The much-famed carry role is often misunderstood as an easy role, as all you have to do is hit creeps and avoid most teamfights— which is entirely false! The carry players often carry the game on their backs; all alone. They’re the hard hitters, responsible for having the most impact in teamfights. What looks like a flashy and easy role can quickly turn nightmarish if you don’t have the mechanical skills to back your hero up. However, this can be prevented if you watch and study high-ranked players flawlessly carrying their pub and pro games. Their gameplay can equip you with the proper insights and knowledge required to win effortlessly as a carry player.
The players below are considered one of the best in the business, all thanks to their exceptional gameplay and mechanical prowess. Read on to discover the top 15 Best Carry Players In the World! Watching replays of these players will surely help you climb up the MMR ladder.
15. 23Savage

23Savage gained notoriety for being a consistently high-ranked pub star. He naturally understands the game's economy, allowing him to optimize his farm and gain experience. 23Savage is particularly efficient in farming and accumulating gold to hit his item timings and power spikes with his team. He maximizes his farm efficiently and opts to play for the late game where he outshines his foes with his special six-slotted hero builds.
He is also known for his great decision-making and sense in the game besides consistency. With a good view of the game flow; he is well-positioned to see where his team might have optimal moments to fight or just disengage. 23Savage's strategic awareness together with his mechanical skills will make great decisive plays that can change the course of matches. He can coordinate well with his teammates and pull off perfectly timed team fights.
23Savage Shadow Fiend Gameplay
Major Tournament Achievements:
7-8th Place - The International 2024 - $65,024
14. Parker

Parker, the South American superstar impressed all the dota fans with his impeccable performance at tournaments over the past year. His vast hero pool and excellent game sense are the reason why he is a star player. His stellar performance is quite hard to ignore, he leaves no stone unturned when it comes to destroying the enemy team. As a carry player, Parker is known to prioritize fighting over farming, his item builds are evidence of that. He relies on teamfights to gain farm, he is highly regarded as one of the best emerging talents from the SA scene.
Parker can efficiently navigate the map, capitalizing on his farm as well as XP gain. He is well-versed in pressuring the enemy team once he has his desired items. Along with his skill set, Parker’s massive hero pool enables Heroic to flexibly pick heroes based on the different situations in the game. He can also adapt to the draft and adjust his playstyle according to the situation his team is in. effectively navigating the early as well as late-game scenarios.
Major Tournament Achievements:
1st Place - RES Regional Series: LATAM #4 - $25,000
13. Yuma

Yuma "Yuma" Langlet brings fresh air to the NA region with his perfect playstyle. The ambitious lad is famous for his aggressive playstyle and within no time became one of the most sought-after players in the competitive scene. With high ranking performance of Nouns Esports in the meta, Yuma cannot be stopped; ever-changing within different cores and playstyles.
Yuma is also notorious for his farming skills, always trying to get the most out of his farm and XP. He is quite good at map control, always looking out for places where he can farm for more gold. This rare trait is what makes him different from other carry players. He knows when to farm and when to fight which ensures that he isn’t a deadweight to the team. In the future, we can expect him to be ranked much higher in this list in an updated version.
Yuma Twitter
Major Tournament Achievements:
9-12th - The International 2024 - $51,998
12. Yuragi

Being picked up by the legendary OG at such a young age means either one has the true potential to reach great heights in the game or they’re good at spamming voice lines. Jokes apart, this is not an easy feat to achieve, but Yuragi makes it look easy. Starting as a pub star and then reaching such great heights is truly a hero’s journey storyline for young Yuragi. His playstyle often revolves around his team and hence is a team fight-oriented player.
Yuragi’s ability to synergize with his teammates and coordinate fights has set him apart from his contemporaries. He excels at understanding his hero’s weaknesses along with strengths, joining favorable fights, and avoiding fights that pose risks to him. He gels highly well with his teammates, enabling them to outsmart their teammates. Yuragi’s contribution extends above and beyond his performances, making him a vital part of his previous teams’ success.
Major Tournament Achievements:
4th Place - Clavision: Snow Ruyi - $45,000
11. Crystallis

Say what you want about Crystallis, he knows how to win games. He garnered praise and attention as a pub star, later getting acquired by Team Secret. He converted his haters into fans securing second place at the International 11. Crystallis is truly an indestructible force. His run with Paravision at the recent tournaments is highly impressive and we wish him luck in future tournaments.
Crystallis has showcased exceptional proficiency and dominance on several key picks. One of his signature heroes is Monkey King, a late-game powerhouse with immense pushing potential. Along with Monkey King, he has also mastered ranged carries Medusa, Luna, and Drow; making them a prominent part of his playstyle. Crystallis' versatility as well as his dominance makes him one of the rising superstars of the EU west region.
Major Tournament Achievements:
9-11th place - PGL Wallachia - $20,000 (as a Standin')
10. Timado

Timado is one of the best carry players in the South American professional scene! He is also one of the region’s first superstars, making quite an impression with his fierce carry gameplay and amazing hero mastery. Thanks to his versatility and gameplay, he can be a nightmare to his enemies all the time.
Timado’s technical skills and competence have placed him high on this list. What is more, one of his particular advantages is that he knows when exactly to capitalize and make a game-changing play. Timado is a risk taker; always looking for ways to increase the winning chances of his team. He has been dominating his pub games and is ranked one of the highest in NA leaderboards.
Major Tournament Achievements:
5-6th Place - Elite League Season 2 - $52,000
9. Costabile

Guilherme “Costabile” Costabile, is widely regarded as a consistent carry in the Dota scene. Throughout the years, across various teams, Costabile has shown his immaculate gameplay and skill, making him a feared player in the American region. He has established himself in the carry role thanks to his signature heroes like Gyrocopter, Luna and Morphling.
Costabile is noted for his excellent decision-making skills in a teamfight. His prioritization of targets in a fight is a skill that more carry players need to instill. He showcases excellent farming patterns and in-depth knowledge of the game, which allow him to pull off spectacular plays in a teamfight. He can read teamfights well and prioritizes fights which will solidify his lead. You can for sure learn a thing or two from his replays!
Major Tournament Achievements:
1st Place - EPL World Series: America Season 13 - $5,000
8. Watson

Currently, Watson is one of the most popular players in the Dota 2 world, stunning the world by being one of the fewest to reach 15,000 MMR. It's worth noting that Watson does not rely solely on mechanical skill to win the games. He possesses great game knowledge and awareness; wielding an array of heroes. Thanks to this he can successfully change his playstyle to almost any situation.
Watson is known to find opportunities to gain an advantage for his team. He has shown outstanding map awareness regardless of the hero he is playing, be it a more aggressive and mobile late-game carry or a hard-hitting late-game hero. This also allows him to significantly outpace his opponents in fights and control objectives through proper farm and items. Watson has great team coordination which allows him to be a strong and reliant carry.
Major Tournament Achievements:
5-6th Place - The International 2024 - $91,076
7. Ame

Ame has made waves amongst Chinese Dota players putting him on the pedestal as one of the most dynamic players. His mechanics, game-sense, and versatility turn him into a whirling dervish. He does not have a specific hero he is known for as he can play a host of heroes and modify the team’s strategies depending on how the game situation is. For a long time, he has been active within the bounds of Chinese Dota.
Another of Ame’s trump cards is the ability to farm distinct parts of the map at a fast pace and hit critical item timings. He has an unmatched game knowledge that comes with fit fitness that enables him to farm and gain experience as well as higher levels while on the move. At this period, he may not be in the best form, however, he still aspires to dominate with Xtreme Gaming. At this period, he may not be in the best form, however, he still aspires to dominate with Xtreme Gaming.
Major Tournament Achievements:
5th-6th - The International 2024 - $91,076
6. Pure

Pure is one of the new stars representing the CIS region. His tremendous style of play helped him rank so high on this list. He is known for his great mechanical skills, versatility and solid game sense. Over the years he has been the go-to player for many teams since he is always reliable and can deliver as a carry. With his calm and composed demeanor, he has been a key contributor to the success of the BetBoom Team. Pure optimizes late-game builds, allowing him to stay relevant and demolish all his enemies.
Pure is known for his exceptional team-fighting capabilities. He has unreal amp awareness that allows him to fight as well as retreat during fights. He maneuvers team fights excellently while paying attention to spell casting and positioning. His teamwork as well as his ability to make the right moves are what makes him an effective and reliable carry player.
Major Tournament Achievements:
3rd Place - The International 2024 - $234,150
5. Nightfall

Nightfall is carving his niche in the pro-Dota scene. He has strong mechanical knowledge and knows when to make big plays, so it is no wonder he has already gained fans and fellow players’ respect. His outstanding adaptability helps him out in every role and will play a huge part in Team Tundra’s success in tournaments. Known for his aggressive plays Nightfall can excel in the laning phase if he is playing his signature heroes.
Besides, Nightfall’s flashy playstyle puts him so high on this list. He thrives in situations where the onus is on him to make the moves. This leads to some high-level gameplay and moves that are lauded by fans and peers all across the world. His quick decision-making has allowed his team to turn the tides and comeback from unwinnable situations in the past, making him a formidable player in the current pro scene.
Major Tournament Achievements:
7-8th - The International 2024 - $65,024
4. Dyrachyo

Dyarachyo is an absolute sensation in the professional Dota scene. He is one of the few carry players who have a sacrificial and adaptive playstyle, very similar to Micke and Matumbaman. His meteoric rise in the professional Dota scene is thanks to his fast-paced gameplay, prioritizing teamfights and reading the map well with his team.
Dyarchyo’s impressive farming skills and map awareness make him a powerful carry, always rotating and making space for his team, he is able to adapt to extreme situations. In addition to all these skills, he is also famous for his great coordination and communication within the team. His ability to motivate the team and have led to some jaw-dropping comebacks. We wish Dyayrachyo luck on his new team and root for his dominance.
Major Tournament Achievements:
2nd Place - The International 2024 - $364,305
3. Skiter

In the professional Dota scene, Skiter is one of the most, if not the most outstanding carry players. He has been a professional player for over 10 years and team Tundra was the only team that decided to sign him. Following Tundra’s rather successful stint at the International 11, Skiter became a superstar. Now, on team Falcons, he continues to wreak havoc as a fearful and respected player.
Skiter’s massive aggression and high-risk plays consistently push the boundaries of what is possible in the game, resulting in plays and combos that we have never seen before. His ability to find openings and capitalize on them has been lauded by peers and fans all across the world. Skiter’s farm efficiency and consistent playstyle have brought him into the top 5 of this list! With Falcon’s continued aggression, we hope to see more of Skiter in the future.
Major Tournament Achievements:
4th Place - The International 2024 - $156,100
2. Yatoro/Raddan

Yatoro/Raddan is the second youngest Ti winner. He has also set the record for the most rampages at the Ti mainstage. Known for his versatile hero pool and immense map awareness, Yatoro has quickly become one of the most respected and feared players in the scene. He has achieved recognition as a flashy carry, due to his impressive skill-set and game knowledge, often leading his team to victory. His lane presence is felt significantly by his enemies, making him a dominant carry while also possessing a great understanding of the game’s laning mechanics.
Yatoro’s exceptional mechanical skills and ability to adapt to hard lanes have made him a prominent carry plater, also leading his team to victory at the International, not once but twice! He consistently proves himself as a the key factor to Team Spirit’s victory throughout tournaments. Currently on a hiatus, Yatoro wants to take a moment to reflect and refine his skills, so he can return and look for that “3peat” in next year’s Ti!
Major Tournament Achievements:
9-12th Place - The International 2024 $51,998
1. MiCke

Micke and the Liquid lads made history by winning the recent International this September. Although highly skilled, he often got foreshadowed by his teammates, however, the Ti was his playing ground with him stepping up heavily and dominating throughout the tournament with his consistent hero picks. His impressive performances have been the deciding factor in Liquid’s performance for the past few months. He is undoubtedly an invaluable asset to the team.
Besides his skills, Micke is also known for his excellent communication and teamwork skills. He has showcased great coordination with his teammates, rotating as early as possible and having effective ganks. He often is known to play as an objective-oriented player, fighting for the towers and objectives. He has been ranked consistently higher in our previous carry lists and has now made his way to the number one spot!
Major Tournament Achievements
1st Place - The International 2024 - $1,170,965