Rito, if you're reading this, don't stop reading until the end.
We all know Rito, our glorious founder, and creator of League of Legends. We always cry out to these guys for our wanted changes and reworks - how could we not know them? Rito pls.
Riot has always made great changes to League, with the help of the community. There you go, someone had to say it. To clarify, this article isn’t a rant to Riot, but a friendly reminder of what the people want and why we want it.
Also, please note that the tone of this article is not berating Riot. It’s more of a sassy, salty Season VI adjuster who’s still tilting down the Ranked slope because of the imbalance. Throw in a little humor in here and there too. Remember, nothing here is supposed to piss anyone off.
Now, let’s delve into the wants and needs of the people, shall we?
"Remember the chaos this created? Photo by Brofresco"
Not once has there been a full balance in the game throughout all these years.
Most of the patches in the last recent years of League, more often than not, contained some pretty OP Champs and Items that literally “rocked the boat” of every player on every server. However, Riot can't be blamed for this as they're working too many changes planned for the future rather than sticking around to fully balance the game. Isn’t that right, Rito?
Well, it seriously can’t be helped as you guys are really busy with more progressive changes.
But still, a lot of Champions and items have gone stale as a result. People tend to autopick and are deathly afraid of “Autoban” champions to this day.
Just for once, please balance the game to the point of us not worrying about what we didn’t ban out of the 7 OP Autobans you totally forgot to nerf.
“9) Say No to Point Clamping”
"Poor guy. 1 Like = 1 Prayer"
Don’t you just hate it when that happens? One second you go from 0 to 80 points real quick and then you’d only win 19 points the next game, leaving you to waste another good 30 minutes or so just for 1 LP.
Why so stingy, Rito? Isn’t winning games in a row enough punishment for us? Isn’t dealing with toxic crybabies and carrying them to victory enough proof that we deserve a higher rank? Rito pls.
Sure, a lot of people may counter this with: “It’s just an extra game to prove that you are really deserving of climbing up for a series. Stop being such a pu-“
Aight, we got it. But it’s still annoying though and time was still wasted on chance. You’re not guaranteed that you’ll win anyway, so there’s a possibility of more games wasted because of a little difference in League Points.
The only people to not agree with me on this are players who have never experienced getting Point Clamped.
“8) Encourage women to go Pro”
"Team Siren, the closest recorded all-female team to make it in NA pro-play."
No, Remilia doesn’t count. I’m not being an asshole to the LGBT, but she really isn’t. It’s unfair for biological girls and you know it.
But yeah, Remilia was the only “girl” strong enough to make it into pro-play. She could have gone a lot farther than she would have if she didn’t get harassed by the toxic community. It was a shame on everybody’s part, and Riot could’ve done better to address the harassment.
Unsurprisingly, Remilia left Renegades and LoL competitive play for good. Back to square one.
Riot, please advocate women to actually partake in pro-play. Don’t brand them into that of a Support, Ranked-only image. They can do so much better than that and with the help of the developers plus a little dose of the League hype; I’m sure that League of Legends will produce another “Remilia” soon enough. Let’s just hope she’s hot.
Women can do so much better if they just put in effort. This point is kind of a longshot since it's really not gender that dictates whether or not you can make it into pro-play- it's skill. But I believe that there's so much untapped power in LoL girl gamers.
Rito just has to make them believe that they can make it as much as boys can. Rito pls.
"7) Sandbox Mode"
"Don't even. It's not gonna happen."
“Oh not this again, we’ve already explained this, leik, a year ago!” a Rioter might say if he were to stumble upon this. Well, the answer is: Yes, you have. The thing is, we’re not all that happy about it.
Do you know how productive it would be to us if we had a sandbox mode? I don’t think you do, Riot. Because as the 2015 LoL-fanatic me could recall, it’s not on your list of things you wanna/have to do. You’re too busy with other plans.
Which were great, the rework on the most outdated of ADCs was a blast. You know, even the creation of what would be the catastrophic ADC-you’d-never-ever-want-to-feed-or-kiss-your-team-goodbye rework to which we know as Machine Gun Kog’Maw and the special snowflake, Quinn, that's only either OP or an absolute Feeding Program.
But hey, everything still went great! It’s just another day of Rito balancing the game.
However, to just check in with reason, a whole lot of our fellow players would have a platform they could test out Champions, skills, flashes, and jukes without ever have to face the humiliation of a 0/11/0 LeBlanc. Lelz Reported.
Even if it’s never gonna happen, it would’ve been fun if LoL had it, wouldn’t it? A lot of players who are in desperate need of a little polishing on jukes and flashes could have made it out of Bronze by now.
A moment of silence for our brothers in ELO Hell.
"6) Trolls, GTFO and hit Uninstall."
"My heart goes out to this guy whose sportsmanship still came out on top even after losing 23 LP. Kudos!"
Ranking is like the ocean. It’s a big, vast place of saltiness with a slim chance of people and too often a chance to see wild animals under pressure in a sea full of waste. It’s also kind of like New York, if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.
However, like the ocean and New York, there are always some salty, toxic, and Sivir-ly stupid players out there who’ve just managed to save up some LP to burn. Of course, with their poor sucker teammates who are in the same sinking boat with them. Of course, I always forget to report them because my anger makes me automatically press the “Skip Waiting For Stats” button. FML.
Ranked Trolls are the absolute scum of League that just makes you feel like you need to punch something to oblivion. You cannot win games with one throwing so hard, that you just want to play Dota II instead and suck at it than watch your LoL skills die along with your 32-4 team. #FF@20
Rito has absolutely no way of stopping these guys and most of the time they even ban the wrong guys. Mostly innocent bastards like Dunkey or my friend who decided that he wants to cuss the hell out of one game because he tilted 2 divisions down due to trolling cunts.
See, that’s the thing, Rito can’t ban without making mistakes. Trolls will always prevail as Rito can’t be rule-enforcing and lenient at the same time. If they do come up with a great solution to this, then League is sure to be better for all of us. For now, learn to live with an antidote as the path to Ranked is a toxic one.
"5) Report: Post-Game Stats."
"A log-in screen trolls don't see very often. I cri everiteim :'( "
As aforementioned, there’s always going to be a time when you’re too pissed off that you "forget" that the report button is only at the post-game screen. So much for reporting that obnoxious teammate that made you lose LP, right?
Well, sucks for you. Now that guy is about to do it again to more innocent suckers or to you again when you press that “Play Again” button. But let’s be honest, even if you reported the guy, it would take so much more than that to keep an asshole out of League.
At least if we had this option, we could lessen their chances of doing it again. Rito pls!
"4) Pause Option in Ranked Games"
"A pause that sparked a controversy: Alleged map-looking of AF Woong at Season II Worlds"
Remember that time when you really had to take a shit and you realize that you’re playing Ranked?
I think a better question would be: “Who doesn’t?”
But on a more serious note, a lot of things can happen while you’re playing Ranked. If you go AFK, you’ll get reported. If you leave, you lose LP. If you lose because you left in-game due to a real emergency, you get reported and you lose LP should your team lose. There's just no winning this battle.
Ranked is a very important mode in the game. It’s a real-time Tournament Draft to place you in a better rank, Riot. This is the simplest wish on this list. It doesn't have to be 30 mins like Tournament Draft. Please make it so, Rito!
"3) Rework on ALL Lanes"
"Hella lot’a changes coming our way. Can't wait!"
I know this is coming as the ADCs and Mages are getting re-vamped for the season. I just wanna point out that really doing so will bring another level of fresh perspective into the game.
I just hope that they don't go too crazy on the champs and items. *cough* Taric Rework and Mercurial Scimitar *hacks*
But to make this short and sweet, I hope that Riot knows that they have a LOT of balancing to do after every change. For God’s sake, please balance the whole damn game for once after a huge change. Rito pls, we only have 3 bans per team!
"2) Loss Prevented: Unlucky Circumstances"
"Only Season 3-4 Players can get this. Probably every season for EUW. Ahhh memories..."
There are a lot of times that a player would be pitted against worthy opponents and get a lousy team that can’t even carry itself. As a result, most likely the trolls will quit and the others would get too low of morale to even continue a losing fight.
In this case, especially when a teammate left, let the remaining teams be spared with a Loss Prevented if they surrender and the Enemy Team deems them worthy for a mercy game. A mercy game was an idea brought up a few years back. It's for a losing team to get lesser penalties if they lost the game due to unavoidable circumstances granted by the winning team.
If my memory serves me right, in the past, this has already been brought up along with Ao Shin (still waiting on him, Rito!).
It isn’t that bad of an idea. Just innovate and remove the loopholes to which players could take advantage of this in Ranked. Maybe unless of getting a Loss Prevented right away, the game data could be sent to Riot or any governing company who runs a specific region. Then they can decide if the game could be deemed as Loss Prevented.
It’s just to give the honest and great guys who don’t deserve a loss the benefit of the doubt.
1) “Keep doing what they’re doing and never lose sight of what really made them Riot.”
"They are who they are. They made what became of us, and what we lived by for so long. Thank you."
League of Legends is already an awesome game. All the changes that Riot made to make it this way is just fine, it’s their call. But I still remember the early Season spirit where people played so they can have fun. The toxicity wasn’t that heavy and the Tribunal was still in play.
Sure, there were so many things wrong with balance back in Season I and II. But Riot fixed them all and they did it their way. Sure, Evelyn was somewhat unplayable during those times, tanks ruled the world, Supports had the hardest jobs, and Yi could go AP Mid and still delete an entire team. But Rito fixed it, didn’t they?
Give them time and they will fix our current problems and imbalances too.
Every year there was a surprise that players were just dying to see. Flash forward to today, there’s already so much progress to the game and everything is still thanks to Riot.
As long as we have Riot as League of Legends’ game developer, this game will improve and go down in our history books as one of the greatest games ever made.
What about you? Do you have any suggestions how Riot can improve League? Donation for your two-cents down at the comments below!
Type "Rito Pls" if you've made it this far. Do it or I'll report your ass