None stand a chance against the Wraith King! He resurrects from his shattered bones and comes back with a vengeance! His vigor and lifesteal make him one of the most badass heroes in the game. Death and Wraith King are considered to be polar opposites!
If you’re fed up with seeing WK dominate in your pub games then you’re at the right place! We have compiled a list of the best 10 heroes that can rip him apart and make him look like a complete idiot.
10. Chaos Knight

Chaos ensues when this veteran of the countless battle of a thousand worlds steps his foot into the battlefield. Chaos Knight is unbearably strong against Wraith King due to the lack of AoE damage from him, allowing his phantasms to freely do the job and get some heavy-hitting done. Although he lacks in the farming department, CK is extremely tanky and is only threatened by multiple heroes at once. All he needs is a good early game and a free farm to counter Wraith King in the late game!
Why is Chaos Knight Great against Wraith King?
- Wraith King has no form of AoE to clear Chaos Knight's illusions from Phantasm.
- Wraith King is very vulnerable if he reincarnates in the middle of his illusions.
Items to Buy Against Wraith King
- Armlet of Mordiggian
- Black King Bar
- Manta Style
- Assault Cuirass
9. Slark

This vicious creature of the deep sea knows no bounds! Slark is one of the stealthiest and deadly carry heroes in the game. His lethal skills make him quite popular in the current meta. Diffusal Blade makes him immensely strong as it causes WK to lose mana quickly. He can also purge off WK’s stun, allowing him to chase the latter effortlessly. Slark also farms faster compared to the Wraith King, which gives him an advantage over him in the late game!
Why is Slark Great against Wraith King?
- Slark carries Diffusal Blade to burn mana in an attempt to shut down Reincarnation.
- Dark Pact, if timed correctly, can dispel Wraithfire Blast's stun and slow.
- Since Wraith King has a lot of health and multiple lives, Slark can keep gaining Essence Shift stacks, increasing armor, damage, and attack speed, and can beat down Wraith King twice.
Items to Buy Against Wraith King
- Diffusal Blade
- Aghanim’s Shard
- Black King Bar
- Eye of Skadi
8. Terrorblade

No other hero fills you with dread and terror as much as Terrorblade. Not all heroes can turn around a team fight like Terrorblade. The sheer power of Sunder is not to be underestimated! He has insane early game potential, which also translates to the late game if he keeps farming at a similar pace. Wraith King is countered by his Diffusal Blade combined with the Skadi in the late game! High physical DPS and slow can’t be controlled by WK and he slowly succumbs to the demon!
Why is Terrorblade Great against Wraith King?
- Wraith King has no form of AoE to clear Terrorblade's illusions.
- Terrorblade is a common Manta Style and Diffusal Blade carrier.
- Terrorblade has very high armor, which helps against Wraith King's physical-only damage.
- A reincarnated Wraith King is an ideal target for Sunder if Terrorblade's health is low.
Items to Buy Against Wraith King
- DIffusal Blade
- Eye of Skadi
- Satanic
- Butterfly
7. Weaver

Who knew that a bug is capable of defying time and space. Weaver stands out as one of the most elusive heroes in the game, which is perfect to kite Wraith King! It may be a hard matchup if Weaver goes head-on versus WK, but with the right item timings and decisions, he may surely be able to out farm him and turn the tides to his favor! Weaver is as versatile as one can get as he can be picked in any role/lane, making it impossible for WK to escape his wrath!
Why is Weaver Great against Wraith King?
- Weaver can run away after killing Wraith King once thanks to Shukuchi.
- Weaver can easily harass Wraith King out of his lane thanks to his high base damage and Geminate Attack.
- Weaver can burn Wraith King's mana quickly with his Mana Break or Diffusal Blade until Wraith King purchases Aghanim's Shard to remove Reincarnation's mana cost.
Items to Buy Against Wraith King
- Diffusal Blade
- Daedalus
- Eye of Skadi
- Monkey King Bar
6. Riki

This silent assassin is quite slippery! He is known to be quick and agile, he is not to be seen at all times! Along with a great disable in the form of silence, Riki hits really hard. Items such as Diffusal Blade and Skull Basher which counter Wraith King are often bought first by him. Though a tad bit slow at farming, Riki can gain gold and XP through team fights as his toolkit is quite great at fighting right off the bat!
Why is Riki Great against Wraith King?
- Riki is a natural Diffusal Blade carrier, and it doesn't help that he's easily capable of sneaking up on WK due to Cloak and Dagger.
- Riki can use Smoke Screen on top of you as WK is reincarnating
- There is also a chance Riki will become invisible again as the projectile travels, disjointing the stun.
Items to Buy Against Wraith King
- DIffusal Blade
- Abyssal Blade
- Daedalus
- Black King Bar
5. Monkey King

The fierce King sets his eyes on his enemies and does not stop without obliterating them from the battlefield! Although Monkey King is comparatively a weak laner, he can farm faster and even gank other lanes quite early in the game. All he needs is a Diffusal Blade and Manta Style to counter Wraith King. The immense damage from Jingu can’t be negated by WK, making him the first priority in team fights. All you need is one great team fight with MK to come back into the game!
Why is Monkey King Great against Wraith King?
- Wraith King has no ability to destroy trees from Tree Dance.
- Monkey King tends to get Diffusal Blade, leaving Wraith King no mana to reincarnate unless Wraith King has his Aghanim's Shard.
- A reincarnated Wraith King is an ideal target for Wukong's Command.
Items to Buy Against Wraith King
- Diffusal Blade
- Eye of Skadi
- Black King Bar
- Satanic
4. Lion

Wraith King’s life is made hell by Lion, as all his skills ensure nothing but pain and disable for him!. Known for being a master at disabling heroes, he stands no chance against this treacherous witch mage. A long-range stun is followed by a spell that turns you into a frog while you see your mana getting drained, and to top it all, you get burst down with the finger!
Why is Lion Great against Wraith King?
- Can steal WK’s mana while he is engaged in a team fight, making him unable to reincarnate.
- High burst damage with ultimate, which is lethal if combined with the stun and hex.
Items to Buy Against Wraith King
- Aghanim’s Shard
- Ghost Scepter
- Blink Dagger
- Glimmer Cape
3. Anti-Mage

This charismatic warrior has a bone to pick against the mages! His hatred for the arcane arts is unmatchable. He is the Anti-Mage! He has what you need to counter WK, mana break! An early game AM can effortlessly decimate WK’s mana and make him buy mangoes or Soul Ring to compensate. This will slow down his farm while AM is known to farm at a faster pace, allowing him to get ahead in the net worth charts.
Why is Anti-Mage Great against Wraith King?
- Mana Break can prevent Wraith King from reincarnating unless Wraith King has his Aghanim's Shard that removes the mana cost from Reincarnation.
- With Manta Style, his mana burning will triple because illusions can also use Mana Break.
Items to Buy Against Wraith King
- Black King Bar
- Manta Style
- Abyssal Blade
- Butterfly
2. Invoker

When it comes to the complexity of heroes in the game, none come close to the level of the grand magus! Invoker is a great fit both as a mid laner or in the support role if playing against Wraith King. EMP essentially renders Wraith King useless and since he takes ages to come online, Invoker gets that edge above him. All you need to do is gank the WK a few times using your Tornado and EMP combo, and he may eventually rage quit!
Why is Invoker Great against Wraith King?
- Invoker can drain Wraith King's mana with EMP, preventing him from reincarnating unless Wraith King has his Aghanim's Shard.
- Even if Wraith King survives and reincarnates, Invoker still has an arsenal of spells to lockdown Wraith King, including an easily setup Ice Wall.
- Tornado applies an area dispel to clear skeletons.
Items to Buy Against Wraith King
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Eul’s Scepter
- Refresher’s Orb
1. Broodmother

Whether you have Arachnophobia or not, I’m sure you’re afraid of the almighty Broodmother! Unless you’re an AoE damage dealing core, you should be afraid of this 8 legged menace. Wraith King does no AoE damage unless he has Radiance, which means Brood has free rein for the first 30 minutes of the game, and may possibly be knocking at your tier 3s! All it takes is Insatiable Hunger and Diffusal Blade to melt Wraith King!
Why is Broodmother Great against Wraith King?
- Broodmother can easily clear Wraith King's skeletons with Spawn Spiderlings and summon spiderlings in their place.
- With Diffusal Blade, Broodmother can prevent Wraith King from reincarnating unless Wraith King has his Aghanim's Shard.
Items to Buy Against Wraith King
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Black King Bar
- Diffusal Blade
- Bloodthorn
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