The wrath of this Kraken is the subject of widespread talk in the Dota scene. Tidehunter is one of those heroes that you can never get enough of. Especially if you play it in the core position. The right-click build for this hero has made people try him out in their pubs. The flexible nature of this gigantic Kraken makes him the hottest pick of the current meta. He thrives in flooding his foes with his damage and rupturing them with his tentacles. Tidehunter is a force to be reckoned with in the current meta due to his immense tank potential and late-game durability.
If you are interested in playing Tidehunter or want to enhance your gameplay, you’ve come to the right place. We bring you the best 5 builds that guarantee you a win. These builds are tried and tested by pro players, which means they’re relevant in the current patch.
5. Carry Tide Build
It is not every day that you see carry Tidehunter being played. The hero is conventionally played in the offlane, but the recent buffs to his talent tree and overall stats make him a suitable pick in the carry role under the right matchups. Tidehunter is highly viable as a carry hero if you build the right items. It is more of a light-hearted build and should be tried out in unranked games first, as you can be at grave risk of losing your MMR if you jump in a ranked game with it!
Carry Tidehunter usually relies on items that provide him with high attack damage and speed. He does not rely on initiating or utility items. Hence, items such as Armlet, Desolator, and Daedalus help him in dealing with high damage. Blink Dagger is also purchased, but it is used as an aggressive tool to jump into fights and catch enemies off-guard. It can further be upgraded into a Swift Blink if need be. Overall, this is a fun build, but it only works in certain matchups.
Use This Build If:
- You want an extremely reliable carry build for the late game
- You want to deal physical damage as a Tidehunter
- You want to be involved in more skirmishes from the early game
Skill Points
Level 1: Anchor Smash - Upon usage, it deals damage in an AoE while reducing the attack damage of enemies affected by it. It is an exceptional spell to skill at level 1 if you are facing melee enemies, you can harass them and shove them out of the lane. It also helps you farm creeps as a core Tide.
Level 2: Kraken Shell - This passive ability blocks a portion of incoming attack damage. It also removes negative debuffs if it reaches a certain threshold. It is exceptional against heroes that deal annoying DoT. This spell is key in keeping Tidehunter tanky and safe throughout the game.
Level 3: Anchor Smash
Level 4: Kraken Shell
Level 5: Gush - Gush reduces enemy armor and deals damage upon usage to the targeted enemy. If combined with the right lane partner, you may even get a few kills in the early levels with these two skills.
Level 6: Anchor Smash
Level 7: Anchor Smash
Level 8: Kraken Shell
Level 9: Kraken Shell
Level 10: Talent - +10% Gush Slow
Level 11: Ravage - Ravage is one of the best crowd control spells in the game. Upon usage, it stuns all enemy units in an AoE, while also dealing damage to them. It can be used in tandem with a Blink Dagger to initiate a teamfight. A good teamfight will always depend upon the use of Ravage.
Level 12: Gush
Level 13: Ravage
Level 14: Gush
Level 15: Talent - -25% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction
Level 16: Gush
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Ravage
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +40 Kraken Shell Damage Block
Level 25: 50% Chance of Anchor Smash on attack
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Armlet of Mordiggian (2500 Gold) - Purchased at 10 minutes. It allows Tidehunter to toggle his max HP, while also increasing his damage under it. It is not an item you see usually built on Tidehunter, but as a carry Tide, you need all the damage you can get to push through the early game.
- Arcane Boots - (1300 Gold) Purchased at 13 minutes. Even though you are playing a carry Tide, you will still run into mana problems! Arcane Boots are an essential item for Tidehunter as It provides him with mana regen and sustains him through teamfight along with the increase in movement speed. It can be disassembled as well, allowing you to build different items with it later on in the game.
- Desolator - (3500 Gold) Purchased at 17 minutes. Desolator provides +50 Attack Damage while reducing enemy armor by 6 upon physical attacks. It also works on towers, and can also be affected by Anchor Smash. It is an ideal item on carry Tidehunter as it increases your attack damage and reduces enemy armor upon attacks.
- Blink Dagger - (2250 Gold) Purchased at 22 minutes. Blink Dagger is the classic item for Tidehunter which allows him to initiate and use Ravage upon multiple enemies. It is an essential item for him regardless of the position he is playing.
- Daedalus - (5150 Gold) Purchased at 28 minutes. Daedalus allows Tide to deal critical damage. This high damage allows him to be a devastating hard hitter, as he can also solo kill and does not always need the follow-up from his team due to the items he has built earlier.
- Aghanim’s Shard - (1400 Gold) Purchased at 30 minutes. It grants the Tendrils of the Deep ability. It unleashes a slew of tentacles in a targeted area and stuns the enemies on the way. It is essentially a single-targeted Ravage. It can act as a secondary stun, allowing you to chain disable heroes after using Ravage.
- Boots of Travel - (2500 Gold) Purchased at 32 minutes. Allows Tidehunter to teleport on allied creeps anywhere on the map. Purchasing this item grants Tidehunter extreme mobility, making him highly active and providing him with global potential. He can push lanes and join his allies in a teamfight anytime he wants.
- Octarine Core - (5275 Gold) Bought at 35 minutes. It is ideal to purchase an Octarine Core on Tidehunter as it reduces the cooldown of all items and abilities by 25%, which also affects Refresher’s Orb. It also increases the cast range and provides mana regen for Tidehunter.
- Moon Shard - (4000 Gold) Purchased at 39 minutes into the game. It grants 140 Attack Speed and 200 Bonus Night Vision. Upon consumption, the bonuses are halved. Tidehunter benefits greatly from increased attack speed bonuses.
4. Topson Mid Build
The two-timer, Topson, is one of the best mid-players in the entire game. He is known for his unorthodox builds and playstyles. His sheer skill and game sense ensures he triumphs even with the strangest builds. Tidehunter is not your average mid-hero, yet Topson makes him look like a beast in the mid-lane. His exceptional farming style and aggressive demeanor ensure there is no stone left unturned when it comes to winning the lane.
Topson rotates as early as he can with this build. He ensures that all his lanes are secured and no one is lagging in terms of levels or farm. He builds an early game Satanic due to the sustain it provides in a fight, while also increasing his HP. He prioritizes Gush, as it reduces armor and slows enemies upon cast, making it deal high damage with Desolator. Topson’s Mid Build is a hard-hitting one and must be tried if you are looking to expand your hero pool.
Use This Build If:
- You want an extremely reliable mid-build for the late game
- You want to be involved in more skirmishes from the early game
- You are facing heroes with low physical damage resistance or overall survivability
Skill Points
Level 1: Anchor Smash - Upon usage, it deals damage in an AoE while reducing the attack damage of enemies affected by it. It is an exceptional spell to skill at level 1 if you are facing melee enemies, you can harass them and shove them out of the lane. It also helps you farm creeps as a core Tide.
Level 2: Kraken Shell - This passive ability blocks a portion of incoming attack damage. It also removes negative debuffs if it reaches a certain threshold. It is exceptional against heroes that deal annoying DoT. This spell is key in keeping Tidehunter tanky and safe throughout the game.
Level 3: Anchor Smash
Level 4: Gush - Gush reduces enemy armor and deals damage upon usage to the targeted enemy. If combined with the right lane partner, you may even get a few kills in the early levels with these two skills.
Level 5: Anchor Smash
Level 6: Ravage - Ravage is one of the best crowd control spells in the game. Upon usage, it stuns all enemy units in an AoE, while also dealing damage to them. It can be used in tandem with a Blink Dagger to initiate a teamfight. A good teamfight will always depend upon the use of Ravage.
Level 7: Anchor Smash
Level 8: Gush
Level 9: Gush
Level 10: Talent - +10% Gush Slow
Level 11: Gush
Level 12: Ravage
Level 13: Kraken Shell
Level 14: Gush
Level 15: Talent - -25% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction
Level 16: Gush
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Ravage
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +40 Kraken Shell Damage Block
Level 25: 50% Chance of Anchor Smash on attack
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Bottle (675 Gold) - Purchased at 1 minute. Bottle is an integral item on a mid-hero. Regardless of the hero you play, Bottle keeps you sustained through the laning phase by replenishing your mana and HP. It also ensures you store power runes for later instead of immediately using them up.
- Phase Boots - (1500 Gold) Bought at 5 minutes. It offers high movement speed along with increased armor as well as physical damage. The item also allows Tidehunter to phase through enemies when activated, making it easy to escape or initiate fights without getting his body blocked.
- Satanic - (5050 Gold) Bought at around 16 minutes. Can lifesteal on physical attacks upon activation, and also provides basic dispel from the latter. Great to sustain in the ultra-late game as you can be surrounded by multiple enemies at once. It also works on Anchor Smash.
- Crystalys - (1950 Gold) Bought at 19 minutes. It grants each attack a 30% chance to deal 160% critical damage. The damage can be extremely useful in the early game to fend off enemies and neutralize them. Anchor Smash also has a crit chance.
- Desolator - (3500 Gold) Bought at 24 minutes. Desolator provides +50 Attack Damage while reducing enemy armor by 6 upon physical attacks. It also works on towers, and can also be affected by Anchor Smash. It is not an item you see often on offlane Tide, but Ceb purchases this to deal more damage in fights, not relying on his other cores.
- Silver Edge - (5450 Gold) Bought at 29 minutes. Upon usage, it turns you invisible while increasing your movement speed. Attacking enemies will end the invisibility and will deal bonus physical damage while also disabling their passive spells. This item is good against heroes with OP passives like Bristleback, or Phantom Assassin.
- Aghanim’s Shard - (1400 Gold) was Obtained from Roshan. It grants the Tendrils of the Deep ability. It unleashes a slew of tentacles in a targeted area and stuns the enemies on the way. It is essentially a single-targeted Ravage. It can act as a secondary stun, allowing you to chain disable heroes after using Ravage.
- Black King Bar - (4050 Gold) Bought at 34 minutes. Provides magic immunity, making Tidehunter invulnerable during fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Moonshard - (4000 Gold) Purchased at 37 minutes into the game. It grants 140 Attack Speed and 200 Bonus Night Vision. Upon consumption, the bonuses are halved. Tidehunter benefits greatly from increased attack speed bonuses.
3. 33 Build
The recent Ti winner, 33 is by far the most mechanically skilled player on this list. His exceptional gameplay and knowledge are unbeatable. Tidehunter is a hero that you see 33 playing quite often. He recognizes the strengths as well as the weaknesses of this beast. Primarily played in the offlane, 33 focuses on demolishing the laning phase with his aggressive playstyle while also paying attention to his farming speed.
33 plays a utility build, which ensures his allies are sustained throughout the game. After all, his utility builds and remarkable playstyle helped Tundra win Ti last year! He focuses on split-pushing and initiating the teamfight first. Hence, he prioritizes items like Blink Dagger, Pipe of Insight, and Aghanim’s Shard which help him be an excellent team fighter.
Use This Build If:
- You want to be involved in more skirmishes from the early game
- You want a self-sustainable build that makes you tanky, making it extremely valuable against damage-dealing heroes
Skill Points
Level 1: Anchor Smash - Upon usage, it deals damage in an AoE while reducing the attack damage of enemies affected by it. It is an exceptional spell to skill at level 1 if you are facing melee enemies, you can harass them and shove them out of the lane.
Level 2: Kraken Shell - This passive ability blocks a portion of incoming attack damage. It also removes negative debuffs if it reaches a certain threshold. It is exceptional against heroes that deal annoying DoT. This spell is key in keeping Tidehunter tanky and safe throughout the game.
Level 3: Kraken Shell
Level 4: Anchor Smash
Level 5: Anchor Smash
Level 6: Ravage - Ravage is one of the best crowd control spells in the game. Upon usage, it stuns all enemy units in an AoE, while also dealing damage to them. It can be used in tandem with a Blink Dagger to initiate a teamfight. A good teamfight will always depend upon the use of Ravage.
Level 7: Anchor Smash
Level 8: Kraken Shell
Level 9: Kraken Shell
Level 10: Gush - Gush reduces enemy armor and deals damage upon usage to the targeted enemy. If combined with the right lane partner, you may even get a few kills in the early levels with these two skills. 33 skills are late because he prioritizes the other two skills more in this game.
Level 11: Talent - +10% Gush Slow
Level 12: Ravage
Level 13: Gush
Level 14: Gush
Level 15: Talent - -25% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction
Level 16: Gush
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Ravage
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +40 Kraken Shell Damage Block
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Blight Stone - (300 Gold) Purchased at 4 minutes. A casual Blight Stone is a decent item to have early on, which reduces enemy armor by 2 upon physical attacks. It deals decent damage and works in tandem with Anchor Smash.
- Arcane Boots - (1300 Gold) Purchased at 8 minutes. Arcane Boots are an essential item for Tidehunter if he wants to build it into Guardian Greaves later on in the game. It provides him with mana regen and sustains him through teamfight along with the increase in movement speed. It can be disassembled as well, allowing you to build different items with it later on in the game.
- Hood of Defiance - (1500 Gold) Purchased at 9 minutes. Hood is an exceptional item on Tidehunter, as it provides increased magic resistance. Upon activation, it can absorb up to 350 magic damage, making it an ideal purchase against heroes with high magic damage. It is further upgraded into Pipe of Insight 12 minutes into the game. Pipe not only safeguards you but also increases magic resistance for your allies in an AoE.
- Blink Dagger - (2250 Gold) Purchased at 16 minutes. Blink Dagger is the classic item for Tidehunter which allows him to initiate and use Ravage upon multiple enemies. It is an essential item for him regardless of the meta.
- Aghanim’s Shard - (1400 Gold) Purchased at 19 minutes. It grants the Tendrils of the Deep ability. It unleashes a slew of tentacles in a targeted area and stuns the enemies on the way. It is essentially a single-targeted Ravage. It can act as a secondary stun, allowing you to chain disable heroes after using Ravage.
- Scythe of Vyse - (5675 Gold) Purchased at 27 minutes. Scythe offers immense disable potential as it turns the targeted enemy into a pig, making them unable to use any spells or items while also reducing their movement speed. This disabler item is of high value on Tide as it allows him to dominate the late game with it, locking down his foes and decimating them with the follow-up from his team.
2. Ceb Build
The two-timer, and undoubtedly the GOAT, Ceb is an exceptional Tidehunter player. You may not see him play this hero often, as he is known for his NPs and Dark Seers. This hero may not be his main, but when you see him play, he makes you think otherwise! Ceb plays an extremely aggressive and greedy Tidehunter, often opting for unorthodox items. Ceb does not rely on his teammates to make plays in the game, rather he takes matters into his own hands with his insane builds.
Ceb loves the Anchor Smash build, as he is playing against melee heroes like Slark. This build optimizes Tide to his full potential by building both utility and damage items. Such a hybrid build can be risky but seasoned veterans like Ceb know their way around such matchups. Ceb builds items like Desolator and Daedalus to provide him with increased physical damage potential while also piercing through enemy armor quite effortlessly.
Use This Build If:
- You want an extremely reliable build for the late game
- You want to be involved in more skirmishes from the early game
- You want a self-sustainable build that makes you tanky, making it extremely valuable against damage-dealing heroes
Skill Points
Level 1: Anchor Smash - Upon usage, it deals damage in an AoE while reducing the attack damage of enemies affected by it. It is an exceptional spell to skill at level 1 if you are facing melee enemies, you can harass them and shove them out of the lane.
Level 2: Gush - Gush reduces enemy armor and deals damage upon usage to the targeted enemy. If combined with the right lane partner, you may even get a few kills in the early levels with these two skills.
Level 3: Anchor Smash
Level 4: Kraken Shell - This passive ability blocks a portion of incoming attack damage. It also removes negative debuffs if it reaches a certain threshold. It is exceptional against heroes that deal annoying DoT. This spell is key in keeping Tidehunter tanky and safe throughout the game. It is often maxed first due to the durability it provides, allowing you to purge off any negative dispels.
Level 5: Anchor Smash
Level 6: Ravage - Ravage is one of the best crowd control spells in the game. Upon usage, it stuns all enemy units in an AoE, while also dealing damage to them. It can be used in tandem with a Blink Dagger to initiate a teamfight. A good teamfight will always depend upon the use of Ravage.
Level 7: Anchor Smash
Level 8: Kraken Shell
Level 9: Kraken Shell
Level 10: Talent - +10% Gush Slow
Level 11: Kraken Shell
Level 12: Ravage
Level 13: Gush
Level 14: Gush
Level 15: Talent - +120 Gush Damage
Level 16: Gush
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Ravage
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +40 Kraken Shell Damage Block
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Blight Stone - (300 Gold) Bought at 1 minute. A casual Blight Stone is a decent item to have early on, which reduces enemy armor by 2 upon physical attacks. It deals decent damage and works in tandem with Anchor Smash. It can further be upgraded into a Desolator.
- Soul Ring - (855 Gold) Purchased at 3 minutes. Soul Ring consumes 170 health temporarily to convert it into 150 mana. After 10 seconds, the health is reverted along with the unused mana pool. This is an exceptional item on Tidehunter as it allows him to sustain in the laning phase without any mana problems.
- Phase Boots - (1500 Gold) Bought at 6 minutes. It offers Ceb high movement speed along with increased armor as well as physical damage. The item also allows him to phase through enemies when activated, making it easy to escape or initiate fights without getting his body blocked.
- Vladimir’s Offering - (2450 Gold) Bought at 12 minutes. It offers 20% lifesteal, 18% bonus damage, and 1.75 mana regen to Tidehunter and his allies. It is the ideal item to purchase in the early game if you are constantly fighting, as it sustains you and your allies.
- Wraith Pact - (4050 Gold) Vladimir’s Offering is further upgraded into Wraith Pact at 21 minutes into the game. Upon usage, it summons a totem that reduces physical damage dealt to you and your allies by 30% in an AoE, while also dealing 30 damage per second. It is an exceptional item against heroes who deal high physical damage.
- Heaven’s Halberd - (3550 Gold) Bought at 27 minutes. Upon usage, it disarms the targeted unit for 3 seconds (or 5 seconds if ranged target), making them unable to do any physical attacks. This item is highly beneficial if you’re playing against carry heroes who deal high physical damage. You can beat them down while they do no damage to you.
- Desolator - (3500 Gold) Bought at 31 minutes. Desolator provides +50 Attack Damage while reducing enemy armor by 6 upon physical attacks. It also works on towers, and can also be affected by Anchor Smash. It is not an item you see often on offlane Tide, but Ceb purchases this to deal more damage in fights, not relying on his other cores.
- Daedalus - (5150 Gold) Bought at 38 minutes. Daedalus allows Ceb to deal critical damage. This high damage allows him to be a devastating hard hitter, as he can also solo kill and does not always need the follow-up from his team due to the items he has built earlier.
- Blink Dagger - (2250 Gold) Purchased at 43 minutes. Blink Dagger is an item that you see quite early on in the game, not this late, but Ceb optimizes damage items first as his team has enough initiation early on. It classic item for Tidehunter which allows him to initiate and use Ravage upon multiple enemies. It is an essential item for him regardless of the meta. Tidehunter and Blink Dagger go hand in hand.
- Aghanim’s Shard - (1400 Gold) Purchased at 45 minutes. It grants the Tendrils of the Deep ability. It unleashes a slew of tentacles in a targeted area and stuns the enemies on the way. It is essentially a single-targeted Ravage. It can act as a secondary stun, allowing you to chain disable heroes after using Ravage.
- Swift Blink - (6800 Gold) Blink Dagger is upgraded into Swift Blink at 50 minutes into the game. Swift Blink allows you to gain 40% phased movement speed and +35 agility for 6 seconds. This makes Tidehunter highly mobile, and also allows him to deal more damage which is suitable with the above build.
1. Collapse Build
Collapse is by far one of the only pro players who is testing Tidehunter in the current meta. His exceptional performance at the Ti10 was evident that he can play this hero at its optimum capacity. His exceptional Ravage plays prove that he has earned his spot as the best on this list. Collapse is a team player, hence you will often see him buy utility items on Tidehunter, but the current meta demands an extremely high-tempo Tidehunter build that does not falter in the late game, hence you see a mixture of items.
Collapse has adapted to the new meta and he prefers to build team fight items that assist his team in defeating the foes. The build includes some obvious items like Blink Dagger and Guardian Greaves, which most people build, but most people can not compete or get on the same level as Collapse when it boils down to the raw mechanical skill he can display on Tidehunter.
Use This Build If:
- You want an extremely reliable build for the late game
- You want to be involved in more skirmishes from the early game
- You want a self-sustainable build that makes you tanky, making it extremely valuable against damage-dealing heroes
Skill Points
Level 1: Anchor Smash - Upon usage, it deals damage in an AoE while reducing the attack damage of enemies affected by it. It is an exceptional spell to skill at level 1 if you are facing melee enemies, you can harass them and shove them out of the lane.
Level 2: Gush - Gush reduces enemy armor and deals damage upon usage to the targeted enemy. If combined with the right lane partner, you may even get a few kills in the early levels with these two skills.
Level 3: Kraken Shell - This passive ability blocks a portion of incoming attack damage. It also removes negative debuffs if it reaches a certain threshold. It is exceptional against heroes that deal annoying DoT. This spell is key in keeping Tidehunter tanky and safe throughout the game.
Level 4: Anchor Smash
Level 5: Anchor Smash
Level 6: Ravage - Ravage is one of the best crowd control spells in the game. Upon usage, it stuns all enemy units in an AoE, while also dealing damage to them. It can be used in tandem with a Blink Dagger to initiate a teamfight. A good teamfight will always depend upon the use of Ravage.
Level 7: Anchor Smash
Level 8: Kraken Shell
Level 9: Kraken Shell
Level 10: Talent - +50 Anchor Smash damage
Level 11: Kraken Shell
Level 12: Ravage
Level 13: Gush
Level 14: Gush
Level 15: Gush
Level 16: Talent - +120 Gush Damage
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Ravage
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +40 Kraken Shell Damage Block
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Soul Ring - (855 Gold) Purchased at 4 minutes. Soul Ring consumes 170 health temporarily to convert it into 150 mana. After 10 seconds, the health is reverted along with the unused mana pool. This is an exceptional item on Tidehunter as it allows him to sustain in the laning phase without any mana problems.
- Arcane Boots - (1300 Gold) Purchased at 7 minutes. Arcane Boots are an essential item for Tidehunter if he wants to build it into Guardian Greaves later on in the game. It provides him with mana regen and sustains him through teamfight along with the increase in movement speed. It can be disassembled as well, allowing you to build different items with it later on in the game.
- Hood of Defiance - (1500 Gold) Purchased at 9 minutes. Hood is an exceptional item on Tidehunter, as it provides increased magic resistance. Upon activation, it can absorb up to 350 magic damage, making it an ideal purchase against heroes with high magic damage. It is further upgraded into Pipe of Insight 15 minutes into the game. Pipe not only safeguards you but also increases magic resistance for your allies in an AoE.
- Mekansm - (1775 Gold) Purchased at 12 minutes. Mekansm provides healing to Tidehunter and his allies in an AoE. This sustains them in a teamfight and can also be helped to turn the tides into a hard fight.
- Blink Dagger - (2250 Gold) Purchased at 17 minutes. Blink Dagger is the classic item for Tidehunter which allows him to initiate and use Ravage upon multiple enemies. It is an essential item for him regardless of the meta. Tidehunter and Blink Dagger go hand in hand. Collapse is facing a core Zeus who does damage remotely, so to catch him off-guard, he built a Blink Dagger.
- Aghanim’s Shard - (1400 Gold) Purchased at 21 minutes. It grants the Tendrils of the Deep ability. It unleashes a slew of tentacles in a targeted area and stuns the enemies on the way. It is essentially a single-targeted Ravage. It can act as a secondary stun, allowing you to chain disable heroes after using Ravage.
- Guardian Greaves - (4950 Gold) Mekansm along with Arcane Boots are further upgraded into Guardian Greaves at 25 minutes into the game. Upon usage, it heals Tide and his allies in an AoE, replenishing their HP and mana, while also removing negative debuffs from Tide (as he is the caster).
- Refresher’s Orb - (5000 Gold) Bought at 34 minutes. Upon usage, it resets the cooldowns of all items and abilities. It is an exceptional item on Tidehunter as it allows him to use his Ravage and Tendrils combo twice within quick succession. This item is highly useful in the late game where multiple disables are needed to finish off heroes.
- Aether Lens - (2275 Gold) Bought at 37 minutes. Aether Lens increases the cast range of all abilities by 225 and increases overall mana by 300. It is exceptional if you want to further upgrade it to Octarine Core. Collapse wanted to purchase an Octarine Core as it reduces the cooldown of all items and abilities by 25%, which also affects Refresher’s Orb.
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