[Top 10] LOL Best Junglers That Are Powerful (Season 12)

LOL best junglers
10 Oct 2022

Is jungle your favourite role but you haven’t quite landed on which champion to pick? Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. Here we have compiled a list of the top 10 God-tier junglers for season 12 of League of Legends.

10. Vi

Vi Montage 2021 - CLEAN  

Vi is a solid jungler owing to her high mobility and good damage. She is fairly easy to pick up and doesn't have an overly complicated kit. You do have to be good with landing her Q though. But even that can be combined with a flash for a guaranteeed hit. Vi does fall off in the late game but not too badly. She just gets a tad bit weaker than the other scaling junglers.

Here is why she is awesome

  • High mobility.
  • She can shred tanks.
  • Strong early game.
  • Easy to set up ganks.
  • She can peel well for her carries.

Vi is strong against

  • Zed
  • Master Yi
  • Warwick
  • Evelynn
  • Lee Sin

Vi struggles against

  • Graves
  • Kindered
  • Elise
  • Trundle
  • Bel’Veth


9. Warwick

Warwick Montage - Best Plays

Warwick is one of the God-tier junglers for season 12 and has been a strong pick throughout all the seasons. He is fairly easy to learn. Setting up ganks with Warwick is also not very difficult. He does fall off in the late game hard though. Ranged champions can kite him and crowd control is his worst enemy. Also, the enemy team can just build “grievous wounds” to counter you.

Here is why Warwick is good

  • Strong early/mid-game.
  • Tons of sustain and durability.
  • High mobility.
  • Easy ganks.
  • Easy to solo objectives.
  • High crowd control.

Warwick is best against these champions

  • Master Yi
  • Graves
  • Kha’Zix
  • Rengar
  • Hecarim

Warwick struggles against these champions

  • Amumu
  • Nocturne
  • Olaf
  • Volibear
  • Ivern


8. Master Yi

Master Yi Montage 2022 - God Plays

Master Yi is also the master of pentakills. Yi has always been a very strong and highly hated champion because if you feed a Yi, you’re sure to lose the game. Yi excels at killing multiple enemies by using his ultimate. His ultimate gives him extra movement and attack speed and resets on kills. His E allows him to do true damage. But the strongest is his Q which allows him to dodge all kinds of abilities.

Yi is fairly susceptible to crown control and can be countered easily at least in the early game.

Here is why Yi is super strong

  • Massive damage output.
  • He can dominate team fights if played well.
  • He can dodge abilities with his Q.
  • He has good sustain with his W.
  • He shreds tanks and deletes squishies.
  • Very strong late-game scaling.
  • Turret diving is a piece of cake.
  • He takes objectives very fast and can also solo them.

Yi is good against these champions

  • Karthus
  • Twitch
  • Kindered
  • Trundle
  • Lillia

He is weak against these champions

  • Elise
  • Rek’Sai
  • Kha’Zix
  • Rengar
  • Jax


7. Zac

Zac Montage - Best plays S12

Zac is the slippery wobbly secret weapon that can help you carry your games. Seriously, he’s an amazing champion. He can engage from very far away and can help win teamfights. He has tons of crowd control built in his kit. He also has sustain and regeneration while being tanky at the same time. His jungle clear is easy and quick as well.

Zac does have less 1v1 potential. He usually depends on his team to take objectives and the enemy team can build “grievous wounds” to counter him.

Here is why Zac is great

  • Tanky.
  • He can gank from very long range without being seen from the usual places.
  • Great teamfight potential.
  • He can peel well for his carries.
  • A lot of sustain and regeneration.
  • High crowd control.

Zac is good against

  • Skarner
  • Taliyah
  • Rammus
  • Elise
  • Diana

Zac struggles against

  • Lillia
  • Olaf
  • Karthus
  • Poppy
  • Ivern


6. Nocturne

Nocturne Montage - Best Plays

Nocturne is an auto attack-based jungler with a very good engage and huge carry potential. Nocturne is fairly easy to learn. He is squishy though and you have to know when to go in the teamfight. You can time your W well to ignore any enemy ability. Nocturne also gets attack speed from his kit and has good 1v1 potential.

The downside is that he does not scale into the late game as well as some other junglers like Master Yi. So the strategy is simple, win fast and win hard.

Here is why Noc rocks

  • Good jungle clear speed.
  • Great ganks after level 6.
  • Good crown control.
  • Great dueling potential.
  • His ultimate obscures the vision of all his enemies.
  • It’s not very easy to kite him.

Nocturne is good against these guys

  • Karthus
  • Hecarim
  • Rek’Sai
  • Evelynn
  • Fiddlesticks

Nocturne is countered by these

  • Bel’Veth
  • Jax
  • Kha’Zix
  • Olaf
  • Trundle


5. Trundle

Trundle Montage - Best Plays

Trundle is a very powerful auto attack based troll that steals the stats of his enemies. He can gain all the base stats from his kit such as movement speed, attack speed and attack damage. Trundle excels at dueling and is very strong in the early game. He is also an excellent split pusher.

Like all auto attack based champions with no dashes, Trundle can be countered by enemy hard crowd control and kiting. He is fairly simple to learn but you must know what you’re doing at all times.

Trundle is great because

  • Decent base damage.
  • Good 1v1 potential.
  • Healthier jungle clear.
  • Shreds Tanks.
  • Good sustain.

Trundle is good against

  • Karthus
  • Evelynn
  • Qiyana
  • Master Yi
  • Jarvan

Trundle is bad against

  • Lee Sin
  • Fiddlesticks
  • Kayn
  • Lillia
  • Olaf


4. Volibear

Volibear Montage - Best Plays

After his rework, Volibear has continued to be a very strong pick to carry with. He has huge burst damage and his autos hurt a lot as well.  He is fairly easy to learn and you can snowball easily too once fed.

Volibear has strong early game so you must take advantage of that. In the super late game he does fall off. Very mobile champions make him sweat and he can be kited by ranged junglers. 

Here is why Volibear rocks

  • Easy and powerful ganks.
  • Strong 1v1 and 1vX as well.
  • Huge burst damage.
  • Good at turret diving because his ultimate disables turrets.
  • Easy snowballing.
  • Very strong in the current meta.

Volibear is good against

  • Viego
  • Rengar
  • Rek’Sai
  • Master Yi
  • Hecarim

Volibear struggles against

  • Ekko
  • Olaf
  • Nunu & Willump
  • Lillia
  • Kayn (Rhaast)


3. Bel’Veth

Bel'Veth Montage - New Champion

Bel’Veth has a massive overloaded kit being the latest champion in the game. She scales with attack speed, can gain infinite attack speed by killing enemy champions and monsters and can also make little minions of her own called Void Remora to control the lanes.

Bel’Veth is already being spammed in solo que and is expected to be nerfed soon enough. But even so, it does require a bit of skill and game knowledge to play her. She is quite squishy and gets taken down by assassins. She doesn’t have that much mobility when not in her ultimate form. She is vulnerable to invades and her early game is quite weak.

Here is why we think Bel’Veth is strong

  • High mobility when in ultimate form.
  • She can easily take on multiple enemies.
  • Infinite scaling attack speed.
  • Shreds tank by true damage.
  • Huge snowball potential.

Bel’Veth is good against

  • Warwick
  • Karthus
  • Gragas
  • Ivern
  • Fiddlesticks

Bel’Veth struggles against

  • Olaf
  • Graves
  • Jax
  • Shen
  • Rengar


2. Wukong

Wukong Montage - Best Plays

Wukong is an S tier jungler right now. He has great dueling potential, some tricks up his sleeve and is sitting on a 51% winrate right now. Wukong is easy to learn but hard to master. His kit has a gap closer, a dash/stealth/clone which makes his ganks highly effective. As of patch 12.7 he can also jump over walls which makes him an even stronger jungler.

Wukong also has some downsides which include limited crowd control, no built in sustain and it becomes difficult to play him well if you fall off in the early game.

Here is why Wukong is God tier

  • Good teamfight potential with R.
  • High damage output.
  • He can clone himself to trick enemies.
  • Good engage.
  • Easy to set up ganks.
  • He can deal with tanks.
  • He has a good clear after his E got buffed.

Wukong is good against

  • Pantheon
  • Mordekaiser
  • Kha’Zix
  • Karthus
  • Fiddlesticks

Wukong struggles against

  • Jax
  • Lillia
  • Lee Sin
  • Nocturne
  • Warwick


1. Lillia

Lillia Montage - Best Plays

Lillia is a very solid jungler for season 12. She has both burst damage and DPS in her kit. She can take down tanks with her true damage and has the high mobility a jungler needs. She scales extremely well into the late game and is strong in teamfights.

But obviously it’s not all rainbows and butterflies. She is a squishy champion with bad early game. And she isn’t that easy to master either. She lacks solid crowd control and her ganks can be underwhelming pre-6. 

Here is why Lillia is God tier

  • High damage output. She can also shred tanks.
  • Strong teamfighter.
  • Good sustainability.
  • Fast jungle clear.
  • Good kitting potential.
  • Solid AOE damage.

Lillia is strong against

  • Amumu
  • Ivern
  • Shyvana
  • Karthus
  • Taliyah

Lillia struggles against

  • Kayn
  • Xin Zhao
  • Vi
  • Lee Sin
  • Nocturne



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