Calibration is often scary to the new players as they are nervous about their rank placement. This nervousness can hinder their performance and actually place them into a lower rank! But there are some heroes which are extremely great for calibration as they tick all the boxes for the high calibration criteria. Having high KDA or damage is not enough, heals matter as well, so we have included a few support heroes which can help if you’re a support main.
To help you find the right heroes for calibration and ensure that you place high on the MMR ladder, we have compiled this list of the Best 10 Heroes for Calibration. These heroes are quite relevant in the current patch and can be played in different roles and styles!
10. Visage
Visage, the dreaded gargoyle, has induced fear amongst his foes and continues his reign as the corruptor of seven hells. Visage is a great addition to your team if you are looking for a threatening carry who can outpace the enemy quite early on in the game. Visage has extremely high attack speed, which with the help of his familiars and Aghanim’s Scepter can shred through enemies quite quickly. A late-game Visage is no joke and can single-handedly win you the game!
Why is Visage a great hero for calibration?
- High base armor
- Can fare well in the laning phase
- Immense armor reduction and physical damage with items and spells
Items to buy on Visage
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Orchid of Maleovalence
- Aghanim’s Shard
- Assault Cuirass
- Solar Crest
Visage full details: https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Visage
9. Anti-Mage
This charismatic warrior has a bone to pick against the mages! His hatred for the arcane arts is unmatchable. He is the Anti-Mage! He has what you need to counter most mage heroes, mana break! An early game AM can effortlessly decimate his enemies' mana and make him buy mangoes or Soul Ring to compensate. This will slow down their farm while AM is known to farm at a faster pace, allowing him to get ahead in the net worth charts.
Why is Anti-Mage a great hero for calibration?
- Mana Break can prevent enemies from using their spells.
- Blink allows him to escape and farm quickly
- Farms fast compared to counterparts.
Items to Buy on AM
- Black King Bar
- Manta Style
- Abyssal Blade
- Butterfly
- Battlefury
- Eye of Skadi
8. Ogre Magi
Looks are surely deceiving! You may be puzzled by these rather dimwit ogres being so high up on our list, there is a reason for it. They’re just so good in this current patch. They’re all you need in a support hero, they have high hp and armor, they deal immense damage from the early game, and most importantly they have a stun! When Ogre reaches level 6, his ultimate enhances his ability to fight by providing him a chance to multiply the effect of his spells.
Why is Ogre Magi a great hero for calibration?
- Very annoying with his abilities right off the bat
- High magical damage output is further amplified by items
- Tanky, can shove enemies off the lane.
Items to buy on Ogre Magi
- Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard
- Sange and Kaya
- Scythe of Vyse
- Dagon
- Ethereal Blade
- Octraine Core
7. Lycan
Lycan is a menacing shapeshifter who possesses the abilities of mass destruction. Lycan has various different tools which help him farm and sustain in the lane as well as gank and be on the offensive side if needed. He can summon wolves to help him farm, split push, and howl that reduces armor. His ultimate, the Shapeshift is the selling point of him, allowing him to turn into a wolf and destroy the lives of his foes by dealing double the damage and being twice as fast.
Why is Lycan a great backdoor hero?
- He can split push and scout with his wolves
- Immense lifesteal with shape shift
- Howl increases the damage and reduces the enemy's armor
Items to buy on Lycan
- Assault Cuirass
- Helm of the Overlord
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Boots of Bearing
- Desolator
- Skull Basher
6. Lion
Lion is back in the meta! He is considered to be the best disabler hero in the game. Lion is a beginner’s favorite, primarily due to his ease of spells and high burst damage potential. He can also be useful in the calibration period, as he can often rotate and gank other lanes at early levels. He is known for his chain-disable, which makes him a threat even in the late game. His Hex into Earth Spike is quite the deadly combo that can cause lethal damage with follow-up from his allies!
What makes Lion a great hero for calibration?
- Earth Spike deals AoE damage and stuns multiple enemies
- Hex turns enemies into frogs, making them unable to use items or spells
- Low CD on spells
Items to buy on Lion
- Blink Dagger
- Force Staff
- Ghost Scepter
- Aether Lens
5. Crystal Maiden
This frost queen has captured lots of hearts in the game, she is known to be ruthless towards her enemies. Crystal Maiden is one of the least complex support heroes in the game, which explains her high pick rate. She can ward off enemies from the lane with her high DPS skills or farm the jungle if needed with her Frostbite. She is known to lockdown and deals heavy magical damage with her spells, making her brilliant right from the early game.
Why is Crystal Maiden a great hero for calibration?
- High magical output
- Global mana supply
- High AoE spells that help her deal damage
Items to buy on Crystal Maiden
- Force Staff
- Glimmer Cape
- Ghost Scepter
- Black King Bar
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Aeon Disk
Crystal Maiden full details: https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Crystal_Maiden
4. Zeus
Zeus proves to be one of the best mid laners regardless of your status as a new or experienced player, this is highly attributed to his extreme DPS spells and wave clearance abilities. He is a must-play hero as he is very annoying against his enemies right from the laning phase. He can dish out some serious damage with spells and constantly harass his opponents. He is also infamous for having the potential to solo kill enemies from miles away on the map with the right items and levels!
Why is Zeus a great hero for calibration?
- High magical damage and low cooldown on spells!
- High kill potential right off the bat
- Immensely high DPS, which is essential in calibration games
- Great talent tree that scales well with levels and items
Items to buy on Zeus
- Octraine Core
- Refresher’s Orb
- Arcane Blink
- Bloodstone
- Aghanim’s Scepter
3. Arc Warden
Zet, the Arc Warden knows no bounds, his foes know no ways of countering him, as there are often two of him! Known to deal massive damage right off the bat, Arc secures the laning phase versus his opponent. He is also a quick farmer, as he can just duplicate and make his clone push out the lane while he farms the jungle! Late game Arc Warden can disable and obliterate enemies within a few hits and clicks of spells.
Why is Arc Warden a great hero for calibration?
- High farming potential with Tempest Double
- Can split push lanes effortlessly
- High DPS and AoE magical output
- Immense physical damage output
Items to Buy on Arc Warden
- Bloodthorn
- Monkey King Bar
- Scythe of Vyse
- Daedalus
2. Troll Warlord
Jah’rakal the Troll Warlord has seen his fair share of battles, he has drawn so much blood that it puts Bloodseeker to shame. From being able to survive 1v5, Troll is also capable of farming quickly and turning his foes into dust. He is nimble and agile enough to rip his enemies apart in the nick of time. He is also one of the few heroes who are able to solo kill Roshan. His fearless spirit and vigor are unparalleled.
Why is Troll Warlord a great calibration hero?
- Troll is more reliant on levels as opposed to farm
- That being said, he farms relatively well compared to his foes due to his AoE abilities
- He can stand his ground with Battle Trance.
Items to buy on Troll Warlord
- Skull Basher
- Satanic
- Battle fury
- Diffusal Blade
- Monkey King Bar
1. Morphling
Mastering Morphling requires quick decision-making skills, which only come with time and experience. Even if he lacks during the early game, he can easily catch up later on. Most people shy away from Morphling due to the complex nature of his abilities, but if you can master him, there is no way your enemies can have an upper hand! Morphling is a nuisance to enemy supporters due to the infamous “shotgun” combo. Morphling is a god in the late game, even possessing the power to 1v5 quite easily even without a Black King Bar.
Why is Morph a great hero for calibration?
- Can “Shotgun” enemy heroes with the Adaptive Strike ability and Ethereal Blade.
- Can easily survive a long team fight with the Attribute Shift ability.
- Immensely high damage in the late game
- Can come on line with just a few items
Items to buy on Morphling
- Ethereal Blade
- Dragon Lance
- Linken’s Sphere
- Satanic
- Butterfly
Morphling https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Morphling
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