Autocast abilities are special active abilities that can be toggled on or off, or manually cast.
Right Click on ability to toggle autocasting on or off.
Alt+ ability key is the default hotkey to toggle autocasting on or off.
Disables such as silences and stuns do not prevent a unit from toggling its autocast abilities on or off. However, autocast abilities cannot be used when silenced as with all other spells.
Most auto-castable spells are active attack modifiers, applying a modification to the user's attacks when activated. When toggled on, the ability will apply whenever possible. For example, DrowRanger’s Frost Arrows Will be used whenever she attacks a target.
When toggled off, they will not be used and will not consume mana. When an active attack modifier is manually cast, it is partially treated as a spell cast instead of as an attack.
How it Works:
- You can toggle auto cast by either right clicking the ability that can be auto cast or just press Alt+ Ability
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