What are the best fishing spots in WoW Dragonflight?
Fishing is a very popular life skill in many MMORPGs and that is no different in World of Warcraft. Players can chill inbetween their quests, dungeons and raids, sit by a water pool and just catch some fish while enjoying the environment
While the relaxing nature of fishing might be enough to attract many players, it can also be a good source of gold in WoW, especially since professions got a revamp in WoW Dragonflight, and fishing has received the all-new system called Specialty Fishing. In this article we will be looking at some of the best fishing spots in WoW Dragonflight, so grab your fishing pole and come along.
10. Mulgore/Elwynn Forest
Everyone has to start somewhere, which is true for every profession in World of Warcraft. When it comes to fishing, the best options for Horde and Alliance players, respectively, who wish to start their fishing careers are Mulgore and Elwynn Forest. With safe environments, an excellent ratio of fish and beautiful scenery to look at, these are amazing starting points for your journey as a fisherman in WoW.
Why Mulgore/Elwynn Forest is great for Fishing:
- Safe environments even for new players with very low risk;
- Great initial catches such as the Mud Snapper;
- Some of the best-looking environments of classic WoW maps, very relaxing.
How to get to Mulgore:
9. Grizzly Hills
The Grizzly Hills is one of the most beloved zones in World of Warcraft due to its beautiful scenery and amazing ambiance. This zone is just a pleasure to be at, especially for veteran players. In this region of Northrend, you’ll be able to fish for Glacial Salmon, Fangtooth Herrings, and much more.
Why Grizzly Hills is great for Fishing:
- Part of the Northrend Angler achievement;
- A beloved zone to chill at with outstanding ambiance;
- Good for early to mid-level fishing.
How to get to Grizzly Hills:
8. Jade Forest
Just like the Grizzly Hills, the Jade Forest is another location that stands out for its ambiance and beauty, this time with an eastern theme instead of the cold aesthetic of Northrend. This is a great place for mid-level fishing with some rare fish and an easy achievement, the Pandarian Angler.
Why Jade Forest is great for Fishing:
- Part of the Pandarian Angler achievement;
- The beautiful ambiance makes for a great place to chill at;
- A good amount of rare fish for early to mid-level fishing.
How to get to Jade Forest:
7. Tanaris
The Steamwheedle Port at Tanaris is an amazing spot for mid to high level fishing, especially in WoW Classic. This is a neutral zone with high safety and relative easy access for all sorts of players of the Alliance and Horde alike. You can also get the Raw Spotted Yellowtail here which is very useful at the Gates of Ahn’qiraj event.
Why Tanaris is great for Fishing:
- Relatively safe zone for both factions;
- Great spot to grind from mid-level to high-level fishing;
- Can catch the Raw Spotted Yellowtail fish for the Gates of Ahn’qiraj event.
How to get to Tanaris:
6. Dustwallow Marsh
Another great mid-level fishing spot is the Dustwallow Marsh, with many good catches both inland and on the coast. Getting to this spot might be harder for low-level players, but once you get there it is a very safe zone with a wide variety of fish to catch.
Why Dustwallow Marsh is great for Fishing:
- Best spot for mid-level fishing in Classic;
- A very safe spot to fish once you get there;
- Wide variety of good fish to catch.
How to get to Dustwallow Marsh:
5. Azshara
Azshara is undoubtedly the best Classic spot for high-level fishing. The Bay of Storms is unmatched both in variety and spawn rates of fish, however, you will need very high fishing skills and good gear in order to get the most out of this spot.
Why Azshara is great for Fishing:
- Best high-level Classic fishing spot;
- Outstanding variety and spawn rates;
- Great catches such as the Darkclaw Lobster and the Large Raw Mightfish.
How to get to Azshara:
4. Capital Cities
Capital Cities are often overlooked when it comes to fishing spots, but it just so happens that they are very useful for lower level players who are grinding their way into mid-level fishing. These zones are, of course, absolutely safe, meaning that they are a great option for beginners. The only exception to this is the Undercity, which has lower spawn rates and some terrible catches that might waste your time.
Why the Capital Cities are great for Fishing:
- Best fishing spot for beginners;
- Great for grinding your way into mid-level fishing;
- Absolutely safe zones with easy and instant access to all players.
How to get to Orgrimmar:
3. Life-Binder Observatory
Since the recent release of WoW Dragonflight, the best fishing spots are located at the Dragon Isles. Not only are these spots great for their catches, but you can hop in there even with a level 1 fishing skill, get renown with the Iskaara Tuskarr faction and start specialty fishing. The first of these spots is located next to the Life-Binder Observatory, where you will find specialty fishing pools at the rivers of lava and catch some Magma Thresher. Keep in mind that you will need to have Lava Fishing unlocked in order to access these pools.
Why Life-Binder Observatory is great for Fishing:
- Part of the new specialty fishing system;
- Best spot to catch the rare fish Magma Thresher;
- Very valuable catches.
How to get to Life-Binder Observatory:
2. The Azure Span
When it comes to gold-making potential, the Grimtusk’s Fishing Hole at Azure Span is possibly the best place for specialty fishing in WoW Dragonflight. Here you will find the Frosted Rimefin Tuna, which is a great source of income. Make sure to unlock Ice Fishing before heading to this fishing spot.
Why Azure Span is great for Fishing:
- Part of the new specialty fishing system;
- Best spot to catch the rare fish Frosted Rimefin Tuna;
- Very valuable catches.
How to get to The Azure Span:
1. Ohn’ahran Plains
The best fishing spot in WoW Dragonflight overall is the Ohn’ahran Plains, where you can catch the Prismatic Leaper. This zone has a lot of fishing pools, easy access to the Azure Span to diversify your rotation, and many great farming spots for other professions while you wait on those spawn rates. Be it for leveling your fishing skill or for making some gold, this is your go to spot at the Dragon Isles.
Why Ohn’ahran Plains is great for Fishing:
- Very high quantity of fishing pools;
- Great for both leveling and making gold;
- Easy access to farming spots of other professions.
How to get to Ohn'ahran Plains:
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