What are the best ways to make gold in World of Warcraft?
There are plenty of ways to become a rich adventurer in Azeroth, from professions to good old mob grinding.
Today we will be looking at an updated list for Dragonflight of the best methods to make gold in World of Warcraft.
10. Mining
Mining is a classic profession when it comes to making gold in WoW. One of the biggest reasons why this is the case is simply the abundance of mining resources that you can gather while going to point A to point B in most zones of the game.
There are dedicated addons that can help with your mining efficiency, and gathering is now more valuable than ever with the new profession specialization system that greatly increases the yield of your desired materials. Furthermore, you can always enhance the ores in order to turn then into more valuable materials that can be sold at the auction house for a lot of gold.
How it works:
- Get the profession to max skill points as soon as possible;
- Gather every mining node you see while adventuring through Azeroth to earn knowledge points;
- Get the best tools in order to make the mining process quicker;
- Use the Gathermate2 addon in order to automatically track mining locations in the map;
- The new specialization system allows you to increase your mining outcome in a selected specific area;
- A great location to make gold with mining currently is The Waking Shores, where you can find plenty of molten mining nodes;
- Refine your mining ores in order to create more valuable materials;
- Sell the refined materials for a lot of gold at the auction house.
9. Inscription
You guys already know what I’m getting into with this one: Darkmoon Decks. This is still one of the best and most approachable ways to make gold in WoW, especially with the recent release of Darkmoon Deck Boxes in Dragonflight.
It’s an entry-level friendly profession that is reliable and extremely profitable. plus you can always make some decks for yourself as well, they are great!
How it works:
- Get the profession to max skill points as soon as possible;
- Collect cards that drop from every sort of content in WoW Dragonflight;
- Combine these cards into Darkmoon Decks or Darkmoon Deck Boxes;
- These are unique-equipped trinkets that sell for a lot of gold at the auction house.
8. Jewelcrafting
Jewelcrafting is one of the most profitable crafting professions in WoW, if not the number 1 profession when it comes to that. While not as approachable as Inscription, Jewelcrafting has a higher potential of gold making in the long term through high quality gems, necklaces and rings.
You will need to level the profession up as fast as possible if you want to start making gold with this one, and some of the results are RNG dependent, so this is not a good option for beginners.
How it works:
- Get the profession to max skill points as soon as possible;
- Your goal is to be able to cut quality 3 gems and quality 5 accessories;
- High quality gems can sell for amazing prices at the auction house;
- You are able to craft some of the items with the highest demand in the game, such as the Elemental Lariat necklace.
7. Cloth Farming
Cloths are very valuable reagents that can be used by crafters in order to make cosmetic equipment and much more. There is always a constant demand for these at the auction house, making for a great opportunity for you to get a lot of gold by selling them.
The specific cloth reagents that are currently in the gold farming meta are Tattered Wildercloth and Wildercloth. This farming method also yields a lot of gold from just selling other loot that you will get from the mobs, like some green BoE and Rousing Earth.
How it works:
- Get to the Dragon Isles;
- Travel to the hills south of Ohn’ahran Plains;
- Pull the aggro of every mob in the area;
- Melt them down with AoE damage;
- Get all of the loot including trash items that can be sold to NPCs;
- Your main source of income will be through Tattered Wildercloth, Wildercloth, BoE and Rousing Earth, so keep these items as a priority when looting.
- This method works best with the collaboration of 2 groups of 4 players due to mob spawn and loot sharing reasons;
- Having a lot of AoE DPS in your group is recommended to get the most out this method.
6. Scales Farming
Much like the previously mentioned cloth reagents, scales are a very valuable material with constant demand from crafters. While the trash items here do not yield as much gold as the ones you’ll get from the cloth farming pulls, the main loot here is more valuable and more than makes up for the difference. Farming scales means grinding down hordes of scaly monsters at the Dragon Isles and skinning them, so get ready for a fight and make sure to level up your skinning skill.
What you are looking for with this farm are Adamant Scales, Flawless Proto Dragon Scales; Curious Hide Scraps and Lustrous Scaled Hides.
How it works:
- Level up your skinning skill as much as possible;
- Get to the Dragon Isles;
- Travel to the Dragonscale Base Camp north of Ohn’ahran Plains;
- Pull the aggro of every mob in the area;
- Melt them down with AoE damage;
- Get all of the loot including trash items that can be sold to NPCs;
- Your main source of income will be through Flawless Proto Dragon Scales, Adamant Scales, Curious Hide Scraps and Lustrous Scaled Hides, so keep these items as a priority when looting.
- This method works best with the collaboration of 2 groups of 4 players due to mob spawn and loot sharing reasons;
- Alternate with your groups members between the functions of killing mobs and skinning corpses to optimize your farm;
- Having a lot of AoE DPS in your group is recommended to get the most out this method.
5. Leather Farming
This method is very similar to the scales farming method, with players alternating between skinning and killing mobs, and pulling a lot of aggro inside hyper spawns at the Dragon Isles.
Your goal here is to get Exceptional Pelts, Rockfang Leather, Resilient Leather, Dense Hide and Curious Hide Scraps, along with trash items and the occasional bonus of getting Saturated bones from an elite mob spawn at the area. Out of the three material farming methods that we’ve mentioned so far, this one yields the most gold from a combination between main loot and trash items.
How it works:
- Level up your skinning skill as much as possible;
- Get to the Dragon Isles;
- Travel to the Timberstep Outpost north of The Azure Span;
- Pull the aggro of every mob in the area;
- Melt them down with AoE damage;
- Get all of the loot including trash items that can be sold to NPCs;
- Your main source of income will be through Saturated Bone, Exceptional Pelt, Rockfang Leather, Resilient Leather, Dense Hide and Curious Hide Scraps, so keep these items as a priority when looting.
- This method works best with the collaboration of 2 groups of 4 players due to mob spawn and loot sharing reasons;
- Alternate with your groups members between the functions of killing mobs and skinning corpses to optimize your farm;
- Having a lot of AoE DPS in your group is recommended to get the most out this method.
4. Elemental Farming
The last 2x4 farming method on this list consists of grinding down elementals. The materials here are very valuable, plus the drop rate for BoEs and the selling price of trash items are also very high, making for a great gold farming method.
Look for Elemental Mote, Rousing Air and Rousing Frost as your main source of income. One of the greatest advantages of this method is of course the fact that you don’t have to level up the skinning skill or take the time to skin the corpses in order to get your loot.
How it works:
- Get to the Dragon Isles;
- Travel to the Forkriver Crossing northeast of The Azure Span;
- Pull the aggro of every mob in the area;
- Melt them down with AoE damage;
- Get all of the loot including trash items that can be sold to NPCs;
- Your main source of income will be through Rousing Air, Rousing Frost and Elemental Mote, so keep these items as a priority when looting.
- This method works best with the collaboration of 2 groups of 4 players due to mob spawn and loot sharing reasons;
- Having a lot of AoE DPS in your group is recommended to get the most out this method.
3. BoE Farming
BoE means ‘bind on equip”, which basically means gear that you can sell as long as you don’t put it on yourself. Selling equipment at the auction house is very profittable and some items can go for insane amounts of gold, especially if they are a popular transmog piece.
This method consists of continuously farming the trash mobs of a raid through raid resets. Pull a huge group of monsters, melt them down, grab the loot, reset the raid, repeat. The amount of gold you get from this will increase depending on the difficulty of the raid, with Mythics being the most profitable of course.
How it works:
- Find a spot in a BoE farming raid group;
- Get into the raid and pull a large number of trash mobs;
- Kill them and grab the loot, giving priority to BoE equipment;
- Reset the raid and do it again.
2. Mythic+ Raids
Spamming Mythic+ and Heroic raids is one of the greatest gold making methods in WoW due to the recent increase in rare recipes that can only be found in those raids. These have a very low drop chance but can sell for insane amounts of gold at the auction house.
Combine the possibility of that rare loot with the already worthwhile income for regular loot in Mythic raids and above, and you have a great way to make gold in WoW for sure.
How it works:
- Find an efficient raid group;
- Get into Mythic+ or Heroic raids;
- All of the loot here is a good way to make profit, especially BoE equipment;
- Your main goal is to get rare drops of recipes that can sell for huge amounts of gold at the auction house.
1. Fishing
You know it, I know it, every MMORPG player knows it: fishing is the most profitable activity in these games. This is basically an idle gold farming method, and it can be boring for a lot of people, including myself, but the potential to make huge amounts of gold is insane, especially after the recent profession overhaul in Dragonflight.
Make sure to get skill points and get good equipment in order to increase the perception attribute, and don’t forget the unlock the special fishing hole through the Iskaara Tuskarr renown system. After that, you can make a route to get highly valuable fish such as Scaleberry Mackerel, Islefin Dorado, Temporal Dragonhead, Cerulean Spinefish, Aileron Seamoth and Thousandbite Piranha, not to mention the specialty fishing holes.
How it works:
- Level up your fishing skill as much as possible;
- Get gear that increases your perception stat;
- Reach renown 4 with the Iskaara Tuskarr faction in order to unlock fishing holes;
- Now you are able to fish all over the Dragon Isles;
- Commonly found valuable fish include Islefin Dorado, Scaleberry Mackerel, Temporal Dragonhead, Aileron Seamoth, Thousandbite Piranha and Cerulean Spinefish;
- You can go even further and unlock specialty fishing at frozen lakes and lava pools for higher profit.
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