[Top 10] Dota 2 Best Lifesteal Heroes That Wreck Hard!

11 May 2022

Lifesteal is an essential component that comes in handy in the late stages of the game. One quick hit of Satanic can bring you back to life and change the game around! Lifesteal basically heals you for a percentage of the damage you deal with your enemies. Since it is damage-based, it is exceptionally great on carry heroes.

To help you find the best lifesteal heroes to enhance your gameplay, we have compiled this list of the best 10 Lifesteal Heroes That Wreck Hard. These heroes are very much relevant in the current meta, hence they help you dominate your games!

10. Ursa

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This ferocious and breathtaking bear is a force to be reckoned with. Ursa is one of the most played carry heroes in the game, known for his ability to jungle smoothly and slay Roshan alone. His third ability, Fury Swipes, combined with his second, Overpower, can obliterate squishy enemy support heroes in the early game. Buying a Morbid mask allows him to sustain in lane and turn around a fight swiftly coupled with his ultimate, Enrage. 

Why is Ursa a great lifesteal hero?

  • Menace against squishy heroes.
  • Less reliable on items, more reliable on abilities.
  • Can easily secure Roshan alone, gaining the Aegis of Immortality.

Items to buy on Ursa

  • Blink Dagger
  • Diffusal Blade
  • Satanic
  • Abyssal Blade

9. Bloodseeker

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Bloodseeker is a cold-blooded hunter, known for his mania and vigor. His blades cut deep into his foes, he leaves them bleeding and wounded. He is a lethal force that can never go unnoticed. Bloodseeker can effortlessly jungle or lane, as he is blessed with high base armor. His passive sustains him in the lane, allowing him to play aggressively. He can gank other lanes with the availability of his ultimate, often removing heroes from a team fight. 

Why is Bloodseeker a great lifesteal hero?

  • Flexible item build.
  • Thirst provides increased movement speed and vision to hunt and kill low HP enemies.
  • Gains a maximum of 25% of unit health as heals after killing them, which makes him sustainable as a jungler.

Items to buy on Bloodseeker

  • Black King Bar
  • Monkey King Bar
  • Mjolnir
  • Sange and Yasha
  • Abyssal Blade

8. Legion Commander

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This war commander has slain more foes than anyone else on this list. Her grit and vigor have resulted in abilities that make her invincible. She leaves no stone unturned when it comes to the battlefield. Legion Commander is known to lock enemies down and deal some serious damage to them. She is a nuisance right from the first initial levels, AoE damage and lifesteal allow her to sustain and deal damage in the lane as well as in the jungle. If you get enough Dual damage, you just might one-shot the enemy support! 

What makes Legion Commander a great lifesteal hero?

  • Moment of Courage passive provides up to 85% lifesteal with a 25% chance.
  • Press the Attack provides a dispel along with 60 HP/s regen which is enough to turn a fight around! 

Items to buy on Legion Commander

  • Blink Dagger
  • Black King Bar
  • Blademail
  • Heaven’s Halberd
  • Desolator

7. Morphling

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Mastering Morphling requires quick decision-making skills, which only come with time and experience. Even if he lacks during the early game, he can easily catch up later on. Most people shy away from Morphling due to the complex nature of his abilities, but if you can master him, there is no way your enemies can have an upper hand! Morphling is a nuisance to enemy supporters due to the infamous “shotgun” combo. 

Why is Morph a great lifesteal hero? 

  • Satanic is great if combined with his high damage, providing great lifesteal.
  • Can “Shotgun” enemy heroes with the Adaptive Strike ability and Ethereal Blade.
  • Can easily survive a long team fight with the Attribute Shift ability.

Items to buy on Morphling

  • Ethereal Blade
  • Dragon Lance
  • Linken’s Sphere
  • Satanic
  • Butterfly


6. Lycan

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Lycan is a menacing shapeshifter who possesses the abilities of mass destruction. Lycan has various different tools which help him farm and sustain in the lane as well as gank and be on the offensive side if needed. He can summon wolves to help him farm and split push, along with howl that reduces armor. His ultimate, the Shapeshift is the selling point of him, allowing him to turn into a wolf and destroy the lives of his foes by dealing double the damage and being twice as fast.

Why is Lycan a great lifesteal hero?

  • He can split push and scout with his wolves
  • Immense lifesteal with shape shift
  • Howl increases the damage and reduces the enemy's armor

Items to buy on Lycan

  • Assault Cuirass
  • Helm of the Overlord
  • Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Boots of Bearing
  • Desolator
  • Skull Basher

5. Phantom Assassin

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All heroes fear the presence of Phantom Assassin as she is known to obliterate them with only a few hits. She is agile and silent in her moves, as an assassin should be. Phantom Assassin is one of the most played heroes in the game. She has great base movement and attack speed, which is rarely found in a carry hero. Her spells may seem underwhelming in the early game but as she reaches the late game mark, she can do a lot with just one Stifling Dagger.

Why is Phantom Assassin a great lifesteal hero? 

  • Is capable of dealing over 2k critical damage, healing immensely with Satanic or other lifesteal items.
  • The damage is supplemented with allies that provide armor reduction spells or abilities.

Items to buy on Phantom Assassin

  • Desolator
  • Skull Basher
  • Satanic
  • Butterfly
  • Black King Bar
  • Monkey King Bar

4. Luna

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The Moon rider herself! Luna is essentially a beginner-friendly hero, but we frequently see it getting picked in both pub and pro games. The reason is her quick farming abilities and massive AoE damage output. Luna offers tremendous wave clearance, which returns her a great deal of gold. Luna farms fairly well in the early game and offers decent damage to her nearby allies. This is an example of great synergy, Luna can be picked alongside massive crowd control heroes. 

Why is Luna a great lifesteal hero? 

  • Great wave clearing abilities.
  • Eclipse deals magic damage, which is essential for heroes with high armor/HP.
  • Immense farming potential thanks to the Moon Glaives passive.

Items to buy on Luna

  • Eye of Skadi
  • Satanic
  • Black King Bar
  • Butterfly 
  • Manta Style
  • Hurricane Pike

3. Monkey King

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The fierce King sets his eyes on his enemies and does not stop without obliterating them from the battlefield! Although Monkey King is comparatively a weak laner, he can farm faster and even gank other lanes quite early in the game. All he needs is a Diffusal Blade and Manta Style to counter most ranged heroes. The immense damage from Jingu can’t be negated by the squishy enemies, making him the first priority in team fights. All you need is one great team fight with MK to come back into the game! 

Why is Monkey King a great lifesteal hero? 

  • Jingu is great when combined with Boundless Strike, he goes from low HP to full in a second. 
  • Monkey King tends to get Diffusal Blade, leaving his foes with no mana to use spells with.
  • Wu Kong’s Command destroys squishy heroes and controls the crowd well.

Items to Buy on Monkey King

  • Diffusal Blade
  • Eye of Skadi
  • Black King Bar
  • Satanic

2. Wraith King

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None stand a chance against the Wraith King! He resurrects from his shattered bones and comes back with a vengeance! His vigor and lifesteal make him one of the most badass heroes in the game. Wraith King is a great addition to your team if you are lacking a hard-hitting carry. He is known to farm quickly with the addition of the skeletons, which allows him to split push, he is also durable in fights due to his ultimate which brings him back to life!

Why is Wraith King a great lifesteal hero?

  • Great Lifesteal and Crit potential
  • Skeletons can push lanes while he farms away
  • High base damage

Items to buy on Wraith King

  • Blink Dagger
  • Armlet of Mordiggian
  • Monkey King Bar
  • Desolator
  • Black King Bar
  • Assault Cuirass

1. Lifestealer

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The threatening Lifestealer is a deadly force to be reckoned with. His strength ruptures even the strongest of foes and leaves them crippled. Lifestealer is a carry hero, and he is quite good at carrying the team on his back! Due to the lifesteal, he can fare well in the laning phase and deal decent damage to his foes due to high armor. Lifestealer mainly relies on kills to get gold, making him a fight-oriented hero, as with the right items he can obliterate the enemy team and turn their ashes into dust.

Why is Lifestealer a great hero? 

  • Built-in magic immunity spell
  • Immense lifesteal
  • Can sustain in the laning phase
  • Items to Buy on Lifestealer
  • Armlet of Mordiggian
  • Desolator
  • Skull Basher
  • Sange and Yasha
  • Assault Cuirass


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