Take a look at the best of the best Illidan cosplays you can find online.
Illidan is a character from the Warcraft series that has been through a lot of changes. He is thousands of years old and he’s been in love, transformed, become a villain, being a hero, a jailer, creator of an army of demon hunters, and many more. He is loved by a lot of fans and that’s why we assembled the best 25 Illidan Stormrage Cosplays we’ve ever seen on social media that exceed our common expectations of what cosplay should look like.
25 - Jossie Wander Cosplay
Cosplay by @wandercosplay
Now that I think about it, Illidan would be a great female character. It looks more agile and lighter.
24 - Willow Creative and AZ

Cosplay by @azproductioncosp
Now I’m sure, Illidan would be a great female character.
23 - Victoria (milliganvick)
Cosplay by @milliganvick
His purpose of life was driven by love or hate?
22 - Ilyusha Lybimtsev
Cosplay by @mid_moon
Those enormous horns must get in the way multiple times.
21- Artem S.
Cosplay by @nova_poltorashnik
Illidan was a very attractive night-elf before becoming a demon during the war of the ancients.
20 - Jota Vamps
Cosplay by @jotavamps
Illidan was imprisoned for 10,000 years. That must concentrate a lot of rage.
19 - Sarizard Cosplay
Cosplay by @sarizardcosplay
A young adult novel of Illidan telling his early life years must be interesting to see his relationship with his brother, Malfurion.
18 - Willow Creative 2
Cosplay by @willowcreativ
Green is a symbol of danger. Having green weapons is a symbol of “Run if you want to live.”
17 - Nesteroff Photo
Cosplay by @nesteroff.photo
Illidan’s green magic connects to the Burning Legion fel power, he transformed into what he hates in order to kill it.
16 - Demmon Hunter
Cosplay by @demmon_hunter
If anyone has to carry two massive blades and a pair of enormous horns, “Muscled” would be his middle name automatically.
15 - Ilyusha Lybimtsev
Cosplay by @iluyshalyb
The length of his horns grows as he ages? In that way, we can have a clue of where are we placed in the timeline when we see him.
14 - Stygian Vi
Cosplay by @stigivi
Even Azeroth’s greatest heroes fell in love. Illidan can be creative with his horns to be more attractive.
13 - Yumiko Rei
Cosplay by @yumikorei
Illidan never loses his weapons, but if he does, his horns can be useful.
12 - Akame
Cosplay by @akamegt
Always wondered why main characters never have colored hair. Illidan can use pink and still be a badass.
11 - Luna Cosplay
Cosplay by @luna_cosplay_craft
Something crazier than being a blind demon hunter is having hooves-heels and still running and fighting like hell.
10 - Tony
Cosplay by @zachgambit
Young Illidan was already athletic with great abilities. What’s my excuse? I don’t want to kill an army of demons.
9 - Elise Fontaine

Cosplay by @elise_fontaine
Never surprise Illidan from above. He will perceive you.
8 - 40 Below Cosplay and Props
Cosplay by @40_below_cosplay_and_props
Fun fact: His weapons are twins. They are named The Twin Blades of Azzinoth.
7 - Deugen
Cosplay by @deugen
When Illidan is on the burning legion’s territory, he mixes with the toxic fel surrounding the land.
6 - Esteban HN(The Doctor)
Cosplay by @thedoctor
All this anger is used to kill and be merciless with the burning legion.
5 - Alive Alf Photography
Cosplay by @alivealfphotography
Illidan is the most used warcraft character in cinematics since Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. It’s obvious why, he is just perfect.
4 - Hekady Cosplay

Cosplay by @hekadycosplay
My love for the character makes me look at him as an angel. I wonder why his looks show otherwise.
3 - Tayler B
Cosplay by @taylerb
Illidan and Malfurion have the same features. Horns/Antlers, tattoos, wings, and clawed hands, one better looking than the other.
2 - Lilly Fart
Cosplay by @lilyfart
In case you didn’t know, Illidan's eyes were burned out by Sargeras himself. The eyes now allowed Illidan to see all forms of magic, and fel tattoos covered his body.
1 - Saud Al Hazzani
Cosplay by @saudalhazzani
Not only his body is muscled, but his wings also have their own defined muscles as well.
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