
Robert "Lav12" Gagaleski is an experienced young writer, gamer, and maybe a philosopher just maybe. Striving for uniqueness and versatility. Started out writing stories mostly about love and romance, now writes about anything and everything, from fantasy to motivational speeches to football. High School is where his stories strived, being nominated many times for best story 8 times, not winning a single time because the principals son won every time ! (I'll remember you Daniel !) Being an expert on strategy games like Hearts Of Iron IV, Stronghold Crusader II, but his favorite game is League Of Legends. Being fascinated with the game drooling every lore update there is, and playing it casually since season 2, MOBA and Strategy being his favorite genres. Being interested the lore of League Of Legends is what really kicked in his thirst for writing. His favorite champions being Aatrox and Sylas lore wise. The thing he loves about writing about video games is that he feels like he is truly apart of the game, helping the game grow and people to understand and debate about what's good and what's bad, and what this writer loves the most is when the game creators actually listen.
RGLav12's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
League Of Legends
Top 3 Favorite Games