10. Ziggs - 52.8% Win Rate
- Ziggs APC Gameplay (Guide)
Okay, so at number 10 we have Ziggs. But not that mid-lane Ziggs, we have the bot lane version which is 20 times better. The APC (Ability Power Carry) bomb-throwing lunatic is so dominant and broken in lower elo play because people aren’t going to sidestep your abilities or dodge they will run straight at you and eat them bombs like their last death row meal. So your chances of missing your abilities are high but your enemy not dodging your abilities is even higher. And in team fights you know very well there are a lot of them, and people just group up a lot and Ziggs can just pop his ult and do tons of dmg. Ziggs does AOE (Area Of Effect) DMG meaning you will do DMG to multiple targets and because they can't dodge for poop you’ve already won the team fight.
Now, why is Ziggs really strong as an APC in low elo:
- High DMG;
- Low elo players rarely dodge or sidestep your abilities (and with enough practice n the champ it will be difficult to do so);
- Due to the high percentage of team fights in low elo you are extremely valuable with your AOE dmg and your ULTIMATE is really powerful there;
9. Mordekaiser - 52.9% Win Rate
- Mordekaiser Mid Lane Gameplay (Guide)
This champion who is probably a bit stronger at carrying lower elo is Mordekaiser. Now Mordekaiser is a top lane champion. But he is way better if you play him mid-lane. He is a low mobility champion with no escape so playing him top lane requires a lot of experience in wave management and warding, maybe even jungle tracking. You would probably find it easier to influence the map playing him mid-lane, it is a shorter lane and you can fall back to your tower far quicker because it is a safer lane. If you think about it, Mordekaiser not being the tankiest champ for top lane, mid lane for him just makes a bit more sense for him. You could probably roam and help your team take Dragons and even assist your bot lane if they are getting trashed by the enemy thanks to your level 6 which isolates the target and it's just you vs an ADC and I guarantee 70% of the time you’re going to win those fights.
Why is Mordekaiser strong in the mid lane:
- It is way safer mid lane because of the low mobility this champ has, and you can dominate against most mid champs because of the DMG that Morde can put out;
- You can influence the map more, helping your jungler take Dragons, and you can help your bot lane if they are falling behind;
- You’re tankier than most mid lane champs making you tougher to kill and giving you the ability to trash most squishy mid lane champs;
8. Urgot - 52.9% Win Rate
- Urgot Top Lane Gameplay (Guide)
Okay, now we have the most handsome champion in the game, a 6 legged machine gun blasting, lawn mowing spider dude thing. Urgot. Now, this is an actual top laner played in the top lane. Urgot is a champion that loves people that get in his face with your W being maxed out you can do tons and tons of DMG, and with your ult fearing every enemy around him can be extremely powerful in team fights making you a BEAST in almost every situation you are in. Most people play melee champs at top lane, and low elo players don't really know how to deal with Urgot making him extremely powerful due to his W, his E which gives him a shield and knocks up an enemy and does dmg, his Q which does dmg and slows them down and finally his ultimate which if landed shreds the enemy champ to pieces
Why Urgot is extremely powerful in the top lane:
- His W is extremely powerful and does a lot of DMG to enemies and can shred;
- He can beat most melee champs in a 1v1;
- He is extremely strong and tough to kill in team fights due to his tankyness and if his ult kills someone his fear comes in extremely useful in a fight;
7. Rammus - 52.9% Win Rate
- Rammus Jungle Gameplay (Guide)
Now we have the Miley Cyrus of the low elo rift, Rammus because this armadillo is a wrecking ball. Yes, I am proud of that joke. This champion absolutely loves mele champs just like Urgot does. Most junglers in low elo don’t know how to put pressure on enemy junglers, or beat a weak clear type jungler like Rammus making him able to get level 3 with no problems whatsoever. Rammus has one of the strongest ganking potentials due to his Q. It is very easy to punish players that make mistakes because of your movement speed. And considering you’re reading this guide I suspect you're no higher than Gold and low elo players make tons of mistakes so punishing them will be easy. And most people take Yone or Yasuo type champs and Rammus does very well against these types of champions making him a very strong champ
Why Rammus is powerful in the Jungle:
- Very high movement speed easy punishment for overextending and other mistakes;
- Super tanky - very hard to kill;
- Very good against melee champs - most adcs as well;
- Low jungle pressure from enemy jungler;
6. Zac - 53.2% Win Rate
- Zac Jungle Gameplay (Guide)
Right, now we have the green blob in the jungle Zac. Maybe a bit stronger than Rammus and with more team fight power, and in my opinion may be easier to play than Rammus, Zac is similar to Rammus in a way that you want to hit level 3 and the in most games the enemy jungler will allow you to, and as soon as you hit level 3 you gank a lane that is most pushed up and after you base you won't die for the rest of the game due to the huge hp you get from Sunfire Aegis and thanks to your passive you have an extra life making this champ really forgiving. And even if you feed in the early game Zac’s kit does not really rely on you being fed, making you powerful despite you falling behind. Now there are a few things you should know about all these champs but for Zac, you can Q auto-attack towers, honeycombs, blast cones etc. Even if you play him for the first time you will be extremely powerful in lower Elo.
Why Zac is extremely powerful:
- Extremely strong level 3;
- Very hard to kill because you’re extremely tanky with a lot of hp;
- Extremely forgiving due to your passive;
- Even if you feed and fall behind you’re still going to be useful;
5. Brand, Zyra, Swain - 53.3% Win Rate
- Brand Gameplay (Guide)
- Zyra Gameplay (Guide)
- Swain Gameplay(Guide)
Now, these three are the biggest pain to play against in the bot lane, because they are abusers of the Liandry's Anguish item. They have the same win rate in low elo, and they basically do the same thing all three of them. Press R and you kinda win most team fights. But during the laning phase, these champs are really powerful due to the high dmg that they output and adcs don't really care about what support plays against them. And they just ignore them and don’t position in the correct way taking all of their abilities like absolute Chads. Making them extremely scary to play against.
Why these champions are extremely powerful bot lane:
- Enemy ADC’S don't really know how to play against you;
- They do tons of dmg and have an extremely powerful ultimate
- Powerful laning phase;
- Powerful late game;
4. Kayle - 53.6% Win Rate
- Kayle Gameplay (Guide)
Now, this is a champ that requires a bit of brain usage. Kayle has an extremely weak early game so you must know your limits, all you need to do in the early game is not die and farm, and if an opportunity for a kill comes take it. But other than that all you need to do is sit back, farm and wait to reach level 16 which is your power spike. You will become extremely powerful and scary, basically one of the strongest champs in the game, and you can win the whole game alone with Kayle if you play her right. Thanks to your powerful passive you can do two things either split push or team fight, you’re powerful and useful in both areas. Not just that your ultimate if timed correctly can win team fights alone. Even if you do fall behind and die a few times don’t panic, just start farming and avoiding fights as soon as you get your Nashor's Tooth, Rift Maker, and Deathcap you will be able to kill everyone.
Why Kayle is one of the strongest champs in low elo:
- Scariest champ when level 16 is hit;
- Can win a game alone;
- Very strong ultimate;
- Can split push and teamfight;
3. Veigar - 53.8%Win Rate
- Veigar MID Gameplay (Guide)
- Veigar BOT Gameplay (Guide)
If you like Gandalf you will like Veigar. This little midget of death is similar to Kayle in the sense that early game is not really his forte; it's when he stacks up and has 1200 AP well he can one-shot you with his high skill ability the R button. It's a point and click ability… Even though he got nerfed a little bit he is still extremely strong, especially for low elo. You can either play him mid-lane or bot-lane. He is powerful in both lanes. It’s kind of like Ziggs if you play him bot lane. In the bot lane he has the benefit of killing two champs instead of one meaning you will scale a lot quicker. You don’t really need a high mechanical skill to play this champ so that is why he is at the number 3 spot.
Why Veigar is powerful mid and bot:
- Scales really well;
- Similar to Ziggs bot lane adcs can't really play against him they don't know how to;
- 0 Mechanical skill required;
2. Yorick - 54.2% Win Rate
- Yorick Gameplay (Guide)
Our favorite gravedigger Yorick is one of the best champions to play with extremely high win rates in lower elo. He is free LP. And this is mostly because people don’t really understand how to play against him. Even if you lose in the early game you have one of the strongest split pushing champions in the game, and you could probably even win the game alone if the enemy team does not come to deal with you. Yorick has a skill shot, his E and most people in low elo can barely dodge. And you can kill them sometimes without even touching them with any other ability other than your E. In higher elo though Yorick does struggle against high mobility champs but in low elo you should not have any issues most of the time.
Why Yorick is extremely powerful:
- People don’t know how to play against him;
- Your late game is still strong if you lose early;
- Powerful split pusher can win games alone;
- Low elo players can barely dodge abilities;
1. Garen - 54.6% Win Rate
- Garen Gameplay (Guide)
The DEMACIAAAAAAA screaming sack of … Garen, who is also one of my main champions. I also used to be the 45th Garen in the world, until I started playing more casually. And trust me when I say this man can carry a game with his screaming. You can play him full tank, dmg, lethality, attack speed anything and he can win a game alone. Now I prefer playing him on the top lane because I am a top main but he is really good in the mid lane, better than top lane even, he has mobility and a lot of it with certain builds you can have 490 movement speed with Dead Man's plate of course. With a super simple kit and extremely effective he has gap closing, DMG, one-shot potential with tons of movement speed, armor, magic resist, and thanks to his W he is very hard to kill, and even if you die a bit you’re still powerful. Similar to morde you can shove mid-lane and roam a lot so you can be influencing the map very easily. And I highly recommend you abuse him in the mid-lane. So GL&HF.
Why Garen is powerful mid lane:
- He has gap closing, DMG, One-shot potential;
- High movement speed and extremely tanky;
- High roam potential and map influence;
- Simple kit 0 mechanical skill needed;
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