Dota is comprised of various roles and positions, which are always a world of confusion for the newer players, as most of these terms make no sense to them. As Dota is a game of 5 players on each team, there are specific positions assigned to each player which indicate their farm or life priority in the game. Position 4 heroes are usually the roaming support heroes, they attempt to gank lanes and are farmed more than the Position 5 heroes. (Lane Supports)
To help you find the best Pos 4 to enhance your gameplay, we have compiled this list of the best 10 Pos 4 Heroes That Are Great. These heroes are very much relevant in the current meta, hence they help you dominate your games!
10. Skywrath Mage
This intelligent mage possesses the knowledge of the world. His arcane prowess enables him to obliterate his rivals and ensures his victory on the battlefield. Skywrath Mage is a flexible hero, but he is primarily played in the roaming support position. He is known to be annoying in the lane, his low cooldown spells allow him to spam his enemies with immense damage. He is known to disable enemies right from the early game with his Arcane Curse!
Why is Skywrath Mage a great Pos 4 hero?
- Low CD spamming abilities and a silence that can last for eternity with Aghanim’s Scepter.
- Serious Magical damage can be further amplified with items
- Great talent tree that scales well with levels
Items to buy on Skywrath Mage
- Rod of Atos
- Ethereal Blade
- Veil of Discord
- Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard
9. Earthshaker
If there is one hero that every illusion-creating hero hates, then it has to be Earthshaker. The sheer magnitude of his spells causes all the illusions and enemies in a close area to eviscerate. Earthshaker makes their life a living hell as he can be played in multiple positions and all he needs to be active is a Blink Dagger! You may even do more damage if multiple heroes are close to each other, and maybe a rampage if you’re lucky!
Why is Earthshaker a great Pos 4 Hero?
- Immense magical AoE damage
- Echo slam alone can counter all illusions
- Chain stuns that can result in kills if followed up by his team
Items to Buy on Earthshaker
- Blink Dagger
- Glimmer Cape
- Ghost Scepter
- Force Staff
- Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard
8. Weaver
Threading through the needle of time, Weaver arrives to devastate his enemies with his massive time-bending abilities. Weaver is a great roaming Pos 4 hero as he is extremely mobile, making it easy for him to rotate lanes with Shukuchi and also escape the clutches of his enemies hence faring well in the laning phase. Shukuchi is a lifesaver and can be used to harass enemies as well. The Swarm and Germinnate deal a great amount of damage and help neutralize foes.
Why is Weaver a great Pos 4 Hero?
- Can escape and harass with spells
- Low CD on abilities
- Great Aghanim’s Scepter Upgrade
Items to buy on Weaver
- Solar Crest
- Spirit Vessel
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Aether Lens
- Glepnir
7. Io
There are various mysterious entities in Dota but Io takes the cake for being the most mysterious. Is it a bulb, or is it a disco ball? We shall never know! All we know is that this ball of energy is powerful enough to turn the game around if he helps his allies on time. A perfect relocation can quickly turn the game around by saving your teammates or even by ratting. Io provides decent sustain right from the laning phase.
Why is Io a great Pos 4 Hero?
- Can sustain allies with tether and heal
- Can also save allies in the heat of the moment with Relocate
- Immense heal and low CD on abilities
Items to buy on Io
- Guardian Greaves
- Glimmer Cape
- Ghost Scepter
- Aeon Disk
- Holy Locket
6. Lion
Considered to be sent from the deepest hells, Lion is considered to be the best disabler hero in the game. Lion is a beginner’s favorite, primarily due to his ease of spells and high burst damage potential. He can often rotate and gank other lanes at early levels. He is known for his chain-disable, which makes him a threat even in the late game. His Hex into Earth Spike is quite the deadly combo that can cause lethal damage with follow-up from his allies!
What makes Lion a great Pos 4 Hero?
- Earth Spike deals AoE damage and stuns multiple enemies
- Hex turns enemies into frogs, making them unable to use items or spells
- Low CD on spells
- Mana Drain sucks the enemy’s mana and transfers it to Lion
Items to buy on Lion
- Blink Dagger
- Force Staff
- Ghost Scepter
- Aether Lens
5. Hoodwink
Hoodwink is relatively a new hero to the game, but her skills are nothing that we are used to seeing before. Her unique toolkit makes her a very ambiguous pick, as she can be molded and played into any position and lane. Hoodwink primarily does well as a Pos 4, as she has great disabling mechanics along with damage and mobility. Her Bushwack and Acorn Shot disable the enemies and deal damage if they’re caught around a tree. Sharpshooter is a great spell to neutralize enemies.
What makes Hoodwink a great Pos 4 Hero?
- Great abilities which allow for immense crowd control
- High damage with the ultimate Sharpshooter
- High movement speed and mobility
Items to buy on Hoodwink
- Aether Lens
- Glepnir
- Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard
- Glimmer Cape
- Eul’s Scepter
- Force Staff
4. Earth Spirit
Kaolin, the Earth Spirit is undoubtedly one of the best gankers in the game. His Rolling Boulder ensures that no enemies escape! Along with the stun, he can also silence and slow his enemies and deal them damage over time with his ultimate, Magnetize. Unlike most heroes on this list, Earth Spirit can be played in multiple roles, his flexibility ensures he fits in every other matchup and contributes to teamfights by disabling enemies and dealing some insane damage that can’t be negated easily.
Why is Earth Spirit a great Pos 4 Hero?
- Rolling Boulder can be used to initiate or escape in team fights
- Geomagnetic Grip disables enemies
- Boulder Smash can be used to save allies or throw enemies into your team
Items to buy on Earth Spirit
- Spirit Vessel
- Force Staff
- Lotus Orb
- Black King Bar
- Glimmer Cape
3. Rubick
Rubick is an evergreen pick as he never seems to go out of fashion! His excellent spells and spellcasting have kept him relevant all these years as he is a great disabler. Rubick does insane damage not only in the literal sense but if he gets hold of spells like Glimpse or even Fissure, then he can truly turn the tides around. The prominent reason why Rubick is frequently picked is because of the flexibility he provides, along with the impact he has in the game!
Why is Rubick a great Pos 4 Hero?
- His Telekenisis proves to be a great disable spell in both the early and late game.
- Fade Bolt ensures your enemies deal minimum physical damage
- Prominent against other relevant heroes in the meta that have immense crowd control/damage spells. Ex. Enigma, Tidehunter, Magnus
Items to buy on Rubick
- Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard
- Aether Lens
- Blink Dagger
- Aeon Disk
- Force Staff
- Glimmer Cape
2. Mirana
Behold the Princess of the Moon! Mirana is a ranged agility hero who is considered to be a flexible pick, meaning it can be played in pretty much all roles. She proves to be a great pick against heroes with low armor and magic resistance. Picking Mirana with other heroes that can stun can lead to an immense lockdown potential. Along with this, she can also use her ultimate offensively or defensively, which provides a great layer of protection to her allies as well.
Why is Mirana a great Pos 4 Hero?
- Leap can be used to escape enemies.
- Can use ultimate to initiate or help allies escape
- Can be played flexibly in different roles
- You can poke and shove enemies off the lane effortlessly
Items to Buy on Mirana
- Spirit Vessel
- Lotus Orb
- Force Staff
- Eul’s Scepter
- Mekansm
1. Spirit Breaker
You will never know what hit you if you have a farmed Spirit Breaker in the enemy team! Not only do you have the chance to get ganked, but you also are exposed to the enemy team! This space cow hits like a truck! And let’s not get started on the bashes! The 17% chance feels like 71 if SB is on the enemy team! The hero is low complexity so all you have to do is charge your foes and grab some popcorn while you hit them!
Why is Spirit Breaker a great Pos 4 Hero?
- Global ability to gank enemy/escape from them
- High mobility and stun potential
- Menace to invis and nimble heroes!
Items to buy on Spirit Breaker
- Shadow Blade
- Drums of Endurance
- Black King Bar
- Aghanim’s Shard
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