1. Bengi
Often thought of as Faker’s sidekick Bengi is one of two players to have won a world championship three times, along with Faker himself. His technical skill and mechanics make him a terror in the jungle, with him being able to pull off very high-risk plays
Red Buff Steal:
Great Jukes:
2v1 Outplay:
2. Xmithie
With a wide variety of accomplishments including a six-time winner in LCS tournaments, Xmithie has a jungling style focused more so on vision control and tracking the enemy jungler than raw aggression. However, this certainly doesn’t mean he doesn’t deliver on some fantastic plays
Baron Steal On Rek’Sai:
Great Engage:
Baron Steal On Udyr:
3. Jankos
Known for his absurd amount of first-bloods and baron steals Jankos is widely considered one of the most talented junglers in recent years, even being named ESPN’s pick for the best player going into Worlds 2019
Baron Steal On Lee Sin:
Baron Steal On Elise:
Baron Steal On Olaf:
4. Broxah
Broxah has made a name for himself as an objective stealer. On multiple occasions, he’s managed to pull off seemingly impossible and extremely impressive dragon and Baron Smite steals
Elder Dragon steal on Lee Sin:
Elder Dragon steal on Kha’Ziz:
Game-Winning Elder Dragon steal on Lee Sin:
5. IWillDominate
While popular streamer and YouTuber IWillDominate may not have played in the LCS in recent years, during his time there he left a big impact as a talented and excitable player
Fantastic Gragas Prediction:
Great Escape:
Baron Steal:
6. inSec
A player so iconic he popularized a term still used today, inSec became famous for his Lee Sin “inSec” kicks that were so good they would often single-handedly win teamfights
Fantastic Engage on Lee Sin:
Extremely Clean Outplay:
Classic “inSec” Kick:
7. Svenskeren
Svenskeren was considered to be a weaker player for a long while, an idea encouraged by a lackluster performance with TSM. However after joining C9 in recent years he’s shown massive improvement, even winning the MVP award in 2019
Red Steal and Escape:
Baron Steal On Rek’Sai:
Baron Steal On Lee Sin:
8. MikeYeung
Known for many years as “rookie” MikeYeung is one of the youngest pros, starting on a team right out of high school at only 18. This is definitely for good reason, as he possesses skill and talent belying his young age
Closes Out The Game:
First Blood:
Amazing Lee Sin Kick:
9. Meteos
Known for his off-meta picks such as Morgana, Brand, and even Soraka jungle, Meteos uses an efficient and high farm centered strategy to ease into the late game and eventually the victory
Flash Prediction On Gragas:
Fantastic Gank:
10. Santorin
While sometimes criticized for being too passive a jungler player, to the point of being called a “living ward”, Santorin is still a fantastic jungler that have helped TSM win games many times
Baron Steal On Nidalee:
Baron Steal On Rek’Sai:
Baron Steal On Lee Sin:
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