With the semifinals only a couple of days away, the hype could not be higher. This year we will have a brand new NA LCS champion! In the quarterfinals the last Legacy teams were eliminated, as Cloud9 lost 0-3 against Team Liquid, and Team Solo Mid lost 1-3 against Clutch Gaming, so there are no more teams from that original 2013 split.
We can expect some great games ahead of us. On Saturday we have Team Liquid against Echo Fox fighting for the first spot in the finals, and on Sunday 100 Thieves and Clutch Gaming will do the same for the other spot.
For the first match on Saturday, both rival teams Echo Fox and Team Liquid arrived to the semifinals in completely different conditions. Team Liquid absolutely demolished Cloud9 in the quarterfinals, where C9 were completely unprepared for the storm that was coming, especially from a Doublelift who went unkilled in all 3 games of the series, and ended with a 15/0/8 record. Instead, Echo Fox ended the 2nd half of the split 4-6 (counting the tiebreaker) and their performance has been on decline since then. The only two silver linings for Echo Fox are that they defeated TL in both games of the regular season, and that you can count on Huni to carry from the Top lane with some unconventional picks.
But even so, I think that would not be enough for Echo Fox, and that Team Liquid will carry their momentum to the finals with a win. It will be a close series nonetheless, but I believe Doublelift can be set up to carry and defeat Echo Fox.
Now, for the second match on Sunday, both 100 Thieves and Clutch have come so far and defied expectations. 100 Thieves managed to secure first place of the regular season with an incredible run for the second half (only losing against Team Liquid), even winning 2 games in one day against Echo Fox, who everybody thought would win the regular season, and with a roster of proven players and years of experience, 100 Thieves would be a tough contestant for the title.
Clutch Gaming does not fall behind though, also defying expectations by winning against TSM in the quarterfinals. With amazing performances from Febiven and Apollo, Lira putting pressure in the entire map, and Hakuho making the Thresh Hook look like a point-and-click ability, Clutch Gaming definitely has the credentials to be in the semifinals.
This series will be closer than the first semifinal, but I believe 100 Thieves comes to the semifinal in better form than Clutch Gaming. Their split performances were dominant, and players like Aphromoo and Ryu will offer the insights to come ahead in a difficult best of 5 series. Unless they somehow forget to ban Thresh, this will be a win for 100 Thieves, and they will face Team Liquid in the finals.