What are the most valuable herbs in WoW Dragonflight?
The recent release of WoW Dragonflight and the professions revamp was a big deal to every gatherer and crafter in the game. Herbalism is a profession that has remained consistently worthwhile over the years, and the latest updates have brought more diversity when it comes to valuable herbs in World of Warcraft.
In this list we will be looking at the most valuable herbs in WoW Dragonflight, their selling prices at the Auction House and how can you obtain these plants.
10. Hochenblume
The Hochenblume is a new herb introduced in WoW Dragonflight that has many uses for alchemists. The gathering method for this herb is rather unorthodox, as you will be hunting for the elite Enraged Sprouts and gathering the herbs from them, but they can also be obtained as Profession quest rewards, and they sell for a good price at the Auction House.
Why Hochenblume is valuable:
- Sells for 6 gold 49 silver (NA) and 5 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- New herb released in Dragonflight, which means high demand for new recipes;
- Very useful for alchemists.
How to get Hochenblume:
- Gathering Enraged Sprouts which can be found in many locations such as Ohn’ahran Plains and The Azure Span;;
- Rewards from Profession Artisan’s Supply quests.
9. Purple Lotus
A reliable source of gold that has remained with consistent prices over the years at the Auction House is the Purple Lotus. It can be used for a plethora of different elixirs for many purposes and is constantly looked for by alchemists.
Why Purple Lotus is valuable:
- Sells for 6 gold 90 silver (NA) and 8 gold 89 silver (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- Used in the recipes of many useful elixirs;
- Can be used to craft Mana Oils, which are popular consumables used by magic classes;
- Has a chance of giving you the valuable Wildvine herb when gathering.
How to get Purple Lotus:
- Gathering in Felwood;
- Dropped by many monsters at the Maraudon and Dire Maul dungeons.
8. Golden Lotus
The second lotus on this list is the Golden Lotus, which has a slightly higher price at the Auction House when compared to its purple counterpart. This herb can be harvested from farms at the Mists of Pandaria zones, making it a very chill activity and a consistent source of gold.
Why Golden Lotus is valuable:
- Sells for 6 gold 55 silver (NA) and 33 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- Can be consistently obtained through the Mists of Pandaria farming system;
- Passive source of gold as a bonus while harvesting other plants.
How to get Golden Lotus:
- Gathering in many locations such as The Jade Forest and Timeless Isle;
- Can be obtained as a bonus while harvesting other herbs like the Rain Poppy and the Fool’s Cap.
7. Azshara’s Veil
Not only is the Azshara’s Veil a very good source of gold through selling at the Auction house and a very useful Alchemy reagent, it is also one of the only herbs that can be obtained by Fishing. That’s right, no more running around looking for herbs. If you’d rather sit down and relax while fishing, this is the herb for you.
Why Azshara’s Veil is valuable:
- Sells for 18 gold 70 silver (NA) and 11 gold 30 silver (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- Used in the crafting of Ashen Pigments and Burning Embers;
- Can be used by alchemists to craft many flasks, potions and elixirs.
How to get Azshara’s Veil:
- Gathering in many locations such as Shimmering Expanse and Tol Barad Peninsula;
- Fishing in Tol Barad Peninsula, Twilight Highlands and Uldum.
6. Felwort
Felwort is one of the most versatile herbs in the game, making for a very good selling price and constant high demand from players. It is used in recipes of Alchemy, Inscription, Jewelcrafting and Enchanting. On top of that, they can be used to make the valuable Darkmoon Cards, a great source of gold for new players and veterans alike.
Why Felwort is valuable:
- Sells for 32 gold 60 silver at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- Used in the creation of many pigments;
- Constant high demand due to it being a part of recipes of 4 different professions;
- Can be used to craft the highly valuable Darkmoon Cards.
How to get Felwort:
- Gathering in many locations such as Azsuna and Highmountain.
5. Saxifrage
The Saxifrage is another new herb released in WoW Dragonflight that can be a great source of gold, especially at these early stages of the expansion. This herb is used in recipes of Alchemy and Inscription and should be one of the best options for herbalists at the current point of the game.
Why Saxifrage is valuable:
- Sells for 24 gold 50 silver (NA) and 32 gold 60 silver (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- Used in Alchemy and Inscription recipes;
- New herb released in Dragonflight, which means high demand for new recipes.
How to get Saxifrage:
- Gathering at Waking Shores.
4. Bubble Poppy
You might start to notice a trend here of new herbs being very valuable. Bubble Poppy is another one released in Dragonflight that sells for an amazing price at the Auction House and can be used in many recipes that are in the current meta of the game.
Why Bubble Poppy is valuable:
- Sells for 71 gold(NA) and 84 gold 80 silver (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- New herb released in Dragonflight, which means high demand for new recipes;
- Used in the crafting of many potions that are in the current meta of the game.
How to get Bubble Poppy:
- Gathering at the Dragon Isles (often found near rivers and other water pools).
3. Writhebark
Writherbark is a herb that has reached amazing prices at the Auction House and for very good reason. This new herb released in WoW Dragonflight can be used to craft the new Darkmoon Decks, which are extremely valuable trinkets that are very sought after by players in the game.
Why Writhebark is valuable:
- Sells for 108 gold (NA) and 94 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- New herb released in Dragonflight, which means high demand for new recipes;
- Used in Alchemy and Inscription recipes;
- Can be used to craft the extremely valuable Darkmoon Decks.
How to get Writhebark:
- Gathering at the Dragon Isles (often found near forests).
2. Wildvine
Wildvine is a herb that has remained on the top 3 most valuable herbs in WoW for many years now. While it is a rare herb, because it cannot be gathered but rather appears as a bonus loot when gathering Purple Lotus, it can also be dropped by a variety of monsters in the game. The selling price is amazing, so the best strategy here is to just farm Purple Lotus and pray to get the eventual Wildvine bonus.
Why Wildvine is valuable:
- Sells for 249 gold (NA) and 400 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- Prices have remained extremely high over the years;
- Can be obtained passively while gathering Purple Lotus.
How to get Wildvine:
- Gathering Purple Lotus in Felwood;
- Dropped by many monsters in Northern Stranglethorn and The Hinterlands.
1. Flamecap
Flame Cap is the absolute champion of the most valuable herbs, with prices skyrocketing well over the 400 gold mark in some servers. What makes this item so sought after is the fact that it provides a good increase in fire spell damage, which is useful for many magic classes in WoW, especially fire mages, of course.
Why Flame Cap is valuable:
- Sells for 342 gold (NA) and 499 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Very high demand since it is a must-have item for fire mages;
- Provides an increase in fire spell damage and doesn’t proc the Mana Gem cooldown.
How to get Flame Cap:
- Gathering in many locations such as Zangarmarsh and The Slave Pens.
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