League of Legends, with its plethora of champions, can be quite confusing and exciting at the same time. With over 164 champions playable in the game right now, one might wonder which is the one suited for his/her playstyle. Each champion has its own niche abilities, strengths and synergies with other champions, that when exploited, can be the defining factor in your team’s victory and your ascension to the higher ranks.
In this list, we’ll delve into the top 15 champions that have the most carry potential in the current meta. Some might be complex, while some might be downright simple. With enough practice in each champion’s special abilities and playstyle, you’re bound to be the reason for your team’s victory.
15. Miss Fortune (Bot)
Miss Fortune montage.
With guns blazing and cannons booming, Miss Fortune gets your eyes wanting. Her stunning beauty catches the attention of most men as they fall from every shot of her pistols. If you’re looking for a simple marksman to play, Miss Fortune definitely takes the cake on that one.
Miss Fortune’s kit allows her to become an AD marksman who can certainly dish out auto attacks, coupled with her Q (Double Up) and passive (Love Tap). But she can also become a control mage with abilities such as her E (Make It Rain) and R (Bullet Time) that can certainly zone and weave through hordes of enemies. Her W (Strut) makes her a hard-to-catch champion, which is certainly a must in this game. Although she is susceptible to getting one-shot due to her tiny hp bar, great positioning can help avoid this.
Miss Fortune Strengths:
- Her W (Strut) is great for getting in and out of fights, positioning, and overall movement.
- The high burst damage on her Q (Double Up) can easily surprise enemies, making them unable to put up defensive skills.
- The slow on her E (Make It Rain) is very useful for fights, allowing your team to catch up to the enemy. Coupled with its easy casting, the skill is perfect for new players.
- The damage, AOE, and range of the R (Bullet Time) skill is great for tight corners and overall pushing the enemy back.
Pick Miss Fortune if:
- You’re looking for an easy yet effective champion to use.
- You like having a versatile champion that can adjust to any enemy team composition.
- You want to start playing marksman champions with a relatively low investment.
14. Maokai (Top)
Imagine getting chased, rooted, pushed around, punched, and bullied by a walking tree. For League of Legends players, they don’t have to. Maokai is an extremely angry treant who was once a peaceful spirit. The destruction of his home, and your face, are the reasons for his anger.
Maokai is an extremely tanky top laner due to his passive (Sap Magic). Coupled with this are his annoying skills, such as his Q (Bramble Smash), W (Twisted Advance), E (Sapling Toss), and R (Nature’s Grasp), which are all forms of crowd control or CC. His strong and sturdy build and skillset offer your team space and a reliable tank in team fights, with a potential to be a burst champion when built with AP.
Maokai Strengths:
- Maokai’s passive (Sap Magic) is great when up against mages and champions with lots of skills to use at low cooldowns. Every time an enemy casts a spell, his passive cooldown gets reduced, which allows him to get massive healing when he auto attacks.
- His Q (Bramble Smash) pushes enemies away and slows them. This is useful for running away and pushing enemies towards your team.
- His W (Twisted Advance) is a point-and-click skill that dashes Maokai toward the enemy and roots them. This allows him to catch up and contain them.
- His E (Sapling Toss) is another form of CC as it slows and can be used to scout bushes when there is no vision.
- When in teamfights, his R (Nature’s Grasp), is of the utmost importance. The massive ranged, AOE skill sends out vines that root the first enemy it touches, making it a significant chasing and zoning tool.
- His high AP-scaling abilities have the potential to burst any squishy.
Pick Maokai if:
- You play top and want an easy but useful champion.
- You love playing team fights and helping your team deal damage to the enemy.
- You just love being a big bully who pushes people around just for the fun of it.
13. Garen (Top)
One of the more iconic champions in the game, the noble warrior Garen, fights as one of the Dauntless Vanguard. This Demacian is a brave and trustworthy soul, willing to fight for his nation. His strong and righteous stance shows the glory of Demacia, but hides his secret longing for Katarina, a prominent figure in Noxus, his nation’s biggest adversary.
Garen is a top laner with a very simple kit. His passive (Perseverance) allows him to heal up after engaging with his trust sword skill Q (Decisive Strike), which deals massive damage. The sword can also be spun around using his E (Judgement), which is a great source of AOE. His W (Courage) allows him to soak up damage and show off his incredible armor, while his R (Demacian Justice) shows everyone how big his sword really is as he executes them. His overall kit allows him to survive lane and bully enemy laners who get too close. Despite this, he can get easily kited when surrounded by enemies with CC or movement abilities.
Garen Strengths:
- His easy-to-use kit is very appealing for beginners.
- His Q (Decisive Strike) silences enemies, rendering them unable to use their skills.
- Soaking up damage is possible with his W (Courage), which armor, magic resist, and a shield.
- His passive (Perseverance) allows him to heal up after staying out of combat, which is perfect for staying longer in the lane.
- His E is the go-to for reducing armor and dealing AOE damage to the enemy.
- When finishing opponents, nothing beats a big sword that scales on the enemy’s missing health. Basically, the lower the better.
Pick Garen if:
- You want a simple top laner, with a very reliable kit.
- You love soaking up damage while also being able to dish out some of your own.
- You like swords and big boy armor.
12. Xerath (Mid)
Xerath was once a slave under the Shuriman Empire, but after betraying his friend Azir, the heir to the throne, he became an Ascended being. Rising up after the fall of Shurima, Xerath’s wrath and arcane supremacy seek to bring more destruction to the world. With arcane powers that literally get in your face, this mage certainly packs a punch.
Being a mage, Xerath has abilities that deal immense damage through AP. His Q (Arcanopulse) is a long-ranged beam of energy that damages everything it touches. His W (Eye of Destruction) can slow enemies and deal AOE damage, certainly getting its way in team fights. His E (Shocking Orb), can stun enemies while his R (Rite of the Arcane) is basically a long-range artillery weapon that lays waste to the enemy. All these skills have high mana costs but his passive (Mana Surge) makes up for it. With his high damage capabilities, come the downside of being immobile, which makes him susceptible to assassins and initiators.
Xerath Strengths:
- Xerath’s long-ranged abilities can allow the user to poke and harass enemies from a safe distance.
- His Q (Arcanopulse) is a skillshot that doesn’t stop at the first enemy hit, which means nothing can block it.
- His W (Eye of Destruction) is an AOE skill that has high damage and a slow effect.
- Enemies near Xerath can be stunned with his E (Shocking Orb), which allows him to chase and escape.
- Even if enemies get too far, his R (Rite of the Arcane) allows him to deal damage from an even greater distance, making it safer for him.
- His passive (Mana Surge) allows him to sustain his mana and has cooldown reduction every time he kills a unit.
Pick Xerath if:
- You love skillshots and long-ranged abilities that require precision, timing, and accuracy.
- You love controlling the lane and harassing enemies.
- You think magic is cool.
11. Singed (Top)
When we’re talking about toxicity in lore and in the game, Singed is definitely it. This mad chemist runs around experimenting and throwing his toxins around the Rift, making it even more difficult for champions to catch a breath while chasing him.
While not exactly a simple champion despite his simple kit, Singed excels when enemies chase him since he leaves behind a trail of toxins through his Q (Poison Trail) while moving faster through his passive (Noxious Slipstream). His W (Mega Adhesive) grounds enemies,, which prevents them from using movement abilities, making it easier to lock them down and toss them around using his E (Fling). Overall, Singed is an annoying champion to chase and deal with, especially when he has his R (Insanity Potion), which gives him a whole range of stats.
Singed Strengths:
- Singed is fast. Therefore he can easily outrun enemies and get away from danger.
- His damage is high, especially when he constantly runs and spreads toxins around the enemy with his Q (Poison Trail)
- Catching enemies is easier with his W (Mega Adhesive) due to its slow and ground ability, making the enemy’s movement abilities unusable.
- His E (Fling) allows him to toss enemies he chases toward his team, making it an effective chase tool.
- His R (Insanity Potion) gives him AP, armor, magic resist, move speed, mana, and health regen, which is a huge buff to his kit.
Pick Singed if:
- You love playing a speedy character with consistent damage.
- You want to troll but also be an integral part of the team.
- You just love running around and annoying people.
10. Veigar (Bot)
Dark magic is the game, and Veigar is the player. This yordle might be small, but his damage definitely isn’t. With abilities that control the fight and zone enemies, this mage certainly is a force to be reckoned with in lane, and in team fights.
Veigar has the ability to dish out damage using his Q (Baleful Strike), W (Dark Matter), and R (Primordial Burst). These skills are all AOE types, with his E (Event Horizon) being one of the most effective non-damaging zoning skills in the game. All these scales with his passive (Phenomenal Evil Power), which allows him to gain even more AP. The only downside is his immobile nature, making him easy to catch when he misses skills, especially his E (Event Horizon)
Veigar Strengths:
- Veigar has high damage outputs with his Q (Baleful Strike), W (Dark Matter), and R (Primordial Burst).
- Veigar can scale and stack unlimited AP through his passive (Phenomenal Evil Power).
- His E (Event Horizon) stuns enemies that pass through the cage, making it an effective zoning ability to keep you safe.
- Veigar’s signature is bursting enemies, and his R (Primordial Burst) executes enemies the lower their hp is.
Pick Veigar if:
- You love dealing high-damage through skillshots.
- You love playing towards the mid to late game, scaling through your stacking ability.
- You find it funny that he one-shots people and laughs maniacally.
9. Dr. Mundo (Top)
While most people spend years studying to be a doctor, Mundo, or should I say Dr. Mundo, just proclaims that he is. Hailing from Zaun’s most infamous asylum, Dr. Mundo runs around with his stock of medicines and prescriptions that don’t even make sense, to us at least.
Dr. Mundo is a top laner who doesn’t necessarily have any CC but can withstand it through his passive (Goes Where He Pleases). He can be a reliable tank with extreme healing from his W (Heart Zapper) and R (Maximum Dosage). His damage is reliant on hitting his Q (Infected Bonesaw), which slows the enemy and heals himself. His E (Blunt Force Trauma) also gives him AD and damages the enemy. His medium damage output is only catered by his amazing sustain and damage intake.
Dr. Mundo Strengths:
- Dr. Mundo can survive the lane and team fights despite soaking tons of damage due to the immense healing from his W (Heart Zapper) and R (Maximum Dosage).
- He has decent damage from his Q (Infected Bonesaw), W (Heart Zapper), and E (Blunt Force Trauma) in the early game.
- His tanky late game makes up for his low damage early, which allows him to create space for his team, allowing his damage dealers to shine.
- His passive (Goes Where He Pleases) allows him to withstand hard CC and get away from the enemy’s initial engagement.
Pick Dr. Mundo if:
- You love being a reliable tank with a great amount of sustain.
- You want to play an easy but effective top laner who can be useful in team fights, creating space for your team.
- You want to be that guy who throws knives.
8. Rammus (Jungle)
If you play AD champions, and you face a Rammus, then you might as well quit. Rammus is literally a spiked armadillo that rolls around, wandering the deserts of Shurima due to his curiosity. His history is as mysterious as his thoughts. With only a single word to say for himself, this majestic creature never fails to be a favorite of many who wish to troll the Rift.
Rammus is effective at ganking lanes because of the speed from his Q (Powerball), his hard CC taunt skill E (Frenzying Taunt), and high damage from his W (Defensive Curl Ball). His movement is also improved by his R (Soaring Slam), which also serves as a damaging CC skill. His passive gives him a bit more damage which scales with the armor he has. Overall, Rammus is a solid jungler but needs gold in order to snowball. His weak early game can be easily exploited.
Rammus Strengths:
- Rammus’ speed is mainly from his Q (Powerball) which bumps and slows the enemy. The combo is followed by casting E (Frenzying Taunt) and W (Defensive Curl Ball), which means the enemy is hurting themself by attacking Rammus.
- He is pretty tanky with his W (Defensive Curl Ball), which allows him to gain armor and magic resistance.
- Rammus’ R (Soaring Slam) is great for reaching enemies over walls and obstacles, and can also be used to escape.
- Rammus is a great tank who can one-shot a high damage dealing carry when given enough items.
Pick Rammus if:
- You like building tanks but still packing a punch.
- You want to be a jungler but a tank at the same time.
- You love taunting people and making them hit themselves.
7. Naafiri (Mid)
Naafiri is the latest addition to the League of Legends Roster, sporting a wolf-like design with a pack of her own. Once an Ascended being, Naafiri was sealed into her own dagger as a form of imprisonment but was released after a pack of wolves attacked the man carrying her prison. Since then, she has roamed Shurima, seeking to bring back the Darkin’s former glory.
Being a midlane assassin, has abilities that have the potential to one-shot the opposing force. Her Q (Darkin Daggers) and E (Eviscerate) are her main damage sources, with her W (Hounds’ Pursuit) serving as her gap closer. Once the hunt begins, Nafiri’s R (The Call of the Pack) can empower herself and her minions, making it easier to chase down and kill enemies. Despite her powerful kit, missing the target on her skills can be detrimental as she is powerless once she has depleted these.
Naafiri Strengths:
- Naafiri’s passive (We Are More) can spawn packmates that can block skillshots, effectively allowing her to dodge potentially damaging skills.
- Her W (Hounds’ Pursuit) is a long-ranged gap closer with a slow that helps Nafiri execute her target.
- Laning is straightforward with her as her Q (Darkin Daggers) applies bleed and a hefty amount of damage to the target. This also allows Nafiri to heal from the damage dealt.
- The high AD scaling on her E (Eviscerate) allows her to deal immense damage at close quarters and this can also be used to dash through walls and obstacles.
- Her R (The Call of the Pack) basically increases her AD, increases her packmates’ health, and allows her to have a lower W (Hounds’ Pursuit) cooldown, making her great for chasing down the enemy.
Pick Naafiri if:
- You want to add another midlane assassin to your arsenal.
- You love the chase and want a strong assassin with a high potential to snowball.
- You just love dogs.
6. Zac (Top)
This chemical blob was created in hopes of making an obedient super soldier who could be resistant to attacks and injuries. The result was this blob escaping and taking refuge in a nearby sump pool, returning rocks to children throwing stones at the sump. Apparently, treating it well made the blob respond with joy and happiness, but attacking it caused it to go crazy.
Zac has been a staple in the jungle, being used by pros due to his ability to gank lanes with ease because of his long-ranged E (Elastic Slingshot). After he lands on the target, Zac can use his Q (Stretching Strikes) to push two units together, knocking them both up. His W (Unstable Matter) serves as another AOE skill to pair with his R (Let’s Bounce). His skills all benefit from his passive (Cell Division), allowing him a great amount of sustain in lane and fights.
Zac Strengths:
- Zac can use E (Elastic Slingshot) and Q (Stretching Strikes) as forms of poke in lane. These two skills have CC and damage, which are effective in lane.
- His W (Unstable Matter) is an easy-to-use damage skill that can be used to deliver a quick form of damage to the enemy.
- His R (Let’s Bounce) is great for team fights and disrupting the enemy, especially if they lack mobility.
- His passive (Cell Division), when activated, buys enough time for teammates to turn the fight around while Zac resurrects.
- His skills don’t use mana. Therefore, only cooldowns would hinder his skill usage.
Pick Zac if:
- You want to play a top laner with a great long-ranged initiation and reliable follow-up.
- You want to play a champion that can be used as a tank or an AP damage dealer.
- You love bouncing around the battlefield.
5. Ziggs (Bot)
This explosive yordle is as volatile as his bombs. Ziggs was an inventor’s assistant in Piltover, leading a predictable life. This all changed when he met Jinx and decided to live in Zaun and become more reckless. Now he goes around just blowing stuff up, throwing bombs here and there just for the fun of it.
Ziggs is a mage that can dish out medium-ranged skills that are able to severely damage the enemy. Traditionally a mid laner, Ziggs is used by many in the botlane due to his great pushing power from his damaging skills, such as his Q (Bouncing Bomb) and E (Hexplosive Minefield). These are great tools for poke and team fights. His W (Satchel Charge) allows him to put distance between him and an opponent chasing him. In the heat of the battle, Ziggs’ R (Mega Inferno Bomb) can be cast to deal one last big of heavy damage from afar. His passive (Short Fuse) allows him to weave auto attacks in between and deal even more damage. Ziggs is a great laner due to his insane damage and passive ability. His ability to zone and deal damage during crucial objective fights allows his team to gain an advantage in securing them.
Ziggs Strengths:
- Ziggs can zone enemies with his E (Hexplosive Minefield), preventing them from passing through an area unless they want to get damaged.
- His low cooldown Q (Bouncing Bomb) deals heavy damage at a low cooldown.
- Ziggs’ W (Satchel Charge) is great for pushing turrets due to its insane damage.
- His R (Mega Inferno Bomb) is easy to hit due to its long range and big AOE.
Pick Ziggs if:
- You love spamming skills and dominating the lane.
- You want a mage that can be dominant in team fights and have a movement ability.
- You love blowing stuff up.
4. Shyvana
Shyvana, the half-dragon, is a humanoid that can take up the form of a dragon. Her saving of Jarvan IV allowed her to get a spot in his royal guard, although her situation made it uncomfortable for her. On the Rift, the champion is a menacing force that overwhelms the opposition with a different skillset for her human and dragon form.
Considered as one of the top junglers right now due to her big damage stemming from her Q (Twin Bite). This allows her to consistently get camps and get ahead in levels. Her W (Burnout) allows her to be mobile, especially when chasing or being chased. Another form of damage is her E (Flame Breath), which is another AOE skill that can be used to farm up and get ahead. Her transformation skill is her R (Dragon’s Descent), and this allows Shyvana to get access to her 2nd set of abilities, further making her more potent. With great camp clears, Shyvana can easily get ahead in gold and experience. Her high damage skills can easily burst any squishy, but her lack of a hard CC prevents her from being too overpowered.
Shyvana Strengths:
- Shyvana is able to effectively deal damage to camps, minions, and champions with her Q (Twin Bite) and E (Flame Breath)
- Her R (Dragon’s Descent) allows her to knock back enemies and gain access to more damaging skills.
- She can be built with AD, AP, or tank items.
- Her passive (Fury of the Dragonborn) gives her the ability to deal more damage to dragons and gain armor and magic resistance when they are slain.
- Her W (Burnout) is a great AOE and movement skill that is essential when chasing or running away.
Pick Shyvana if:
- You want a jungler with an effective camp and wave clear.
- You want a high-damage jungler with great versatility.
- You love running around as a dragon.
3. Seraphine (Bot
Seraphine was introduced in a unique way, through social media marketing as a famous singer. This involved creating a Twitter account where Riot Games acted as if she was a real singer. With a sweet voice and an even sweeter skillset, Seraphine dominates both the stage and the Rift.
Seraphine is a mage with zoning and damaging skills that synergize with champions that have a form of immobilization. Her E (Beat Drop) impairs the movement of enemies. If the enemy is slowed, hitting the skills would root them. If they are already immobilized, the skill would stun them. Her Q (High Note) is a great AOE skill that has high damage at a relatively low cooldown. This allows her to poke in lane and be safe with the use of her W (Surround Sound), which gives her team and herself healing, shielding, and movement speed. Her R (Encore) is one of the most effective team fighting abilities due to its projectile speed, long range, and immobilizing aspect. Coupled with her passive (Stage Presence), which allows her to spam basic spells, Seraphine is a force in the lane. Once she gets enough in the lane, she can transition to team fights, being annoying to the enemy due to her unreachability.
Seraphine Strengths:
- Seraphine’s passive (Stage Presence) allows each third basic spell cast to be cast twice. This leads to more damage, more healing, more shielding, and more CC.
- Her Q (High Note) deals more damage when enemies are low.
- Her W (Surround Sound) can effectively allow her to chase or disengage.
- Her E (Beat Drop) has a long range and can be paired with champions that can immobilize enemies in order to get the maximum effect.
- Seraphine’s R (Encore) gets more range when it comes into contact with allies. This allows her to cast it from afar, making it safe for her.
Pick Seraphine if:
- You love controlling the lane and harassing.
- You want to severely impact team fights and objective controls.
- You think singing is powerful.
2. Karthus (Bot)
Karthus is one of those champions who were originally designed to be mid laners but found opportunities in other roles. His high efficiency in the jungle put him on the map as one of the most solid farmers in the game. And right now, he finds himself in the bot lane.
Karthus is able to dish out high-damage due to his Q (Lay Waste), which has no cooldown. Paired with the slow in his W (Wall of Pain), Karthus can spam Q (Lay Waste) and his E (Defile) in order to mow down champions and greatly reduce their health bars. Once they are low enough, Karthus can cast R (Requiem) and inflict heavy damage after channeling for 3 seconds. Karthus’ passive (Death Defied) allows him to deal damage even when killed, and this makes him a formidable opponent. His immobile nature is the only thing bringing him down.
Karthus Strengths:
- Karthus’ passive (Death Defied) allows him to cast his spells for a short amount of time after dying, dealing more damage to the enemy.
- His Q (Lay Waste) deals more damage if only a single unit is hit.
- His E (Defile) passively gives him mana when he kills a unit.
- His R (Requiem) hits everyone regardless of where they are on the map.
Pick Karthus if:
- You want a champion with heavy poke and a consistent slow.
- You love spamming abilities.
- You want to get in the face of enemies as a mage.
1. Swain (Bot)
Swain is the ruler of Noxus, and he does so with his demonic hand. Initially designed for mid, the mage found a new place in the botlane, dealing more consistent damage than even most marksmen. With a great skillset for laning and team fighting, Swain is considered the top one champion to use in ranked right now.
Swain’s Q (Death’s Hand) is his signature damage dealer due to its low cooldown and high damage. His W (Demon’s Eye) is a long-ranged ability that gives Swain vision of the enemy when it hits. He also has a CC skill E (Nevermove), which he uses to root and pull enemies. His R (Demonic Ascension) is his go-to when it’s time to team fight. This skill allows him to deal damage in a huge area around him, and heal for the damage dealt. Swain is effective in lane, with enough damage and CC to eventually dominate the lane. Once in team fights, he excels more due to his AOE skills and insane sustain.
Swain Strengths:
- Swain’s wave clear is strong due to his Q (Death’s Hand).
- His W (Demon’s Eye) slows and gives him vision of the enemy.
- His E (Nevermove) has a considerable amount of range and can root the enemy. Once rooted, the enemy can be pulled towards Swain.
- His R (Demonic Ascension) is great for team fights and fighting many champions at once.
- His passive (Ravenous Flock) gives him increased healing and maximum health.
Pick Swain if:
- You want great laning and poke.
- You love getting your hands full in team fights.
- You love that in-your-face playstyle.