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22 Aug 2024
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[Top 10] League of Legends Best Top Lane Champions!
Have you ever felt like being alone and you don’t want anyone bothering you at all? Well if you have the top lane is for you. Here in this article, you’ll find the best champions for this lane that are able to carry games like no other. Some champions will be easy while others will be hard to play. But in the end, it all comes down to your preference so I’ll try to include some of everythin
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LoL Best Sett Skins Revealed (All Sett Skins Ranked Worst To Best)
Sett, the Boss, is a bruiser champion in League of Legends. He has an advantage in one-on-one skirmishes because of his “Haymaker,” which stores the damages that he receives as Grit. When used, Sett uses the stored Grit and punches an area, dealing true damage in the middle and physical damage on both sides. In this article, we will rank each of his skins to determine which ones are worth bu
League of Legends: How To Bind Two Keys
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[Top 10] LoL Most Fun Champions (2022 Edition)
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[Top 10] LoL Best Lucian Players
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LoL Best Elise Skins That Look Freakin' Awesome (All Elise Skins Ranked Worst To Best)
Elise is one of the most powerful AP junglers in the game. She has a total of 7 skins with interesting visuals and sound effects. The skins add to the humanoid and spider forms of the champion making her even more fun to play. Here we shall rank all the skins based on different attributes. Available Skins 4. Blood Moon Elise See the skin: Blood Moon Elise Skin Spotlight Blood Moon Elise
Schalke04 takes second challenger spot in EU LCS Spring Promotion
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[Top 10] League of Legends Best Bottom Champions!
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LoL Best Miss Fortune Skins That Look Freakin’ Awesome (All Miss Fortune Skins Ranked Worst To Best)
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LoL Best Anivia Skins That Look Freakin’ Awesome (All Anivia Skins Ranked Worst To Best)
Does anyone want frozen chicken? Come on we all heard of this frozen bird Anivia but nobody ever talks about her skin. Some are good but most of them are highly mediocre. But no worries if you like playing the champion I’ll guide you today and list the best Anivia skins from the worst ones to the best ones. Most of what you can hope to get from an Anivia skin is smooth casting animations because
LoL Best Diana Skins That Look Freakin’ Awesome (All Diana Skins Ranked Worst To Best)
So you’re a Diana main? Which role do you play? It doesn’t matter actually because your champion is broken. Why can Diana build AP and still be tanky? That seems a bit unbalanced in my opinion. However, when it comes to her skins there’s a lot to talk about. Some skins can be really good and blow you away while others are simply average. But then again it all comes down to your preference of
[Top 10] LOL Best Top Laner Champions That Wreck Hard (2022 Edition)
Here we are in a role where people just wish to be alone and left to do their own thing. That thing is pushing the top lane so far up somewhere where the sun doesn’t shine and win the game. Most top laners will do that, especially in low elo because people do not care about team fighting or even being a part of the team. It’s like these people are playing their own game alone and nobody else
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Top 5 LoL Best Senna Builds
Top 5 Builds for Senna Senna, the Redeemer is one of the strongest champions in League of Legends. Originally a support champion, she can be also played on top, mid and as an ADC. She has everything: lots of damage from passive, heal on Q, root on W, camouflage for all teammates nearby on E and a global ult which has huge damage, travels very fast and grants allies a shield. Even as a support c
The 10 Best LOL Teamfight Champions To Deal Massive Damage in Teamfights
The Best Teamfight Champions Team fights may be the shortest part of a League of Legends match, but they are often the most intense moments in the entire game. Each team is watching cooldowns, measuring their mana pool, and looking for the slightest slip up to fully commit to a fight. Most team fights come down to who has the best crowd control and who is dealing the most damage. These champion