Very few heroes match the ferocity and durability of this threatening bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy, or Ursa as he is known more commonly, has been a consistently picked carry hero regardless of the patch. There is something about his early-game potential which can’t be matched by any other carry hero. He is also one of the few heroes who can slay Roshan without putting much effort or requiring any backup. Ursa is a highly reliable team fighter even before he is high-leveled or has any major items. Various builds help Ursa dominate the game. There may be numerous carry heroes in the game, but you can’t ignore Ursa, his strength is currently unparalleled.
If reading about Ursa has piqued your interest, and if you want to try playing him then you have come to the right place. We bring you the best 5 Ursa builds that will help you win your game. The builds mentioned contain the most relevant skill allocation and item progression.
5. Arteezy Build
NA’s last hope and a worldwide superstar, Arteezy is undoubtedly the best mechanically skilled player in the game, there is no way we can argue about that. This is due to his high mechanical skills and impressive understanding of the game. Though he is widely versatile, Ursa remains his specialty. His impressive performance on Ursa is due to his exceptional mechanical skills and game knowledge. Arteezy may often build items that are rather unorthodox but work in that specific matchup like a charm. High tempo and fast pace are the names of the game for our superstar.
Arteezy loves building items that offer both increased stats and damage on Ursa as these are the two things that every carry must equally have. Arteezy uses this build to its fullest by following up Battlefury with Diffusal Blade which allows him to fight to the fullest without worrying about mana or disables. Arteezy also opts for Enrage's talent in the late game, which does a great job of saving his team and making them durable in the teamfight. Overall, if you are looking to have an excellent team fighter build, then look no further!
Use This Build If:
- You want to deal great physical damage as an Ursa
- You want an extremely reliable carry build that also provides you with excellent sustain for you and your allies in fights
- You are facing heroes that have low armor and are considered to be squishy in the early game
- You want to focus on farming and acquiring items in the early game
Skill Points
Level 1: Fury Swipes - Ursa’s consecutive attacks to deal higher damage to enemies. The damage stack is immense and can provide you with early-game kills with the right lane partner.
Level 2: Earthshock - Ursa leaps forward and deals damage in an AoE while slowing down enemies in that area. It is an incredible spell that can provide Ursa with the much-needed control to net kills or escape if used wisely. Arteezy skills it early on to slow enemies and also secure a few last hits.
Level 3: Fury Swipes
Level 4: Overpower - Upon usage, Ursa gets increased attack speed for a few attacks. If this skill is combined with Fury Swipes and a reliable stun, it may land you with immense fight-and-kill potential right from the early stages of the game.
Level 5: Fury Swipes
Level 6: Enrage - Allows Ursa to have increased damage and status resistance for a few seconds. It also removes any existing debuffs, making it an exceptional ultimate which is highly reliable in a teamfight as it does not cost any mana! It can also help you escape sticky situations. Enrage is one of those few carry ultimates that can be skilled early on.
Level 7: Fury Swipes
Level 8: Overpower
Level 9: Overpower
Level 10: Overpower
Level 11: Earthshock
Level 12: Enrage
Level 13: Earthshock
Level 14: Earthshock
Level 15: Earthshock Earthshock Applies +2 Fury Swipes
Level 16: +20s Fury Swipes Reset Time
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Enrage
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +12 Fury Swipes Damage
Level 25: Enrage provides half benefits to allies in an AoE
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Phase Boots - (1500 Gold) Bought at 5 minutes. It offers high movement speed along with increased armor as well as physical damage. The item also allows Ursa to phase through enemies when activated, making it easy to escape or initiate fights without getting his body blocked.
- Battlefury (4100 Gold) - Purchased at 14 minutes. It allows melee heroes like Ursa to deal 70% of their damage as cleave damage. As the Prominent focus of this build is to split push and farm quickly as a carry Ursa, which pays off in the late game, Battlefury is quite essential as it is the gateway to acquiring other items quickly.
- Diffusal Blade (Diffusal Blade) - Purchased at 17 minutes. Allows Ursa to slow the targeted enemy for 4 seconds, while also passively burning mana upon each physical attack. It is a much-needed item against high mana spell-casters or even against pesky heroes. Ursa can quickly rip through both their HP and Mana with Overpower and Diffusal combo.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 22 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Ursa invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance even in the late game.
- Blink Dagger - (2250 Gold) Purchased at 24 minutes. Blink Dagger is the classic item for Ursa which allows him to initiate and use pounce upon multiple enemies. It is an essential item for him regardless of the matchup he is facing.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Purchased at 27 minutes. Causes Earthshock to apply 1.5 seconds of Enrage upon cast. It is quite an overpowered Shard as it gives you a mini version of your ultimate, independent of its cooldown. It is an ideal item to purchase on Ursa regardless of the matchup as it does not consume a slot, and also helps you survive long fights.
- Skull Basher (2875 Gold) - Purchased at 30 minutes. This grants Ursa a high chance of bashing enemies upon physical attacks. It also increases his attack damage and allows him to deal bonus physical damage.
- Abyssal Blade (6250 Gold) - Purchased at 32 minutes. Skull Basher is upgraded into Abyssal Blade, which stuns the targetted unit, it pierces spell immunity. Hence, it can be a useful item to temporarily disable any heroes under the effect of Black King Bar.
4. Pakazs Build
The South American rising star impressed all the dota fans with his impeccable performance at the International 11 last year. Pakazs’ vast hero pool and excellent game sense is the reason why he is a star player. His stellar Ursa performance is quite hard to ignore, he leaves no stone unturned when it comes to destroying the enemy team. As an Ursa, Pakazs is known to prioritize fighting over farming, his skill build is evidence of that. Ursa is a hero that relies on teamfights in order to gain farm, he is highly
With such an aggressive build on Ursa, Pakazs rotates as early as he can to safeguard in other lanes and also farms a decent window to farm on the fuzzy bear. He prefers the max Fury Swipes build, as it allows him to deal higher damage and a debuff that can’t be purged. Pakazs is an efficient farmer, he makes the most out of sticky situations and certainly knows his way around Ursa with his exceptional spell usage. He also purchases both Eye of Skadi and Abyssal Blade which offers him immense lockdown and slow potential, ruining the game further for his foes. Pakazs’ Ursa Build is a hard-hitting one and must be tried if you are looking to expand your builds or hero pool.
Use This Build If:
- You are facing squishy and low HP heroes
- You are facing enemies with high regen or lifesteal potential
- You want an early game fight oriented build which does not falter in the late game
- You want a highly self-sustainable build that can help you stay durable and withstand immense damage
Skill Points
Level 1: Fury Swipes - Ursa’s consecutive attacks to deal higher damage to enemies. The damage stack is immense and can provide you with early-game kills with the right lane partner.
Level 2: Earthshock - Ursa leaps forward and deals damage in an AoE while slowing down enemies in that area. It is an incredible spell that can provide Ursa with the much-needed control to net kills or escape if used wisely.
Level 3: Overpower - Upon usage, Ursa gets increased attack speed for a few attacks. If this skill is combined with Fury Swipes and a reliable stun, it may land you with immense fight-and-kill potential right from the early stages of the game.
Level 4: Fury Swipes
Level 5: Fury Swipes
Level 6: Enrage - Allows Ursa to have increased damage and status resistance for a few seconds. It also removes any existing debuffs, making it an exceptional ultimate which is highly reliable in a teamfight as it does not cost any mana! It can also help you escape sticky situations. Enrage is one of those few carry ultimates that can be skilled early on.
Level 7: Fury Swipes
Level 8: Overpower
Level 9: Overpower
Level 10: Overpower
Level 11: Earthshock
Level 12: Enrage
Level 13: +20s Fury Swipes Time Reset
Level 14: Earthshock
Level 15: Earthshock Earthshock Applies +2 Fury Swipes
Level 16: Earthshock
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Enrage
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +12 Fury Swipes Damage
Level 25: +3 Overpower Attacks
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Power Treads (1400 Gold) - Bought at 7 minutes. It provides 45 movement speed and 25 attack speed along with toggleable attributes, which offer everything from increased mana pool to armor and even strength, helping Ursa sustain and stay durable in all stages of the game.
- Battlefury (4100 Gold) - Purchased at 15 minutes. It allows melee heroes like Ursa to deal 70% of their damage as cleave damage. As the Prominent focus of this build is to split push and farm quickly as a carry Ursa, which pays off in the late game, Battlefury is quite essential as it is the gateway to acquiring other items quickly.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 20 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Ursa invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance even in the late game.
- Blink Dagger - (2250 Gold) Purchased at 23 minutes. Blink Dagger is the classic item for Ursa which allows him to initiate and use pounce upon multiple enemies. It is an essential item for him regardless of the matchup he is facing.
- Skull Basher (2875 Gold) - Purchased at 26 minutes. This grants Ursa a high chance of bashing enemies upon physical attacks. It also increases his attack damage and allows him to deal bonus physical damage.
- Abyssal Blade (6250 Gold) - Purchased at 28 minutes. Skull Basher is upgraded into Abyssal Blade, which stuns the targetted unit, it pierces spell immunity. Hence, it can be a useful item to temporarily disable any heroes under the effect of Black King Bar.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Purchased at 29 minutes. Causes Earthshock to apply 1.5 seconds of Enrage upon cast. It is quite an overpowered Shard as it gives you a mini version of your ultimate, independent of its cooldown. It is an ideal item to purchase on Ursa regardless of the matchup as it does not consume a slot, and also helps you survive long fights.
- Eye of Skadi (5300 Gold) - Purchased at 34 minutes. Causes Ursa’s attacks to lower enemy movement, and attack speed, as well as heal, and regen. It also lowers enemy lifesteal. It is an exceptional item on Ursa as it allows him to slow enemies even more along with Earthshock. It is a core item if you’re facing slippery core heroes.
- Swift Blink (6800 Gold) - Purchased 38 minutes into the game. Swift Blink allows you to gain 40% phased movement speed and +35 agility for 6 seconds. This makes Ursa highly mobile, and also allows him to deal more damage.
- Divine Rapier (5960 Gold) - Purchased at 44 minutes. It is the prominent focus of Pakazs’ build and grants 350 physical damage, which is lethal in the late game. He plays extremely carefully as the Rapier can be dropped if he dies. It is an extremely situational item that is built to close out long games or as a last hoorah to come back in a game.
3. Timado Build
Another budding South American on this list! Timado’s immense mechanical skill is unmatched in the American region. His impressive gameplay on heroes like Ursa is always a topic of discussion among his peers. Timado is known for his exceptional spellcasting and terrific farming patterns. You see him fighting whenever there is a big fight, and as it's over, he fades into the Roshpit or focuses on taking objectives as Ursa. His Ursa build is quite orthodox but focuses on his impressive playstyle and laning phase. You may learn a few tricks such as creep aggro or farming patterns if you observe the highlight video.
Timado’s Ursa is known to be a menace in pub games. Ursa may not be his favorite hero but he makes you think otherwise. Timado puts up a show and has an amazing impressive performance. He often chooses the risky path of buying off meta items, which can sometimes make or break the game. But in this game, he opts for the straight. Timado makes this matchup work, even against such powerful laners, his performance is anything but shaky. The Aghanim’s Shard is also an extremely rare sight on this hero but is viable in certain matchups. Timado has the eye for that, he knows what’s best.
Use This Build If:
- If you want a build that allows you to rotate early on and get involved in more fights
- You want a build that allows you to Roshan quite early on in the game
- If you want a tanky build that helps you stay durable in fights
Skill Points
Level 1: Fury Swipes - Ursa’s consecutive attacks to deal higher damage to enemies. The damage stack is immense and can provide you with early-game kills with the right lane partner.
Level 2: Earthshock - Ursa leaps forward and deals damage in an AoE while slowing down enemies in that area. It is an incredible spell that can provide Ursa with the much-needed control to net kills or escape if used wisely.
Level 3: Fury Swipes
Level 4: Overpower - Upon usage, Ursa gets increased attack speed for a few attacks. If this skill is combined with Fury Swipes and a reliable stun, it assures Timado of immense fight-and-kill potential right from the early stages of the game.
Level 5: Fury Swipes
Level 6: Enrage - Allows Ursa to have increased damage and status resistance for a few seconds. It also removes any existing debuffs, making it an exceptional ultimate which is highly reliable in a teamfight as it does not cost any mana! It can also help you escape sticky situations. Enrage is one of those few carry ultimates that can be skilled early on.
Level 7: Overpower
Level 8: Overpower
Level 9: Overpower
Level 10: Fury Swipes
Level 11: Earthshock
Level 12: Enrage
Level 13: Earthshock
Level 14: Earthshock
Level 15: Earthshock Applies +2 Fury Swipes
Level 16: +20s Fury Swipes Time Reset
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Enrage
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +12 Fury Swipes Damage
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Phase Boots - (1500 Gold) Bought at 5 minutes. It offers high movement speed along with increased armor as well as physical damage. The item also allows Ursa to phase through enemies when activated, making it easy to escape or initiate fights without getting his body blocked.
- Battlefury (4100 Gold) - Purchased at 14 minutes. It allows melee heroes like Ursa to deal 70% of their damage as cleave damage. As the Prominent focus of this build is to split push and farm quickly as a carry Ursa, which pays off in the late game, Battlefury is quite essential as it is the gateway to acquiring other items quickly.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 19 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Ursa invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance even in the late game.
- Blink Dagger - (2250 Gold) Purchased at 21 minutes. Blink Dagger is the classic item for Ursa which allows him to initiate and use pounce upon multiple enemies. It is an essential item for him regardless of the matchup he is facing.
- Skull Basher (2875 Gold) - Purchased at 23 minutes. This grants Ursa a high chance of bashing enemies upon physical attacks. It also increases his attack damage and allows him to deal bonus physical damage.
- Abyssal Blade (6250 Gold) - Purchased at 26 minutes. Skull Basher is upgraded into Abyssal Blade, which stuns the targetted unit, it pierces spell immunity. Hence, it can be a useful item to temporarily disable any heroes under the effect of Black King Bar.
- Swift Blink - (6800 Gold) Purchased 31 minutes into the game. Swift Blink allows Ursa to gain 40% phased movement speed and +35 agility for 6 seconds. This makes Ursa highly mobile, and also allows him to deal more damage which is suitable with the above build. Timado builds this item as he is against slippery heroes, hence this item helps close the gap.
2. Pure Build
As mentioned earlier, Ursa is a ferocious carry hero. His potential to be played in any core position makes him a hot pick in the current meta. Speaking of ferocious, Pure is a beast on Ursa. He is one of the rising stars in the European region. Pure loves playing Ursa aggressively due to his fight and tank potential on this hero. He is also known to fare well in pretty much all matchups due to his survivability. He can also farm extremely fast and rotate to the other lanes when he gets his ultimate. It is difficult to stop an early game-farmed Pure, he just snowballs and runs over his enemies effortlessly. Pure optimizes a late-game build which allows him to stay relevant and demolish all his enemies.
Pure loves farming in the early game, Battlefury deals AoE damage which helps him farm faster. He often builds items that ensure he has enough mobility and sustains to withstand a teamfight early on. Hence, items such as Black King Bar, Abyssal Blade, and Aghanim’s Shard are highly preferred by him due to their efficacy. As the game progresses, you can also opt for Aghanim’s Scepter which offers incredible damage and fight potential, though it’s not seen in this game, it is a highly effective item in the extreme late stages of the game. This build is ideal if you want to be a dominating force right from the laning phase.
Use This Build If:
- You want a self-sustainable build that makes you tanky, making it extremely valuable against damage-dealing heroes
- You want to kickstart the game with high impact
- You want a sustainable Roshan-oriented build
- You want a late-game-oriented build that can obliterate even the worst enemies in the late game
Skill Points
Level 1: Fury Swipes - Ursa’s consecutive attacks to deal higher damage to enemies. The damage stack is immense and can provide you with early-game kills with the right lane partner.
Level 2: Earthshock - Ursa leaps forward and deals damage in an AoE while slowing down enemies in that area. It is an incredible spell that can provide Ursa with the much-needed control to net kills or escape if used wisely.
Level 3: Fury Swipes
Level 4: Overpower - Upon usage, Ursa gets increased attack speed for a few attacks. If this skill is combined with Fury Swipes and a reliable stun, it may land you with immense fight-and-kill potential right from the early stages of the game.
Level 5: Fury Swipes
Level 6: Enrage - Allows Ursa to have increased damage and status resistance for a few seconds. It also removes any existing debuffs, making it an exceptional ultimate which is highly reliable in a teamfight as it does not cost any mana! It can also help you escape sticky situations. Enrage is one of those few carry ultimates that can be skilled early on.
Level 7: Overpower
Level 8: Overpower
Level 9: Overpower
Level 10: Fury Swipes
Level 11: Earthshock
Level 12: Enrage
Level 13: Earthshock
Level 14: Earthshock
Level 15: Earthshock Applies +2 Fury Swipes
Level 16: +20s Fury Swipes Time Reset
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Enrage
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: -2s Earthshock Cooldown
Level 25: +3 Overpower Attacks
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Phase Boots - (1500 Gold) Bought at 6 minutes. It offers high movement speed along with increased armor as well as physical damage. The item also allows Ursa to phase through enemies when activated, making it easy to escape or initiate fights without getting his body blocked.
- Battlefury (4100 Gold) - Purchased at 12 minutes. It allows melee heroes like Ursa to deal 70% of their damage as cleave damage. As the Prominent focus of this build is to split push and farm quickly as a carry Ursa, which pays off in the late game, Battlefury is quite essential as it is the gateway to acquiring other items quickly.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 17 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Ursa invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance even in the late game.
- Blink Dagger - (2250 Gold) Purchased at 19 minutes. Blink Dagger is the classic item for Ursa which allows him to initiate and use pounce upon multiple enemies. It is an essential item for him regardless of the matchup he is facing.
- Skull Basher (2875 Gold) - Purchased at 22 minutes. This grants Ursa a high chance of bashing enemies upon physical attacks. It also increases his attack damage and allows him to deal bonus physical damage.
- Abyssal Blade (6250 Gold) - Purchased at 26 minutes. Skull Basher is upgraded into Abyssal Blade, which stuns the targetted unit, it pierces spell immunity. Hence, it can be a useful item to temporarily disable any heroes under the effect of Black King Bar.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Purchased at 32 minutes. Causes Earthshock to apply 1.5 seconds of Enrage upon cast. It is quite an overpowered Shard as it gives you a mini version of your ultimate, independent of its cooldown. It is an ideal item to purchase on Ursa regardless of the matchup as it does not consume a slot, and also helps you survive long fights.
- Nullifier (4725 Gold) - Purchased at 39 minutes. Nullifier allows Ursa to actively dispel any buffs that the targeted enemy may have, this disables their impact and prevents them from using any defensive items or spells in a fight.
- Swift Blink - (6800 Gold) Purchased 42 minutes into the game. Swift Blink allows you to gain 40% phased movement speed and +35 agility for 6 seconds. This makes Ursa highly mobile, and also allows him to deal more damage which is suitable with the above build.
- Refresher’s Orb (5000 Gold) - Purchased at 46 minutes. Refreshes the cooldown of all of Ursa’s items and spells. It is an effective item on Ursa as it allows you to use crucial spells like Enrage and Overpower twice, along with items like Black King Bar or Swift Blink.
1. Yatoro Build
There is no doubt that Yatoro is one of the best carry players in the current professional scene. This is due to his impressive understanding of the game and impeccable map awareness. He is known to be a menace to a dozen of heroes, and Ursa is no different. Ursa has been highly lauded due to his excellent spell-casting and item builds. As the vicious bone fletcher, he focuses on shoving his enemy out of the lane and capitalizing on that by securing Roshan and having excellent farming patterns, ensuring he hits his item timings earlier than his opponents.
Yatoro changes his build according to the heroes he is against, constantly shuffling between items like Battlefury, Black King Bar, and Basher. Yatoro is quite the aggressive and dominant player, and Ursa for sure suits his play style. You can see his highly dominating playstyle right off the bat, the way he shoves enemies out of the lane with his massive physical damage. You may feel like he is playing the game in easy mode considering how effortlessly he dominates the game.
Use This Build If:
- You want an extremely reliable carry build for the late game
- You want a sustainable Ursa build that allows you to Rosh quite early on in the game
- You are facing heroes that are considered to be squishy in the early game
- You want to join teamfights and fight right from the early game
Skill Points
Level 1: Fury Swipes - Ursa’s consecutive attacks to deal higher damage to enemies. The damage stack is immense and can provide you with early-game kills with the right lane partner.
Level 2: Overpower - Upon usage, Ursa gets increased attack speed for a few attacks. If this skill is combined with Fury Swipes and a reliable stun, it may land you with immense fight-and-kill potential right from the early stages of the game.
Level 3: Fury Swipes
Level 4: Earthshock - Ursa leaps forward and deals damage in an AoE while slowing down enemies in that area. It is an incredible spell that can provide Ursa with the much-needed control to net kills or escape if used wisely.
Level 5: Fury Swipes
Level 6: Enrage - Allows Ursa to have increased damage and status resistance for a few seconds. It also removes any existing debuffs, making it an exceptional ultimate which is highly reliable in a teamfight as it does not cost any mana! It can also help you escape sticky situations. Enrage is one of those few carry ultimates that can be skilled early on.
Level 7: Fury Swipes
Level 8: Overpower
Level 9: Overpower
Level 10: Overpower
Level 11: Earthshock
Level 12: Enrage
Level 13: Earthshock
Level 14: Earthshock
Level 15: Earthshock Applies +2 Fury Swipes
Level 16: +20s Fury Swipes Time Reset
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Enrage
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +12 Fury Swipes Damage
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Power Treads (1400 Gold) - Bought at 7 minutes. It provides 45 movement speed and 25 attack speed along with toggleable attributes, which offer everything from increased mana pool to armor and even strength, helping Ursa sustain and stay durable in all stages of the game.
- Battlefury (4100 Gold) - Purchased at 13 minutes. It allows melee heroes like Ursa to deal 70% of their damage as cleave damage. As the Prominent focus of this build is to split push and farm quickly as a carry Ursa, which pays off in the late game, Battlefury is quite essential as it is the gateway to acquiring other items quickly.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 20 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Ursa invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance even in the late game.
- Blink Dagger - (2250 Gold) Purchased at 23 minutes. Blink Dagger is the classic item for Ursa which allows him to initiate and use pounce upon multiple enemies. It is an essential item for him regardless of the matchup he is facing.
- Skull Basher (2875 Gold) - Purchased at 26 minutes. This grants Ursa a high chance of bashing enemies upon physical attacks. It also increases his attack damage and allows him to deal bonus physical damage.
- Abyssal Blade (6250 Gold) - Purchased at 30 minutes. Skull Basher is upgraded into Abyssal Blade, which stuns the targetted unit, it pierces spell immunity. Hence, it can be a useful item to temporarily disable any heroes under the effect of Black King Bar.
- Butterfly (4975 Gold) - Bought at 34 minutes. It increases Ursa's evasion by 35%, making it hard for enemies to deal with physical attacks on him. It also increases Ursa’s agility and attack damage, making it an essential item against hardcore hitter heroes just like him.
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