[Top 10] Dota 2 Best Brewmaster Players In The World Right Now (2022)

Behold! Brew is here!
24 Jan 2022

The unruly and intoxicated fear their overlord, as he is known to handle more than what others’ liver can. Training with the greatest aesthetes, Brewmaster quickly splits into the spirit brothers, blessed by their presence and gifted with charm. The tipsy master has countless tricks up his sleeve, even in an intoxicated state, he can swiftly destroy the fiercest of foes! 

Brewmaster may be slightly on the unpopular side when it comes to heroes, but his immense toolkit and potential make it worthy for players to try him out once. Boring or monotonous are words that can never be synonymous with Brewmaster. We bring you the best 10 Brewmaster players that have dominated the current meta! 


10. Monkeys Forever

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With such a peculiar name, you may start doubting this player’s skills. But there is not much to doubt as his gameplay speaks for himself. Staying consistently high ranked and entertaining the viewers while streaming at the same time is considered to be a hard task by most players. Monkeys defies all the odds and still remains one of the strongest offlaners in the NA dota scene. 

Monkeys is a reputed Dota veteran, he has found his calling in streaming and has managed to successfully attract an audience of loyal watchers and subscribers. Along with being an impressive player, he is also PMA and encourages his watchers to do the same. Brewmaster is one of the few heroes in his pool which has been constantly the talk of the town.

As a Brewmaster, Monkeys focuses on dealing heavy damage to the enemy carry and often targeting the support to make the game harder for them. As a result of this, Monkeys always ends up with multiple items and high levels quite early in the game. Being a big fan of the magical build, he loves to skill up Cinder Brew and purchases the Spirit Vessel and Aghanim’s Scepter to ensure maximum damage done to his foes. 

Impressive Brewmaster plays by Monkeys!

Monkeys Twitter


9. Fbz

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This player is relatively new to the pro Dota scene, hence you may not have heard of him before. Though he has found instant success in the SEA region with his team BOOM. Fbz’s excellent and calculated playstyle has made us include him on this list!

Fbz loves playing the offlane and is known to play a wide variety of heroes. These include heroes that provide crowd control and immense tempo. Even in the losing games, Fbz puts up a show with his impressive game knowledge and map awareness. He is one of the most sought-after players in the SEA region.

Fbz has a very calm and slow-paced playstyle. This means that he prioritizes farm and levels over kills, but he does not shy away when the iron is hot! Fbz loves to rotate as early as he can on his Brewmaster, often when he gets his ultimate. Rushing Blink Dagger along with the Black King Bar is preferred by him due to the mobility and resistance it provides! 

Impressive Brewmaster plays by Fbz!

Recent Tournament Achievement 1st BTS Pro Series - $24,000


8. Wisper

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Most teams and players are prejudiced against the SA region and they often look down on them. Wiper took this personally and decided to end this prejudice by forming his own team which was able to achieve great success at various tournaments all over the world, this team is what we know today as Beastcoast. 

Known to be extremely mechanically skilled, Wisper was initially known as a great mid laner. He later focused his attention on the offlane and found his calling there. His hardcore playstyle has garnered the attention of fans and critics all over the world, with Brewmaster being one of his favorites to date!

Brewmaster is played as a utility core by Wisper, primarily in the offlane. He loves building a plethora of items, often changing the skill build according to the game. His favorite items to build include the Blink Dagger, Helm of Dominator, Vladimir’s Offering, Aghanim’s Scepter, and Shard. These items accelerate his gameplay to the next level.

Impressive Brewmaster plays by Wisper!

Wisper Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement 13-16th Ti 10 - $600,300


7. GeneraL 

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GeneraLly, the star player of the team is considered to be the carry or the mid laner, but this changes completely when you have GeneraL on your team! He is keen on stealing the spotlight and rightfully so he does this with his exasperating gameplay in the offlane.

Widely regarded as the best offlaner in the entirety of the CIS region, GeneraL has proved his worth by carrying various teams and being the MVP of successful tournament victories. He is known to be a jack of many trades, often dabbling and experimenting with unusual heroes. Regardless of this commotion, Brewmaster is considered to be one of his recent favorites.

Items such as the Spirit Vessel, Boots of Travel, Veil of Discord, Black King Bar are preferred by General on this beast, as they are tried and tested to be the best build in the current meta, providing intense magical damage and amplification along with mobility and resistance. 

Impressive Brewmaster plays by GeneraL!

GeneraL Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement 1st Place - OGA DOTAPIT - $62,900 


6. IceIceIce

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The man, the troll, the legend himself, Iceiceice is one of the best players to emerge out of the SEA region. Despite the age-related stigma in esports, Ice continues to play professionally and excels at doing so. He is regarded as one of the last standing old guards of Dota. 

Ice is an exceptional player, with in-depth knowledge of the game. He is known to be a silent mastermind while having fun in-game and trolling his opponents every chance he gets! There are a lot of heroes he loves to play, Axe falls in this category! Ice loves to maximize this hero’s potential by harassing his enemies with Battle Hunger and utilizing his Counter Helix passive efficiently. 

Ice has a lot of tricks up his sleeve! He loves to play an offensive Axe, often seeing harassing the enemy supports and chasing them down to decimate them. This is followed by him ganking other lanes and securing the farm both for him and his cores! Ice loves building items like Black King Bar, Eul’s Scepter, Blink Dagger. These items allow him to act offensively. 

Impressive Brewmaster plays by IceIceIce!

IceIceIce Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement 9-12th Place The International 10 - $800,400


5. 33

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33 is a seasoned Dota veteran, who has proved his worth in many tier 1 teams for over a decade right from Dota 1! His astonishing gameplay and map awareness is quite unparalleled in the EU region. As an offlaner, he loves to play a wide range of heroes that are unique in their own way.

Heroes such as the Brewmaster are a specialty of 33 as he excels quite well on micro-centered heroes as they require more skill and efficiency. He also has the penchant for playing complex heroes and making it look easy as he does it! Regardless of the laning phase, 33 comes out on top by out farming his counterparts and exhibiting excellent decision-making skills!

Items such as the Aghanim’s Scepter, Spirit Vessel, Aghanim’s Shard, Radiance, Refresher’s Orb are frequently built by him as they provide him with exceptional damage and increase his spellcasting abilities hence increasing the damage dealt along with the impact he has on the game!

Impressive Brewmaster plays by 33!

33 Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement 1st Place OGA DOTAPIT  $73,00


4. Saberlight

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Not all pub stars manage to make a name for themselves in the pro scene. Saberlight did the unthinkable by being one of the most talented players to emerge from the EU scene in the last 2 years. Being one of the most sought-after offlaners, Sableright deserves a high ranking on this list for his exceptional Brewmaster playstyle.

Along with being an incredibly skilled player, he is seen in the top 10 of the MMR leaderboards, a feat which is truly impossible to achieve in the EU region due to its sheer competitive nature. Micro intensive heroes are favored by Saberlight due to the immense potential they bring, making Brewmaster one of his most played heroes!

Impressive Brewmaster plays by Saberlight!

Saberlight Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement 13-16th The International 10 $600,300


3. Mind_ControL

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This beast from Bulgaria has garnered praise from fans all around the world for his intense gameplay. MinD_ControL has been immensely popular in the European region due to his high game sense and fast-paced gameplay. He is also one of the few Ti winners on this list!

Versatility has been the name of the game for MC, he has every other offlane hero in the Gold or Platinum tier. He is known to exhibit some flashy gameplay and has been a pivotal reason behind Liquid’s victory at Ti7. He is often seen spamming Axe in pub games, building rather peculiar items but still winning the game!

MC changes build according to the heroes he is facing. Some standard items include Blink Dagger, Shadow Blade, Blade Mail, Aghanim’s Scepter, Shard, and even a Lotus Orb at times. These items are considered to be essential on Axe, as they offer initiation and sustain potential. Your enemies can’t survive if you follow this build!

Impressive Brewmaster plays by MC!

MC Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement 5-6th OGA Dotapit 2021 - $8,800


2. KheZu

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Khezu has been in the MOBA scene for over a decade, most of his expertise comes from HoN. His switch to Dota was an instant success, he has played and captained various teams over the years, often coaching on the side. He is seen having friendly banter on his streams as well.

Khezu is primarily an offlane player and he is quite the versatile one. He rarely spams any heroes but when he does, he ends up winning all his games! Axe is one of his comfort heroes, often playing it in despair. His builds and playstyle are guaranteed to confuse new players, there is a lot to learn from this genius!

The standard item build on Brewmaster by Khezu includes Blink Dagger, Force Staff, Eul’s Scepter, Aghanim’s Shard Black King Bar. There are a few other situational items that guarantee your sustain in fights such as Octrain Core and Shadow Blade. Khezu focuses on ulting only the top priority targets, this means he does not go for the flashy 5 man calls.

Impressive Brewmaster plays by Khezu!

Khezu Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement 3rd place Pinnacle Cup - $15,000


1. Ceb

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Ceb’s dota journey is quite a rocky one but he has made it far enough to have his name cemented as one of the best players in the game, along with having it as a voice line in the game! Did we also mention that he has won Ti twice? His voice line is also one of the most used in the game! 

Ceb was always known as a misfit in the pro scene but he overcame all his problems to go on and both coach and play in the best dota team in history. Ceb is a dota veteran, along with that he is an extremely versatile player. His world-famous Axe gameplay in the third game of the grand finals vs PSG.LGD in Ti8 still gives goosebumps to millions of fans all around the world. 

Brewmaster is played as a utility core hero by Ceb, often opting for team items that provide initiation and resistance. Ceb builds items such as Blink Dagger, Pipe of Insight, Blade Mail, Force Staff before opting for the Black King Bar. This build is quite useful to save your teams and provide them with endurance in team fights! 

Impressive Brewmaster plays by CEB !

CEB Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement 7-8th International 10 - $1,000,500

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What is Lorem Ipsum?It's time for them to learn their place. Reina storms the King of Iron Fist Tournament in #TEKKEN8  Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.     Why do we use it?It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).Where does it come from?Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.Where can I get some?There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised