10. Tryndamere (Top Lane)
To kick things off, at the number 10 spot is Tryndamere. In spite of Hull Breaker's nerfs in 12.5 this only affects long-range champs, meaning Tryndamere remains completely dominant when it comes to split push and 1v1 potential. It is so vital to rush Hull Breaker because Tryndamere is one of the best 1v1 champions and it gives you the chance to really beat down any champion on your lane, especially if you can get an early kill or two. You should also consider banning Malphite due to him being a decent counter to Tryndamere.
Why Tryndamere has a great solo carry potential:
- He is one of the strongest 1v1 champs in the game
- He can split push the enemy team to death
- HUGE amounts of damage output
9. Quinn (Top Lane)
One of the best solo carry top laners is Quinn. In the wake of pieces of poop abusing Hull Breaker, Quinn is the perfect countermeasure. Previously, she received a lot of buffs that made her more capable of snowballing. Because you're ranged, you can bully most top laners, but once you reach level 6 that's when you start really excelling. By being able to influence the map, you can feed your teammates kills and leads that just win you the game before 14 minutes are up.
Why Quinn has a great solo carry potential:
- Strong against most mele champs
- High snowballing
- Huge roam potential
8. Hecarim (Jungle)
Having excellent early game potential, Hecarim engages like a god, and that's why it's the right champ for you. The pony gank can be very deadly if you play him with Ghost, Phase Rush rune page, and thanks to your E you stick to enemies very easily. It's almost guaranteed that you'll either take their flash or kill them as soon as you get behind them. Ghost's lower CD allows you to gank much quicker than most and the amount of sticking power this champ possesses is impressive. Focus on high potential gank lanes, and you'll gain a huge lead for your team and win the game.
Why Hecarim has a great solo carry potential:
- Extremely strong early game potential
- Great engage and one-shot potential
- Super sticky to enemies
7. Diana (Jungle)
Now to switch it up a bit we have an AP jungler Diana. The goal for you should be clearing the jungle with taking the least damage and you’re already on your way to sending your enemies to pound town under the moonlight. When you have your level 6 you’re really one of the strongest champs on the rift. Totally opposite to our favorite pony. You have a lot of burst if you build the correct items and you can turn a fight around if you position correctly and engage in time.
Why Diana has a great solo carry potential:
- Very OP level 6
- A lot of burst if built right
- Able to solo win team fights
6. Vex (Mid Lane)
The depressed little yordle is our number 6, thanks to her resets on her ultimate it gives you a lot of snowball power and the ability to dominate games. Absolutely dominating mele mids like Sylas, Yone, Yasuo, Kata, Akali, thanks to your fear and shield in your kit you easily beat champions like these if you have a tad bit of practice of course. Just ban Ahri or Veigar if you don't want to have any issues, as far as I know, these are the only meta champs that pose a threat to Vex.
Why Vex has a great solo carry potential:
- Super OP against melee mids
- Snowball power
- Is able to roam and one-shot key targets
5. Veigar (Mid Lane)
We are halfway and Veigar has proven to be one of the most consistent champions throughout all elos but especially in lower elo. He has huge scaling power and with predator, your early game shouldn't be underestimated, even though it is a bit slow in the first few levels, but if you survive trust me when I say you will be putting out quite some damage. Before Veigar relied a lot on buying a few items to be useful, but now with your predator and your E if your team follows up it's almost a free kill every time unless they have flash. Roaming from the mid-lane would be beneficial for you so I will recommend you do that.
Why Veigar has a great solo carry potential:
- Very good at isolating targets
- Very high damage output
- When roaming very powerful
4. Zeri (Bot Lane ADC)
The champion I hate most, and the one that makes me laugh like a maniac when I kill her Zeri. After receiving a few nerfs Zeri remains to be a painful champion to deal with, because she can be built as a bruiser or with a critical strike setup. Tri Force is the best thing you can rush for most games but rushing Essence Reaver against a tankier enemy team is a good idea. As soon as you get your main three items you can pretty much demolish anyone and the enemy team will run to get you but ultimately fail because riot has turned this game into a parkour game. You are quite a bit tankier and thanks to the added movement speed it gives you the ability to be aggressive and get out of a fight with no issues.
Why Zeri has a great solo carry potential:
- Bruiser build is very powerful
- High-risk engagements with a fast escape
- Powerful throughout all phases of the match
3. Jinx (Bot Lane ADC)
Now for the most played solo queue, adc Jinx is an incredible solo carry adc thanks to her very powerful kit that allows you to dominate a game. Her passive is really OP in the mid-game because as soon as you get one kill you become a huge threat with the bonus movement speed and attack speed. You can keep a distance with Fishbones and you have burst potential with the execute damage on your ultimate, making jinx one of the strongest solo carry champions in the game.
Why Jinx has a great solo carry potential:
- OP passive
- Able to keep distance
- High damage output
2. Renata (Bot Lane Support)
Renata is a champion that has a little of everything, engage power, disengage power and she can even buff up teammates. Thanks to her revive mechanic it is very influential and a pain to deal with. I honestly don’t know what is it with riot and their reviving bs. She can be played two ways, one focusing on her being more passive and another being more aggressive. With Staff Of Flowing water and Ardent Censer you can maximize the damage output of your carry, but if your adc has brain damage you can go Shurelya’s and Putrifier with Redemption you will take control and it works great.
Why Renata has a great solo carry potential:
- Overall very good kit
- Ability to revive teammates
- Can either focus on adc damage output or take matters into your own hands
1. Senna (Bot Lane Support)
Senna has been a huge pick since her Q buffs a few patches ago. The Q slow with fleet speed boost gives her huge kiting power. Senna is one of the few supports that can deal large amounts of damage but is still able to provide her team with utility if the game goes long enough you can become a second adc for your team with no issues. Most consistent builds at the moment for Senna are Eclipse, Manamune and Fire Cannon, but if your team has enough damage going for Locket into Redemption is also a very good OP option for you.
Why Senna has a great solo carry potential:
- OP kiting power
- Strong adc if necessary
- Long-range and high damage output if necessary
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