Sometimes it's good to have a little fun.
A few days ago, Splyce and Vitality were having their final games of the EULCS Summer Split. Splyce’s current winrate is 8-4, and Vitality’s is 4-8. Since the teams have nothing to gain from winning the game, they mutually agreed to have some fun instead. We saw such picks as Bard jungle from Vitality in game 1, and Rapid Firecannon Bard support in game 2 from Splyce. Of course, neither of these things are meta, especially in the LCS. We also saw a Heimerdinger ADC, which is a champion the LCS hasn’t seen in two seasons that has picked up in popularity over season 7. Just not in the ADC role. The best part about this is that Heimerdinger ADC has a higher winrate than mid and top lane, his actual roles.
The series after Vitality took Splyce 2-0 was H2K vs Unicorns of Love. These two teams are rivals, so instead of trolling, they had a legitimate match. In the end, UoL took the series 1-2, but not without resistance from H2K. In the three games, H2K’s overall KDA as a team was 31/33/92, with the majority of the kills coming from their first game and the majority of deaths coming from their last. There could be many reasons for this, but it does mean one thing; the rivalry is still brewing. Both teams taking hard victories means that the teams still have reasons to improve against each other. Not that Splyce and Vitality shouldn’t strive to improve, but it’s good to have a little fun every once in a while.