The trusty admiral Kunkka is a fierce swordsman. Kunkka has been one of those classic mid-heroes that can fit into any meta due to his extremely versatile abilities. He is highly dominant in the early game due to the damage that he dishes out, shoving enemies out of the lane and fighting well throughout the late game. He is the face of the current meta due to his excellent spellcasting and buffs to his spells. Various builds help Kunkka demolish his foes within a few hits, his crowd-control potential is widely unmatched by any other mid-laner in the game.
If you are interested in playing Kunkka or want to enhance your gameplay, you’ve come to the right place. We bring you the best 5 builds that guarantee you a win. These build contain items and spell allocation which is highly relevant in the current meta.
5. Chris Luck Build
Chris Luck is known to be one of the best players to emerge from the South American region. Slark ranks as one of his most-played heroes. This is due to the insane mobility and escapes that this hero is known to provide, which suits players with an aggressive playstyle. Kunkka is a hero played often by him due to the teamfight potential that it provides, along with the early game sustain and aggression.
Chris Luck loves playing Kunkka due to the recent buffs that the hero got in the new meta. He loves building traditional meta items like Black King Bar, Orchid of Malovalence, Scythe of Vyse, and Aghanim’s Scepter. These tried and tested items work against pretty much every hero as a Kunkka. Chris Luck’s immense farming speed makes playing Kunkka look like a cakewalk. Look out for his early game dominance and skilling of abilities.
Use This Build If:
- You want a sustainable Kunkka build that helps you stay durable in fights
- You want an early-game aggressor that can stand his ground and deal high damage within no time
- You want a crowd-control and dominance-oriented build that allows you to lock down and control enemies
Skill Points
Level 1: Tidebringer - Allows Kunkka to cleave upon physical attacks, dealing physical damage in an AoE. It is toggleable. Kunkka benefits from this in the early game, as he can harass enemies and farm faster due to the massive cleave damage. In the late game, you can cleave and one-shot multiple enemies with the right items.
Level 2: Torrent - Upon usage, it summons a rising torrent that hurls enemies into the sky, slowing them and dealing damage. It interrupts their channeling spells as well. It provides decent early and late-game control to Kunkka.
Level 3: Tidebringer
Level 4: Torrent
Level 5: Tidebringer
Level 6: Ghostship - Summons a ghost ship at the targetted area, stunning enemies in the surroundings while dealing damage to them. Kunkka and allies touched by the Ghostship get Admiral’s Rum buff which provides them with increased movement speed while delaying the reaction to incoming damage. It makes Kunkka deal high damage and control the crowd along with the front lining and making him deal high damage.
Level 7: Tidebringer
Level 8: X Marks the Spot - Targets an ally or hero, marking their position with X, and returns them to the marked position after a few seconds. Kunkka can trigger the return at any time. It can be combined with Torrent and Ghostship ultimate to control enemies or to lock down slippery enemies.
Level 9: X Marks the Spot
Level 10: X Marks the Spot
Level 11: X Marks the Spot
Level 12: Ghostship
Level 13: Torrent
Level 14: Torrent
Level 15: +45 Damage
Level 16: Tidebringer applies +1% slow for 1s
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Ghostship
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +70% Tidebringer Cleave
Level 25: Ghostship Fleet
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Bottle (675 Gold) - Purchased at 3 minutes. The bottle is an essential item on a mid-hero. Regardless of the hero you play, Bottle keeps you sustained through the laning phase by replenishing your mana and HP. It also ensures you store power runes for later instead of immediately using them. As Kunkka is played in the mid-lane by C-Luck, a Bottle always comes in handy.
- Orchid of Maleovalence (3745 Gold) - Purchased at 14 minutes. Upon usage, it silences the targeted unit for 5 seconds while making them take 30% extra damage which was dealt to them during the silence duration. C-Luck purchases this item before he even buys boots because he needs that control and disables for a teamfight against Morphling. Orchid is now a core item on Kunkka due to the disable it provides, disallowing his foes from escaping the lethal combo.
- Phase Boots (1500 Gold) - Bought at 17 minutes. It offers high movement speed along with increased armor as well as physical damage. The item also allows Kunkka to phase through enemies when activated, making it easy to escape or initiate fights without getting his body blocked.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 24 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Kunkka invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance even in the late game.
- Scythe of Vyse (5675 Gold) - Purchased at 30 minutes. Scythe of Vyse - Scythe offers immense disable potential as it turns the targeted enemy into a pig, making them unable to use any spells or items while also reducing their movement speed. This disabler item is of high value to Kunkka as it allows him to dominate the late game with it as it helps him to lock down his foes and decimate them with the follow-up from his team.
- Aghanim’s Scepter (4200 Gold) - Purchased at 35 minutes. Grants the Torrent Storm ability, which releases a wave of torrents in a random area around Kunkka after a brief interval. It helps Kunkka fight and control his enemies in the late game. The crowd control provided by this item is quite impeccable.
- Refresher’s Orb (5000 Gold) - Purchased at 41 minutes. Refreshes the cooldown of all items and spells. It is an effective item on Kunkka as it allows you to use crucial spells like Torrent and Boat combo twice, along with items like Black King Bar or Scythe.
- Mage Slayer (2400 Gold) - Purchased at 45 minutes. Mage Slayer is an exceptional item if you are facing heroes that deal immense magical damage. Kunkka’s physical attacks on such enemies reduce their magical damage output by 35% for 6 seconds. It is a staple item on the admiral due to his low magic resistance. It can further be upgraded into Bloodthorn.
- Bloodthorn (6800 Gold) - Bought at 45 minutes. It silences the targeted enemy for 5 seconds, making them take 30% of the total damage dealt during the silence. The attacks will also have True Sight, and deal critical damage under its duration. Kunkka prefers this item as it provides him with much-needed disables in the early game
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Bought at 46 minutes. Grants the Tidal Wave ability. Upon usage, it spawns a Tidal Wave behind Kunkka that drags enemies along with it in the direction they are facing. It can be used in tandem with Torrent Storm, or Ghostship to control enemies in a teamfight. Most of Kunkka’s spells offer him insane control, and Tidal Wave is no different.
4. Sumail Build
Sumail is widely regarded as the King of the mid-lane, Sumail is also known to be a great Kunkka player. This is due to his hyper-aggressive playstyle and immense mechanical skill. He has been known to win his lane most of the time and dominate the enemy laner, he does this exceptionally with his Kunkka as the hero’s toolkit and overall playstyle seem to suit him very well. Sumail is aware that the hero is an absolute menace and nothing but a killing machine in the late game.
Sumail loves to be offensive with Kunkka, often playing to his strengths and destroying his enemies. Items like Black King Bar, Aghanim’s Scepter, and Bloodthorn are the core items of his list. Sumail often loves building non-meta and absurd items which are guaranteed to counter the enemy heroes. Sumail’s style of playing Kunkka can be described as high-tempo, fight-focused, and extremely brutal.
Use This Build If:
- You want a build that allows Kunkka to consistently farm and stay relevant through the game
- You want a hard-hitting physical damage build
- You want a build that allows you to control the enemies and lock them down easily with disable
Skill Points
Level 1: Tidebringer - Allows Kunkka to cleave upon physical attacks, dealing physical damage in an AoE. It is toggleable. Kunkka benefits from this in the early game, as he can harass enemies and farm faster due to the massive cleave damage. In the late game, you can cleave and one-shot multiple enemies with the right items.
Level 2: Torrent - Upon usage, it summons a rising torrent that hurls enemies into the sky, slowing them and dealing damage. It interrupts their channeling spells as well. It provides decent early and late-game control to Kunkka.
Level 3: Tidebringer
Level 4: X Marks the Spot - Targets an ally or hero, marking their position with X, and returns them to the marked position after a few seconds. Kunkka can trigger the return at any time. It can be combined with Torrent and Ghostship ultimate to control enemies or to lock down slippery enemies.
Level 5: Tidebringer
Level 6: Ghostship - Summons a ghost ship at the targetted area, stunning enemies in the surroundings while dealing damage to them. Kunkka and allies touched by the Ghostship get Admiral’s Rum buff which provides them with increased movement speed while delaying the reaction to incoming damage. It makes Kunkka deal high damage and control the crowd along with the front lining and making him deal high damage.
Level 7: Tidebringer
Level 8: X Marks the Spot
Level 9: X Marks the Spot
Level 10: Tidebringer applies +1% slow for 1s
Level 11: X Marks the Spot
Level 12: Ghostship
Level 13: Torrent
Level 14: Torrent
Level 15: +45 Damage
Level 16: Torrent
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Ghostship
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +70% Tidebringer Cleave
Level 25: Ghostship Fleet
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Phase Boots (1500 Gold) - Bought at 6 minutes. It offers high movement speed along with increased armor as well as physical damage. The item also allows Kunkka to phase through enemies when activated, making it easy to escape or initiate fights without getting his body blocked.
- Orchid of Maleovalence (3745 Gold) - Purchased at 10 minutes. Upon usage, it silences the targeted unit for 5 seconds while making them take 30% extra damage which was dealt to them during the silence duration. Kunkka benefits from this item as it disables people from using any spells when he locks them down.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 19 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Kunkka invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance even in the late game.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Bought at 20 minutes. Grants the Tidal Wave ability. Upon usage, it spawns a Tidal Wave behind Kunkka that drags enemies along with it in the direction they are facing. It can be used in tandem with Torrent Storm, or Ghostship to control enemies in a teamfight. Most of Kunkka’s spells offer him insane control, and Tidal Wave is no different.
- Aghanim’s Scepter (4200 Gold) - Purchased at 28 minutes. Grants the Torrent Storm ability, which releases a wave of torrents in a random area around Kunkka after a brief interval. It helps Kunkka fight and control his enemies in the late game. The crowd control provided by this item is quite impeccable.
- Mage Slayer (2400 Gold) - Purchased at 31 minutes. Mage Slayer is an exceptional item if you are facing heroes that deal immense magical damage. Kunkka’s physical attacks on such enemies reduce their magical damage output by 35% for 6 seconds. It is a staple item on the admiral due to his low magic resistance. It can further be upgraded into Bloodthorn.
- Bloodthorn (6800 Gold) - Bought at 32 minutes. It silences the targeted enemy for 5 seconds, making them take 30% of the total damage dealt during the silence. The attacks will also have True Sight, and deal critical damage under its duration. Kunkka prefers this item as it provides him with much-needed disables in the early game
- Blink Dagger (2250 Gold) - Purchased at 34 minutes. Blink Dagger is a rather unusual item on Kunkka, but it allows him to initiate a teamfight, or chase enemies with it. It can also be upgraded into Overwhelming or Swift Blink. This allows him to the frontline and initiates a fight.
3. Nisha Build
Regardless of the hero he plays, the superstar Nisha always puts up a show. Nisha’s stellar and relentless performance is applauded by fans and peers alike. Kunkka is a hero you may see him play often as it fits the bill of a mid-hero. Nisha is highly successful in converting his early-game aggression into late-game success. Nisha takes advantage of that by building items that allow him to destroy enemies while also sustaining himself in the game. This Kunkka build may look basic on paper but is one of the best if tried out in the game due to its damage and durability potential.
Nisha enjoys the early-game sustain build on Kunkka which allows him to sit back and dish damage without worrying about his HP or mana. He focuses on fighting early on in the game and rotating to other lanes to secure them, ensuring his teammates aren’t lacking behind. He also loves purchasing situational items like Sange and Yasha or Linken’s Sphere which are exceptional against heroes that he is facing, providing him with decent sustain throughout the game.
Use This Build If:
- You want a late-game-oriented build that allows you to both farm and fight relentlessly
- You are facing squishy and low-armor enemies
- You are facing illusion-based heroes
Skill Points
Level 1: Tidebringer - Allows Kunkka to cleave upon physical attacks, dealing physical damage in an AoE. It is toggleable. Kunkka benefits from this in the early game, as he can harass enemies and farm faster due to the massive cleave damage. In the late game, you can cleave and one-shot multiple enemies with the right items.
Level 2: Torrent - Upon usage, it summons a rising torrent that hurls enemies into the sky, slowing them and dealing damage. It interrupts their channeling spells as well. It provides decent early and late-game control to Kunkka.
Level 3: Tidebringer
Level 4: X Marks the Spot - Targets an ally or hero, marking their position with X, and returns them to the marked position after a few seconds. Kunkka can trigger the return at any time. It can be combined with Torrent and Ghostship ultimate to control enemies or to lock down slippery enemies.
Level 5: Tidebringer
Level 6: Ghostship - Summons a ghost ship at the targetted area, stunning enemies in the surroundings while dealing damage to them. Kunkka and allies touched by the Ghostship get Admiral’s Rum buff which provides them with increased movement speed while delaying the reaction to incoming damage. It makes Kunkka deal high damage and control the crowd along with the front lining and making him deal high damage.
Level 7: Tidebringer
Level 8: X Marks the Spot
Level 9: X Marks the Spot
Level 10: Tidebringer applies +1% slow for 1s
Level 11: X Marks the Spot
Level 12: Torrent
Level 13: Ghostship
Level 14: Torrent
Level 15: +45 Damage
Level 16: Torrent
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Ghostship
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +70% Tidebringer Cleave
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Phase Boots (1500 Gold) - Bought at 5 minutes. It offers high movement speed along with increased armor as well as physical damage. The item also allows Kunkka to phase through enemies when activated, making it easy to escape or initiate fights without getting his body blocked.
- Bottle (675 Gold) - Purchased at 6 minutes. The bottle is an essential item on a mid-hero. Regardless of the hero you play, Bottle keeps you sustained through the laning phase by replenishing your mana and HP. It also ensures you store power runes for later instead of immediately using them. As Kunkka is played in the mid-lane by C-Luck, a Bottle always comes in handy.
- Armlet of Mordiggian (2500 Gold) - Purchased at 9 minutes. Upon usage, it grants increased damage, strength, and armor while draining 45 HP per second. It is an essential item often seen built by Attacker due to the damage and sustain it provides. It is a toggleable item, making it hard for enemies to catch experienced Kunkka players if they toggle it correctly. It also increases the damage you deal with Tidebringer.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 20 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Kunkka invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance even in the late game.
- Shadow Blade (3000 Gold) - Purchased at 23 minutes. Turns Kunkka invisible for a brief duration, increasing his movement speed while he is invisible. If Kunkka attacks enemies to break the invisibility, he deals a bonus of 175 damage, which works exceptionally with the Tidebringer cleave.
- Silver Edge (5450 Gold) - Purchased at 27 minutes. Shadow Blade can further be upgraded into Silver Edge which offers the same benefits as its predecessor while also dealing a guaranteed 160% critical strike and disabling enemy passive for 4 seconds. If you are facing enemies with multiple powerful passive spells, then Silver Edge is the right item for you.
- Linken’s Sphere (4600 Gold) - Purchased at 31 minutes. Blocks one single targeted spell every 14 seconds, and also provides increased stats and mana regen for Zeus. This build has enough offensive items, and having a balance of offensive and defensive items can be extremely useful in the late game, helping Zeus stay alive in the high-pressure teamfights.
- Sange and Yasha (4100 Gold) - Purchased at 34 minutes. Provides Kunkka with increased agility and strength while also providing him increased status resistance, attack speed, movement speed, and health amplification. All these stats and benefits aid him in team fighting and increase his overall durability.
2. Arteezy Build
Arteezy, NA’s superstar is one of the best mechanically skilled players in the game. This is due to his high mechanical skills and impressive understanding of the game. He is known to be versatile, often playing unorthodox heroes in pub games. Kunkka remains his go-to pick. High tempo and fast pace are the names of the game for our superstar. His impressive performance on the admiral is due to his exceptional mechanical skills and game knowledge. Arteezy may often build items that are rather unorthodox but work in that specific matchup like a charm.
Arteezy is a propagator of the Blademail into Armlet of Mordiggian build. He often builds situational items, adapting to the enemies he is facing. His max Tidebringer build is highly effective due to the damage it can potentially deal so early on in the game. Arteezy loves building items that offer both increased stats and damage on Kunkka as these are the two things that every carry Kunkka must have. Arteezy uses this build to its fullest by following up Satanic with Assault Cuirass which allows him to fight to the fullest without worrying about mana or disables.
Use This Build If:
- You want a late-game-oriented build that allows you to both farm and fight relentlessly
- You are facing squishy and low-armor enemies
- You want a fast tempo control build that allows you to have global potential and immense map control
Skill Points
Level 1: Tidebringer - Allows Kunkka to cleave upon physical attacks, dealing physical damage in an AoE. It is toggleable. Kunkka benefits from this in the early game, as he can harass enemies and farm faster due to the massive cleave damage. In the late game, you can cleave and one-shot multiple enemies with the right items.
Level 2: X Marks the Spot - Targets an ally or hero, marking their position with X, and returns them to the marked position after a few seconds. Kunkka can trigger the return at any time. It can be combined with Torrent and Ghostship ultimate to control enemies or to lock down slippery enemies.
Level 3: Tidebringer
Level 4: Torrent - Upon usage, it summons a rising torrent that hurls enemies into the sky, slowing them and dealing damage. It interrupts their channeling spells as well. It provides decent early and late-game control to Kunkka.
Level 5: Tidebringer
Level 6: Ghostship - Summons a ghost ship at the targetted area, stunning enemies in the surroundings while dealing damage to them. Kunkka and allies touched by the Ghostship get Admiral’s Rum buff which provides them with increased movement speed while delaying the reaction to incoming damage. It makes Kunkka deal high damage and control the crowd along with the front lining and making him deal high damage.
Level 7: Tidebringer
Level 8: X Marks the Spot
Level 9: X Marks the Spot
Level 10: X Marks the Spot
Level 11: Tidebringer applies +1% slow for 1s
Level 12: Ghostship
Level 13: Torrent
Level 14: Torrent
Level 15: +45 Damage
Level 16: Torrent
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Ghostship
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +70% Tidebringer Cleave
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Phase Boots (1500 Gold) - Bought at 5 minutes. It offers high movement speed along with increased armor as well as physical damage. The item also allows Kunkka to phase through enemies when activated, making it easy to escape or initiate fights without getting his body blocked.
- Blademail (2100 Gold) - Bought at 9 minutes. Allows Kunkka to return the damage dealt to him from all sources. Kunkka benefits massively from this item as he can frontline and tank with this item due to the boat rum buff. If you are facing heroes with high physical or magical damage, then this is the right item for you.
- Armlet of Mordiggian (2500 Gold) - Purchased at 12 minutes. Upon usage, it grants increased damage, strength, and armor while draining 45 HP per second. It is an essential item often seen built by Attacker due to the damage and sustain it provides. It is a toggleable item, making it hard for enemies to catch experienced Kunkka players if they toggle it correctly. It also increases the damage you deal with Tidebringer.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Bought at 15 minutes. Grants the Tidal Wave ability. Upon usage, it spawns a Tidal Wave behind Kunkka that drags enemies along with it in the direction they are facing. It can be used in tandem with Torrent Storm, or Ghostship to control enemies in a teamfight. Most of Kunkka’s spells offer him insane control, and Tidal Wave is no different.
- Crystalys - (1950 Gold) Bought at 17 minutes. It grants each attack a 30% chance to deal 160% critical damage. The damage can be extremely useful in the early game to fend off enemies and neutralize them. Tidebringer also has a crit chance.
- Silver Edge (5450 Gold) - Purchased at 20 minutes. Shadow Blade can further be upgraded into Silver Edge which offers the same benefits as its predecessor while also dealing a guaranteed 160% critical strike and disabling enemy passive for 4 seconds. If you are facing enemies with multiple powerful passive spells, then Silver Edge is the right item for you.
- Satanic - (5050 Gold) Bought at around 25 minutes. Allows Kunkka to lifesteal on physical attacks upon activation, and also provides basic dispel from the latter. Great to sustain in the ultra-late game as you can be surrounded by multiple enemies at once. It also works on Tidebringer cleave.
- Assault Cuirass (5125 Gold) - Purchased at 30 minutes. Grants 30 attack speed and 5 armor to allies and structures near Kunkka. It also reduces armor for enemies around Kunkka. With reduced enemy armor and increased damage for Kunkka, he can wreak havoc upon his enemies.
1. Attacker Build
With over 4,000 games played on this hero, Attacker is known to be synonymous with Kunkka. Attacker is often considered to be the best Kunkka player in the game. His breathtaking skills are often evident in every game he plays. He exhibits clever and interesting gameplay, often teaching us newbies some unseen tactics on stream. He is also given credit for introducing offlane and support Kunkka, which was once a fad in the pro scene.
Primarily playing Kunkka in the mid-lane, Attacker builds items that offer him great damage, initiation, and resistance. This includes items such as Armlet of Mordiggian, Shadow Blade, and Aghanim’s Shard, There is no way you can contain this beast if you do not gank him repeatedly in the early game. Attacker is also known to invent new item builds for Kunkka, which change eventually with the meta. You can see how well-versed he is with the admiral as he never seems to miss his combos.
Use This Build If:
- You want to play an active Kunkka, constantly partaking in teamfights
- You want to deal high damage right from the early levels of the game
- If you are facing mobile or slippery heroes
- You want a fast tempo control build that allows you to have global potential and immense map control
Skill Points
Level 1: Torrent - Upon usage, it summons a rising torrent that hurls enemies into the sky, slowing them and dealing damage. It interrupts their channeling spells as well. It provides decent early and late-game control to Kunkka.
Level 2: Tidebringer - Allows Kunkka to cleave upon physical attacks, dealing physical damage in an AoE. It is toggleable. Kunkka benefits from this in the early game, as he can harass enemies and farm faster due to the massive cleave damage. In the late game, you can cleave and one-shot multiple enemies with the right items.
Level 3: Tidebringer
Level 4: X Marks the Spot - Targets an ally or hero, marking their position with X, and returns them to the marked position after a few seconds. Kunkka can trigger the return at any time. It can be combined with Torrent and Ghostship ultimate to control enemies or to lock down slippery enemies.
Level 5: Tidebringer
Level 6: Ghostship - Summons a ghost ship at the targetted area, stunning enemies in the surroundings while dealing damage to them. Kunkka and allies touched by the Ghostship get Admiral’s Rum buff which provides them with increased movement speed while delaying the reaction to incoming damage. It makes Kunkka deal high damage and control the crowd along with the front lining and making him deal high damage.
Level 7: Tidebringer
Level 8: X Marks the Spot
Level 9: X Marks the Spot
Level 10: Tidebringer applies +1% slow for 1s
Level 11: X Marks the Spot
Level 12: Ghostship
Level 13: Torrent
Level 14: Torrent
Level 15: +45 Damage
Level 16: Torrent
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Ghostship
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +70% Tidebringer Cleave
Level 25: Ghostship Fleet
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Phase Boots (1500 Gold) - Bought at 6 minutes. It offers high movement speed along with increased armor as well as physical damage. The item also allows Kunkka to phase through enemies when activated, making it easy to escape or initiate fights without getting his body blocked.
- Armlet of Mordiggian (2500 Gold) - Purchased at 11 minutes. Upon usage, it grants increased damage, strength, and armor while draining 45 HP per second. It is an essential item often seen built by Attacker due to the damage and sustain it provides. It is a toggleable item, making it hard for enemies to catch experienced Kunkka players if they toggle it correctly. It also increases the damage you deal with Tidebringer.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 19 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Kunkka invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance even in the late game.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Bought at 20 minutes. Grants the Tidal Wave ability. Upon usage, it spawns a Tidal Wave behind Kunkka that drags enemies along with it in the direction they are facing. It can be used in tandem with Torrent Storm, or Ghostship to control enemies in a teamfight. Most of Kunkka’s spells offer him insane control, and Tidal Wave is no different.
- Shadow Blade (3000 Gold) - Purchased at 29 minutes. Turns Kunkka invisible for a brief duration, increasing his movement speed while he is invisible. If Kunkka attacks enemies to break the invisibility, he deals a bonus of 175 damage, which works exceptionally with the Tidebringer cleave.
- Silver Edge (5450 Gold) - Purchased at 33 minutes. Shadow Blade can further be upgraded into Silver Edge which offers the same benefits as its predecessor while also dealing a guaranteed 160% critical strike and disabling enemy passive for 4 seconds. If you are facing enemies with multiple powerful passive spells, then Silver Edge is the right item for you.
- Boots of Travel (2500 Gold) - Purchased at 38 minutes. Allows you to teleport on allied creeps anywhere on the map. Purchasing this item grants Kunkka extreme mobility, making him highly active and providing him with increased global potential. He can push lanes and join his allies in a teamfight anytime he wants.
- Assault Cuirass (5125 Gold) - Purchased at 43 minutes. Grants 30 attack speed and 5 armor to allies and structures near Kunkka. It also reduces armor for enemies around Kunkka. With reduced enemy armor and increased damage for Kunkka, he can wreak havoc upon his enemies.
- Boots of Travel 2 (4500 Gold) - Purchased at 46 minutes. Upgrades Boots of Travel, allowing you to teleport on allied heroes as well, anywhere on the map. Purchasing this item grants Kunkka extreme mobility, making him highly active and providing him with increased global potential. He can push lanes and join his allies in a teamfight anytime he wants.
- Divine Rapier (5960 Gold) - Purchased at 51 minutes. It is the prominent focus of the Attacker’s late-game damage build and grants 350 physical damage, which is lethal in the late game. He plays extremely carefully as the Rapier can be dropped if he dies. It is an extremely situational item that is built to close out long games or as a last hoorah to come back in a game.
- Scythe of Vyse (5675 Gold) - Purchased at 56 minutes. Scythe of Vyse - Scythe offers immense disable potential as it turns the targeted enemy into a pig, making them unable to use any spells or items while also reducing their movement speed. This disabler item is of high value to Kunkka as it allows him to dominate the late game with it as it helps him to lock down his foes and decimate them with the follow-up from his team.
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