DotA 2 requires a deep understanding of various roles. Among these roles is the crucial support role, which is looked down upon. Many often underestimate this role, but it plays a pivotal part in the team's success. Support players significantly influence the early game by ensuring their team's core heroes can safely farm and gain experience. Without supports, there would be no action, highlights, and insane team fights.
What is the Role of the Support?
- Protect cores
- Vision control
- Skirmish
- Stack camps
Top 5 Support Players in the World:
- Miposhka
- Mira
- fy
- Boxi
- iNSaNiA
15. Undying
Run away because this guy is basically a zombie. Undying is one of the unusual supports in the game. He doesn’t have any distinct crowd control, but he is one of the best team fighters in the game. His strengths lie in his capacity to thrive in chaotic team fights, sustain himself and his allies, and weaken foes throughout engagements. While the early game is his domain, a late game Undying is one of the most annoying things to deal with.
What Makes Undying a Great Support:
- Decay temporarily increases Undying's strength while decreasing that of affected enemies. This ability is critical to Undying's early-game dominance, allowing him to tank more damage and reduce the survivability of his opponents. By getting more strength, he gets tougher and stronger, increasing his main attribute greatly.
- Soul Rip is one of his go-to abilities for heavy sustain and survivability. A couple of heals, and the laning phase just goes as smoothly as ever. The more units involved, the better it is to use, which is why lane pushes are very good with this ability.
- His most impactful ability is his Tombstone. This structure spawns zombies that slow enemies, giving Tombstone an exceptional ability to control space in team fights and disrupt enemy movements. By strategically placing this in a hard-to-reach spot, the fight is basically yours for the taking.
- Despite all his abilities for sustainability, his ultimate takes it a step further. Flesh Golem increases his health and causes his attacks to slow and inflict a percentage of the target's current health as damage. Enemies around the Flesh Golem also take increased damage, enhancing the overall damage output of Undying's team.
Top 5 Best End Game Items for Undying:
- Guardian Greeves
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Solar Crest
- Pipe of Insight
- Crimson Guard
Undying is Strong Against:
- Spectre
- Wraith King
- Oracle
- Leshrac
- Abaddon
Undying is Weak Against:
- Medusa
- Luna
- Elder Titan
- Clinkz
- Naga Siren
14. Io
Io may seem like an ordinary ball of light, but it’s actually more than that. It’s a support hero whose strengths lie in mobility, sustain, and the ability to enhance his allies’ capabilities. Io's skill set facilitates a highly collaborative playstyle, emphasizing teamwork and strategic positioning, giving his cores a tremendous advantage when the hero is utilized correctly. In the late game, the stronger his cores get, the stronger Io gets as well. It can serve as a secondary damage source depending on his connected allies, and together, they’ll eventually run everyone down.
What Makes Io a Great Support:
- Io can link up to an ally. Tether makes him connect to an ally and grants both heroes increased movement speed and enables Io to transfer health and mana regeneration to the tethered ally. This ability is foundational to Io's playstyle, enabling crucial saves or enhancing an ally's aggressive potential.
- Its Overcharge ability goes well with this as it increases Io’s attack speed, spell amplification, and health regen. The tethered ally also gets these bonuses, instantly buffing them.
- Spirits is its main damaging ability and is great for zoning off intruders and enemies. This keeps them at a distance, while Relocate allows Io and its tethered ally to teleport to a certain location on the map. This is perfect for ganking, skirmishing, and pickoffs.
Top 5 Best End Game Items for Io:
- Holy Locket
- Guardian Greeves
- Solar Crest
- Glimmer Cape
- Aghanim’s Scepter
Io is Strong Against:
- Anti-Mage
- Arc Warden
- Void Spirit
- Shadow Demon
- Oracle
Io is Weak Against:
- Troll Warlord
- Monkey King
- Doom
- Underlord
- Crystal Maiden
13. Clockwerk
Clockwerk was usually played in the off lane role but saw popularity in the support role due to recent meta changes. Known for his ability to isolate key targets and disrupt enemy lines, Clockwerk excels in creating opportunities for his team while hindering the enemy's positioning and strategy. His laning is one of the best due to his oppressive skill set, and his late game is one for the books due to his ability to transition to it efficiently. A late game Clockwerk is just a nuisance due to his tough skin and upgraded abilities.
What Makes Clockwerk a Great Support:
- His Battery Assault unleashes a barrage of mini-stuns and damage around Clockwerk, making it a formidable tool for solo engagements and interrupting channeling spells. Its utility in both initiating fights and ensuring kills is invaluable. He can easily gank lanes with this simple ability.
- By pairing Power Cogs with Battery Assault, enemies find it extremely hard to escape Clockwerk as he locks them down with him. This gives him the ability to secure kills for his team through his crowd control.
- When needing quick vision, Rocket Flare allows him to scan a certain area and damage any enemy hit by the flare. Once vision is obtained, he can use Hookshot to stun the target and propel himself to them. This allows him to start fights and chase opponents from great distances.
Top 5 Best End Game Items for Clockwerk:
- Spirit Vessel
- Shiva’s Guard
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Lotus Orb
- Heart of Tarrasque
Clockwerk is Strong Against:
- Sniper
- Spirit Breaker
- Primal Beast
- Bloodseeker
- Tinker
Clockwerk is Weak Against:
- Broodmother
- Anti-Mage
- Ember Spirit
- Meepo
- Phantom Lancer
12. Treant Protector
Having one of the greatest base damage numbers in the game, Treant Protector is one massive broccoli. Treant Protector's role in the current Dota 2 meta is multifaceted, offering a blend of defensive capabilities, strategic control, and team fight presence. His ability to heal and protect allies and structures, control the battlefield with crowd control, and provide essential vision makes him a cornerstone of any team composition. His late game potential with his massive vision control further tilts the scales in his favor.
What Makes Treant Protector a Great Support:
- Treant Protector’s high base damage pairs so well with his Nature’s Guise, which gives him bonus movement speed. He can easily roam around the map and the lane, getting more chances for lane harassing and ganking.
- Nature’s Grasp is a very potent skill in the early game. Its slow and range is good for laning and ganking other lanes. It gives the potential for chasing and zoning, which gives more space for your core. Paired with Leech Seed, the enemy would get severely slowed, and chasing would be a breeze.
- Living Armor allows Treant Protector to heal any structure or unit and give it a bunch of armor. At the same time, these vines help allies; vines from Overgrowth root all enemies around him. This is perfect once Treant Protector gets his Aghanim’s Scepter as his ultimate. It will give him a vision source and a wider ultimate range.
Top 5 Best End Game Items for Treant Protector:
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Solar Crest
- Guardian Greeves
- Refresher Orb
- Overwhelming Blink
Treant Protector is Strong Against:
- Templar Assassin
- Lone Druid
- Nature’s Prophet
- Dragon Knight
- Night Stalker
Treant Protector is Weak Against:
- Phoenix
- Juggernaut
- Slark
- Huskar
- Leshrac
11. Shadow Shaman
Shadow Shaman fits remarkably well into the dynamic environment of Dota 2's current meta. His ability to control enemies with formidable disables, clear waves with ease, and demolish objectives with his ultimate makes him a valuable asset in various team compositions. He can easily fit into any support role since his skill set makes him a very good team player. In the late game, Shadow Shaman's hard crowd control still plays a huge role in team fighting and skirmishing.
What Makes Shadow Shaman a Great Support:
- Ether Shock is Shadow Shaman’s main damage ability and is one of the best ones for clearing waves. The high burst damage is also good for finishing foes off in team fights and skirmishes.
- Hex is one of the most annoying spells to deal with. This ability is crucial for initiating ganks, neutralizing key targets in team fights, and saving allies from enemy aggression. Paired with Shackes right after getting hexed, and it’s going to be a struggle without Black King Bar. Shackles is one of the longest single-target disables in the game, making it incredibly effective for securing kills and controlling enemy movement during engagements.
- When enemies are locked down, Mass Serpent Ward makes sure they stay down. The wards are so potent that they can push and defend objectives, zoning enemies in team fights, and securing area control during engagements.
Top 5 Best End Game Items for Shadow Shaman:
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Refresher Orb
- Aeon Disk
- Arcane Blink
- Ethereal Blade
Shadow Shaman is Strong Against:
- Storm Spirit
- Faceless Void
- Ursa
- Huskar
- Troll Warlord
Shadow Shaman is Weak Against:
- Phantom Lancer
- Naga Siren
- Terrorblade
- Chaos Knight
- Omniknight
10. Jakiro
Fire and ice just go so well, especially when coming from a dragon. Jakiro is one of the best supports for dishing out AOE damage. His ability to deliver sustained area-of-effect (AoE) damage, slow enemies, and melt towers positions him as a valuable asset in various team compositions. The high magical damage output he can dish out in the early game sets the pace of the game in their favor. But this doesn’t stop in the late game. His magical abilities give a lot more firepower the longer the game goes.
What Makes Jakiro a Great Support:
- Dual Breath emits fire and ice in a cone in front of Jakiro, dealing initial damage and then damage over time while also slowing enemies. This skill is crucial for lane harassment, wave clear, and reducing enemy mobility in skirmishes.
- With Ice Path, a long wall of ice is created, and any enemy who touches this gets stunned in the process. Ice Path is an exceptional control tool capable of setting up team fights, securing escapes, or interrupting key enemy abilities.
- When looking for inexpensive harass, Liquid Fire is the way to go. This auto-attack ability allows Jakiro to spit out an attack that burns the enemy while taking away its attack speed. This is perfect for fighting heroes and towers alike.
- The culmination of his fiery breath is his Macropyre. Macropyre excels in team fights, zoning, and clearing waves, making it a versatile ultimate for various game situations, especially when paired with other forms of crowd control.
Top 5 Best End Game Items for Jakiro:
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Guardian Greaves
- Ethereal Blade
- Glimmer Cape
- Wind Waker
Jakiro is Strong Against:
- Meepo
- Wraith King
- Naga Siren
- Lycan
- Sand King
Jakiro is Weak Against:
- Rubick
- Weaver
- Morphling
- Keeper of the Light
- Tinker
9. Chen
Chen’s strength is in numbers. Chen's unique abilities make him a pivotal support hero in Dota 2's current meta, offering unparalleled early-game presence, global support, and team fight sustainability. He thrives in leveraging his unique ability to control neutral creeps, which greatly aid his team fighting and ganking. Being a universal hero, Chen gains benefits from all the stats. His damage grows significantly in the late game through his upgraded skills and improved attack damage.
What Makes Chen a Great Support:
- Chen can enable anyone to attack the enemy with increased attack speed by using Penitence. This ability also slows the enemy, which is crucial for ganking and enhancing damage output on key targets in skirmishes and team fights.
- Divine Favor enhances Chen's and his creeps' health regeneration and damage. Additionally, it allows Chen to globally teleport allied heroes to his location, reinforcing his role in global strategies and sudden pushes or saves. His responsive ability goes off the charts with this one.
- Holy Persuasion is Chen’s bread and butter as it allows Chen to take control of neutral creeps, using them for pushing, farming, or fighting. The ability to amass an army of creeps early on makes Chen a formidable force in lane and provides significant utility and damage in engagements.
- But his ultimate support ability is his global healing from Hand of God. This global presence ensures Chen's team can sustain through fights, secure objectives, or disengage when necessary.
Top 5 Best End Game Items for Chen:
- Vladimir’s Offering
- Guardian Greaves
- Pipe of Insight
- Boots of Bearing
- Solar Crest
Chen is Strong Against:
- Shadow Demon
- Void Spirit
- Zeus
- Wraith King
- Mars
Chen is Weak Against:
- Leshrac
- Doom
- Slark
- Beastmaster
- Crystal Maiden
8. Winter Wyvern
Winter Wyvern is one of the most versatile supports in the game. She has the ability to save allies, control enemies, and push waves. Winter Wyvern excels in creating advantageous situations for her team. When the game reaches the late stages, she can easily transition into a secondary damage dealer with her upgraded skills. Wyvern's Winter can serve as both an initiation and a counter-initiation tool, capable of single-handedly winning team fights by exploiting the enemy's positioning.
What Makes Winter Wyvern a Great Support:
- Arctic Burn grants Winter Wyvern increased attack range and flying movement, while attacks apply a burn that damages and slows enemies over time. This skill is excellent for harassment, scouting, and initiating skirmishes and can easily be a good late game damage option.
- Splinter Blast is one of the best poking abilities in lane. It's a potent tool for wave clear and area denial in fights, as the AOE is just too good.
- When needing to save an ally, Cold Embrace encases an ally in ice, rendering them immune to physical damage while healing them over time. Being clutch with this ability makes all the difference. Your cores will thank you later.
- But Winter Wyvern’s ultimate is one of the best ultimates in the game in terms of AOE. The ability freezes the target in place and forces nearby enemy units to attack them. This ultimate can disrupt enemy formations, eliminate key targets, and swing engagements in her team's favor. One team fight, and it’s over.
Top 5 Best End Game Items for Winter Wyvern:
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Guardian Greaves
- Mage Slayer
- Parasma
- Ethereal Blade
Winter Wyvern is Strong Against:
- Meepo
- Lone Druid
- Troll Warlord
- Dawnbreaker
- Visage
Winter Wyvern is Weak Against:
- TInker
- Anti-Mage
- Pugna
- Huskar
- Slark
7. Dark Willow
Dark Willow’s skill set allows her to excel in various roles, from a disruptive support to a formidable damage dealer. Her ability to control the battlefield and her high burst damage align well with the game's strategic demands. Her flexibility further enhances her value, allowing teams to adapt their strategies based on the draft and the state of the game. This dominance translates well from the early to the late game. She’s just one of the ones who never run out of use.
What Makes Dark Willow a Great Support:
- Through Bramble Maze, she can easily root and damage enemies from afar, perfect for skirmishing and lane poking. The ability is so annoying that enemies have a hard time countering it, especially when paired with Terrorize, her ultimate ability. The ultimate’s ability to make enemies run in fear easily lets them get caught in the Bramble Maze.
- When looking for individual picks, Cursed Crown and Bedlam are the ones for it. Through Cursed Crown, Dark Willow can disrupt enemy positioning and force them to scatter, making it easier to isolate targets. Once isolated, Bedlam’s close-quarters damage easily finishes them off.
- Shadow Realm is one of Dark Willow’s most devastating abilities. This is great for poking in the early game due to its high range, but once upgraded in the late game, it has the potential to out-damage any core hero.
Top 5 Best End Game Items for Dark Willow:
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Guardian Greaves
- Wind Waker
- Overwhelming Blink
- Glimmer Cape
Dark Willow is Strong Against:
- Marci
- Lone Druid
- Visage
- Weaver
- Io
Dark Willow is Weak Against:
- Naga Siren
- Axe
- Phantom Lancer
- Juggernaut
- Brewmaster
6. Warlock
Warlock is one of the best team fighting supports available in the current meta. His skill set, focusing on area-of-effect (AoE) damage, healing, and the ability to summon a powerful golem, makes him a formidable presence in team compositions. His skill set, focusing on area-of-effect (AoE) damage, healing, and the ability to summon a powerful golem, makes him a formidable presence in team compositions. His blend of healing, damage amplification, and crowd control makes him a versatile and impactful support. In the late game, his team fighting prowess only gets better.
What Makes Warlock a Great Support:
- Warlock can allow his team to damage multiple enemies at once. Fatal Bonds links enemy units together, causing a portion of the damage dealt to one of them to be felt by the others. This ability shines in team fights, amplifying the damage output of Warlock's allies.
- Warlock can heal allies and deal damage to enemies over time. Shadow Word is a versatile spell that deals with a lot of good and bad. Its flexibility allows Warlock to sustain teammates or harass opponents in the laning phase and beyond.
- When in team fights, Warlock’s Upheaval can drastically reduce enemy mobility in fights, setting up devastating combinations with other AoE spells. Paired with Chaotic Offering, the Golems sent to the battlefield cause high initial damage and stun upon impact, working so well with Upheaval. The Golem serves as a formidable force in team fights and pushing efforts.
Top 5 Best End Game Items for Warlock:
- Guardian Greaves
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Glimmer Cape
- Refresher Orb
- Aeon Disk
Warlock is Strong Against:
- Beastmaster
- Terrorblade
- Naga Siren
- Spectre
- Wraith King
Warlock is Weak Against:
- Weaver
- Shadow Fiend
- Huskar
- Phoenix
- Tidehunter
5. Pugna
Pugna, considered as one of those kids who just easily outsmarts his classmates, is known for his high magic damage output and exceptional pushing capabilities. He carves a unique niche in Dota 2's meta. His kit, designed around nuking opponents, draining their life, and crippling spellcasters, makes him a formidable force in various team compositions. In the late game, his ultimate becomes a life-sucking beast, forcing enemies to flee.
What Makes Pugna a Great Support:
- Nether Blast is a powerful area-of-effect spell that damages enemies and structures. This skill is pivotal for Pugna's ability to push lanes and take down towers quickly, contributing to his team's objective control. This is very effective in laning as its high base damage can quickly mow down enemies.
- Decrepify synergizes with Pugna's other abilities and those of his allies, setting up devastating combos. This also buffs ally spellcasters while making sure the target can’t attack them. Attack damage opponents can simply do nothing when under the effects of this spell.
- Now, Nether Ward is what made him a beast against his classmates. This ward zaps enemy heroes who cast spells, dealing damage based on the mana cost of the spell and potentially reducing their ability to fight effectively. This skill is particularly powerful in the current meta, which favors high-impact spellcasting heroes. When placed strategically in the lane and in fights, enemies will be punished for every spell they cast, making it hard for them to make a move.
- Pugna's Life Drain can be used to sustain Pugna in fights, finish off weakened foes, or heal allies when augmented with the Aghanim's Scepter upgrade. When cast on a Nether Ward upgraded by Aghanim’s Scepter, Pugna is able to drain life from everyone nearby. It's pretty insane if you ask me.
Top 5 Best End Game Items for Pugna:
- Ethereal Blade
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Glimmer Cape
- Overwhelming Blink
- Dagon (Level 5)
Pugna is Strong Against:
- Tinker
- Winter Wyvern
- Timbersaw
- Troll Warlord
- Slark
Pugna is Weak Against:
- Beastmaster
- Pudge
- Chaos Knight
- Lycan
- Primal Beast
4. Nature’s Prophet
Nature's Prophet is known for his global presence and pushing capabilities, which stand out in Dota 2's dynamic meta. His ability to affect all areas of the map and adapt to various roles makes him a formidable pick in the right hands. His unique skill set allows for creative gameplay, emphasizing mobility, flexibility, and global influence. In the late game, he can easily transition into a core with the amount of resources he gets from pushing lanes around the map, giving his team more damage output overall.
What Makes Nature’s Prophet a Great Support:
- Sprout creates a ring of trees, trapping enemies or providing vision. Its utility in initiating or saving allies, and its synergy with items like Orchid Malevolence or Scythe of Vyse, makes it a powerful tool in various situations. In the lane, this is easily countered with a Quelling Blade or some Tangos. But in the late game, enemies don’t have these items on hand, which means everyone gets a free hit on sprouted enemies.
- Teleportation is what makes Nature’s Prophet so mobile. This allows him to teleport to any point on the map, providing unparalleled mobility. This skill is crucial for split-pushing, joining team fights, or escaping from dangerous situations, making him a global threat. He can easily respond to any activity and help with his skills and high attack damage.
- When he wants to push or zone, he can easily convert trees into treants. This skill is core to Nature's Prophet's pushing strategy, enabling him to pressure multiple lanes simultaneously and force the enemy team to split their focus.
- But his ultimate is his easiest global ability. This skill damages enemy units across the map, increasing damage with each bounce. It's used for farming, pushing, and softening up enemies before or during a fight, showcasing its versatility.
Top 5 Best End Game Items for Nature’s Prophet:
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Solar Crest
- Bloodthorn
- Spirit Vessel
- Gleipnir
Nature’s Prophet is Strong Against:
- Death Prophet
- Lifestealer
- Juggernaut
- Venomancer
- Warlock
Nature’s Prophet is Weak Against:
- Broodmother
- Spectre
- Phantom Assassin
- Primal Beast
- Earth Spirit
3. Witch Doctor
Witch Doctor stands out as a versatile and potent support hero in Dota 2, whose skill set can sway skirmishes and grand team fights. His abilities allow him to heal allies, control crowds, and unleash devastating damage, making him a formidable force in the current meta. In the late game, he has the potential to out-damage even his most fed cores. Now, that's something you don’t see every day.
What Makes Witch Doctor a Great Support:
- Through his abilities, Witch Doctor is a very flexible hero who can do lots with minimal resources. His Paralyzing Cast is ideal for disrupting enemy formations and initiating fights. Its effectiveness increases in skirmishes where the cask can continuously bounce between a limited number of targets, providing crowd control and setting up follow-up attacks.
- When his team needs healing, he just simply casts Voodoo Restoration to heal an area around him. In the current meta, where prolonged engagements and sustainability are key, Voodoo Restoration shines by keeping Witch Doctor's team in fighting condition.
- Maledict is a curse that causes enemies to take additional damage over time, with the damage increasing every time they are hit. This skill is particularly potent when combined with burst damage from allies, making Witch Doctor a threat to even the toughest of heroes. In the lane, this is annoying as heck.
- But his ultimate ability, Death Ward, allows him to summon a deadly ward that attacks enemy heroes with rapid-fire projectiles. Proper positioning can turn Death Ward into a game-changing ability, capable of wiping entire teams if left unchecked. Its synergy with Paralyzing Cask and Maledict can lead to devastating combos.
Top 5 Best End Game Items for Witch Doctor:
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Guardian Greaves
- Glimmer Cape
- Ethereal Blade
- Aeon Disk
Witch Doctor is Strong Against:
- Axe
- Meepo
- Viper
- Underlord
- Spectre
Witch Doctor is Weak Against:
- Broodmother
- Templar Assassin
- Bristleback
- Puck
- Rubick
2. Vengeful Spirit
Vengeful Spirit was a fallen princess driven by madness. She excels in the support role with her unique skill set that offers a blend of aggression, utility, and strategic advantages. Her abilities allow her to impact the game significantly from the early stages to the late game, making her a formidable choice in the current meta. In the late game, she turns into an unkillable spirit who doesn’t stop messing with everyone.
What Makes Vengeful Spirit a Great Support:
- Solar Crest works so well with Vengeful Spirit since she already has Wave of Terror. This ability sends out a wave that reduces armor and provides vision in its path. Wave of Terror is excellent for scouting, pushing lanes, and amplifying the physical damage output against enemies, fitting well with the current meta that favors physical damage carries.
- Magic Missile is her go-to skill for disrupting, damaging, and locking enemies down. Its reliability and decent range make it a powerful ability for locking down key targets, and this can be upgraded by Aghanim’s Shard to hit two targets.
- Vengeance Aura passively increases the damage output of nearby allied heroes. This aura is particularly effective in the current meta, where team fights and group pushes are common. It scales well into the late game, bolstering the team's overall damage.
- Vengeful Spirit's ultimate ability allows her to swap positions with an enemy or ally instantly. This skill is invaluable for repositioning, saving allies, or catching out-of-position enemies. Its strategic depth and potential for game-changing plays align perfectly with the dynamic nature of the current meta, especially since it was greatly buffed in the damage department. The buff also granted her the ability to shield allies with it.
Top 5 Best End Game Items for Vengeful Spirit:
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Solar Crest
- Vladimir’s Offering
- Glimmer Cape
- Ethereal Blade
Vengeful Spirit is Strong Against:
- Legion Commander
- Bristleback
- Night Stalker
- Slardar
- Riki
Vengeful Spirit is Weak Against:
- Phantom Lancer
- Terrorblade
- Broodmother
- Beastmaster
- Batrider
1. Lion
Lion stands out as a versatile and impactful support hero. Known for his potent crowd control abilities that scale well into the late game, Lion excels at disabling key targets and bursting down enemies. In the early game, he can effectively prevent enemies from taking gold and experience through good attack damage and high crowd control. His ganking capabilities are also off the charts. His late game is so good, especially with his signature Aghanim’s Scepter, which is like a death sentence for the enemy.
What Makes Lion a Great Support:
- Lion has tons of excellent skills, perfect for skirmishing. His Earth Spike is crucial for initiating ganks, interrupting enemy channels, and controlling the pace of team fights. This, coupled with Hex, makes him a very versatile support that can easily lock enemies down.
- When he runs out of mana, he can simply cast Mana Drain on an enemy with mana. This basically allows him to suck mana out of anyone. Pretty easy.
- Finger of Death is basically his finishing blow unto the enemy. It’s a devastating nuke that deals massive damage to a single target. Its high damage output makes it a formidable tool for securing kills. Each successful kill with Finger of Death permanently increases its damage, encouraging Lion players to participate in engagements actively.
Top 5 Best End Game Items for Lion:
- Overwhelming Blink
- Ethereal Blade
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Glimmer Cape
- Aeon Disk
Lion is Strong Against:
- Abaddon
- Meepo
- Naga Siren
- Troll Warlord
- Timbersaw
Lion is Weak Against:
- Beastmaster
- Razor
- Rubick
- Pangolier
- Phantom Assassin