Darius has a total of 10 skins out of which 1 is legacy and 1 is a rare and limited skin unlocked through gemstones. For you to spend your buck wisely, we have made a list ranking all Darius skins from worst to best based on 4 major attributes. These are general appearance, ability animations, SFX and recall animations. The price of each skin has also been mentioned.
10. Lord Darius
Lord Darius Skin Spotlight
This skin was released with Darius on his release. It is a very simple skin, just classic Darius with new cool-looking armour. There are no new animations or sound effects. This should have been a 750 RP skin.
General appearance: 7/10
Ability animations: 5/10
SFX: 5/10
Recall animation: 5/10
Total: 22
The skin costs 975 RP.
9. Academy Darius
Academy Darius Skin Spotlight
Academy Darius puts Darius in “Academy” clothes. It is an old skin otherwise Darius could have gotten a very nice “Battle Academia” skin which would have been pretty amazing. There are no new animations, particles or sound effects. The skin is quite cheap though which is justified.
General appearance: 7/10
Ability animations: 5/10
SFX: 5/10
Recall animation: 5/10
Price factor: 1/1
Total: 23
The skin costs 750 RP.
8. Woad King Darius
Woad King Darius Skin Spotlight
Woad King Darius is inspired by William Wallace from the movie “Braveheart”. This is a nice skin considering the price. It gives new frosty particles to his animations and new sound effects. The recall animation is also different from the base one.
General appearance: 7/10
Ability animations: 6/10
SFX: 6/10
Recall animation: 6/10
Price factor: 1/1
Total: 26
The skin costs 975 RP.
7. Bioforge Darius
Bioforge Darius Skin Spotlight
Bioforge Darius features Darius wearing a green chemical-powered suit making him look like an experiment gone wrong (or right). This skin is a perfect example of how skins should be for the 975 RP price range. It gives Darius new green particles, a glowing suit and new sounds. His 5 stack passive is also green which compliments the skin very well.
General appearance: 8/10
Ability animations: 7/10
SFX: 6/10
Recall animation: 5/10
Price factor: 1/1
Total: 27
The skin is available for 975 RP.
6. Lunar Beast Darius
Lunar Beast Darius Skin Spotlight
Lunar Beast Darius is a legacy epic skin that features Darius to be, well, a Lunar Beast. It gives Darius a new, texture and animations. There are also new sound effects and a new recall animation.
This skin is a bit underwhelming because of the lacking of a strong concept. There is no “beast” element to the skin except the recall animation and the 2 horns that he has. And besides, this concept doesn’t suit his personality.
General appearance: 7/10
Ability animations: 7/10
SFX: 6/10
Recall animation: 7/10
Total: 28
The skin costs 1350 RP and can be bought when the legacy vault opens. It can also be obtained through “My shop” and through a chest/Hextech crafting.
5. High Noon Darius
High Noon Darius Skin Spotlight
High Noon Darius, a skin that makes him look terrifying and formidable. This is a skin that suits the personality of Darius. There is a “whipping” sound to his abilities which feels very nice. The splash art, in-game model, animations and sound effects all seem very nice. Overall this is a very good Darius skin.
General appearance: 8/10
Ability animations: 8/10
SFX: 7/10
Recall animation: 8/10
Total: 31
The skin is available for 1350 RP.
4. Crime City Darius
Crime City Darius Skin Spotlight
Crime City Darius turns Darius into the lord of the Underworld. Considering the evil nature of the champion, this skin suits him well. The black purplish colours suit him very well. The skin has been given nice ability animations that give them dark splashy textures. This skin does indeed make Darius look scarier than he already is.
To top it off, the recall animation is also sick!
General appearance: 9/10
Ability animations: 8/10
SFX: 8/10
Recall animation: 9/10
Total: 34
The skin is available for 1350 RP.
3. God-King Darius
God-King Darius Skin Spotlight
Just like God-King Garen, God-King Darius features him to be one of the last descendants of the primordial deities. This is a legendary skin bringing a complete overhaul to the champion with new animations, a wolf that accompanies Darius in many of his abilities, emotes and recalls. The colours of the skin are very nice and flashy. Overall this skin is awesome but Darius has one more Legendary skin that beats this in our opinion.
General appearance: 9/10
Ability animations: 9/10
SFX: 9/10
Recall animation: 9/10
Total 36
The skin is available for 1820 RP.
2. Dreadnova Darius
Dreadnova Darius Skin Spotlight
Dreadnova Darius features him as a formidable space soldier. The skin gives Darius very cool armour. The recall animation is completely awesome. The best part of the skin is the chainsaw sound effects which suit the dangerous playstyle of the champion.
Dreadnova Darius is a mythic skin so we feel that there are a few more things that could’ve been added to complete the package. The auto attack sounds and animations are the same as classic Darius. The ultimate is not so special either. This is why we haven’t ranked this gemstone skin number 1.
General appearance: 10/10
Ability animations: 8/10
SFX: 9/10
Recall animation: 10/10
Total: 37
The skin costs 100 mythic essences and can be obtained through the “Loot” tab.
1. Dunkmaster Darius
Dunkmaster Darius Skin Spotlight
Even after the release of a second legendary skin, Dunkmaster Darius remains at the top of the list of Darius skins just because of how awesome the concept is. It features Darius as a brutal basketball player dunking on his opponents. The skin is considered as the true representation of the alpha mentality of the champion and Darius mains alike.
The skin comes with a ton of cool effects and animations. Being a legendary skin, all his emotes and recall animation now involve him playing with a basketball. He no longer has an axe but instead carries a basketball pole and dribbles a basketball as he walks.
The skin is also really smooth to play with. The passive is now also replaced by basketballs. At 5 stacks, a basketball hoop appears on top of the enemy and Darius can press R to dunk, I mean how cool is that?!
General appearance: 10/10
Ability animations: 10/10
SFX: 10/10
Recall animation: 10/10
Total: 40
The skin is available for 1820 RP.
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