Clinkz, the bone fletcher, is a quintessential hero of the current patch. His incredible potential has skyrocketed his pick rate. The impeccable damage that Clinkz seems to put out is quite impressive, his spells get stronger if he gets the right items. From the laning phase itself, Clinkz can dominate the game with the right laning partner, regardless of the matchup he is facing. There are various counters to Clinkz, but in this meta, even they fall prey to the vicious marksman. Clinkz’s high pick rate in this meta is attributed to his high-damage spells and early-game fight potential.
If you are interested in playing Clinkz or want to enhance your gameplay, you’ve come to the right place. We bring you the best 5 builds that guarantee you a win. These builds are tried and tested by pro players, which means they’re relevant in the current patch.
5. Yatoro Build
Yatoro is one of the best carry players in the current professional scene, this is due to his immense understanding of the game and impressive map awareness. His Clinkz has been highly lauded due to his excellent spell-casting and item builds. As the vicious bone fletcher, he focuses on shoving his enemy out of the lane and capitalizing on that by farming neutrals and taking all the runes, ensuring he hits his item timings earlier than his opponents.
Yatoro changes his build according to the heroes he is against, constantly shuffling between items like Maelstorm, Dragon Lance, and Gleipnir. Yatoro is quite the aggressive and dominant player, and Clinkz for sure suits his play style. You can see his highly dominating playstyle right off the bat, the way he shoves enemies out of the lane with his massive physical damage. You may learn a few tricks if you follow Yatoro’s build thoroughly.
Use This Build If:
- You want an extremely reliable carry build for the late game
- You want to deal high damage right from the early game while also having decent sustain
- You are facing heroes that have low armor and are considered to be squishy in the early game
- You want to join teamfights and fight right from the early game
Skill Points
Level 1: Searing Arrows - Causes Clinkz’s physical attacks to deal higher damage, and also affects buildings. It is an essential level 1 ability as it can be used to harass and shove enemy heroes out of the lane.
Level 2: Burning Barrage - Clinkz channels and shoots multiple barrages of piercing arrows in a targeted area, causing damage to all enemy units in that area. It deals a percentage of Clinkz’s attack damage as the damage dealt. It also applies any attack modifier that Clinkz may have.
Level 3: Searing Arrows
Level 5: Burning Barrage
Level 6: Death Pact - Clinkz can consume a non-enemy unit to gain max HP based on the health of the unit, also granting him bonus damage based on it. It allows him to deal higher damage in fights while also being extremely tanky and sustainable.
Level 7: Burning Barrage
Level 8: Burning Barrage
Level 9: Skeleton Walk
Level 10: Skeleton Walk
Level 11: Skeleton Walk
Level 12: Death Pact
Level 13: -3s Skeleton Walk Cooldown
Level 14: Searing Arrows
Level 15: +20% Death Pact Health
Level 16: Searing Arrows
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Death Pact
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +3 Burning Barrage Arrows
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Maelstrom (2700 Gold) - Bought at 9 minutes. Upon physical attacks, it has a high chance of releasing a lighting bolt that passes through enemies in proximity and deals damage to them. This allows Clinkz to farm faster while also providing him with increased attack damage.
- Falcon Blade (1125 Gold) - Purchased at 11 minutes. It provides 200 HP, 1.8 mana regen, and 14 attack damage. The increased mana pool and HP helps Clinkz in the early stage of the game by providing him with decent survivability.
- Power Treads (1400 Gold) - Bought at 13 minutes. It provides 45 movement speed and 25 attack speed along with toggleable attributes, which offer everything from increased mana pool to armor and even strength, helping Clinkz in all stages of the game
- Dragon Lance (1900 Gold) - Bought at 16 minutes. It increases the attack range for Clinkz while increasing his stats, allowing him to deal more damage and increasing his survivability. It is further upgraded into a Hurricane Pike 28 minutes into the game.
- Gleipnir (6150 Gold) - Bought at 22 minutes. Maelstorm and Rod of Atos can be upgraded into Gleipnir which roots multiple heroes in an AoE, all at once. Gleipnir is an essential item that provides the bone fletcher with that much-needed lockdown he needs to beat enemies down without much effort.
- Daedalus - (5150 Gold) Purchased at 36 minutes. Daedalus allows Clinkz to deal critical damage. This serious damage will enable him to be a devastating hard hitter, as he can also solo kill and does not always need follow-up from his team due to the items he has built earlier.
4. Ame Build
This Chinese superstar has been a heartthrob worldwide for his insane mechanically skilled gameplay and reflexes which are quite unparalleled in the CN region. Ame utilizes all the heroes he plays to their full potential, and he does not miss the mark with Clinkz. There are different builds that Ame has gone for Clinkz in this meta, but the standard Aghanim’s, Daedalus, and Gleipnir build takes the cake for being quite an effective build.
With the right items on Clinkz, Ame has managed to rip through many pub games quite effortlessly. It is hard for enemies to escape the chilling grip of Ame’s wrath if he has a successful early game on Clinkz. His skill build is the standard max Burning Barrage and Skeleton Walk due to the damage and escape that they provide. His items allow him to deal more damage while also providing him with the much-needed lockdown and disable that he needs to neutralize enemies without any hassle. Ame is one of the only few people who make Clinkz look easier than he is.
Use This Build If:
- You are facing heroes that have low armor and are considered to be squishy in the early game
- You want a teamfight-oriented build that does not fall off in the late game
Skill Points
Level 1: Searing Arrows - Causes Clinkz’s physical attacks to deal higher damage, and also affects buildings. It is an essential level 1 ability as it can be used to harass and shove enemy heroes out of the lane.
Level 2: Searing Arrows
Level 3: Skeleton Walk - It turns Clinkz invisible upon usage, the invisibility break if he uses an item or attacks enemy units. It’s a great way to escape from teamfights unscathed or initiate upon unaware enemies.
Level 4: Burning Barrage - Clinkz channels and shoots multiple barrages of piercing arrows in a targeted area, causing damage to all enemy units in that area. It deals a percentage of Clinkz’s attack damage as the damage dealt. It also applies any attack modifier that Clinkz may have.
Level 5: Burning Barrage
Level 6: Death Pact - Clinkz can consume a non-enemy unit to gain max HP based on the health of the unit, also granting him bonus damage based on it. It allows him to deal higher damage in fights while also being extremely tanky and sustainable.
Level 7: Burning Barrage
Level 8: Burning Barrage
Level 9: Skeleton Walk
Level 10: Skeleton Walk
Level 11: Skeleton Walk
Level 12: Death Pact
Level 13: -3s Skeleton Walk Cooldown
Level 14: Searing Arrows
Level 15: +20% Death Pact Health
Level 16: Searing Arrows
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Death Pact
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +3 Burning Barrage Arrows
Level 25: +25% Burning Barrage Damage
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Power Treads (1400 Gold) - Bought at 8 minutes. It provides 45 movement speed and 25 attack speed along with toggleable attributes, which offer everything from increased mana pool to armor and even strength, helping Clinkz in all stages of the game
- Maelstrom (2700 Gold) - Bought at 12 minutes. Upon physical attacks, it has a high chance of releasing a lighting bolt that passes through enemies in proximity and deals damage to them. This allows Clinkz to farm faster while also providing him with increased attack damage.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 17 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Clinkz invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Rod of Atos (2750 Gold) - Bought at 20 minutes. Upon usage, it roots the targeted unit. It can be the much-needed lockdown that Clinkz needs to stop enemies from TP’ing after he uses the toolkit.
- Gleipnir (6150 Gold) - Bought at 21 minutes. Maelstorm and Rod of Atos can be upgraded into Gleipnir which roots multiple heroes in an AoE, all at once. Gleipnir is an essential item that provides Clinkz with that much-needed lockdown he needs to beat enemies down without much effort.
- Daedalus - (5150 Gold) Purchased at 31 minutes. Daedalus allows Clinkz to deal critical damage. This significantsignificant damage will enable him to be a devastating hard hitter, as he can also solo kill and does not always need follow-up from his team due to the items he has built earlier.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Purchased at 34 minutes. Leaving Skeleton Walk creates two Burning Army Skeletons which can deal physical damage to enemies.
- Scythe of Vyse (5675 Gold) - Purchased at 39 minutes. Scythe offers immense disable potential as it turns the targeted enemy into a pig, making them unable to use any spells or items while also reducing their movement speed. This disabler item is of high value on Clinkz as it allows him to dominate the late game, locking down his foes and decimating them with the follow-up from his team.
- Butterfly (4975 Gold) - Purchased at 43 minutes. Provides Clinkz with 35% evasion and increased agility and attack speed. The evasion is highly useful in the later stages of the game to stand your ground. It is an essential item if you face multiple heroes with high attack damage.
- Satanic (5050 Gold) - Purchased at 50 minutes. Increases Clinkz’s lifesteal by up to 165% for 6 seconds. It can help you quickly regain health and turn a teamfight around. It is a highly useful item in the late game as it also applies a basic dispel, removing any negative debuffs that Clinkz may have on him.
- Aghanim’s Blessing (4200 Gold) - Purchased at 53 minutes. Provides the Burning Army spell for Clinkz, which allows him to summon 5 archers that deal a percentage of Clinkz’s damage to nearby enemies. The attack range is equal to Clinkz’s attack range. Burning Army is an exceptional spell if you are constantly team-fighting as a Clinkz.
3. Miracle Build
Miracle is one of the few players who have achieved all that the game has to offer, from winning majors to winning the International. Miracle as we all know, is a very versatile player, he loves to play all varieties of heroes in all lanes, but none is as threatening as his Clinkz. His immense kill potential on this hero makes him a beast. He is an extremely aggressive laner, often diving towers to get kills, which he can do quite effortlessly with Clinkz. Miracle loves going a typical fight-oriented build which helps him dominate the mid-game.
Miracle can easily 1v5 and dominate various matchups with Clinkz with the help of this build, as the hero naturally has ways to protect himself due to Skeleton Walk along with dealing high damage with the items he builds. Miracle loves the conventional build of Gleipnir and Scythe of Vyse, often throwing in items like Aghanim’s Shard and Black King Bar for added damage and protection. It is impossible to contain this beast if lets loose
Use This Build If:
- You are facing mobile and slippery heroes, this build has items that can lock them down and disable them
- You are facing heroes that have low armor and are considered to be squishy in the early game
- You want to fight from the initial stages of the game
Skill Points
Level 1: Searing Arrows - Causes Clinkz’s physical attacks to deal higher damage, and also affects buildings. It is an essential level 1 ability as it can be used to harass and shove enemy heroes out of the lane.
Level 2: Skeleton Walk - It turns Clinkz invisible upon usage, the invisibility break if he uses an item or attacks enemy units. It’s a great way to escape from teamfights unscathed or initiate upon unaware enemies.
Level 3: Searing Arrows
Level 4: Burning Barrage - Clinkz channels and shoots multiple barrages of piercing arrows in a targeted area, causing damage to all enemy units in that area. It deals a percentage of Clinkz’s attack damage as the damage dealt. It also applies any attack modifier that Clinkz may have.
Level 5: Burning Barrage
Level 6: Death Pact - Clinkz can consume a non-enemy unit to gain max HP based on the health of the unit, also granting him bonus damage based on it. It allows him to deal higher damage in fights while also being extremely tanky and sustainable.
Level 7: Burning Barrage
Level 8: Burning Barrage
Level 9: Skeleton Walk
Level 10: Skeleton Walk
Level 11: Skeleton Walk
Level 12: Death Pact
Level 13: Searing Arrows
Level 14: Searing Arrows
Level 15: +20% Death Pact Health
Level 16: -3s Skeleton Walk Cooldown
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Death Pact
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +3 Burning Barrage Arrows
Level 25: +25% Burning Barrage Damage
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Power Treads (1400 Gold) - Bought at 6 minutes. It provides 45 movement speed and 25 attack speed along with toggleable attributes, which offer everything from increased mana pool to armor and even strength, helping Clinkz in all stages of the game
- Maelstrom (2700 Gold) - Bought at 13 minutes. Upon physical attacks, it has a high chance of releasing a lighting bolt that passes through enemies in proximity and deals damage to them. This allows Clinkz to farm faster while also providing him with increased attack damage.
- Dragon Lance (1900 Gold) - Bought at 16 minutes. It increases the attack range for Clinkz while increasing his stats, allowing him to deal more damage and increasing his survivability. It is further upgraded into a Hurricane Pike 19 minutes into the game.
- Rod of Atos (2750 Gold) - Bought at 22 minutes. Upon usage, it roots the targeted unit. It can be the much-needed lockdown that Clinkz needs to stop enemies from TP’ing after he uses the toolkit.
- Gleipnir (6150 Gold) - Bought at 23 minutes. Maelstorm and Rod of Atos can be upgraded into Gleipnir which roots multiple heroes in an AoE, all at once. Gleipnir is an essential item that provides Clinkz with that much-needed lockdown he needs to beat enemies down without much effort.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 32 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Clinkz invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Purchased at 33 minutes. Leaving Skeleton Walk creates two Burning Army Skeletons which can deal physical damage to enemies.
- Daedalus - (5150 Gold) Purchased at 40 minutes. Daedalus allows Clinkz to deal critical damage. This significant damage will enable him to be a devastating hard hitter, as he can also solo kill and does not always need follow-up from his team due to the items he has built earlier.
- Scythe of Vyse (5675 Gold) - Purchased at 35 minutes. Scythe offers immense disable potential as it turns the targeted enemy into a pig, making them unable to use any spells or items while also reducing their movement speed. This disabler item is of high value on Clinkz as it allows him to dominate the late game, locking down his foes and decimating them with the follow-up from his team.
2. Ana Build
Ana has been a star player and a household name for quite a few years now, from winning multiple majors and winning the International twice, he has done it all. Ana has achieved every feat this game has to offer. His extremely versatile hero pool also includes Clinkz, whom he seems to be dominating games within the current meta. Ana has that straightforward approach with the orthodox build on this hero, opting for
Ana is known to have an aggressive playstyle on Bloodseeeker, he is often known to build items that are extremely situational but win him the games. Ana loves buying items that provide him immense damage and resistance, such as Daedalus, Black King Bar, Linken’s Sphere, Butterfly, and much more. These items allow him to have an edge over his opponents. Though this build may appear to be like a normal Clinkz build, what takes the cake is the skill build, which is rather unconventional, and only skilled players like Ana can pull it off.
Use This Build If:
- You are facing mobile and slippery heroes, this build has items that can lock them down and disable them
- You are facing heroes that have low armor and are considered to be squishy in the early game
- You want to focus on farming and acquiring items in the early game
Skill Points
Level 1: Searing Arrows - Causes Clinkz’s physical attacks to deal higher damage, and also affects buildings. It is an essential level 1 ability as it can be used to harass and shove enemy heroes out of the lane.
Level 2: Skeleton Walk - It turns Clinkz invisible upon usage, the invisibility break if he uses an item or attacks enemy units. It’s a great way to escape from teamfights unscathed or initiate upon unaware enemies.
Level 3: Searing Arrows
Level 4: Burning Barrage - Clinkz channels and shoots multiple barrages of piercing arrows in a targeted area, causing damage to all enemy units in that area. It deals a percentage of Clinkz’s attack damage as the damage dealt. It also applies any attack modifier that Clinkz may have.
Level 5: Burning Barrage
Level 6: Death Pact - Clinkz can consume a non-enemy unit to gain max HP based on the health of the unit, also granting him bonus damage based on it. It allows him to deal higher damage in fights while also being extremely tanky and sustainable.
Level 7: Burning Barrage
Level 8: Burning Barrage
Level 9: Skeleton Walk
Level 10: Skeleton Walk
Level 11: Skeleton Walk
Level 12: Death Pact
Level 13: -3s Skeleton Walk Cooldown Searing Arrows
Level 14: Searing Arrows
Level 15: +20% Death Pact Health
Level 16: -3s Skeleton Walk Cooldown
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Death Pact
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +3 Burning Barrage Arrows
Level 25: +25% Burning Barrage Damage
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Falcon Blade (1125 Gold) - Purchased at 4 minutes. It provides 200 HP, 1.8 mana regen, and 14 attack damage. The increased mana pool and HP helps Clinkz in the early stage of the game by providing him with decent survivability.
- Maelstrom (2700 Gold) - Bought at 11 minutes. Upon physical attacks, it has a high chance of releasing a lighting bolt that passes through enemies in proximity and deals damage to them. This allows Clinkz to farm faster while also providing him with increased attack damage.
- Rod of Atos (2750 Gold) - Bought at 16 minutes. Upon usage, it roots the targeted unit. It can be the much-needed lockdown that Clinkz needs to stop enemies from TP’ing after he uses the toolkit.
- Gleipnir (6150 Gold) - Bought at 17 minutes. Maelstorm and Rod of Atos can be upgraded into Gleipnir which roots multiple heroes in an AoE, all at once. Gleipnir is an essential item that provides the bone fletcher with that much-needed lockdown he needs to beat enemies down without much effort.
- Daedalus - (5150 Gold) Purchased at 23 minutes. Daedalus allows Clinkz to deal critical damage. This significant damage will enable him to be a devastating hard hitter, as he can also solo kill and does not always need follow-up from his team due to the items he has built earlier.
- Scythe of Vyse (5675 Gold) - Purchased at 32 minutes. Scythe offers immense disable potential as it turns the targeted enemy into a pig, making them unable to use any spells or items while also reducing their movement speed. This disabler item is of high value on Clinkz as it allows him to dominate the late game, locking down his foes and decimating them with the follow-up from his team.
- Linken’s Sphere (4600 Gold) - Purchased at 41 minutes. Blocks one single targeted spell every 14 seconds, and also provides increased stats and mana regen for Clinkz. This build has enough offensive items, and having a balance of offensive and defensive items can be extremely useful in the late game.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 46 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Clinkz invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Butterfly (4975 Gold) - Purchased at 50 minutes. Provides Clinkz with 35% evasion and increased agility and attack speed. The evasion is highly useful in the later stages of the game to stand your ground. It is an essential item if you face multiple heroes with high attack damage.
1. Arteezy Clinkz Build
Arteezy, NA’s last hope, is undoubtedly the best mechanically skilled player in the game. This is due to his high mechanical skills and impressive understanding of the game. He is known to be versatile, but Clinkz remains his specialty. High tempo and fast pace are the names of the game for our superstar. His impressive performance on Clinkz is due to his exceptional mechanical skills and game knowledge. Arteezy may often build items that are rather unorthodox but work in that specific matchup like a charm.
Arteezy loves building items that offer both increased stats and damage on Clinkz as these are the two things that every carry must equally have. Arteezy uses this build to its fullest by following up Nullifier with Eye of Skadi and Bloodthorn which allow him to fight to the fullest without worrying about mana or disables. Arteezy also opts for Burning Barrage talents, which work well with his physical damage. Overall, if you are looking to fight into the late game, then this is the right build for you.
Use This Build If:
- You want to deal great physical damage as a Clinkz
- You want an extremely reliable carry build that also provides you with excellent sustain in fights
- You are facing heroes that have low armor and are considered to be squishy in the early game
- You want to focus on farming and acquiring items in the early game
Skill Points
Level 1: Searing Arrows - Causes Clinkz’s physical attacks to deal higher damage, and also affects buildings. It is an essential level 1 ability as it can be used to harass and shove enemy heroes out of the lane.
Level 2: Burning Barrage - Clinkz channels and shoots multiple barrages of piercing arrows in a targeted area, causing damage to all enemy units in that area. It deals a percentage of Clinkz’s attack damage as the damage dealt. It also applies any attack modifier that Clinkz may have.
Level 3: Searing Arrows
Level 4: Burning Barrage
Level 5: Burning Barrage
Level 6: Death Pact - Clinkz can consume a non-enemy unit to gain max HP based on the health of the unit, also granting him bonus damage based on it. It allows him to deal higher damage in fights while also being extremely tanky and sustainable.
Level 7: Burning Barrage
Level 8: Skeleton Walk - It turns Clinkz invisible upon usage, the invisibility break if he uses an item or attacks enemy units. It’s a great way to escape from teamfights unscathed or initiate upon unaware enemies.
Level 9: Skeleton Walk
Level 10: Skeleton Walk
Level 11: Skeleton Walk
Level 12: Death Pact
Level 13: -3s Skeleton Walk Cooldown
Level 14: Searing Arrows
Level 15: +20% Death Pact Health
Level 16: Searing Arrows
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Death Pact
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +3 Burning Barrage Arrows
Level 25: +25% Burning Barrage Damage
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Falcon Blade (1125 Gold) - Purchased at 4 minutes. It provides 200 HP, 1.8 mana regen, and 14 attack damage. The increased mana pool and HP helps Clinkz in the early stage of the game by providing him with decent survivability.
- Power Treads (1400 Gold) - Bought at 8 minutes. It provides 45 movement speed and 25 attack speed along with toggleable attributes, which offer everything from increased mana pool to armor and even strength, helping Clinkz in all stages of the game
- Maelstrom (2700 Gold) - Bought at 13 minutes. Upon physical attacks, it has a high chance of releasing a lighting bolt that passes through enemies in proximity and deals damage to them. This allows Clinkz to farm faster while also providing him with increased attack damage.
- Dragon Lance (1900 Gold) - Bought at 16 minutes. It increases the attack range for Clinkz while increasing his stats, allowing him to deal more damage and increasing his survivability. It is further upgraded into a Hurricane Pike 24 minutes into the game.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 19 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Clinkz invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Rod of Atos (2750 Gold) - Bought at 21 minutes. Upon usage, it roots the targeted unit. It can be the much-needed lockdown that Clinkz needs to stop enemies from TP’ing after he uses the toolkit.
- Gleipnir (6150 Gold) - Bought at 23 minutes. Maelstorm and Rod of Atos can be upgraded into Gleipnir which roots multiple heroes in an AoE, all at once. Gleipnir is an essential item that provides the bone fletcher with that much-needed lockdown he needs to beat enemies down without much effort.
- Nullifier - (4725 Gold) Purchased at 28 minutes. Nullifier allows Clinkz to actively dispel any buffs that the targeted enemy may have, this disables their impact and prevents them from using any defensive items or spells in a fight.
- Eye of Skadi (5300 Gold) - Bought at 33 minutes. This causes Clinkz’s attacks to lower enemy attack and movement speed while reducing their health regeneration and lifesteal by 40%. It is an exceptional item if you are facing tanky heroes that regen or lifesteal fast. It also provides immense bonuses such as increased stats, HP, and Mana. It works well in tandem with Burning Barrage due to the attack modifier buff.
- Bloodthorn (6800 Gold) - Bought at 38 minutes. It silences the targeted enemy for 5 seconds, making them take 30% of the total damage dealt during the silence. The attacks will also have True Sight, and deal critical damage under its duration.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 46 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Clinkz invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Butterfly (4975 Gold) - Purchased at 50 minutes. Provides Clinkz with 35% evasion and increased agility and attack speed. The evasion is highly useful in the later stages of the game to stand your ground. It is an essential item if you face multiple heroes with high attack damage.
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