What Are The Most Useful LOL Websites Used by Pros?
These top 10 websites are full of statistics, League of Legends champion information, watching professionals play at their best, and more. All this information can be mind-boggling at times, but if you can perservere and tame the tempest of knowledge, you'll be on your way to the top of League of Legends.
10. Lolskill.net
Self-critique can be a bit difficult to deal with, but it’s necessary for wanting to become a pro. Lolskill.net is a great way of getting your performance with a champion measured to see if you are a right fit with them or if you should move on to someone else.
The website is also a great tool for measuring your teammates and opponents performance with their champions. By looking at their scores, how many times they’ve played that champion and position, and more, you can strategize as what teammates will need some more help or which enemy players will be easier to destroy, giving you an edge against your opponents.
Find out more at www.lolskill.net
9. Twitch.tv
Practice makes perfect, but part of practice should also be analyzing the best of the best. If you want to be a professional League of Legends player or even just pick up some new ways of playing the game then Twitch.tv is a great way to learn from the best.
Do your homework and watch professional or highly skilled players play League of Legends in solo queue or in tournaments and see what they are doing to win and utilize that knowledge to improve your game.
Watch streams at www.twitch.tv
8. LOL Counter
Every champion has a counter that makes it harder for them to play against. For example, you may notice that Zoe is very weak against Zedd or Talon. LOL Counter can be a great tool for recognizing which and how champions counter each other and either banning them or developing strategies to beat them. They also offer some general tips on how to play the champion, which can be useful as well.
Learn your counters at: www.lolcounter.com
7. DOT Esports
DOT Esports is another great website for learning of any updates for League of Legends and professional teams. It’s incredibly useful for getting some insights into professional matches, what teams are doing to make sure they are at their best and more. If you want to stay current on League of Legends information then head over to Dot Esports.
Check out DOT Esports https://dotesports.com/league-of-legends
6. Surrender at 20
Patches are always tough in League of Legends. They are great because they can fix champions who are dominating in League, but also make new changes that you have to adapt to. But, you can be as ready as possible with Surrender At 20, a League of Legends website that lets you know as soon as possible any changes that are coming to Summoner’s Rift.
They offer detailed guides of how the patches will change some champions, announce when patches are in the works or coming, things that are being tested out in PBE, and let you know about upcoming skins. This website can be great for looking to see if a champion you’re really good at playing is getting a nerf or a buff soon.
Get the latest information here: http://www.surrenderat20.net/
5. LOL training house
You may want to play alone, but getting to know some of your fellow League of Legends player can be a huge benefit. LOL Training House is a website where you can meet other League players who are interested in putting together a team for flex, finding a partner for solo queue, and more.
The best part of the website is you can meet new friends and players who you might enjoy playing with in League of Legends, learn new ways to play or how to deal with the stress of ranked. Or you might meet the next Faker who’ll carry you to Worlds.
Well maybe not that far but you get the point. If you want to find League friends, check this website out: http://loltraininghouse.com/cgi-bin/PlayersLooking.py
4. Riot Esports
Riot Esports is another great news website that offers a mountain of League of Legends information. You can use this website to find information about current or upcoming tournaments, analysts discussing patch changes, team updates, and more, and plenty of other information.
I recommend using this website to find information about professional tournaments and then watch a game or two. As mentioned earlier in the importance of Twitch,tv, watching professionals is a great way to learn how the best play and then using their techniques to improve your own play.
Have a riot at Riot Esports: https://www.lolesports.com/en_US/
3. Discord
While this isn’t a League of Legends specific website/application, Discord is incredibly useful for League of Legends thanks to how it simplifies communication. Rather than having to type everything out in chat or wanting to get a quick message out, Discord can be a strong tool for getting some, if not all, of your team into a voice chat where you can communicate more efficiently.
Discord can have you communicating like the pros as you call out ganks, teamfights, and much more in League of Legends. Be wary of any toxic people in your voice chat though as they may tilt you if you’re not careful.
Download the desktop app here at www.discordapp.com
2. Probuilds.net
Building champion items and knowing what to runes to take on each champion can be pretty difficult, but Probuilds.net simplifies the process. Rather than having to test out what works, you can see what the professional players are building and get a better idea of what items to build. They even show the percentage of each item being bought by a champion.
If you’re wondering how to build a champion to their peak potential, make sure to give this site a look-over to see if your build matches up with the professionals.
Learn your build at http://www.probuilds.net/
1. Na.op.gg
Na.op.gg is an incredible tool for helping to find champions who are doing well and not doing so well in ranked play. They have a tier system for each champion and position, such as top lane, and rank them based on multiple factors such as pick/ban rate, win percentage, and so forth. These different categories, ban rate, pick rate, and win rate, are extremely useful for ranked play as you can see which champions you’ll have a better chance at winning with, what champions you should ban, and what champions are popular in each ranked tier.
They also have a leaderboards tab for looking at professional players to see their builds and what they are playing. You can even watch a live game of your favorite players if they are playing by looking at their page, allowing you to watch and learn from professional players. If you want to get good and win more ranked matches, checking out na.op.gg is an absolute must.
Check it out at na.op.gg
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