
Niru is a 22-year-old gamer that has started gaming ever since he was big enough to hold a controller. His passion mostly revolves around MOBA games but FPS games are a strong second. He mostly spends his time researching and reading more about the games he loves which includes lore, build paths, ideal playstyles, and the overall knowledge of the game. He has entered several tournaments in DotA2, League of Legends, and Valorant, his favorite games. With his intense passion for gaming, comes a similarly strong desire to share his love for it. Niru has been writing and talking about games ever since he got a hold of this passion and this was only strengthened by his years of academic research which led his group to win a local research competition. Writing about games gives Niru an avenue to share his love for it, and connect to the gaming community as a whole.
Niru Chin's Rank: Total Noob
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Top 3 Favorite Games