[Top 5] LoL Best Qiyana Builds That Destroy Enemies (Used By Pros)

[Top 5] LoL Best Qiyana Builds That Destroy Enemies (Used By Pros)
04 Nov 2022

Let's talk about Qiyana, the self-proclaimed queen and multi-role performer. If you can believe it, Qiyana has a bigger ego than Draven. She can play roles in the mid, top, or jungle. Whichever one you prefer, or if you were auto-filled for a role, you now know how to fill that gap with her.

Her kit and gameplay revolve around assassinating the backline, but if that isn't possible, she can also take out bruisers and tanks. Why only sometimes? Because, some tanks are tankier than others. You can't go full lethality on top lane, can you? You need survivability on top and in the jungle, but not as much in the middle because it is the shortest lane.

So recalling to base frequently can be advantageous if you force your opponent to do the same. Qiyana has a large number of players. Most of them are skilled at playing the queen of thighs, but DK Sharvel of Korea stands out among the men and women. This guy is just cracked on Qiyana the combos, and everything he does is entertaining to watch.  

5. Crazy Sigma Qiyana

This list will begin with a build for top-lane Qiyana. The good old loner lane, where every player just wants to be alone with their thoughts and farm the minions mindlessly without caring about anything else in the world. I swear money could be falling from the sky and top-lane players wouldn't bother going outside to collect it. Because if my opponent loses 1 XP, I have an advantage and can win the lane. That is their mindset.

As previously stated, you can 100% build Qiyana's full lethality, but you may run into some issues later on if the enemy builds armor. So let's take a look at a bruiser-type build. You'll be able to deal more damage while remaining alive for much longer. You can also build some lethality, but don't make your entire build revolve around it. This build excels at allowing Qiyana to survive longer against those pesky bruisers and tanks while also giving her a chance to deal damage back to them.

Use This Build If:

  • You are playing top-lane Qiyana.
  • This build will allow you to survive much longer during the laning phase. 
  • You can successfully trade with the opponent without losing too much HP. 
  • You will be more mobile than most tanks and bruisers on top. 



  • Conqueror
  • Presence Of Mind
  • Legend: Bloodline
  • Last Stand


  • Sudden Impact
  • Eyeball Collection


Level 1: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 2: Terrashape

Level 3: Audacity

Level 4-5: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 6: Supreme Display Of Talent

Level 7: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 8: Terrashape

Level 9: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 10: Terrashape

Level 11: Supreme Display Of Talent

Level 12-13: Terrashape

Level 14-15: Audacity

Level 16: Supreme Display Of Talent

Level 17-18: Audacity

Analysis Of Abilities Allocation:

Start with your Q “Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal” to push the wave faster than the enemy. You'll get to level 2 faster if you do this, and you'll be able to immediately put a point into W “Terrashape” and poke the target. You'll gain an advantage over your opponent in the first 5 minutes of the game this way. Your Q and W should be your primary abilities to spam, so focus on them first, while your E “Audacity” will be useful for avoiding abilities or getting in close to beat them up. Also one of the main reasons why you should max W second with this build is to get a lower cooldown on your W so you’re able to spam your Q more often.

Items (are sorted from the early game to the late game):

Doran’s Shield, Health Potion, Boots, Ironspike Whip, Phage, Plated Steelcaps, Gore Drinker, Black Cleaver, Death’s Dance, Edge Of Night, and Guardian Angel. 

4. Undying Qiyana

If you ever want to have some fun in low-elo, why not go with an almost full tank build Qiyana? Why almost? Because you'll still need some damage and lethality items in this build, but it's served me well thus far. The biggest difference between this build and the previous one is that Qiyana can take a lot more damage while dealing a lot less. So, what's the point of this build? So, if you got an auto-filled top lane and no one else chose a tank or a bruiser, you'll have to fill that role with this build, and that will pretty much be your job.

To act as a tank within the body of an assassin. Expect to be near the bottom of the damage-dealing chart with this build. This build excels at taking the initiative and initiating a team fight. You can accomplish this with your R “Supreme Display Of Talent” and E “Audacity” skills. Your ultimate stuns and pushes everyone into a wall, dealing damage to them while you dash to the enemies or minions with your E “Audacity”. You also have a mini-dash, which is your W “Terrashape”, that you can use to jump over a wall once you've engaged and completed your build.

Use This Build If:

  • There is nobody else on the team that is a bruiser or a tank (use it only on the top lane).
  • You will have to engage and start team fights for your team. 
  • You will be tanky and don’t be afraid to tank some hits for your teammates. 



  • Grasp Of The Undying
  • Font Of Life
  • Conditioning 
  • Unflinching


  • Sudden Impact
  • Relentless Hunter


Level 1: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 2: Terrashape

Level 3: Audacity

Level 4-5: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 6: Supreme Display Of Talent

Level 7: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 8: Audacity

Level 9: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 10: Audacity

Level 11: Supreme Display Of Talent

Level 12-13: Audacity

Level 14-15: Terrashape

Level 16: Supreme Display Of Talent

Level 17-18: Terrashape

Analysis Of Abilities Allocation:

It's similar to the previous build in the early game, but it differs once you reach level 7. Instead of maximizing your W “Terrashape” second, maximize your E “Audacity”. As a result, the ability deals more damage and has a shorter cooldown. Remember, you'll be the one engaging in the fights, not your squishy teammates, so you'll need a way to get in and out quickly. 

Items (are sorted from the early game to the late game):

Doran’s Shield, Health Potion, Tear Of The Goddess, Sheen, Boots, Divine Sunderer, Ionian Boots Of Lucidity, Muramana, Black Cleaver, Death’s Dance, and Guardian Angel. 

3. Mid Electrocute Build

Let's go down to the middle lane and see how Qiyana does. With the previous two builds all revolving around the top role, she truly belongs right here. Of course, nothing prevents you from playing her in a different position, but she was designed for mid. We are living in her habitat. With this build, you will combine electrocute with precision to deal the maximum amount of damage possible. However, be wary of this build in the late game, as it can be difficult to do anything.

Because everyone will be tanky, it will be more difficult to get to the backline because the team will be protecting it with their lives. However, this build shines in the early and mid-game, so take advantage of it as much as possible. Gank and roam whenever possible, and don't be afraid to assist your jungler. You should play around your jungler because the best players do. Believe me, losing two or three minions will not cost you the entire lane, so be a good fella and assist the homies.

 Use This Build If:

  • You’re gonna help out your team and your jungler. 
  • You’re going to be roaming at every chance you get. 
  • You can one-shot most of the enemy team. 
  • The match will end before the late game because Qiyana falls off late game. 



  • Electrocute 
  • Sudden Impact
  • Eyeball Collection
  • Treasure Hunter


  • Presence Of Mind
  • Last Stand


Level 1: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 2: Terrashape

Level 3: Audacity

Level 4-5: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 6: Supreme Display Of Talent

Level 7: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 8: Terrashape

Level 9: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 10: Terrashape

Level 11: Supreme Display Of Talent

Level 12-13: Terrashape

Level 14-15: Audacity

Level 16: Supreme Display Of Talent

Level 17-18: Audacity

Analysis Of Abilities Allocation:

You'll be maxing out Q “Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal” and W “Terrashape” first because your main goal is to kill the enemy before they can react. Of course, the lower the cooldown, the more you can use your abilities. You won't be concerned about your E “Audacity” right now because it will only be used to get close to the enemy. It is sufficient to use it once correctly. 

Items (are sorted from the early game to the late game):

Long Sword, Reffialbe Potion, Serrated Dirk, Prowler’s Claw, Ionian’s Boots Of Lucidity, Yoomuu’s Ghostblade, Serylda’s Grudge, Death’s Dance, and Maw Of Malmortius. 

2. Jungle Build

We've arrived at the best and most difficult role in the game. For the time being, Riot Games has made the jungle role the easiest for the upcoming season. The entire fun of the jungle is going to be taken away. People, enjoy it while you can. Qiyana, on the other hand, is quite skilled at it. She ganks are quite effective, and she can easily clear camps. You'll also get a sense of how to play her with this build.

This build is only intended for the jungle role and but you can try it out in the mid-lane if you like. Unlike the previous build, Qiyana can hold her own in the late game but isn't as effective as other champions, but she's getting there. I guarantee she'll be a late-game queen with a few buffs, and when she does, remember what I said in this article.

Use This Build If:

  • You’re a jungle main who enjoys playing Qiyana and assassinating the back-line. 
  • Ganking with Qiyana is easy to pull off and in most cases, it will guarantee you get a free kill. 
  • It will be hard doing objectives such as Heralds or dragons so instead you can invade the enemy jungler and perhaps get some camps or simply outright kill him.



  • First Strike
  • Magical Footwear
  • Future’s Market
  • Cosmic Insight


  • Sudden Impact
  • Treasure Hunter


Level 1: Terrashape

Level 2: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 3: Audacity

Level 4-5: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 6: Supreme Display Of Talent

Level 7: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 8: Terrashape

Level 9: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 10: Terrashape

Level 11: Supreme Display Of Talent

Level 12-15: Audacity

Level 16: Supreme Display Of Talent

Level 17-18: Audacity

Analysis Of Abilities Allocation:

Because you're a jungler, you'll want to start with your W “Terrashape” to grab an element and deal extra damage to the jungle camps, allowing you to clear them out faster. Halfway through, after maxing out your Q “Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal”, put 4 points into your E “Audacity”. You can't max out anything else before you max out your damage. You won't need W as much as when laning, so there's no need to max it out.

Items (are sorted from the early game to the late game):

Hailblade, Reffialbe Potion, Serrated Dirk, Ionian’s Boots Of Lucidity, Prowler’s Claw, Umbral Glaive, Black Cleaver, Chempunk Chainsword, and Lord Dominik’s Regards. 

1. Meta Build Inspiration 

So, what's the difference between electrocute and first strike? So, if you use this rune first strike, you will gain extra gold based on the amount of damage you deal. What's the significance of this? Because you'll get richer much faster that way, and you'll get the items you need to win the lane much faster. Plus, any kills are just bonus shekels in your pocket. However, as the rune suggests, you must attack the enemy first.

You get nothing if they attack you first. Then you only lose. The item build and abilities are similar, but there are some differences. They aren't major adjustments, and they are dependent on the opponent. But, for the most part, you'll win your lane because the enemy won't be able to catch up in gold, and later in the match, you'll put so much pressure on them that they won't be able to farm freely.

Use This Build If:

  • This build is great against anyone in the mid-lane and it will grant you bonus gold by attacking someone first. 
  • You get a lot of sustain as well during the laning phase due to a rune called “Biscuit Deliver”. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty.
  • You will have lower cooldowns than your enemy so please spam your abilities to bully them out of your lane and fill your pockets with shekels. 



  • First Strike
  • Magical Footwear
  • Biscuit Delivery
  • Cosmic Insight


  • Sudden Impact
  • Treasure Hunter


Level 1: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 2: Terrashape

Level 3: Audacity

Level 4-5: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 6: Supreme Display Of Talent

Level 7: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 8: Terrashape

Level 9: Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal

Level 10: Terrashape

Level 11: Supreme Display Of Talent

Level 12-13: Terrashape

Level 14-15: Audacity

Level 16: Supreme Display Of Talent

Level 17-18: Audacity

Analysis Of Abilities Allocation:

The main reason for maxing out your W “Terrashape” and Q “Elemental Wrath/Edge Of Ixtal” is to get lower cooldowns. As previously stated, striking first earns you more gold, and having lower cooldowns will make you the richest person in the match. When you cast your W, your Q is reset, so make sure to do some nasty combos on the enemy. The higher the gold output, the more damage you deal.

Items (are sorted from the early game to the late game):

Tear Of The Goddess, 2 Health Potions, Serrated Dirk, Boots, Prowler’s Claw, Ionian’s Boots Of Lucidity, Muramana, Serylda’s Grudge, Serpent’s Fang, and Death’s Dance. 

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