What is League Of Legends ?
League Of Legends is one of the MOST popular games in the world. It is a 5v5 Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) type game. You choose your lane, select your champion and you're ready for battle. Now there are many aspects in the game that the player has to pay attention to, this includes vision more specifically vision wards. And these little wards have skins just like champions, and today I'll show, and tell you about the best ones.
10. Armadillo Ward
Armadillo Ward
Now this skin came out during the Ascension Event way back in 2014 so It's been a while. Based on the champion Rammus this is one of the cutest and best looking skins in the game. Now many players complain that there aren't enough wards on the map so this little skin gives you little thumbs up when you place the ward. So just place words for once ! And everyone is happy.
And here is how the Armadillo ward looks in game:
9. Dawnbringer Ward
Dawnbringer Ward
The Dawnbringer Ward skin is one of my personal favorites. It came out in 2017 celebrating the Dawnbringer event, where Dawnbringer Riven and Nightbringer Yasuo would face off in an epic clash of Order and Chaos. Interestingly enough the only way you could get this skin was buying the Way Of The Order Pass for 1300 Riot Points (now Orange Essence). This skin is not just a pretty cool looking skin it is also one of the rarest ward skins in the game.
Here is how the Dawnbringer ward skin looks like in game:
8. Ward Of Draven
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