions, while she farms away securely in the jungle.

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Naga Siren

  • Diffusal Blade - Slows down enemies by 100% upon casting. It also burns their mana upon physical attacks, making them useless as they are unable to cast any spells. 
  • Butterfly - Provides Naga with increased evasion, agility, and movement speed. Butterfly essentially makes her untouchable in the late game due to the high miss chance and physical damage.
  • Manta Style - Creates two illusions of Naga Siren on usage, also allowing him to dispel certain spells or dodge if he times it right. It can also be used to split push lanes and farm efficiently.
  • Eye of Skadi - Reduces regen and healing upon physical attacks. It helps reduce enemy regen. Eye of Skadi also provides increased stats and HP to Naga Siren.
  • Heart of Tarrasque - Provides increased health regen along with HP. Makes Naga highly tanky in the later stages of the game.

Naga Siren is strong against

  • Sniper - Ensnare with her attacks allows Naga Siren to gank Sniper easily, while Rip Tide removes Sniper's very little armor.
  • Lone Druid - Unless Lone Druid purchases a Black King Bar for his Spirit Bear, Ensnare will easily kite the Bear.
  • Song of the Siren will waste Guardian Angel.

Naga Siren is weak against

  • Earthshaker - Earthshaker's strong AoE abilities can clear Naga Siren's illusions, or at least make it easier to distinguish the real one by the damage they take.
  • Lion - Both Hex and Mana Drain destroy Naga Siren's illusions in an instant, making it hard to team fight or push against a team with Lion. If Lion chooses the AoE effect talent for Hex or the shard for multi-target Mana Drain, it can negate her pushing potential entirely.
  • Snapfire - Mortimer Kisses can make quick work of Naga Siren's illusions.


4. Lone Druid (Carry)

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This wise and kind Druid isn’t lonely by any means! His pet bear takes care of any problems that come his way. Lone Druid is played as a carry majority of the time, this is due to the vast potential that the bear has to offer in both teamfights as well as while pushing towers and lanes. Sometimes it may feel like the bear is the primary hero and Lone Druid himself is the pet. The bear can easily trap and shred through enemy armor with damage-dealing items. Decent micro-skills are required to play this beast, which only comes with practice.

Lone Druid is often seen in the current meta because he is a reliable carry who can stand his ground in fights and is highly sustainable right from the laning phase. His spells provide immense synergy, which allows the Bear to essentially safeguard Lone Druid in fights. The selling point of LD is the high damage being dished out by the Bear, which also affects buildings due to the Demolish passive spell. LD’s bear might be the only bear to never hibernate as he works hard even in the late game!

What makes Lone Druid a powerful pusher? 

  • Tanky Spirit Bear can soak up damage while pushing the lane, while also dealing immense damage to the towers due to the Demolish spell.
  • Has serious synergy due to the Spirit Link, which allows him to gain HP.
  • Can ward off enemy heroes and neutrals with Savage Roar, while still attacking them.
  • Mows down towers and squishy heroes with just a few items!

Top 5 Best End-Game Items to Buy on Lone Druid

  • Desolator - Provides increased damage along with armor corruption on physical attacks. It can also gain stacks and increased the mentioned perks with the increase in stacks. Desolator is ideal to mow down the squishy towers.
  • Assault Cuirass - Increases armor and attack speed for Lone Druid while reducing the same for enemies in an AoE.
  • Black King Bar - Provides spell immunity, negating all the magical damage being dished out by enemy heroes, making it a useful item to shield the bear in teamfights.
  • Monkey King Bar - Provides a chance to truly strike upon physical attacks while also increasing the attack damage dealt. This is an exceptional item to essentially demolish enemies and towers alike in the late game.
  • Abyssal Blade - Upon cast, it stuns the targetted hero for 2 seconds. Can be used to quickly lock down enemies after blinking on top of them, allowing you to beat them down with the physical damage

Lone Druid is good against

  • Juggernaut - Omnislash spreads on both the bear and the druid, allowing them to survive. With enough levels, the bear can soak the ability alone and possibly drag him to a dangerous location.
  • Dawnbreaker - Dawnbreaker is a slow-moving hero. Although tanky, Lone Druid can eventually wear her down with his better movement speed.
  • Silencer - Silencer's disables are useless on Lone Druid since he is more reliant on physical attacks rather than spells.

Lone Druid is bad against

  • Bristleback - Lone Druid and The Spirit Bear cannot burst down Bristleback due to Bristleback
  • Necrophos - Ghost Shroud can be used both offensively to slow Lone Druid or Defensively to prevent Lone Druid and The Spirit Bear from attacking him.
  • Skywrath Mage - Mystic Flare can be used to effectively ignore the Spirit Bear entirely and burst Lone Druid during the early mid-game.

3. Wraith King (Versatile)

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Most players find it hard to deal with the Wrath of the Wraith King! The vampire king is simply too strong in the current meta to just be ignored like that. Wraith King is one of those few heroes who beginners love playing because of his simple toolkit. The laning phase can slightly favor the foes but the late game is a witness to utter chaos and domination from the side of the Wraith King. He can split push with the battalion of his skeletons while he farms away securely, preparing himself for a team fight. He has only one active spell, which makes it easy for beginners to understand the game mechanics while they play a simple hero.

Wraith King is also a great counterpick to most carry heroes due to his tanky nature. His immense lifesteal and crit make him a durable and lethal hero in teamfights. Speaking of teamfights, most heroes do not stand a chance in fights when Wraith King gets his Reincarnate and Black King Bar. He can simply negate all the damage dished out, and in turn, deals truckloads of physical damage to his enemies. Most heroes fall off in the late game as they find it hard to both survive and have an impact, which is a struggle that Wraith King does not relate to!

Why is Wraith King a powerful pusher?

  • With the help of his skeleton army and lifesteal, Wraith King can bulldoze through towers and push quite effortlessly.
  • Massive crit chance from his passive, helping him deal high damage in a fight.
  • Does not die easily as he is tanky, but if he manages to die he can reincarnate with the help of his ultimate.
  • Wraith King is also largely sustainable from the laning phase and farms quicker than most carry heroes.

Top 5 End Game Items for Wraith King

  • Blink Dagger - On cast, Blink transports Wraith King 1200 units in the distance he is facing, it can’t be used for 3 seconds if he takes any form of damage. Blink is used to close the gap and to get on top of enemies.
  • Armlet of Mordiggian - Provides increased HP and damage, and is toggleable. It aids Wraith King in surviving through the early game.
  • Monkey King Bar - Provides increased physical attack damage, also provides true strike upon physical attacks
  • Desolator - Provides increased damage along with armor corruption on physical attacks. It can also gain stacks when you neutralize the enemy and increase the mentioned perks with the increase in stacks. 
  • Assault Cuirass - Increases armor and attack speed while reducing the same for enemies in the AoE.

Wraith King is strong against

  • Doom - Even if he is Doomed, Wraith King can tear down Doom with physical attacks, and can still reincarnate as long as it is off-cooldown.
  • Legion Commander - Wraith King makes a poor Duel target, as he can be already quite hard to bring down once, and then you have to worry about his second life.
  • Witch Doctor - Wraithfire Blast cancels Death Ward in a decent range.

Wraith King is weak against

  • Anti-Mage - Mana Break can prevent Wraith King from reincarnating unless Wraith King has his Aghanim's Shard that removes the mana cost from Reincarnation.
  • Invoker - Invoker can drain Wraith King's mana with EMP, preventing him from reincarnating unless Wraith King has his Aghanim's Shard.
  • Broodmother - Broodmother can easily clear Wraith King's skeletons with Spawn Spiderlings and summon spiderlings in their place.


2. Beastmaster (Offlane)

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Beastmaster’s ferocious abilities and vigor have made him into a primal killing machine! A list of pusher heroes is never complete without this vicious pack leader. Primarily played in the offlane, Beastmaster is known for his split-pushing adventures, which are credited mostly to his Wild Boar and Helm of the Overlord purchase. His attack speed is also amplified by his abilities, allowing both him and his allies to hit faster. Beastmaster snowballs right after a few kills, his ganking potential is insane after a few essential item purchases, allowing him to siege towers as early as possible.

Beastmaster also does not fall off in the game's late stages due to his relevant spells. Primal Roar pierce spell immunity, meaning it can be used without worrying even if the enemy has a Black King Bar on. This allows the mighty Beastmaster to separate certain heroes from the teamfight even in the later stages of the game. There are various reasons why Beastmaster is top 10 on this list, you can find some compelling reasons below!

What makes Beastmaster a powerful pusher? 

  • Wild Boar and Helm of the Overlord help with pushing the lanes and the Hawk provides the vision that can alert Beastmaster or his allies from enemy invasion.
  • He can teamfight as soon as he acquires his ultimate, which is essential in controlling the crowd during teamfights.
  • High base attack speed, damage, and armor.
  • Mostly builds utility items, supplementing his team’s abilities to fight and sustain in a teamfight.

Top 5 Best End-Game Items for Beastmaster 

  • Blink Dagger - Blink transports Beastmaster 1200 units in the distance he is facing, it can’t be used for 3 seconds if he takes any form of damage. Blink is used to close the gap and get on top of enemies and follow it up with Primal Roar.
  • Helm of the Overlord - It is the upgraded version of Helm of the Dominator, which essentially allows Beastmaster to dominate an Ancient Creep while granting it various buffs under its control.
  • Drums of Endurance - Upon usage, it increases the attack and movement speed of Beastmaster and his allies in an AoE. This can be cast during a teamfight or to escape from one!
  • Black King Bar - Provides spell immunity, making Beastmaster invulnerable in the fight.
  • Wraith Pact - On activation, the Pact summons a movable totem that deals 30 DPS and reduces 30% of the damage dealt by enemies in a certain radius. This makes it great against both magical and physical damage heroes.

Beastmaster is strong against 

  • Monkey King - Wild Axes can knock out Monkey King from a tree. The Hawk can easily find Monkey King while he is sitting on a tree.
  • Troll Warlord - Primal Roar and the slow from Boars make kiting Troll Warlord very easy.
  • Wraith King - Wraith King's lack of area of effect spells makes him easily overwhelmed by Beastmaster's summons.

Beastmaster is weak against 

  • Abbadon - Aphotic Shield effectively nullifies Primal Roar's single-target initiation on allies.
  • Winter Wyvern - Cold Embrace mitigates Primal Roar's single-target initiation on allies.
  • Timbersaw - Reactive Armor is very effective against Beastmaster's summons during the laning stage and the entire game.

1. Nature’s Prophet (Versatile)

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It is safe to say that the mighty Nature’s Prophet is a great pusher hero amongst any other hero in the game. Nature’s Prophet is one of the most picked offlane heroes in the game, mostly due to his treants, which help push lanes, soak up the damage, and provide extra damage while farming. With high base attack speed, he can prove to be a nuisance in the laning stage, constantly harassing enemies or pushing the tower faster, he can also purchase a Desolator to affect the buildings with his immense damage and armor corruption. A late-game NP is a threat that not all players can contain. 

With the incredibly high magic damage being dished out with the help of his ultimate, Nature’s Prophet devastates his foes from the early game. The jungle is his domain, but it isn’t limited to his side of the map! With Global Teleportation, Nature’s Prophet can farm the enemy side of the map or even rat and push towers when the enemy team is busy fighting. All in all, he is an essential pusher hero in the current patch as he amplifies the fighting and pushes the potential of the team. There are various reasons why he is number one on this list, a few of them are listed below, along with the most used items and heroes that counter him.

What makes Nature’s Prophet a powerful pusher? 

  • Incredible global presence, even better with the removed cooldown on teleport as a level 25 talent, allowing him to constantly push and apply pressure on the lanes.
  • Can jungle right from level 1 with his treants, which in the late game can be used to push or rat lanes.
  • NP also is known to build items that provide him with the ability to deal AoE damage and push buildings fast.

Top 5 Best End-Game Items for Nature’s Prophet 

  • Glepnir - Upon cast, it roots enemies in 450 AoE, making them take damage and controlling the crowds as well.
  • Shadow Blade - Provides invisibility on the cast which can be used to escape or set up on enemies
  • Solar Crest - Solar Crest grants armor, attack speed, and movement speed to the targetted ally while reducing the same stats if used upon enemies. This makes them unable to stand firm in teamfights.
  • Black King Bar - Provides spell immunity, making Nature’s Prophet invulnerable in the fight.
  • Scythe of Vyse - Upon usage it hexes the targetted unit, essentially making them unable to use spells or items, along with reducing their movement speed for 3.5 seconds. It can be used to lock the carry down and decimate him within no time.

Nature’s Prophet is strong against 

  • Monkey King - Nature's Prophet's Natures Call can destroy trees while Monkey King is standing on them with Tree Dance, which will stun him for a good deal of time.
  • Venomancer - Teleportation allows Nature's Prophet to save himself from the damage over time of Venomous Gale, Poison Sting, and Poison Nova.
  • Weaver - Sprout with True Sight items ( Sentry Ward or Dust of Appearance) make it possible to trap Weaver in the lane, unless he buys Quelling Blade or until he unlocks Time Lapse.

Nature’s Prophet is weak against 

  • Storm Spirit - Ball Lightning can be used to clear Nature's Prophet's Treants and easily destroys Sprout.
  • Shadow Shaman - Shadow Shaman's Mass Serpent Ward together with Ether Shock can easily kill lots of Treants if played defensively.
  • Doom - Doom and a mini stun from Infernal Blade prevents Nature's Prophet from escaping with Sprout and Teleportation.


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What is Lorem Ipsum?It's time for them to learn their place. Reina storms the King of Iron Fist Tournament in #TEKKEN8  Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.     Why do we use it?It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).Where does it come from?Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.Where can I get some?There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised