Faceless Void stands out amongst the other heroes with his time-bending abilities and unstoppable force. He is a mysterious and enigmatic hero whose power to manipulate time itself makes him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. With his incredible capacity to deal damage and fight, he is capable of taking down even the most formidable foes. But what truly sets Faceless Void apart is his ability to manipulate time, allowing him to evade attacks and control the battlefield in ways that few other heroes can. To truly master his potential, a skilled player must carefully choose his skill and item builds, utilizing them to their fullest to dominate the game and emerge victorious.
Faceless Void is a master of the current meta and to help you master him, we bring you the Best 5 Faceless Void Builds that will help you win games. These builds can serve as a starting point to develop your strategies and master the hero's potential in the game.
5. Cooman Build
This is a special player on the list, as he is the only one to not actively compete in pro-Dota but he is often seen streaming very high-level pub games on Twitch. Cooman is known to be a menace in pub games. Cooman’s playstyle may be slightly farming-oriented, but it benefits his team due to his map awareness. He strikes when the iron is hot, instead of farming idly. Cooman is known to be a master at Faceless Void, his mechanical skills are unparalleled. He is most feared in the CIS region.
Cooman’s slow-paced laning is quite a contrast from his fast-paced farming speed on Faceless Void. Within no time, he can get fat and join fights to swiftly turn the game around. He is known to be a problem to the enemy team if left free to farm. His Void build includes items like Hand of Midas, Aghanim’s Shard, Black King Bar, and much more. Cooman may often build items that are rather unorthodox but work in that specific matchup.
Use This Build If:
- You want to be involved in more skirmishes from the early game as a carry Faceless Void
- You want to be tanky and deal high damage at the same time
- You want a self-sustainable build that makes you durable, making it extremely valuable against damage-dealing heroes
Skill Points
Level 1: Time Walk: Faceless Void rushes to the targeted location, backtracking any damage taken in the last 2 seconds. The damage is reverted, making it easy for Void to soak up damage and return to full HP. It is an ideal early-game spell as it helps him survive and get through rough fights.
Level 2: Time Lock: Provides a chance for Void to bash the target unit upon physical attacks. It also deals bonus damage, allowing Void to deal higher damage as well as bash enemies during fights.
Level 3: Time Dilation: Upon usage, Void slows down all enemies in an AoE, extending their spell cooldowns and slowing their attack and movement speed by 10% for each cooldown extended. It also deals increased damage per second for each cooldown extended. This is a crucial spell against spellcasting heroes.
Level 4: Time Walk
Level 5: Time Walk
Level 6: Chronoshphere: Creates a sphere that freezes all units caught under it, making them unable to use spells and items (even allies) Faceless Void can dominate the battlefield with this spell as it allows him to be a reliable and excellent team fighter. He can obliterate the entire enemy team alone in the late game if he manages to capture all his foes in the Chronosphere.
Level 7: Time Lock
Level 8: Time Lock
Level 9: Time Lock
Level 10: Time Walk
Level 11: Time Dilation
Level 12: Chronoshphere
Level 13: Time Dilation
Level 14: Time Dilation
Level 15: -1s Time Walk Cooldown
Level 16: Stats
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Chronoshphere
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +95 Attack Speed during Chronoshphere
Level 25: +20% Backtrack
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Quelling Blade (100 Gold) - Increases the physical attack damage on non-hero units, and can also be used to cut trees. It is a must-have item on melee carry heroes like Faceless Void.
- 2x Iron Branch (50 Gold) - Grants +1 of all attributes per branch. It provides decent sustain in the early game. The branch can be also planted to block paths for enemies or to deceive them under the fog.
- Tango (90 Gold) - Provides health regen if used on a tree. It's the cheapest yet the most convenient way of healing up in the early stages of the game when you are playing in the side lanes. Regardless of the hero you play, Tangoes are a core item.
- Circlet (155 Gold) - Grants +2 of all attributes. It helps Faceless Void stay durable through the early game.
- Slippers of Agility (140 Gold) - Grants +3 Agility. It is a usual early item on Faceless Void, as he lacks the early game attack speed and stats which is hence fulfilled by this item.
- Wraith Band (505 Gold) - Bought at 0:50 minutes. Provides increased attributes, armor, and attack speed. The bonuses are doubled after 25 minutes. It is a staple item on Faceless Void, as it is built for the increased durability and farming potential that it offers in this matchup.
- Hand of Midas (2200 Gold) - Bought at 7 minutes. Upon usage, it converts a creep/unit into 160 gold and grants 2.1x their normal experience, it also provides increased attack speed. It's an essential item if Void is facing some high-tempo heroes or if he is lacking behind in farm or XP.
- Power Treads (1400 Gold) - Bought at 9 minutes. It provides 45 movement speed and 25 attack speed along with toggleable attributes, which offer everything from increased mana pool to armor and even strength, helping Faceless Void in all stages of the game
- Magic Stick (200 Gold) - Purchased at 10 minutes. Gains a charge each time an enemy uses a spell around you. Each direction grants 15 HP and mana and can have up to 10 charges. It is a perfect item in the laning stage if you face heroes who cast spells frequently.
- Maelstrom (2700 Gold) - Bought at 14 minutes. Upon physical attacks, it has a high chance of releasing a lighting bolt that passes through enemies in proximity and deals damage to them. This allows Faceless Void to farm faster while also providing him with increased attack damage.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 21 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Faceless Void invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Linken’s Sphere (4600 Gold) - Purchased at 26 minutes. Blocks one targeted spell every 14 seconds, and also increases stats and mana regen. This build has enough offensive items, and having a balance of offensive and defensive items can be extremely useful in the late game, helping Faceless Void stay alive in the high-pressure teamfights.
- Mjollnir (5600 Gold) - Bought at 29 minutes. Maelstrom can be upgraded into Mjollnir which increases attack speed while also allowing Faceless Void to apply the lighting effect on himself or allies which causes anyone attacking them to take damage back.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Obtained from Roshan at 32 minutes. Grants Void the Reverse Time Walk ability, available for seconds after landing Time Walk. If used in this period, you will reverse your time walk back to your previous cast location. Does not affect health or proc scepter hits.
- Eye of Skadi (5300 Gold) - Bought at 34 minutes. This causes Faceless Void’s attacks to lower enemy attack and movement speed while reducing their health regeneration and lifesteal by 40%. It is an exceptional item if you are facing tanky heroes that regen or lifesteal fast. It also provides huge bonuses such as increased stats, HP, and Mana.
- Refresher’s Orb (5000 Gold) - Purchased at 37 minutes. Refreshes the cooldown of all items and spells. It is an effective item on Faceless Void as it allows you to use crucial spells like Chronosphere twice, along with items like Black King Bar.
- Bloodthorn (6800 Gold) - Bought at 41 minutes. It silences the targeted enemy for 5 seconds, making them take 30% of the total damage dealt during the silence. The attacks will also have True Sight, and deal critical damage under its duration. Faceless Void prefers this item as it provides him with much-needed disables in the early game
Neutral Items
- Possessed Mask - It provides +7 of the primary attribute to Void while also providing him with lifesteal. It is an exceptional item in the early game for a carry hero.
- Pupil’s Gift - Increases Void’s non-primary attributes by +15. It also provides increased agility and mana pool to him, increasing his potential to cast more spells and deal damage in a fight.
- Elven Tunic - Provides Faceless Void with increased attack and movement speed along with increased evasion. The bonus perks help him deal high damage in a teamfight and be elusive at the same time.
- Penta-Edged Sword - Increases Faceless Void’s attack damage by 45 and provides him with 100 increased attack range. It also has a chance to reduce enemy movement and attack speed for a brief duration. Void benefits briefly from this slow.
4. Yatoro Build
The pride of CIS and the most prominent name in the current dota scene is none other than young superstar Yatoro. He is regarded as one of the best carry players due to his insane map awareness and impeccable mechanical skills. This is due to his immense understanding of the game. His Faceless Void has been highly lauded due to his excellent spell-casting and item builds. As the terrific time bender, he focuses on shoving his enemy out of the lane and capitalizing on that by farming neutrals and taking all the runes, ensuring he hits his item timings earlier than his opponents. Yatoro loves going with a typical fight-oriented build which helps him dominate the mid-game.
The dynamic and evolving Yatoro changes his build according to the heroes he is against, constantly shuffling between items like Mask of Madness, Mjollnir, and Black King Bar. Yatoro is quite an aggressive and dominant player, and Faceless Void for sure suits his play style. You can see his highly dominating playstyle right off the bat, the way he shoves enemies out of the lane with his massive physical damage. He is an extremely aggressive laner, often diving towers to get kills, which he can do quite effortlessly with Void. You may learn a few tricks if you follow Yatoro’s build thoroughly. Pay attention to his farming pattern and immaculate map awareness skills.
Use This Build If:
- You want an extremely reliable carry build for the late game
- You want to deal extremely high physical damage as a Faceless Void
- You want to be mobile or are facing slippery mobile heroes
- You want to be involved in more skirmishes from the early game
Skill Points
Level 1: Time Walk: Faceless Void rushes to the targeted location, backtracking any damage taken in the last 2 seconds. The damage is reverted, making it easy for Void to soak up damage and return to full HP. It is an ideal early-game spell as it helps him survive and get through rough fights.
Level 2: Time Lock: Provides a chance for Void to bash the target unit upon physical attacks. It also deals bonus damage, allowing Void to deal higher damage as well as bash enemies during fights.
Level 3: Time Dilation: Upon usage, Void slows down all enemies in an AoE, extending their spell cooldowns and slowing their attack and movement speed by 10% for each cooldown extended. It also deals increased damage per second for each cooldown extended. This is a crucial spell against spellcasting heroes.
Level 4: Time Lock
Level 5: Time Lock
Level 6: Chronoshphere: Creates a sphere that freezes all units caught under it, making them unable to use spells and items (even allies) Faceless Void can dominate the battlefield with this spell as it allows him to be a reliable and excellent team fighter. He can obliterate the entire enemy team alone in the late game if he manages to capture all his foes in the Chronosphere.
Level 7: Time Lock
Level 8: Time Walk
Level 9: Time Walk
Level 10: Time Walk
Level 11: Stats
Level 12: Stats
Level 13: Stats
Level 14: Stats
Level 15: -1s Time Walk Cooldown
Level 16: Chronoshphere
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Chronoshphere
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +95 Attack Speed during Chronoshphere
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Quelling Blade (100 Gold) - Increases the physical attack damage on non-hero units, and can also be used to cut trees. It is a must-have item on melee carry heroes like Faceless Void.
- Iron Branch (50 Gold) - Grants +1 of all attributes per branch. It provides decent sustain in the early game. The branch can be also planted to block paths for enemies or to deceive them under the fog.
- Tango (90 Gold) - Provides health regen if used on a tree. It's the cheapest yet the most convenient way of healing up in the early stages of the game when you are playing in the side lanes. Regardless of the hero you play, Tangoes are a core item.
- Circlet (155 Gold) - Grants +2 of all attributes. It helps Faceless Void stay durable through the early game.
- Magic Stick (200 Gold) - Gains a charge each time an enemy uses a spell around you. Each direction grants 15 HP and mana and can have up to 10 charges. It is a perfect item in the laning stage if you face heroes who cast spells frequently.
- Band of Elvenskin (450 Gold) - Purchased at 1 minute. Provides +6 agility to Faceless Void. The high value provided by this item is unmatchable in the early game. It can further be upgraded into Power Treads.
- Power Treads (1400 Gold) - Bought at 4 minutes. It provides 45 movement speed and 25 attack speed along with toggleable attributes, which offer everything from increased mana pool to armor and even strength, helping Faceless Void in all stages of the game.
- Mask of Madness (1775 Gold) - Purchased at 8 minutes. Grants 110 attack speed and 30 movement speed while silencing and reducing armor by 8. It is a standard purchase on Void due to the armor loss but if you have your team backing you then it can be an ideal item if combined with Time Lock.
- Wraith Band (505 Gold) - Bought at 9 minutes. Provides increased attributes, armor, and attack speed. The bonuses are doubled after 25 minutes. It is a staple item on Faceless Void, as it is built for the increased durability and farming potential that it offers in this matchup.
- Javelin (1100 Gold) - Purchased at 11 minutes. Grants Faceless Void’s attacks a 30% chance to pierce evasion and deal 70 bonus damage. It can further be upgraded into Maelstrom.
- Maelstrom (2700 Gold) - Bought at 14 minutes. Upon physical attacks, it has a high chance of releasing a lighting bolt that passes through enemies in proximity and deals damage to them. This allows Faceless Void to farm faster while also providing him with increased attack damage.
- Mjollnir (5600 Gold) - Bought at 20 minutes. Maelstrom can be upgraded into Mjollnir which increases attack speed while also allowing Faceless Void to apply the lighting effect on himself or allies which causes anyone attacking them to take damage back.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 25 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Faceless Void invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Linken’s Sphere (4600 Gold) - Purchased at 29 minutes. Blocks one targeted spell every 14 seconds, and also increases stats and mana regen. This build has enough offensive items, and having a balance of offensive and defensive items can be extremely useful in the late game, helping Faceless Void stay alive in the high-pressure teamfights.
Neutral Items
- Possessed Mask - It provides +7 of the primary attribute to Faceless Void while also providing him with lifesteal. It is an exceptional item in the early game for a carry hero.
- Ring of Aquila - Grants 1.25 mana regen and 2 armor to nearby allies and allied units. This is an exceptional teamfight item for Faceless Void.
- Titan Sliver - Increases Faceless Void base attack damage by 20%, it also increases his magic resistance by 16% and buffs up his status resistance by 12%. These stats allow Void to be highly durable and resilient in a teamfight.
3. 23Savage Build
23Savage gained notoriety for being a consistently high-ranked pub star. This rising superstar from the east is known for his insane gameplay, he can win with pretty much any hero he plays. 23Savage can play a variety of heroes, but Faceless Void remains his favorite! His Faceless Void is said to be extremely dangerous. He is known to be quite the aggressive laner, often picking the elemental giant, to synergize with other heroes on his team, especially when his team has followed up for his Chronosphere. 23Savage has been picking Faceless Void even when it got nerfed, his gameplay and mechanical skills triumph over the patch changes
23Savage has a very orthodox Faceless Void build, but the way he plays out his laning phase is highly commendable. This is the preferred build by 23Savage. This build provides great sustain and stats, it also guarantees immense damage in team fights, most of which can’t be negated. 23Savage alters his build according to the heroes he is facing, which is an impressive skill to learn. 23Savage loves items like Black King Bar and Mjollnir that provide stats and sustain in team fights. This build allows him to stand his ground and utilize Void to his true potential.
Use This Build If:
- You want an early game fight oriented build which does not falter in the late game
- You want a highly self-sustainable build that can help you stay durable and withstand immense damage
- You want to be highly mobile and participate in fights right from the get-go
- You are facing squishy and low armor heroes, this build deals high damage and eviscerates their armor
Skill Points
Level 1: Time Walk: Faceless Void rushes to the targeted location, backtracking any damage taken in the last 2 seconds. The damage is reverted, making it easy for Void to soak up damage and return to full HP. It is an ideal early-game spell as it helps him survive and get through rough fights.
Level 2: Time Dilation: Upon usage, Void slows down all enemies in an AoE, extending their spell cooldowns and slowing their attack and movement speed by 10% for each cooldown extended. It also deals increased damage per second for each cooldown extended. This is a crucial spell against spellcasting heroes.
Level 3: Time Walk
Level 4: Time Lock: Provides a chance for Void to bash the target unit upon physical attacks. It also deals bonus damage, allowing Void to deal higher damage as well as bash enemies during fights.
Level 5: Time Walk
Level 6: Chronoshphere: Creates a sphere that freezes all units caught under it, making them unable to use spells and items (even allies) Faceless Void can dominate the battlefield with this spell as it allows him to be a reliable and excellent team fighter. He can obliterate the entire enemy team alone in the late game if he manages to capture all his foes in the Chronosphere.
Level 7: Time Lock
Level 8: Time Walk
Level 9: Time Lock
Level 10: Time Lock
Level 11: Time Dilation
Level 12: Chronoshphere
Level 13: Time Dilation
Level 14: Time Dilation
Level 15: -1s Time Walk Cooldown
Level 16: Stats
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Chronoshphere
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +95 Attack Speed during Chronoshphere
Level 25: +140 Chronoshphere AoE
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Quelling Blade (100 Gold) - Increases the physical attack damage on non-hero units, and can also be used to cut trees. It is a must-have item on melee carry heroes like Faceless Void.
- 2x Iron Branch (50 Gold) - Grants +1 of all attributes per branch. It provides decent sustain in the early game. The branch can be also planted to block paths for enemies or to deceive them under the fog.
- Tango (90 Gold) - Provides health regen if used on a tree. It's the cheapest yet the most convenient way of healing up in the early stages of the game when you are playing in the side lanes. Regardless of the hero you play, Tangoes are a core item.
- Circlet (155 Gold) - Grants +2 of all attributes. It helps Faceless Void stay durable through the early game.
- Slippers of Agility (140 Gold) - Grants +3 Agility. It is a usual early item on Faceless Void, as he lacks the early game attack speed and stats which is hence fulfilled by this item.
- Wraith Band (505 Gold) - Bought at 0:47. Provides increased attributes, armor, and attack speed. The bonuses are doubled after 25 minutes. It is a staple item on Faceless Void, as it is built for the increased durability and farming potential that it offers in this matchup.
- Band of Elvenskin (450 Gold) - Purchased at 2 minutes. Provides +6 agility to Faceless Void. The high value provided by this item is unmatchable in the early game. It can further be upgraded into Power Treads.
- Power Treads (1400 Gold) - Bought at 4 minutes. It provides 45 movement speed and 25 attack speed along with toggleable attributes, which offer everything from increased mana pool to armor and even strength, helping Faceless Void in all stages of the game.
- Morbid Mask (900 Gold) - Purchased at 6 minutes. Heals Faceless Void for a percentage of the damage he deals to his enemies. It can further be upgraded into Mask of Madness.
- Mask of Madness (1775 Gold) - Purchased at 8 minutes. Grants 110 attack speed and 30 movement speed while silencing and reducing armor by 8. It is a standard purchase on Void due to the armor loss but if you have your team backing you then it can be an ideal item if combined with Time Lock.
- Javelin (1100 Gold) - Purchased at 10 minutes. Grants Faceless Void’s attacks a 30% chance to pierce evasion and deal 70 bonus damage. It can further be upgraded into Maelstrom.
- Clarity (50 Gold) - Purchased at 6 minutes. Grants 6 mana regeneration for 25 seconds. This item ensures he sustains his mana throughout the laning phase or even in the late game.
- Maelstrom (2700 Gold) - Bought at 13 minutes. Upon physical attacks, it has a high chance of releasing a lighting bolt that passes through enemies in proximity and deals damage to them. This allows Faceless Void to farm faster while also providing him with increased attack damage.
- Magic Wand (450 Gold) - Bought at 13 minutes. Gains a charge every time an enemy uses a spell in an AoE. It can store up to 20 charges, with each charge healing you up to 15 HP and mana. It is an ideal starting item as it allows Faceless Void to sustain himself in the lane if he is facing spellcasting heroes.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 18 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Faceless Void invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Mjollnir (5600 Gold) - Bought at 21 minutes. Maelstrom can be upgraded into Mjollnir which increases attack speed while also allowing Faceless Void to apply the lighting effect on himself or allies which causes anyone attacking them to take damage back.
- Assault Cuirass (5125 Gold) - Purchased at 27 minutes. Grants 30 attack speed and 5 armor to allies and structures near Faceless Void. It also reduces armor for enemies around him. With reduced enemy armor and increased damage for Faceless Void, he can wreak havoc upon his enemies.
- Moon Shard - (4000 Gold) - Purchased twice, at 30 and 33 minutes. It grants 140 Attack Speed and 200 Bonus Night Vision each. Upon consumption, the bonuses are halved. Faceless Void benefits significantly from increased attack speed bonuses as he lacks majorly in that department.
Neutral Items
- Pig Pole - Provides +6 of all attributes. Its active turns Faceless Void into a pig, making him unable to use spells or items but increasing his movement speed, which can allow him to escape certain sticky situations.
- Dagger of Ritsul - Consumes 100 HP to gain 40 damage for 8 seconds. As Faceless Void has decent HP in the middle game, he can afford to sacrifice the 100 HP for a significant amount of damage in a teamfight.
2. Pakazs Build
The South American rising star impressed all the dota fans with his impeccable performance at the International 11 last year. Pakazs’ vast hero pool and excellent game sense is the reason why he is a star player. His stellar Faceless Void performance is quite hard to ignore, he leaves no stone unturned when it comes to destroying the enemy team. As Void, Pakazs is known to prioritize fighting over farming, his skill build is evidence of that. Faceless Void is a hero that relies on teamfights to gain farm, he is highly
With such an aggressive build on Void, Pakazs rotates as early as he can to safeguard in other lanes and also farms a decent window to farm on the fuzzy bear. He prefers the max Time Lock build, as it allows him to deal higher damage and a debuff that can’t be purged. Pakazs is an efficient farmer, he makes the most out of sticky situations and certainly knows his way around Faceless Void with his exceptional spell usage. He also purchases both Eye of Skadi and Butterfly which offers him immense survivability and slow potential, ruining the game further for his foes. Pakazs’ Void Build is a hard-hitting one and must be tried if you are looking to expand your builds or hero pool.
Use This Build If:
- You are facing squishy and low HP heroes
- You are facing enemies with high regen or lifesteal potential
- You want an early game fight oriented Void build which does not falter in the late game
- You want a highly self-sustainable build that can help you stay durable and withstand immense damage
Skill Points
Level 1: Time Walk: Faceless Void rushes to the targeted location, backtracking any damage taken in the last 2 seconds. The damage is reverted, making it easy for Void to soak up damage and return to full HP. It is an ideal early-game spell as it helps him survive and get through rough fights.
Level 2: Time Lock: Provides a chance for Void to bash the target unit upon physical attacks. It also deals bonus damage, allowing Void to deal higher damage as well as bash enemies during fights.
Level 3: Time Lock
Level 4: Time Walk
Level 5: Time Lock
Level 6: Chronoshphere: Creates a sphere that freezes all units caught under it, making them unable to use spells and items (even allies) Faceless Void can dominate the battlefield with this spell as it allows him to be a reliable and excellent team fighter. He can obliterate the entire enemy team alone in the late game if he manages to capture all his foes in the Chronosphere.
Level 7: Time Walk
Level 8: Time Lock
Level 9: Time Walk
Level 10: Time Dilation: Upon usage, Void slows down all enemies in an AoE, extending their spell cooldowns and slowing their attack and movement speed by 10% for each cooldown extended. It also deals increased damage per second for each cooldown extended. This is a crucial spell against spellcasting heroes.
Level 11: Time Dilation
Level 12: Chronoshphere
Level 13: Time Dilation
Level 14: Time Dilation
Level 15: -1s Time Walk Cooldown
Level 16: Stats
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Chronoshphere
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: Stats
Level 21: +95 Attack Speed during Chronoshphere
Level 25: +20% Backtrack
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Quelling Blade (100 Gold) - Increases the physical attack damage on non-hero units, and can also be used to cut trees. It is a must-have item on melee carry heroes like Faceless Void.
- 2x Iron Branch (50 Gold) - Grants +1 of all attributes per branch. It provides decent sustain in the early game. The branch can be also planted to block paths for enemies or to deceive them under the fog.
- Tango (90 Gold) - Provides health regen if used on a tree. It's the cheapest yet the most convenient way of healing up in the early stages of the game when you are playing in the side lanes. Regardless of the hero you play, Tangoes are a core item.
- Circlet (155 Gold) - Grants +2 of all attributes. It helps Faceless Void stay durable through the early game.
- Slippers of Agility (140 Gold) - Grants +3 Agility. It is a usual early item on Faceless Void, as he lacks the early game attack speed and stats which is hence fulfilled by this item.
- Faerie Fire (70 Gold) - Instantly restores 85 health upon usage for Faceless Void. It also passively grants 2 damage per instance. It is an effective item if you’re playing in the mid lane, or just want extra damage and sustain in the side lanes.
- 2x Wraith Band (505 Gold) - Bought at 2 minutes. Provides increased attributes, armor, and attack speed. The bonuses are doubled after 25 minutes. It is a staple item on Faceless Void, as it is built for the increased durability and farming potential that it offers in this matchup.
- Band of Elvenskin (450 Gold) - Purchased at 4 minutes. Provides +6 agility to Faceless Void. The high value provided by this item is unmatchable in the early game. It can further be upgraded into Power Treads.
- Power Treads (1400 Gold) - Bought at 6 minutes. It provides 45 movement speed and 25 attack speed along with toggleable attributes, which offer everything from increased mana pool to armor and even strength, helping Faceless Void in all stages of the game.
- Magic Wand (450 Gold) - Bought at 8 minutes. Gains a charge every time an enemy uses a spell in an AoE. It can store up to 20 charges, with each charge healing you up to 15 HP and mana. It is an ideal starting item as it allows Faceless Void to sustain himself in the lane if he is facing spellcasting heroes.
- Infused Raindrops (225 Gold) - Purchased at 8 minutes. Passively provides +0.8 Mana Regeneration while consuming a charge to block 120 incoming magic damage from instances over 75 damage. It comes with 6 charges, helping Faceless Void fare well against heroes with high magic damage output.
- Javelin (1100 Gold) - Purchased at 10 minutes. Grants Faceless Void’s attacks a 30% chance to pierce evasion and deal 70 bonus damage. It can further be upgraded into Maelstrom.
- Maelstrom (2700 Gold) - Bought at 13 minutes. Upon physical attacks, it has a high chance of releasing a lighting bolt that passes through enemies in proximity and deals damage to them. This allows Faceless Void to farm faster while also providing him with increased attack damage.
- Mjollnir (5600 Gold) - Bought at 17 minutes. Maelstrom can be upgraded into Mjollnir which increases attack speed while also allowing Faceless Void to apply the lighting effect on himself or allies which causes anyone attacking them to take damage back.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Purchased at 21 minutes. Grants Void the Reverse Time Walk ability, available for seconds after landing Time Walk. If used in this period, you will reverse your time walk back to your previous cast location. Does not affect health or proc scepter hits.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 31 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Faceless Void invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Linken’s Sphere (4600 Gold) - Purchased at 36 minutes. Blocks one targeted spell every 14 seconds, and also increases stats and mana regen. This build has enough offensive items, and having a balance of offensive and defensive items can be extremely useful in the late game, helping Faceless Void stay alive in the high-pressure teamfights.
- Aghanim’s Scepter (Obtained from Roshan at 41 minutes) - Applies Time Lock to all units at the landing destination. This allows Void to deal damage to all units in his way before he uses Chronosphere.
- Eye of Skadi (5300 Gold) - Bought at 42 minutes. This causes Faceless Void’s attacks to lower enemy attack and movement speed while reducing their health regeneration and lifesteal by 40%. It is an exceptional item if you are facing tanky heroes that regen or lifesteal fast. It also provides huge bonuses such as increased stats, HP, and Mana.
- Moon Shard - (4000 Gold) - Purchased at 44 minutes. It grants 140 Attack Speed and 200 Bonus Night Vision each. Upon consumption, the bonuses are halved. Faceless Void benefits significantly from increased attack speed bonuses as he lacks majorly in that department.
- Refresher’s Orb (5000 Gold) - Purchased at 48 minutes. Refreshes the cooldown of all items and spells. It is an effective item on Faceless Void as it allows you to use crucial spells like Chronosphere twice, along with items like Black King Bar.
- Nullifier - (4725 Gold) Purchased at 52 minutes. Nullifier allows Void to actively dispel any buffs that the targeted enemy may have, this disables their impact and prevents them from using any defensive items or spells in a fight.
- Butterfly (4975 Gold) - Bought at 58 minutes. It increases Faceless Void’s evasion by 35%, making it hard for enemies to deal with physical attacks on him. It also increases his agility, making him deal higher damage in teamfights.
Neutral Items
- Dagger of Ritsul - Consumes 100 HP to gain 40 damage for 8 seconds. As Faceless Void has decent HP in the middle game, he can afford to sacrifice the 100 HP for a significant amount of damage in a teamfight.
- Ring of Aquila - Grants 1.25 mana regen and 2 armor to nearby allies and allied units. This is an exceptional teamfight item for Faceless Void.
- Mind Breaker - Provides Void with increased attack damage and attack speed while also causing his attack to silence the enemy for 1.75 seconds. Has 12 seconds cooldown.
- Trickster Cloak - Provides Void with increased evasion and magic resistance. Its active allows him to turn invisible for 6 seconds, making it easy for him to escape.
1. iLTW Build
Achieving major success at a young age is quite a rare feat in the Dota pro scene. Not all players are like the young and talented iLTW. He is an aggressive laner on Faceless Void, extremely powerful right off the bat, and stays relevant even in the late game. This build offers high physical damage potential which may decimate your enemies within no time. While this build deals with damage, it also offers decent defense at the same time. It is advised that you begin this build with Flak Cannon and further max it so you can deal damage to multiple units at once.
iLTW is known to build various item builds that supplement his abilities and enhance his damage potential. On a physical damage build, it is often advised to build items that deal high damage and increase your potential, while also building items that can sustain you in a fight. Daedalus is an essential item on Faceless Void, which offers him critical damage. Further, iLTW also builds Satanic and Black King Bar which help him stay durable and shield him from any threats in a fight. It is not a true Void game if you do not build Monkey King Bar. It offers optimum damage which you need to close a game out, iLTW plays an excellent Faceless Void, pay attention to his insane map awareness in the highlight video.
Use This Build If:
- You want a carry Void build which helps you farm and fight from the early game
- If you want to be involved in skirmishes as early as possible
- If you are facing squishy low HP heroes
Skill Points
Level 1: Time Walk: Faceless Void rushes to the targeted location, backtracking any damage taken in the last 2 seconds. The damage is reverted, making it easy for Void to soak up damage and return to full HP. It is an ideal early-game spell as it helps him survive and get through rough fights.
Level 2: Time Lock: Provides a chance for Void to bash the target unit upon physical attacks. It also deals bonus damage, allowing Void to deal higher damage as well as bash enemies during fights.
Level 3: Time Dilation: Upon usage, Void slows down all enemies in an AoE, extending their spell cooldowns and slowing their attack and movement speed by 10% for each cooldown extended. It also deals increased damage per second for each cooldown extended. This is a crucial spell against spellcasting heroes.
Level 4: Time Lock
Level 5: Time Lock
Level 6: Chronoshphere: Creates a sphere that freezes all units caught under it, making them unable to use spells and items (even allies) Faceless Void can dominate the battlefield with this spell as it allows him to be a reliable and excellent team fighter. He can obliterate the entire enemy team alone in the late game if he manages to capture all his foes in the Chronosphere.
Level 7: Time Lock
Level 8: Time Walk
Level 9: Time Walk
Level 10: Time Walk
Level 11: Time Dilation
Level 12: Chronoshphere
Level 13: Time Dilation
Level 14: Time Dilation
Level 15: -1s Time Walk Cooldown
Level 16: +0.5s Time Walk Backtrack Duration
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Chronoshphere
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +95 Attack Speed during Chronoshphere
Level 25: +20% Backtrack
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Magic Stick (200 Gold) - Gains a charge each time an enemy uses a spell around you. Each direction grants 15 HP and mana and can have up to 10 charges. It is a perfect item in the laning stage if you face heroes who cast spells frequently.
- Quelling Blade (100 Gold) - Increases the physical attack damage on non-hero units, and can also be used to cut trees. It is a must-have item on melee carry heroes like Faceless Void.
- 3x Iron Branch (50 Gold) - Grants +1 of all attributes per branch. It provides decent sustain in the early game. The branch can be also planted to block paths for enemies or to deceive them under the fog.
- Slippers of Agility (140 Gold) - Grants +3 Agility. It is a usual early item on Faceless Void, as he lacks the early game attack speed and stats which is hence fulfilled by this item.
- Wraith Band (505 Gold) - Bought at 1 minute. Provides increased attributes, armor, and attack speed. The bonuses are doubled after 25 minutes. It is a staple item on Faceless Void, as it is built for the increased durability and farming potential that it offers in this matchup.
- Band of Elvenskin (450 Gold) - Purchased at 2 minutes. Provides +6 agility to Faceless Void. The high value provided by this item is unmatchable in the early game. It can further be upgraded into Power Treads.
- Power Treads (1400 Gold) - Bought at 5 minutes. It provides 45 movement speed and 25 attack speed along with toggleable attributes, which offer everything from increased mana pool to armor and even strength, helping Faceless Void in all stages of the game.
- Morbid Mask (900 Gold) - Purchased at 7 minutes. Heals Faceless Void for a percentage of the damage he deals to his enemies. It can further be upgraded into Mask of Madness.
- Mask of Madness (1775 Gold) - Purchased at 10 minutes. Grants 110 attack speed and 30 movement speed while silencing and reducing armor by 8. It is a standard purchase on Void due to the armor loss but if you have your team backing you then it can be an ideal item if combined with Time Lock.
- Javelin (1100 Gold) - Purchased at 10 minutes. Grants Faceless Void’s attacks a 30% chance to pierce evasion and deal 70 bonus damage. It can further be upgraded into Maelstrom.
- Maelstrom (2700 Gold) - Bought at 15 minutes. Upon physical attacks, it has a high chance of releasing a lighting bolt that passes through enemies in proximity and deals damage to them. This allows Faceless Void to farm faster while also providing him with increased attack damage.
- Magic Wand (450 Gold) - Bought at 15 minutes. Gains a charge every time an enemy uses a spell in an AoE. It can store up to 20 charges, with each charge healing you up to 15 HP and mana. It is an ideal starting item as it allows Faceless Void to sustain himself in the lane if he is facing spellcasting heroes.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 21 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Faceless Void invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Purchased at 23 minutes. Grants Void the Reverse Time Walk ability, available for seconds after landing Time Walk. If used in this period, you will reverse your time walk back to your previous cast location. Does not affect health or proc scepter hits.
- Mjollnir (5600 Gold) - Bought at 28 minutes. Maelstrom can be upgraded into Mjollnir which increases attack speed while also allowing Faceless Void to apply the lighting effect on himself or allies which causes anyone attacking them to take damage back.
- Linken’s Sphere (4600 Gold) - Purchased at 32 minutes. Blocks one targeted spell every 14 seconds, and also increases stats and mana regen. This build has enough offensive items, and having a balance of offensive and defensive items can be extremely useful in the late game, helping Faceless Void stay alive in the high-pressure teamfights.
- Eye of Skadi (5300 Gold) - Bought at 39 minutes. This causes Faceless Void’s attacks to lower enemy attack and movement speed while reducing their health regeneration and lifesteal by 40%. It is an exceptional item if you are facing tanky heroes that regen or lifesteal fast. It also provides huge bonuses such as increased stats, HP, and Mana.
- Monkey King Bar (4975 Gold) - Purchased at 41 minutes. Grants Faceless Void’s attacks a chance to do true strike upon physical attacks. It also provides increased physical damage, making it an exceptional item for dealing great damage in fights.
- Satanic - (5050 Gold) Bought at around 45 minutes. Can lifesteal on physical attacks upon activation, and also provides basic dispel from the latter. Great to sustain in the ultra-late game as you can be surrounded by multiple enemies at once.
- Refresher’s Orb (5000 Gold) - Purchased at 49 minutes. Refreshes the cooldown of all items and spells. It is an effective item on Faceless Void as it allows you to use crucial spells like Chronosphere twice, along with items like Black King Bar.
- Moon Shard - (4000 Gold) - Purchased at 55 minutes. It grants 140 Attack Speed and 200 Bonus Night Vision each. Upon consumption, the bonuses are halved. Faceless Void benefits significantly from increased attack speed bonuses as he lacks majorly in that department.
Neutral Items
- Possessed Mask - It provides +7 of the primary attribute to Void while also providing him with lifesteal. It is an exceptional item in the early game for a carry hero.
- Ring of Aquila - Grants 1.25 mana regen and 2 armor to nearby allies and allied units. This is an exceptional teamfight item for Faceless Void.
- Mind Breaker - Provides Void with increased attack damage and attack speed while also causing his attack to silence the enemy for 1.75 seconds. Has 12 seconds cooldown.
- Penta-Edged Sword - Increases Faceless Void’s attack damage by 45 and provides him with 100 increased attack range. It also has a chance to reduce enemy movement and attack speed for a brief duration. Void benefits briefly from this slow.
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