Ah yes, the famous spider lady named Camille. She’s the type of girl who will say that she loves you and ditch you after a couple of years just so she can deal with even more emotional damage. By that I mean she deals a lot of true damage that can only be healed back by dying. If you’re playing jungle don’t even bother ganking her because 9 times out of 10 she will escape with her life. Anyways we aren’t here to talk about the champion we are here for the skins so let’s get into this list!
6. Original Camille (Average)
Before we start I should mention that this champion has been out for 5 years or so and the quality still holds up today. Now that being said you can completely pass by using the original skin. The animation quality is top-notch, the sounds are crisp, and it’s a clean minimalistic skin. Some minimalistic skins may look ugly but this one is well made. Sadly the color palette consists of two colors and those are gray and white.
How To Get Original Camille:
You can buy this skin for 6300 BE or 975RP which is around $9.
5. Program Camille (Average)
Program Camille belongs to the universe where Project dominates the world while the program faction tries to take it back. It’s an AI war of the future. This skin comes with new additional quotes and a neat voice filter. I don’t personally enjoy hearing it but if you like robotic voices this skin is for you then. The skin comes equipped with new animations and sound effects that all sound futuristic.
How To Get Program Camille:
Make your way to the skin store in League of Legends and buy it for 1350 RP or 10$.
4. iG Camille (Good)
This skin was awarded for the amazing performance of Ning who played Camille at Worlds 2019 and this is the only eSports skin line that looks sick. Every other one looks like my life aka a huge disappointment. Even though the color scheme looks basic, there is just something about the white and black that go together on this champion. It doesn’t come with new animations or sounds sad but it makes that up with its looks!
How To Get iG Camille:
The only way to obtain this skin is through chests because it’s a legacy skin :(. It makes me very sad.
3. Stargazer Camille (Good)
Ah yes, the overpriced mobile skin for Camille. If the price was justified at all I would say it but it isn’t. The skin does look flashy and amazing for Camille but the only thing that it’s missing is being on the PC version of League of Legends. They went all out with the space theme and I just love it. Maybe if I use the James Webb telescope on the skin I might find my happiness.
How To Get Stargazer Camille:
Download League of Legends Wild Rift to your phone and go to the skin shop. You’ll find the skin listed for 990 RP or 12$.
2. Coven Camille (Excellent)
Here we have Camille turned into a great witch aka the Coven skin line. This is my favorite skin for the champion but sadly I can’t place it at number one. The model does look cool in the game and the animations are slick but there is just something about the number one that takes the spot.
How To Get Coven Camille:
You can get it for yourself through a chest if you’re lucky or buy it from the skin store for 1350 RP or 10$.
1. Arcana Camille (Best)
This is the most unique skin line in the entire game and I love it. The aesthetics, the vibe that it’s giving off it’s magical. The color pattern is the best part of this skin. Even though Camille is a newish champion they still managed to upgrade her animations to a whole new level. The only thing that I feel like is missing from this skin is a voice filter but that’s not a deal breaker in my opinion.
How To Get Arcana Camille:
Buy this skin right now in the League of Legends skin shop for 1350 RP or 10$.
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