5. Serpent of the Emerald Sea (Mythical)
Serpent of the Emerald Sea in Action: https://youtu.be/f3H0x9DRR10
Slithering from the lost isles of the emerald sea, we have this masterfully crafted set that encases Medusa in an impenetrable green armor and arms her with an impressively styled bow that is primed for your in-game farming experience!
Included in the Set:
- Armor of the Emerald Sea
- Bracelets of the Emerald Sea
- Crown of the Emerald Sea
- Heart of the Emerald Sea
- Whip of the Emerald Sea
- Serpent of the Emerald Sea Loading Screen
- Emerald Sea Cursor Pack
How To Get Skin Name:
- Purchasable only by opening The International 2015 Collector's Cache
How Cool Is This Skin? 7.1/10
4. Convalescing Empress (Rare)
Convalescing Empress in Action: https://youtu.be/CgDiw2bxWOk
Inspired by Asian cultural robes and ancestry, this set dons Medusa with artistic and silky woven traditional chinese garments that live up to the Empress vision of the set’s creators. If you love historical asian art or just a fan of unique colors on the typically green themed hero, then this set is the perfect choice for you!
Included in the Set:
- Convalescing Empress Arms
- Convalescing Empress Tail
- Convalescing Empress Armor
- Convalescing Empress Head
- Convalescing Empress Bow
- Convalescing Empress Loading Screen
How To Get Skin Name:
- Purchasable only by opening the Autumnal Treasure 2020
How Cool Is This Skin? 7.4/10
3. Eye of the Beholder (Rare)
Eye of the Beholder in Action: https://youtu.be/DX6WbZ6eOCw
As the eye beholds, this set is a beautifully azure themed skin that is filled with serpentine elements and draws inspiration from items that are already in the game. The centerpiece for this set is the intricately designed bow that includes the Eye of Skadi as its feature element, and entwined with a shiny blue snake.
Included in the Set:
- Tail of the Beholder
- Bow of the Beholder
- Armor of the Beholder
- Bracers of the Beholder
- Helm of the Beholder
- Eye of the Beholder Loading Screen
How To Get Skin Name:
- Purchasable on the Steam Marketplace
How Cool Is This Skin? 7.7/10
2. Fate and Daughters of Hydrophiinae (Immortal)
Fate of Hydrophiinae in Action: https://youtu.be/5aELdGE5AsY
The two complimentary Immortal items for Medusa give the hero violet ambient effects as well as custom ability animations. Specifically, the Daughters of Hydrophiinae grant the hero an impressive looking Mana Shield ability animation that also has custom incoming projectile animations that really spice up the in-game hero experience for Medusa.
Included in the Set:
- Daughters of Hydrophiinae
- Fate of Hydrophiinae
How To Get Skin Name:
- Daughters of Hydrophiinae - Purchasable on the Steam Marketplace
- Fate of Hydrophiinae - Purchasable only by opening the Immortal Treasure I 2020
How Cool Is This Skin? 8.7/10
1. Memories of the Vow Eternal (Mythical)
Memories of the Vow Eternal in Action: https://youtu.be/Q7jjLe44Kts
The Memories of the Vow Eternal trims Medusa with golden and beautifully crafted armor that is intricately detailed right through to the tip of the hero’s tail. The set also features impressive golden and green ambient lighting details throughout the entirety of the set making it an easy choice for the top of this list.
Included in the Set:
- Bow of the Vow Eternal
- Armor of the Vow Eternal
- Tail of the Vow Eternal
- Mask of the Vow Eternal
- Arms of the Vow Eternal
How To Get Skin Name:
- Purchasable only by spending 90,000 shards in Dota Plus on the set
How Cool Is This Skin? 9.1/10
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