In a YouTube video posted by “dota2” it shows Jake Kanner (SirActionSlacks) coaching Kaci Aitchison (Kaci) as she plays Dota 2. Kaci has recently announced that she is pregnant and the baby is “Due This Fall”.
Kaci Aitchison is a Dota 2 backstage host and interviewer during The International, she joined in 2013. During The International 2013, the fact that Kaci did not play Dota 2 or have any knowledge of the game caused some people in the Dota 2 Community to question if she was the right choice for a Dota 2 game host.
Before The International 2013, Valve Corporation, who host the event every year were holding auditions for a new TI host. Kaci’s agent notified her so she decided to audition and take part in the trials. She was successful in the auditions and got the job, however, she wasn’t heavily into playing games and had no knowledge of the MOBA game Dota2 or its community.
The only games she played were games like Tomb Raider, Minesweeper and Super Smash Mario Bros. This led people in the Dota 2 community to remain unsure about whether she was the correct person to have in a gaming environment. It was later revealed that Valve Corporation did not require someone with Dota 2 knowledge to be eligible for the backstage host audition and since 2013 Kaci has attended and hosted at The International every year with her humour and charisma, she is now widely accepted among the Dota2 community.
Kaci became well known for her two funny and awkward interviews that took place at The International 2013 tournament. The first interview was with a Team Liquid fan who was dressed up in a blue horse mask when Kaci decided to place the microphone inside the mouth of the fan's mask and the second interview involved Kaci mistakenly interviewing GrandGrant as iceiceice.