25. Lamb, tell me a story…
Lamb: "There was once a pale man with dark hair who was very lonely."Wolf: "Why was it lonely?"Lamb: "All things must meet this man, so they shunned him."Wolf: "Did he chase them all?"Lamb: "He took an axe and split himself in two right down the middle."Wolf: "So he would always have a friend?" Lamb: "So he would always have a friend."- The Kindred
- Kindred represents the twin essence of death in League lore, no one can escape death and most people meet Kindred when they are near death. And the lamb and wolf represent what type of death a person would receive.
- If the person accepts death as a friend, the lamb shoots a simple arrow and the person dies peacefully, if a person tries to run from death, basically not accepting it, the wolf chases them down and they die a horrible and painful death.
- I do believe this is one of the best quotes and every time Lamb and Wolf speak it really gives you chills and a feeling of sadness.
24. Painful memories…
"I touched the stars, and saw the glorious light of a thousand suns! Now, blinded by this elegance, how could my purpose be anything... but dark..." - Aatrox The Darkin Blade
- Aatrox was once a defender of Shurima an Ascended, the noblest of all of them. A glorious sight for human eyes to behold. He defended Shurima from the void. But fighting the void took a piece of every Ascended seeing so much death, fighting an almost unstoppable enemy it corrupted anything in its path. Even the once noble Aatrox. When Shurima fell at the hands of Xerath, and the void being defeated the Ascended had no leader to follow that led to infighting. Eventually, the Ascended warriors like Aatrox, now called Darkin, were trapped in their weapons as punishment. Aatrox was trapped in his own sword, in endless darkness, wanting to breathe but having no lungs to do so.
- We can hear the pain in his voice every time he speaks, fueled with rage and hatred. Although he seems like a heartless villain. His goal is to destroy everything in his path, hoping that when everything else ceases to exist he will die as well ending his eternal misery.
23. Becoming what you hate…
"Maiden: Yorick! Look what you've become. Yorick: I've become what I must be."- Yorick
- Yorick, The Shepherd Of Souls. Probably one of the most depressing champions in League. He tries to free his home from the curse of the Ruination. He uses the same curse to destroy it.
- The maiden constantly taunts Yorick to let go of the chains of his mortal body trying to corrupt him, his strong character resists every time saying that he is enough, he has and still avoids death, many times seeing the Kindred.
- He is an extremely interesting character with a very interesting story. In the game when Yorick is killed he says “At last, I see the wolf”- such a noble and good-minded character, being able to escape death many times will eventually meet his death at the jaws of Wolf. For those who don't know, Wolf hunts down those who run from their end, delivering a violent end within his crushing jaws.
22. Unshackled:
"Chains build revolutions, one link at a time." - Sylas The Unshackled
- In my opinion probably one of the best champions in the game. Sylas is the leader of the Great Mage Rebellion in Demacia. Long story short he had the ability to sense magic in people, the mage seekers used this to track down mages and imprison them for having magic.
- Even though you do not choose to have magic they still did it. Sylas killed a Mageseeker by harnessing the magic of a child he tried to protect. He was imprisoned for life enduring countless tortures many times.
- Until he managed to escape, by harnessing a little bit of magic from Lux, who comes from a great noble Demacian family, the Crownguard. Now Sylas is a revolutionary wanting to destroy Demacia and their Kingdom, in his own words “I will show them a world without lords or peasants”.
21. Beautiful Imperfection:
"True grace is beautiful in its imperfection, honest in its emotion, freed by its own frailty." - Morgana The Fallen
- Morgana, The Fallen. Is Kayles sister. She is a celestial, inheriting part of her mothers' powers, she was the Aspect Of Justice.
- Even though she is a celestial being she is conflicted by her mortal natures, and because of this she bound her wings to embrace humanity and uses her magic to inflict pain on those that are dishonest and corrupt.
- She tries to be just by embracing her emotions, different from her counterpart Kayle who tries to judge without emotion and represses any emotion striving to become “true justice”.
20. Meaning Of True Tenacity:
"I fight until the blood takes the spear from my grasp until I can only crawl. And even then, you will not defeat me, even then I will SPIT in your face!" - Pantheon The Unbreakable Spear
- Atreus was once an unwilling host of the aspect of war known as Pantheon. Atreus survived when the aspect of war was slain by none other than Aatrox.
- Refusing to succumb and die to a blow that tore stars from the heavens, with time embracing the power of his own mortality and the resilience that came with it.
- He opposes the divine as Pantheon reborn. His will fueling the fallen Aspect’s weapons on the field of battle. Pantheon is one of the strongest champions in the lore, and he is almost an aspect by having only WILL to fuel the weapons he wields.
19. Dreams Of The Future:
"In my dreams, I see bones frozen in ice. I wonder... if they are my own." - The Volibear
- To some, he is the Thunder's Roar, the Greatstorm, or Valhir. To others, he is Ruin, The Thousand Pierced Bear, or He Who Stands. But to most of the tribes who still hold to the old ways, he is known as the Volibear. But his name is his own, and we still do not know his true name.
- He is a demi-god that encourages the wild in mortals. And his great idea is to wipe out humanity. Despite his savage ways, he is not really that evil. He is just stuck in the past wanting humans to embrace their wild rather than forget him.
- Now this line suggests that Volibear might have dreams about the future, he is maybe seeing his body after his death, frozen in ice, and I have no clue what it means no one does. Not even the lore king himself Necrit.
18. The Deadly Performance
"I swear each performance is the last... but I lie every time." - Jhin The Virtuoso
- Jhin, The Virtuoso. Is a mad psychopath who believes murder is art. He thinks a quick death is a waste. He is a serial killer only interested in his “artistic performance”. Khada Jhin is a very mysterious figure and no one knows what he looks like.
- Even through his madness, you might find a sense of truth to what this mad man says.
- A YouTube comment perfectly summarized Jhins meaning in his performance, maybe his madness makes some sense of rationality: “Life is beautifully cruel in every way imaginable, like a portrait, because art must exist as we dance and sing through our performances in this incompetently moral stage. We are both the audience and the performers, blushing as the spotlight touches our masks drowned in the blood of former performers who had reached their final curtain call. Our finale will be an orchestra of silence in a garden of roses. We will perform as we live until we die.”
17. The Enemy That Is Darkness
"Darkness is my only true enemy." - Aurelion Sol The Star Forger
- Aurelion Sol, The Star Forger, also known as the Golden Sun is one of the oldest celestial dragons in existence. Responsible for the creation of countless stars and constellations, including The Great Beyond and Runeterras sun.
- He was enslaved by the Targonians with a crown forged of stars he first thought was a gift. Forced to use his power in the servitude of this space-faring empire, his biggest desire is to go back and forge his stars, and he will drag every star from the sky if he must to regain his own freedom.
- An interesting thing is The Void for Aurelion Sol. In one of the stories, the aspect of war (not Atreus) told him to seal a void rift. He managed to destroy some of the energies and Voidborn creatures but he wasn't able to seal the rift as there was some sort of sentient being keeping the rift open. Aurelion Sol felt the energy emanating from the rift and realized that this being was laughing at him. No one laughs at him. Fueled with rage Aurelion Sol formed three fledgling stars from elements around him and threw them at the rift closing it. With an explosion so massive it actually destroyed a mountain including everything around him, including Pantheon's physical form. Aurelion Sol is one of the most powerful beings in the known universe and this quote is a perfect representation of his true enemy The Void. Boop
16. Living On In Victory Or Scars:
“Let them come. We will live on - either in victory or in the scars we leave on them!” - Irelia The Blade Dancer
- Irelia, The Blade Dancer. The Noxian occupation of Ionia produced many heroes, none more unlikely than the young Irelia of Navori. Trained in the ancient dances of her province, she adapted her art for war, using the graceful and carefully practiced movements to levitate a host of deadly blades.
- After proving herself as a fighter, she was thrust into the role of resistance leader and figurehead, and to this day remains dedicated to the preservation of her homeland. Irelia is not the best fighter, she still lacks experience, but she fights for something meaningful, she has a reason to fight and is pretty determined.
- This quote just proves her determination, she would rather die than surrender.
15. The Right Arm
“My right arm is a lot stronger than my left arm” - Tryndamere The Barbarian King
- Tryndamere, The Barbarian King. He is one of the wisest characters in the game. You can see by his wise quote here. Tryndamere is a right-handed dude that carries a giant ass sword that he uses to kill you with.
- Fueled by unbridled fury and rage, Tryndamere once carved his way through the Freljord, openly challenging the greatest warriors of the north to prepare himself for even darker days ahead.
- The wrathful barbarian has long sought revenge for the annihilation of his clan, though more recently he has found companionship with Ashe, the Avarosan warmother, and a home with her people. His almost inhuman strength and fortitude are legendary and have delivered him and his new allies countless victories against the greatest of odds. Some say he is even the god of war incarnate.
14. Shurima, Shurima, Shurima…
“Everyone will know the name Shurima…” - Azir Emperor Of Shurima
- Azir, The Emperor Of The Sands. The number of times Azir says Shurima, 53 times actually. Azir was a mortal emperor of Shurima in a far distant age, a proud man who stood at the cusp of immortality.
- His hubris saw him betrayed and murdered at the moment of his greatest triumph, but now, millennia later, he has been reborn as an Ascended being of immense power. With his buried city risen from the sand, Azir seeks to restore Shurima to its former glory. Also he is about 3000 years old.
13. Draveeeeeeeeeennnnnnnn…
“Not Draven, Draaaaaven…” - Draven The Glorious Executioner
- And here we come to our ax-wielding maniac, Draaaaven. This dude absolutely loves himself; he even says his name more than the Shurima pigeon dude. 54 times to be exact.
- In Noxus, warriors known as Reckoners face one another in arenas where blood is spilled and strength tested—but none has ever been as celebrated as Draven. A former soldier, he found that the crowds uniquely appreciated his flair for the dramatic and his unparalleled skill with his spinning axes.
- Addicted to the spectacle of his own brash perfection, Draven has sworn to defeat whomever he must to ensure that his name is chanted throughout the empire forevermore. See how cocky this guy is I mean just wow.
12. It’s In The House, It Won’t Die…
“Fiddlesticks, end of men, Fiddlesticks first of ten!” - Fiddlesticks The Ancient Fear
- Fiddlesticks, The Ancient Fear. Now, this is THE scariest champion/character in the game he is super creepy. Fiddlesticks is a Primordial. Fiddlesticks is very old, possibly older or the same age as Aurelion Sol. It’s said that Fiddlesticks was made during the “first scream of creation” and is described as a “demon before demons were known.”
- This demon is extremely powerful, not just that his voice lines are actually the last thing his victims said before he killed them. This demon feeds off fear, and he tries to use human voices to lure his victims, he even uses some animal sounds.
- He even has voice lines for a champion Annie. Her half-sister died and Annie tried to save her. Her last words were “Annie, don’t let go!” and when Fiddlesticks first interacts with Annie he uses those exact same words. I recommend watching/listening to all of his voice lines because this Demon is super creepy.
11. Runes…
“The things I’ve seen in the dark corners of Runterra, are better left unseen”
- Ryze The Rune Mage
- Widely considered one of the most adept sorcerers on Runeterra, Ryze is an ancient, hard-bitten archmage with an impossibly heavy burden to bear. Armed with immense arcane power and a boundless constitution, he tirelessly hunts for World Runes—fragments of the raw magic that once shaped the world from nothingness.
- He must retrieve these artifacts before they fall into the wrong hands, for Ryze understands the horrors they could unleash on Runeterra.
- This perfectly explains Ryze. He was present during the Rune Wars, where mortals used the World Runes to fight each other. And he witnessed what destruction this power can bring in the wrong hands. That is why he wants to stop another cataclysm.
“DEMACIAAAAA!!!!” - Garen The Might Of Demacia
- Garen, The Might Of Demacia. There is nothing better than seeing a dude with a giant ass sword running at you with the speed of light screaming “DEMACIAAAA!” and smashing the sword so far up your…Sorry but this is Garen.
- And that one word explains everything you need to know about him and this is one of the most popular league sounds you will hear. A proud and noble soldier, he fights at the head of the Dauntless Vanguard. He is popular among his fellows and respected well enough by his enemies not least as a scion of the prestigious Crownguard family, entrusted with defending Demacia and its ideals.
- Clad in magic-resistant armor and bearing a mighty broadsword, Garen stands ready to confront mages and sorcerers on the field of battle, in a veritable whirlwind of righteous steel screaming “DEMACIAAAAA!!!”
09. Milk These…
“You can’t milk those” - Alistar The Minotaur
- One of the oldest champions in the game also has one of the most iconic quotes. You really can’t milk those. This is how Alistar was back in the day when the league was simple… there is even a song about that…
- the song
- the parody
8. Good Doggo…
“Who let the dogs out? Wuff, wuff“ - Nasus The Curator Of The Sands
- Now don’t be fooled by this joke, even though Nasus won’t fetch the ball he will Q you to tears and you will cry and ask what happened well he was left top lane stacking and min 30 hits and he hits his very skilled ability the Q! And you die.
- He is an Ascended, that did not choose the path of the Darkin. Nasus is an imposing, jackal-headed Ascended being from ancient Shurima, a heroic figure regarded as a demigod by the people of the desert. Fiercely intelligent, he was a guardian of knowledge and a peerless strategist whose wisdom guided the ancient empire of Shurima to greatness for many centuries.
- After the fall of the empire, he went into self-imposed exile, becoming little more than a legend. Now that the ancient city of Shurima has risen once more, he has returned, determined to ensure it never falls again. He has amazing lore with his brother Renekton. I recommend you read it.
7. The Heart…
“Sometimes icy heart just needs warm smile” - Braum The Heart Of The Frejlord
- Braum is one of the most lovable characters in League. His positive mindset actually helps you in-game when you’re either falling behind or losing. Braum is a beloved Iceborn hero of the Freljord.
- Every mead hall north of Frostheld toasts his legendary strength and tells tales of how he felled a forest of oaks in a single night and punched an entire mountain into rubble. With his shield, an enchanted vault door forged in ages past, Braum roams the frozen north as a cheerful protector, helping the vulnerable as he works toward his dream of a peaceful Freljord.
- He is the light in the worst league games, when you play him that is, well if you know how to play him.
6. Voice Of Despair…
"I am but an unholy copy of life... A mockery of its freedom... And born in the cruel betrayal of the noble ideals I would've served." - Aatrox The Darkin Blade
- Honestly, I could probably fill this whole list with Aatrox quotes. The God Killer as he calls himself for good reason has one of the best quotes in the game and it would serve a great injustice to not have him on the list again.
5. The River King…
"Call me King. Call me Demon. Water forgets the names of the Drowned”
-Tahm Kench The River King
- The River King is a demon. A powerful one I might add but he is no primordial so he is not one of the ten like Fiddlesticks is but he is powerful. Tahm Kench represents a human weakness, a person's inner flaw. His name and appearance vary from culture to culture and from person to person.
- His current name comes from a Bilgewater gambler. His in-game image is based on how Bilgewater sees him as he is more culturally important and relevant. He has no real name, no form of his own, just the one he takes. There is a Freljord demigod suspiciously similar to him, who may be the River King himself or at least share the same source of energy.
- Tahm Kench's name, like the Aatrox’s battles, is inscribed in the history of Runeterra, but unlike the Darkin Blade, he's too gentlemanly to make a “fuss”. The self-proclaimed "monstrous siren" Tahm Kench refers to the chimeric singers who sweetly and tragically put sailors in underwater danger, just like Tahm Kench who deceptively lures his victims into Short-term joy, but then completely ruins their lives. He does this by striking a bargain.
4. Forgetting Your Name
“Mundo say his own name a lot, or else he forget… Has happened before.”
Dr. Mundo The Madman Of Zaun
- Ahh, Doctor Mundo, is one of the funniest League champions. This “Doctor” will chop off your head, arm, leg, or squish you if you look sick to him, and pain makes him ticklish so good luck fighting this Madman. Although he got reworked and this quote is no more it's still one of the best and most iconic League Of Legends quotes of all time.
- Utterly mad, tragically homicidal, and horrifyingly purple, Dr. Mundo is what keeps many of Zaun’s citizens indoors on particularly dark nights. Now a self-proclaimed physician, he was once a patient of Zaun’s most infamous asylum. After “curing” the entire staff, Dr. Mundo established his practice in the empty wards that once treated him and began mimicking the highly unethical procedures he had so often experienced himself.
- With a full cabinet of medicines and zero medical knowledge, he now makes himself more monstrous with each injection and terrifies the hapless “patients” who wander near his office.
3. Oh how time flies…
“Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana” - Zilean The Chronokeeper
- Zilean, one of the most annoying champions to play in the game against he will throw bombs that will stun you, revive a 20/0 Yone that poops on your whole team, and runs around the map like a madman, and the people that play him have a lot of TIME to spend on the champion to waste yours by making you miserable.
- Anyway, he was once a member of Icathia's governing council, Zilean is a prodigious elemental mage who seeks mastery over time itself. After using his powers in an attempt to save his people from the Void, he now drifts through the past, present, and future, bending and warping the flow of time around him. Zilean has traveled from Runeterra's mysterious creation, all the way to its seemingly inevitable ending, searching tirelessly for any strand of fate that might undo his homeland's destruction.
2. Friendships…
“Let’s be friends forever” - Amumu The Sad Mummy
- Aww our favorite sad mummy Amumu, searching for a friend. One of the oldest champions and one with one of the saddest stories. Legend claims that Amumu is a lonely and melancholy soul from ancient Shurima, roaming the world in search of a friend.
- Doomed by an ancient curse to remain alone forever, his touch is death, his affection ruin. Those who claim to have seen him describe a living cadaver, small in stature and wrapped in creeping bandages. Amumu has inspired myths, songs, and folklore told and retold for generations such that it is impossible to separate truth from fiction. He continues to roam Shurima searching for the one thing he can't have a friend.
1. OK.
“OK.” - Rammus The Armadillo
- OK.