1. Anti-Mage
Mask of Madness:
- The added attack speed helps him burn enemies' mana faster
- Increases his overall DPS
- It gives him lifesteal to sustain
- He becomes a madman
- This item provides additional evasion on top of the Rogue Alliance's bonus
- Extra evasion = extra sustain = extra damage with the Rogue Alliance
- Anti-Mage can't go wrong with Increased attack speed, damage, and evasion
2. Batrider
- Dramatically increases his DPS (Maelstrom procs benefit from his ability, Sticky Goo)
- Provides him with AoE magic damage
- Fire and lightning, what more would you want
- This item lets you summon a Brill Bruiser (a melee unit that can bash enemies with its attacks) each time the user casts an ability
- With Batrider's low cooldown and 20 mana cost ability, he can constantly summon Brill Bruisers to fight for his team
3. Bounty Hunter
Stonehall Pike:
- At 3 stars, Bounty Hunter generates 1 gold when killing a unit. With Stonehall Pike, you can increase his damage for each kill to give you more chances of him getting the killing blow.
- Synergizes with his 3-star ability
- He'll definitely live up to his name with this item
Skull Basher:
- Bounty Hunter has a fast attack speed, making this item an excellent pick-up to stun enemy units
- Increases your team's stuns
4. Crystal Maiden
Scythe of Vyse:
- The +10 Mana per second increases the frequency of casting her Frost Bite spell, allowing her to disable an enemy unit and prevent them from healing while having a few seconds of downtime
- Adds disable to the team (turns enemies into a pig for 3.5 seconds)
- Frostbitten enemies every 6-10 seconds
Eul's Scepter:
- The downgraded version of Scythe of Vyse also provides +10 Mana per second and increases the frequency of casting her spell
- Cyclones damager into the air (helps disable a unit for 2.5 seconds)
5. Dazzle
Scythe of Vyse:
- Increases frequency of casting his Shadow Wave spell, which damages nearby enemies that are within the healing wave (more frequent heals/burst)
- Turns damager into a pig (helps disable a unit for 3.5 seconds)
Eul's Scepter:
- Increases frequency of casting his spell
- Cyclones damager into the air (helps disable a unit for 2.5 seconds)
6. Drow Ranger
Mask of Madness:
- Increases overall DPS
- Provides lifesteal (helps her sustain)
- Synergizes well with the Hunter Alliance (more attack speed = more chances to proc Hunter Alliance buff)
- She becomes a lifestealing machine gun
Skull Basher:
- With her passive ability that provides attack speed and Hunter Alliance bonus, she has more chances of proccing a bash on units
- She doesn't have any active ability, which means her attacks are not interrupted by casting one— this means more chances of bashing a unit
7. Enchantress:
Paladin Sword:
- Since Enchantress has a powerful healing ability (Nature's Attendants), when cast— it allows her to heal her allies even when she's dead— Paladin Sword will help amplify that by 20%
- Team item to help increase healing for your allies to sustain
Craggy Coat:
- At 3 stars, Enchantress with this item makes her tanky (+15 Armor)
- At 3 Stars, you'll have a healing tank that can slow enemies' attack speed by 80. Hard to deal with
- Go: "can't touch this" with this item
8. Lich:
Scythe of Vyse:
- You want this unit to cast his Frost Shield ability as early as he can in fights to slow your enemies and make them have a hard time killing the shielded ally— having mana items like this can help with that
- At 3 stars, on top of the Frost Shield. He can cast a Chain Frost to burst enemy units. The +10 Mana per second of Scythe of Vyse will be of great use
- Turns damager into a pig (helps disable a unit for 3.5 seconds)
Eul's Scepter:
- Same purpose as Scythe of Vyse, only this item cyclones damager into the air (helps disable a unit for 2.5 seconds)
9. Magnus
Craggy Coat:
- Most of the time, Magnus serves as a tank— having this item helps him tank more (with the +15 armor bonus) against physical damage. But decreases his attack speed by 35
- Since Magnus' base attack speed is already slow, sacrificing it for the +15 armor would be a better choice if using him as a tank
Witless Shako:
- He increases his HP by 1000 but decreases mana gain by 50%— since he doesn't have mana until he is 3 stars, this is still a good item for him
- Despite having 50% mana gained, he will still be able to cast his Reverse Polarity (AoE disable ability). Not having the mana immediately also helps Magnus to have enough time to close in with other enemy units before he casts it
10. Phantom Assassin
Mask of Madness:
- Her passive ability, Coup de Grace, will benefit from the increased attack speed and lifesteal that this item gives
- Her crits would deal massive damage, which means the lifesteal would also be massive.
- More attack speed = more chances of Coup de Grace procs
- Becomes the Witch from Left 4 Dead
Battle Fury:
- Although her attack speed is not the fastest, this item is excellent for extra AoE damage
- If an attack from her is critical, the cleave or splash damage from this item will benefit from the increased damage
- The damage increase from the item will strengthen her criticals
11. Shadow Demon
Scythe of Vyse:
- Just like Lich, you want this hero to use his spells as soon as possible. Demonic Purge lets him remove enemy buffs, break and slow their attacks, and movement speed for 5 seconds— it's almost like a stun
- Scythe of Vyse will help you cast this spell as soon as he can
- Turns damager into a pig (helps disable a unit for 3.5 seconds)
Eul's Scepter
- Same purpose as Scythe of Vyse, only this item cyclones damager into the air (helps disable a unit for 2.5 seconds)
12. Slardar
Moon Shard:
- With his high physical damage and high armor— high attack speed would be an excellent addition
- His ability, Corrosive Haze, negates enemies' armor. With Moon Shard, he'll make short work of those debuffed units
- You wouldn't want to get bashed by this fish guy
- Damage, attack speed, and evasion will be a perfect addition on top of his high physical damage and high armor
- Evasion will help him sustain against physical attacks
13. Snapfire
Moon Shard:
- Paired with a Dragon or not, this item is good on Snapfire. The increased attack speed lets her cast her Ol' Scatterblast more frequently. (She casts it after 4 basic attacks)
- Increased attack speed lets her gain mana fast enough to cast her dragon's spell, Mortimer Kisses.
- Shotgun shells everywhere
Silver Edge:
- Since Snapfire will be pretty much close to the enemies because of her short range, the added HP from this item will help sustain
- Increases Snapfire's attack speed, good for her passive ability
- It gives your team utility (break)
14. Tusk
Battle Fury:
- Just like Phantom Assassin, Tusk has an ability that lets him deal critical damage. It will benefit a lot from the Battle Fury's added damage and cleave.
- It's like he's punching 2 units
- The Butterfly is an excellent item whether Tusk is made use as a tank or a fighting machine
- With the evasion the item provides, he can sustain more
- With the attack speed and damage, he can fight as well
15. Vengeful Spirit
Scythe of Vyse:
- I think she should cast her minus armor ability, Wave of Terror, as soon as possible so your team could take advantage of it early on. Having this item's mana gain will help with this.
- Turns damager into a pig (helps disable a unit for 3.5 seconds)
Arcane Boots:
- Vengeful Spirit is also one unit with a lesser mana pool. She has 60 only, which means she will gain mana faster than anyone else
- With a lesser mana pool, Vengeful Spirit will get 50% mana fast which will trigger the Arcane Boots sooner for your allies to enjoy
16. Venomancer
- Scythe of Vyse:
- Increases his frequency of casting his spells, more summons for you (more Plague Wards)
- The mana gain from this item helps him cast his spell as soon as it is on cooldown, decreasing its downtime
- Turns damager into a pig (helps disable a unit for 3.5 seconds)
Eul's Scepter:
- Same purpose as Scythe of Vyse, only this item cyclones damager into the air (helps disable a unit for 2.5 seconds)
17. Bristleback
Heart of Tarrasque:
- Increases his sustainability (+1500 HP and regenerates 2% Max Health every second)
- The longer he survives, the more damage he can do with his active ability, Quill Spray
- Since Quill Spray increases its damage each stack, having Bristleback survive longer and cast more Quill Spray means more damage
- Tankiest hedgehog-porcupine man you will see
Craggy Coat or Vanguard:
- Craggy Coat provides +15 armor to help him sustain from physical attacks (the highest armor item in the game, by the way)
- Vanguard provides +375 health and a 50% chance to block 60 physical damage
- Both items help him sustain
18. Chaos Knight
- On top of the Alliance bonus he gets from Knights, he can have evasion, attack speed, and damage from this item
- With more attack speed, he can deal more damage after casting his Chaos Bolt to gain the Demon Alliance bonus damage
- Evasion will help him sustain more on top of the Knight Alliance bonus
- Maximize his DPS with this massive attack speed item
- After casting Chaos Bolt and gaining the Demon Alliance bonus, he will deal a lot of damage with his basic attacks
- With his low attack speed, he will benefit from attack speed items like these to a full degree
19. Earth Spirit
- If we're talking about the best item for this hero, it has to be Radiance. Earth Spirit has 10 base armor. He can tank a lot of damage while burning his enemies with this item (60 damage per second)
- Radiance also makes affected enemies miss by a 17% chance. Earth Spirit will be even harder to kill at this point
Blade Mail:
- Since Earth Spirit has high base armor and HP, he will be able to sustain a lot of damage while also reflecting them with this item.
- With the Warrior Alliance bonus and the +5 armor from the item, it will make him a tanky reflector in the frontline
20. Juggernaut
Stonehall Cloak:
- On top of the HP he gets from the Brawny Alliance bonus, he can also gain more HP with this item (Gains +50 health for every unit he killed with this item)
- Juggernaut at 3 stars gives him the ability to provide all allied heroes 15% of his max HP while he is still alive; more kills he gets = more HP your team will have.
- He's going to be one tanky samurai
Skull Basher:
- With his fast attack speed, he has more chances of proccing a bash
- While spinning, he can proc a bash too. It means he's immune to magic while stunning an enemy and damaging them with his spin.
21. Kunkka
Craggy Coat:
- The majority of the time, Kunkka is used as a tank. With Craggy Coat + 15 armor and Warrior Alliance bonus, he'll be a tankiest pirate your enemies will see
- He can potentially survive long enough to cast more than 1 Ghost Ship
- This item is excellent on Kunkka when he is at 3 stars. It increases his DPS dramatically.
- At 3 stars, he gains Tidebringer— for every 4 attacks, he deals 150 bonus damage to his target and cleaves for 75%. The faster you get 4 attacks, the more damage you make
22. Legion Commander
- This item compensates for her low attack speed but high damage (increased from the Champion Alliance and Duel damage won)
- On top of the bonuses she receives from other Alliances, she will have damage and evasion, which will help her during Duels
Silver Edge:
- Breaking a unit's passive ability and item effects helps ensure winning the Duel
- Compensates for the lack of attack speed and increases HP
23. Luna
- Her passive ability, Moon Glaives, gives her attacks the ability to bounce. When buffed with attack speed, Luna will deal massive amounts of AoE damage
- Compared to Mask of Madness, this item will allow her to keep her 3-star ability, Eclipse
- Compensates for her low attack speed
Mask of Madness:
- Although you won't be able to use your 3-star ability (Mask of Madness silences the user), she will gain lifesteal that helps her sustain in fights
- Item is accessible at early rounds (Rounds 12 and 16)
24. Meepo
Shiva's Guard:
- Assuming Meepo is 3 stars, Meepo's clones can cast items as well— this means every time Meepo spawns a clone with his Poof ability, it will cast his own Shiva's Guard
- More clones = more AoE damage and slow
- Provides +10 Armor to Meepo, making him and his clones harder to kill
Scythe of Vyse:
- Assuming Meepo is 3 stars, Meepo's clones and Meepo himself will turn its damagers into pigs
- The +10 Mana per second helps Meepo and his clones cast his ability more frequently, which means a faster generation of clones which also means more enemy pigs coming from the item (disables for 3.5 seconds)
- Next thing you know, you're up against a pig farm. Oink!
25. Nature's Prophet
Scythe of Vyse:
- Increases frequency of casting his summon ability — Nature's Call (more chaos on the board)
- More summons = more distractions for your enemies and more damage
- Adds disable to the team (turns enemies into a pig for 3.5 seconds)
Eul's Scepter:
- Same purpose as Scythe of Vyse, only this item cyclones damager into the air (helps disable a unit for 2.5 seconds)
26. Pudge
Blade Mail:
- Since Pudge mostly tanks for some builds, this item is a good choice for him. It provides him +5 armor and a 20% return to the attacker
- Assuming he is at 3 stars, he gains 500 max HP each time an enemy dies near him— with the increased health, he will be able to sustain more and reflect more damage
- Accessible at earlier rounds (Rounds 4, 8, and 12)
- He'll be the fattest, most giant physical damage reflector that your enemies will see
Craggy Coat:
- As mentioned earlier, he tanks for some builds, the extra armor from this item will help him last longer and sustain the entire team
- It complements his high HP
27. Queen of Pain
Scythe of Vyse:
- Increases frequency of casting her spell (more frequent AoE damage)
- Turns damager into a pig (helps disable a unit for 3.5 seconds)
- Triggers the Demon Alliance bonus fast
- Assuming she has the 3-star effect, she gains extra evasion on top of the 25% evasion she gains from it— this makes her harder to kill.
- The attack speed and damage gained from this item complements the increased damage she gets from her Demon Alliance bonus
28. Spirit Breaker
- Assuming he is at 3 stars, he gains Greater Bash, a 25% chance to deal 150 bonus damage and stunning the target for 2 seconds— with this item; he will be able to proc more bashes
- Compensates for Spirit Breaker's low attack speed
Craggy Coat:
- The majority of the time, Spirit Breaker is used as a tank, and for crowd control, the armor that this item provides will help him last longer in fights and potentially cast more than one Charge of Darkness
29. Storm Spirit
Scythe of Vyse:
- Increases frequency of casting his spell (increases his overall DPS)
- Turns damager into a pig (helps disable a unit for 3.5 seconds)
- They see you rollin', they hatin'
- Storm Spirit's ability has a low cooldown and 40 mana cost ability— he can summon Brill Bruisers more frequently to fight for his team
- More Brill Bruisers, more chaos, and chances to bash enemy units
30. Windranger
- With Windranger's fast attack speed and Hunter Alliance bonus, she can proc more chain lightning and deal AoE damage
- Increases her overall DPS
- Maelstrom chain lightning deals 50% more damage to summoned units
Mask of Madness:
- Although her active ability won't be usable, she will be gaining lifesteal and attack speed to help her sustain in fights
- Most players go for this because of the long cast time of her ability— she is more useful when she keeps attacking and proccing that Hunter Alliance bonus
- Yet another one that turns into a machine gun
31. Abaddon
Refresher Orb:
- His ability, Aphotic Shield (shields allies that absorb damage and deals damage when shield bursts), has a lot of value— double that with this item, it'll help your team significantly
- It helps sustain your allies more and deal more AoE damage to your enemies
Octarine Essence:
- His ability just really has a lot of value— this item will let it shorten its cooldown by 30%, shorter cooldown means more Aphotic Shields cast in a fight
- More shields for your allies and more AoE damage to your enemies
32. Alchemist
- With the Rogue Alliance active, he will be able to evade more attacks with this item while also dealing 60 damage per second to units around him
- This item will not only help him sustain but will also increase his overall DPS
- The evasion this item provides will stack with the Rogue Alliance bonus. He will be evading many attacks, which means he will gain more damage from the Rogue Alliance bonus
- With the increased damage from the Rogue Alliance, he will hit hard and fast with the item's +35 attack speed and +35 damage
33. Beastmaster
- Wild Axes ability lets him amplify any subsequent damage from him. Radiance will deal more damage to enemies affected by the ability
- Increases overall DPS
- Complements his ability's effect
Octarine Essence:
- As much as possible, you want him to be able to cast his Wild Axes ability to maximize his damage output— with this item; he will be able to cast more
- Each cast of Wild Axes stacks which means if he's able to cast more, there will be more damage amplification (the second or third Wild Axes will deal more damage)
34. Ember Spirit
Ristul Circlet:
- Assuming you are running many Demon units, this item will increase Ember Spirit's damage output dramatically
- When casting his ability, Sleight of Fist, he will gain bonus damage from the Demon Alliance— this lets him deal massive AoE damage. Paired with Assassin Alliance, he'll deal a lot more damage when his Assassin Alliance crit procs while having the Demon Alliance bonus damage
- Ember Spirit + Demon Alliance + Assassin Alliance = One Punch Man
Battle Fury:
- Sleight of Fist ability lets him attack (with increased damage) each unit that is within the AoE— this means each of these attacks will cleave and damage units around it
- The cleave lets you deal more AoE damage than he would normally do
- Increases his damage by 50
35. Lifestealer
- The item compensates for his low attack speed
- The increased attack speed complements his ability (Feast, his attacks damage enemies and heal himself for a percentage of his target's max health)
- It helps him sustain with the help of increased evasion
Silver Edge:
- It compensates for his low attack speed
- Increased attack speed complements his Feast ability
- Breaks target (breaking passive effects like evasion will help him not miss attacks and keeps him lifestealing with his ability)
36. Lycan
Heart of Tarrasque:
- With his ability, Shapeshift, he gains a percentage of HP to his max health when cast. More HP means higher max health (to put it into numbers, assuming he is at 3 stars, his HP will go from 6900 to 10350 when he transforms)
- He increases his HP by 1500, making him beefier
- Like Heart of Tarrasque, this item gives him HP (+850). However, this item allows him to cast it when below 50% health to gain +250% lifesteal for 3 seconds
- This item will help him become beefier as he transforms while also helping him last longer in fights with the lifesteal he gets
37. Omniknight
Refresher Orb:
- Similar to Abaddon, Omniknight's ability has a lot of value— doubling this ability will help him heal an ally twice and, at the same time, deal AoE damage twice
- It helps sustain allies more and deal more AoE damage
Octarine Essence:
- His ability (Purification) only costs 60 mana— with this item combined; he will be able to cast more than 1, helping his allies sustain with heals while also dealing AoE damage
- He is tanky enough to last long in fights to cast more Purifications
38. Puck
Scythe of Vyse:
- Puck deals massive AoE magic damage with her ability— with this item's +10 mana per second, she will be able to frequently cast her spells and deal more magic damage to enemies
- Turns damager into a pig (helps disable a unit for 3.5 seconds)
- Puck has a low mana pool (60). This item will help her gain that mana fast enough
Octarine Essence:
- With her low mana pool, she will be able to cast more spells and deal more magic damage while also decreasing its downtime
- Assuming that Puck is at 3 stars and has the Dragon Alliance bonus, she will keep casting her spells almost non-stop with almost no downtime while also avoiding damage with her Dragon Ability (Phase Shift)
- At 3 stars with Dragon Alliance, it's almost like your enemies can't hit her anymore
39. Shadow Shaman
Refresher Orb:
- With this item, he can increase more chaos on the board while also increasing his overall DPS
- Assuming he is at 3 stars, he will be able to cast hex (turns enemy into a pig for 7 seconds) to an enemy he cast the Serpent Wards, double that, and you'll have 8 Serpent Wards on the board and 2 enemy pigs that do nothing. Oink!
Kaden's Blade:
- Shadow Shaman has the highest base attack speed of all the Trolls— this item lets him make short work of tanky enemy units
- Most builds Shadow Shaman gets into won't have a suitable Kaiden's Blade holder— he will be the best holder of the item, especially with the Troll Alliance bonus
40. Slark
Mask of Madness:
- Provides him lifesteal and attack speed that synergizes well with his Essence Shift ability (increases his attack damage and attack speed for each attack he makes)
- When he accumulates enough attack speed and attack damage, he becomes an unstoppable rampaging fighting fish machine that keeps lifestealing his HP back to full
- He becomes a machine gun on steroids
- Just when the enemies thought Slark was done for— Slark rages with this item and heals back to full with his super-fast attack speed. He regains his lost HP almost immediately and then continues to wreak havoc
- The HP bonus this item gives compensates his low HP
41. Spectre
Black King Bar:
- After casting her ability, Spectral Dagger, she gains 175 attack speed and bonus damage from the Demon Alliance for 4 seconds— this means her DPS skyrockets for that duration. If she's disabled or stunned within those 4 seconds, her massive damage comes to waste— having Black King Bar will make sure she isn't disabled or stunned during those 4 seconds.
- She becomes magic immune— you won't have to worry about spells killing her
Octarine Essense:
- Her Spectral Dagger, not only buffs her but also slows enemies' attack speed and movement speed— having this cast more frequently in fights with this item will be beneficial
- Decreases downtime of her ability, allowing Spectre to deal more damage and slow enemies.
42. Terrorblade
- Terrorblade deals much damage when he's transformed (he gains bonus damage and attack speed and becomes a ranged unit). However, he has low health, and Satanic will help compensate for that low health and prevent him from dying too early
- His attack speed and the Hunter Alliance bonus will help him make sure he gets his HP back to full when Satanic triggers
Silver Edge:
- This item will help him break units and ensure the kill (removes enemy passives like evasion)
- Increases his HP (compensates for his low HP) and attack speed (increases his overall DPS)
43. Treant Protector
Craggy Coat:
- The majority of the time, Treant Protector serves as a tank. This item will help him survive longer against physical attacks while he heals himself and his allies with his ability
Paladin Sword:
- He heals quite a lot with his Leech Seed ability. Having this item will increase that healing and help sustain your units
44. Death Prophet
- Her ability lets her send out streams of evil spirits that deal damage to enemies for 6 seconds and heal her when it returns to her. In most cases, having Mekansm makes sure you can utilize this heal and tank more damage before she dies
- Allows your team to heal 750 health when her health reaches below 50%
Eul's Scepter:
- This item will allow her to cast her ability sooner
- Cyclones damager into the air (helps disable a unit for 2.5 seconds)
45. Doom
Refresher Orb:
- This item allows Doom to disable 2 units in fights, break 2 units' passive and prevent them from casting spells
- Increases your chances of casting Doom on the unit you want disabled (e.g., Slark, Storm, etc.)
- Doom has a high base HP and base armor— having Vanguard will help him tank more physical damage with the damage block and bonus health
46. Lina
Scythe of Vyse:
- Increases frequency of casting her spell (more frequent single target burst damage and setting enemies on fire)
- Turns damager into a pig (helps disable a unit for 3.5 seconds)
Eul's Scepter:
- Increases frequency of casting her spell
- Cyclones damager into the air (helps disable a unit for 2.5 seconds)
47. Lone Druid
Refresher Orb:
- Lone Druid can summon a Spirit Bear that can entangle (rooting and disarming) your enemies— with two of these Spirit Bears; you'll be able to entangle more enemy units
- It creates more chaos on the board, more distractions for your enemies
- Assuming you are running Savages, having attack speed on this hero will let him increase his damage with the Savage Alliance bonus
- He is a ranged unit (the only ranged Savage unit), which means your melee units will protect him before they get to him
48. Mirana
- Hunter Alliance bonus helps her proc Maelstrom more frequently— this increases her overall DPS and deals AoE damage
Octarine Essence:
- Getting a unit stunned for 3/5/7 seconds has a lot of value in fights— having its cooldown lessened means you'll frequently be stunning a unit with her Sacred Arrow ability
- Mirana has a low mana pool and only needs 70 mana to cast her spell. Most of the time, she'll have enough mana as soon as her ability is on cooldown
- The stunned target will be dead even before it wakes up from the stun
49. Pangolier
Craggy Coat:
- Because his ability, Shield Crash, lets him taunt enemy units upon landing, this item will be great to help him survive longer during that taunt.
- Shield Crash also lets him have an 8% damage reduction per enemy hit by it— the increased armor strengthens the damage reduction he gets from it
Blade Mail:
- The damage reduction from the ability and the reflect damage of Blade Mail go well together. You'll be able to reflect a full 20% while receiving lesser damage
- You'll guarantee enemy units hitting you when he uses taunt with Shield Crash
50. Rubick
- Rubick's special ability, Spell Steal, lets him cast copies of abilities your nearby enemies cast (this doesn't require mana). As long as Rubick is in range to steal the spell, he will cast it regardless of the amount of mana acquired— this means you just have to make Rubick survive so he can keep doing his shenanigans (Mekansm will ensure he heals back up when his HP gets lower)
- Rubick also has the Magus Alliance bonus that when he reaches below 50% health, he will become invulnerable for 3 seconds (allowing him to stay unharmed while also being healed by this item)
Black King Bar:
- If you want him to keep doing his shenanigans, then you will want him to be not disabled or stunned— this item will make sure he isn't
- Assuming your enemies have disables, stuns, and a lot of magic damage, then this is a good pick-up for Rubick
51. Sven
- His ability, God's Strength, lets him gain a vast percentage of damage when cast. Give this hero attack speed, and he'll be able to utilize all that damage
- It compensates for his low attack speed
- Since Sven also has an ability that lets him cleave, this item will increase his DPS
- Assuming you're running a Rogue Alliance, he will be able to increase his evasion with this item— this will make him tankier and even tankier if you're also running a Knight Alliance
- It compensates for his low attack speed
52. Templar Assassin:
- Her Refraction ability helps her avoid any damage and has a number of instances only— having Butterfly's evasion will help keep those number of instances up if she evades a physical attack— this helps her sustain in fights
- Compensates for her low attack speed
- It complements the damage Refraction provides and the minus armor from her Meld ability
Silver Edge:
- This item will make sure she can hit her Meld target with no problem (targets with evasion or item passive effects)
- Compensates for her low attack speed and HP
53. Tidehunter:
Refresher Orb:
- Tidehunter's Ravage ability guarantees an AoE stun— having this item will help double your stuns and increases your odds of winning fights (just make sure enemy Silver Edge won't break this item)
- 2 Cthulhu tentacles for your enemies
Craggy Coat:
- Tidehunter has high HP and armor— increasing his armor with this item will make him last longer in fights, buying enough time for your team to do the damage
54. Viper
Scythe of Vyse:
- Viper has a powerful ability. It has a low cooldown, and you want it frequently cast. With this item's mana gain per second, he'll be able to cast it more frequently
- Nethertoxin, this ability roots your enemies and applies break to them while doing Pure damage for 5 seconds
- Turns damager into a pig (helps disable a unit for 3.5 seconds)
Eul's Scepter:
- Same purpose as Scythe of Vyse (increase mana gain so he can frequently cast his ability)
- Cyclones damager into the air (helps disable a unit for 2.5 seconds)
55. Void Spirit
Scythe of Vyse:
- His spell has a lot of value— Dissimilate lets him reduce enemies' armor by a lot, and having it cast as soon as possible gives your team a huge advantage
- Turns damager into a pig (helps disable a unit for 3.5 seconds)
Eul's Scepter:
- Same purpose as Scythe of Vyse (increasing mana gain so he can cast his spell as soon as possible)
- Cyclones damager into the air (helps disable a unit for 2.5 seconds)
56. Axe
Heart of Tarrasque:
- Axe has high base HP— increasing it with this item lets him benefit significantly from the 2% regeneration the item provides
- His ability, Counter Helix, has a chance to deal Pure damage to nearby enemies when he is attacked— this means the longer he survives, the more damage he can provide
- He also has another ability that allows him to cast an instant kill on an enemy below 25% health. Having Axe survive long enough with this item will make sure he can
Craggy Coat:
- Axe surviving longer means more damage and more instant kills— increasing his armor will let him sustain more damage from physical attacks
- The decreased attack speed from Craggy Coat won't be much of a big deal since he already has a low attack speed
57. Dragon Knight
- Assuming you're running Dragon Alliance and he is at 2 stars, this item will be great for him. With the Dragon Alliance bonus, he turns into a dragon, increasing his damage and movement speed, and becomes a ranged attacker with splash damage.
- It compensates for his low attack speed
- With his increased attack speed, he will be able to deal more damage with his splash attacks
- Assuming you're running Dragon Alliance and he is at 2 stars, this item will complement the splash damage
- It compensates for his low attack speed
- Increases his sustainability with evasion
58. Faceless Void
Scythe of Vyse:
- This hero serves as a disabler for the Assassins— he casts a Chronocube that stuns enemies caught inside it for a decent amount of time while also increasing his attack speed while in it
- Faceless Void is mainly played together with an Assassin build. Having the cube cast as soon as possible (with the mana gain this item gives) will give your Assassins the advantage
- Turns damager into a pig (helps disable a unit for 3.5 seconds)
Refresher Orb:
- If your Faceless Void can survive to cast 2 Chronocubes, then this will be a good pick-up for him. Assuming you're running Assassins, you'll provide them double the disables
59. Keeper of the Light
Scythe of Vyse:
- His Illuminate ability deals a lot of AoE magic damage— it has a 100 mana cost which is a lot before he can cast it. With this item, he will be able to cast it sooner
- It's a channeling spell, so you want him to cast it as soon as he can
- Turns damager into a pig (helps disable a unit for 3.5 seconds)
Eul's Scepter
- Same purpose as Scythe of Vyse (increase mana gain so he can cast his spell as soon as possible)
- Turns damager into a pig (helps disable a unit for 3.5 seconds)
60. Medusa
Kaden's Blade:
- Medusa's passive ability lets her shoot extra arrows— this extra arrow can also benefit from the item's effect— this means you will be dealing 9% to multiple targets' max health as Pure damage
- This item will let Medusa deal a lot of damage despite being at a lower star level
Eye of Skadi:
- Same as Kaden's Blade, this item will also benefit from the extra arrows Medusa shoots— this means she can slow multiple enemies' attack speed and movement speed
- Increases Medusa's HP (compensates for her low HP)
61. Troll Warlord
Mask of Madness:
- Troll Warlord has the highest base damage of all units— increasing his attack speed will increase his DPS dramatically
- He also has an ability that lets him increase his attack speed per attack— having Mask of Madness will help him achieve more incredible attack speed in no time
- It helps him sustain with the provided lifesteal
- His damage is already high— providing attack speed to him is the best way to go
- Provides evasion to make him last longer in fights (assuming you're running Warriors, he will be harder to kill)
62. Wraith King
Vladimir's Offering:
- His passive ability allows him to spawn zombies when nearby Heroes (enemy or ally) die. This item will allow him to provide the aura's item to the zombies he spawns.
- The aura provides 8% damage, +5 armor, and +10% lifesteal. Not only your current units will benefit from this, but also the zombies that he will spawn
Heart of Tarrasque:
- This item will help him last longer in fights and be able to summon more zombies to fight for your team
- Wraith King has a high base HP. He will benefit a lot from the 2% regeneration that the item provides
DotA Underlords Items: https://dotaunderlords.fandom.com/wiki/Items