You may blame yourself too hard for getting into a sticky situation in the low MMR trenches. You try to get better but nothing really happens. Yes, it may be your team's fault but mostly you can put all your effort into maximizing your gameplay to the best. How? By picking the right heroes in the low MMR brackets.
If you belong in the low MMR pool currently, don’t worry there is still a way out! We have compiled a list of the best 10 Heroes that wreck noobs in low MMR. Practice these heroes in the unranked games and wreak havoc in your ranked games!
10. Sven
The rogue knight is known for inducing fear into his enemy’s minds, his fierce moves and heavy sword scare all the foes away. Sven is known to be one of the best carry heroes in the game. There are various reasons why Sven is number one on this list. He has it all, AoE stun, ease of farming, movement speed, and double damage. Sven is capable of dominating the battlefield all by himself! The items only supplement his abilities and enhance his presence during team fights.
Why makes Sven a great hero?
- Can 1 hit kill squishy heroes.
- Aghanim’s Scepter allows him to pounce on enemy heroes and stun them at the same time, a great gap closer.
- Can easily 1v5 with lifesteal and damage items.
- His AoE stun, Storm Hammer, is a useful crowd control spell.
Items to buy on Sven
- Echo Sabre
- Assault Cuirass
- Daedalus
- Black King Bar
- Bloodthorn
9. Razor
The electrifying rage of Razor is quite unmatched in the current meta. Most melee heroes do not fare well versus this beast, this includes a lot of carry heroes as well! Having high movement speed and AoE damage ensures that his foes do not escape alive! Razor can also out farm most enemy carries, giving him the upper hand. Razor easily snowballs under 15 mins with the right items.
Why is Razor a great hero?
- High AoE damage which helps him farm and push lanes out
- Low CD on spells
- High physical and magical damage output even before reaching level 6
Items to Buy Against on Razor
- Assault Cuirass
- Refresher’s Orb
- Shiva's Guard
- Aghanim’s Shard
- Heaven’s Halberd
- Blademail
8. Juggernaut
The masked Samurai is a deadly hero that is better left untamed. It is impossible to contain him if he unleashes his true potential. Juggernaut is considered to be a beginner-friendly hero but only the advanced players understand the true potential and mechanics of this hero, as he hits hard right off the bat!. Not only is he great at farming, but he can also control the tempo with his ultimate. He is also known as one of the most flexible heroes in the game in terms of item builds.
Why is Juggernaut great from the early game?
- Does more with levels as opposed to farm.
- Great base movement speed, armor, and attack speed.
- Great talent tree that scales well with items.
Items to buy on Juggernaut
- Diffusal Blade
- Sange and Yasha
- Aghanim’s Scepter and shard
- Butterfly
- Eye of Skadi
7. Huskar
This ferocious hunter leaves no stone unturned. His crazy damage potential is unmatched by his foes. He makes them weaker with his fire. Huskar is a very aggressive hero, which fares well against melee heroes. His annoying nature makes people rage quit! Though a slow farmer, he relies more on kills to acquire gold, hence ganking other lanes as soon as possible. Huskar is known to initiate, hence he builds items that allow him to start and sustain team fights.
Why is Huskar a great hero?
- Lethal DoT (Damage over time)
- High base attack speed which is amplified his passive
- Threat to squishy heroes
- Can gank as early as level 6!
Items to buy on Huskar
- Armlet of Mordiggian
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Overwhelming Blink
- Black King Bar
- Heaven’s Halberd
6. Ursa
Ursa can rip through pretty much any hero in the game, this is due to the ferocious abilities that he was bestowed with by IceFrog! Ursa does not require many items to come online, but once he has all he needs, he can be a deadly and unstoppable force! Most heroes cannot withstand the force of Ursa in the late game! An early Aegis and BKB seal the deal for Ursa! He s more level dependent as his levels assist him in dishing more damage.
Why is Ursa great a great hero?
- Enrage can be activated to block heaps of damage.
- Earthshock helps him in farming and shoving enemies out of the lane.
- Massive physical damage that rips through enemy armor
- All you need is a Morbid Mask to jungle or secure Aegis.
Items to Buy on Ursa
- Diffusal Blade
- Black King Bar
- Sange and Yasha
- Blink Dagger
- Aghanim’s Shard
5. Drow Ranger
This skilled markswoman is very precise and deadly. Her cool and calm demeanor is deceiving due to her lethal force on the battlefield. Drow might be a slow laner but her late-game potential is unmatched. She can deal heavy damage with just a few items in her inventory! She can destroy enemies effortlessly as she acquires items and gains levels. Having a high attack range provides her with an edge over her foes!
Why is Drow Ranger a great hero?
- High physical damage output
- High base armor and movement speed
- Can mow down towers and squishy heroes easily
- Great disabler
Items to buy on Drow Ranger
- Hurricane Pike
- Silver Edge
- Monkey King Bar
- Butterfly
- Daedalus
4. Bristleback
Bristleback has quite literally been a thorn in the side for every other hero in the game in the recent meta. He takes no damage while dealing quite a ton of damage and neutralizing his foes! Often considered to be an obnoxious laner, he is hated with passion by millions of dota players all over the world! He is quite the fun hero to play since all he does is spam his spells, which he can do effortlessly as he is backed by his insanely high armor!
Why is Bristleback a great hero?
- Low CD on spells
- Only has two active abilities
- High kill potential and sustainability
Items to buy on Bristleback
- Ethereal Shroud
- Kaya and Sange
- Octraine Core
- Blademail
3. Sniper
Sniper may appear to be a harmless dwarf but don’t let his appearance deceive you! He has made millions of players rage quit all around the world! His voice and gameplay induce fear and disgust even amongst the most experienced players. Sniper is suitable both as a mid and a carry hero due to his space-making and farming abilities. He may be a squishy hero but his incredible physical damage output and range make it impossible for enemies to come close to him. He is often considered to be the counter for squishy heroes or primarily for melee heroes.
Why is Sniper a great hero?
- High base attack range and movement speed
- AoE spell that accelerates his farm
- Flexible build potential
- Excellent Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade
Items to buy on Sniper
- Hurricane Pike
- Mjolnir
- Monkey King Bar
- Daedalus
- Black King Bar
2. Zeus
Zeus proves to be one of the best mid laners regardless of your status as a new or experienced player, this is highly attributed to his extreme DPS spells and wave clearance abilities. He is a must-play hero as he is very annoying against his enemies right from the laning phase. He can dish out some serious damage with spells and constantly harass his opponents. He is also infamous for having the potential to solo kill enemies from miles away on the map with the right items and levels!
Why is Zeus a great hero?
- High magical damage and low cooldown on spells!
- High kill potential right off the bat
- Great talent tree that scales well with levels and items
Items to buy on Zeus
- Octraine Core
- Refresher’s Orb
- Arcane Blink
- Bloodstone
- Aghanim’s Scepter
1. Phantom Assassin
All heroes fear the presence of Phantom Assassin as she is known to obliterate them with only a few hits. She is agile and silent in her moves, as an assassin should be. Phantom Assassin is one of the most played heroes in the game. She has great base movement and attack speed, which is rarely found in a carry hero. Her spells may seem underwhelming in the early game but as she reaches the late game mark, she can do a lot with just one Stifling Dagger.
Why is Phantom Assassin a great hero?
- Has great mobility with the Phantom Strike spell, can be used both defensively and offensively.
- The damage is supplemented with allies that provide armor reduction spells or abilities.
- The Blur spell provides up to 50% evasion, which is a great spell in the early game.
- Is capable of dealing over 2k critical damage.
Items to buy on Phantom Assassin
- Desolator
- Skull Basher
- Satanic
- Butterfly
- Black King Bar
- Monkey King Bar
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