What are the rarest items in WoW Dragonflight?
The true endgame of any MMORPG is showing off all of the cool stuff you have collected on your adventures, and rare items are the best way to do that. Rare items are really hard to get, usually dropped from elite monster and with very low drop rates, meaning that not a lot of people have them.
We will be looking at some of the rarest items in WoW Dragonflight, but keep in mind that these are just a few, and you can find countless other rare items in the game.
15. Echo of the Inferno
Starting off our list, we have three awesome new battle pets released in WoW Dragonflight: the Echo Elementals. The first one, and easier to get, is Echo of the Inferno, a powerful fire elemental that has a great balance of burst damage and DoT effects.
Why Echo of the Inferno is valuable:
- The highest drop rate for this item is 0.6%;
- New unique companion released in WoW Dragonflight;
- Teaches you how to summon a powerful elemental battle pet that has access to amazing fire abilities that deal huge bursts of damage and apply the burning DoT effect.
How to get Echo of the Inferno:
- Very rare drop from many creatures at the Dragon Isles such as Phenran, Urglan and Searing Flame Harchek.
14. Echo of the Heights
The second elemental is the Echo of the Heights, another very useful battle pet for your team composition. If you have been keeping up with battle pets in WoW, you should know that mechanical pets are very powerful in the current meta, therefore making Echo of the Heights a great choice because of its ability Call Lighting, which empowers all of the Mechanical pets and Mechanical damage dealt by your team members.
Why Echo of the Heights is valuable:
- The highest drop rate for this item is 0.3%;
- New unique companion released in WoW Dragonflight;
- Teaches you how to summon a powerful elemental battle pet that has access to the Call Lightning ability, enhancing the power of your Mechanical battle pets.
How to get Echo of the Heights:
- Very rare drop from many creatures at the Dragon Isles such as Cragsworn Stoneshaper, Qalashi Necksnapper and Vicious Rimefang.
13. Echo of the Depths
Echo of the Depths is the rarest of the new elemental battle pets in WoW Dragonflight. While arguably not as useful as the Echo of the Heights, this is still a great battle pet that has access to one of the most powerful defensive abilities of the game: Bubble.
Why Echo of the Depths is valuable:
- The highest drop rate for this item is 0.19%;
- New unique companion released in WoW Dragonflight;
- Teaches you how to summon a powerful elemental battle pet that has access to Bubble, one of the best defensive abilities in the game.
How to get Echo of the Depths:
- Very rare drop from many creatures at the Dragon Isles such as Cragsworn Conqueror, Dragonbane Mender and Vicious Rimefang.
12. Brackenhide Hollow Maul
Now we are moving on to the really rare items in WoW Dragonflight: cosmetics. These are very sought after by many players and can sell for very high prices at the Auction House. Brackenhide Hollow Maul is a great example of this, an all-new weapon transmog released in Dragonflight that looks amazing on sets themed around primitive aesthetics.
Why Brackenhide Hollow Maul is valuable:
- The highest drop rate for this item is 0.06%;
- Sells for 3230 gold (NA) and 2720 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Unique new transmog piece released in Dragonflight;
- Amazing choice of weapon for primitive-themed transmogs.
How to get Brackenhide Hollow Maul:
- Very rare drop from many creatures at The Azure Span such as Gnarls, Gutstabber and High Shaman Rotknuckle.
11. Burning Mallet
An imposing hammer scorched in flames, that’s the Burning Mallet, another new weapon transmog released in Dragonflight. This is a great option for sets centered around dragons, flames, or even demonic aesthetics.
Why Burning Mallet is valuable:
- The highest drop rate for this item is 0.02%;
- Unique new transmog piece released in Dragonflight;
- Amazing choice of weapon for fire-themed transmogs.
How to get Burning Mallet:
- Very rare drop from many creatures at The Waking Shores such as Cauldronbearer Blakor, Battleseared Magmatusk and Battlehorn Pyrhus.
10. Obsidian Barrier
If you just so happen to be a paladin or a protection warrior that really liked the previous entry on the list, Burning Mallet, then this is absolutely the shield to go with it in your transmog set. Obsidian Barrier is a very unique-looking shield, with awesome horns on the sides and a burning core right in the middle. One of the best new cosmetics items in WoW.
Why Obsidian Barrier is valuable:
- The highest drop rate for this item is 0.02%;
- Sells for 6450 gold (NA) and 5000 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Unique new transmog piece released in Dragonflight;
- Amazing choice of shield for fire-themed transmogs.
How to get Obsidian Barrier:
- Very rare drop from many creatures at The Waking Shores such as Cauldronbearer Blakor, Rohzor Forgesmash and Battlehorn Pyrhus.
9. Obsidian Tyrant’s Mace
Obsidian cosmetics are a trend on this list, as you’ll soon find out, and for very good reason too. The Obsidian Tyrant’s Mace is another very rare and beautiful weapon transmog, and a personal favorite of mine, that you can get, if you’re lucky, at the Dragon Isles. It also goes very well with the Obsidian Barrier.
Why Obsidian Tyrant’s Mace is valuable:
- The highest drop rate for this item is 0.02%;
- Sells for 9000 gold (NA) and 7730 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Unique new transmog piece released in Dragonflight;
- Amazing choice of weapon for fire-themed transmogs.
How to get Obsidian Tyrant’s Mace:
- Very rare drop from many creatures at The Waking Shores such as Magma Skitter, Battlehorn Pyrhus and Qalashi Dusttwister.
8. Obsidian Crusher’s Belt
Not every cool Obsidian cosmetic has to be a weapon. The Obsidian Crusher’s Belt is a great waist transmog option for plate armor users, going with the primitive aesthetic similar to the Brackenhide Hollow Maul. If you manage to get both, you can combine them into an awesome transmog set.
Why Obsidian Crusher’s Belt is valuable:
- The highest drop rate for this item is 0.01%;
- Sells for 3000 gold at the Auction House;
- Unique new transmog piece released in Dragonflight;
- Amazing choice of waist piece for primitive-themed transmogs.
How to get Obsidian Crusher’s Belt:
- Very rare drop from many creatures at The Waking Shores such as Battlehorn Pyrhus, Cauldronbearer Blakor and Rasnar the War Ender.
7. Obsidian Fist
Following the fire-themed aesthetic, Obsidian Fist is another awesome cosmetic weapon released in Dragonflight. It goes particularly well with Demon Hunters, almost looking like some small War Glaives.
Why Obsidian Fist is valuable:
- The highest drop rate for this item is 0.02%;
- Sells for 10000 gold (NA) and 7840 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Unique new transmog piece released in Dragonflight;
- Amazing choice of weapon for fire-themed transmogs.
How to get Obsidian Fist:
- Very rare drop from many creatures at The Waking Shores such as Battlehorn Pyrhus, Rasnar the War Ender and Cauldronbearer Blakor.
6. Citadel Crusher’s Legguards
The Citadel Crusher’s armor set is a very rare cosmetic plate armor release in WoW Dragonflight that only a few lucky players have managed to acquire. For the first piece, we have the Citadel Crusher’s Legguards, the legs of this set, which follow a rather primitive or even tribal aesthetic like some other items previously mentioned on the list.
Why Citadel Crusher’s Legguards is valuable:
- The highest drop rate for this item is 0.02%;
- Sells for 4000 gold (NA) and 2950 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Unique new transmog piece released in Dragonflight;
- Amazing choice of leg piece for primitive-themed transmogs.
How to get Citadel Crusher’s Legguards:
- Very rare drop from many creatures at The Waking Shores such as Turboris, Battlehorn Pyrhus and Qalashi Flameslinger.
5. Citadel Crusher’s Pauldrons
Pauldrons are a very divisive piece of armor when it comes to transmog sets. Some people like them more subtle and some prefer huge imposing pauldrons. If you are a part of the second group, then look no further.
Why Citadel Crusher’s Pauldrons is valuable:
- The highest drop rate for this item is 0.02%;
- Sells for 4560 gold at the Auction House;
- Unique new transmog piece released in Dragonflight;
- Amazing choice of shoulder piece for fire-themed transmogs.
How to get Citadel Crusher’s Pauldrons:
- Very rare drop from many creatures at the Dragon Isles such as Char, Cauldronbearer Blakor and Rohzor Forgesmash.
4. Citadel Crusher’s Helm
Next, we have the Citadel Crusher’s Helm, an amazing headpiece that is so rare you actually can’t find it on the auction house right now. It has somewhat of an ancient aesthetic about it, going along with the theme of Dragonflight’s story.
Why Citadel Crusher’s Helm is valuable:
- The highest drop rate for this item is 0.01%;
- Unique new transmog piece released in Dragonflight;
- Amazing choice of headpiece for ancient-themed transmogs.
How to get Citadel Crusher’s Helm:
- Very rare drop from many creatures at The Waking Shores such as Rohzor Forgesmash, Battlehorn Pyrhus and Turboris
3. Citadel Crusher’s Gauntlets
Next, we have the gauntlets, Citadel Crusher’s Gauntlets to be specific. It follows the same aesthetic as the other pieces on the armor set and is just as rare. Get this new unique transmog handpiece and everyone will envy your set for sure.
Why Citadel Crusher’s Gauntlets is valuable:
- The highest drop rate for this item is 0.01%;
- Sells for 2500 gold (NA) and 3490 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Unique new transmog piece released in Dragonflight;
- Amazing choice of handpiece for ancient-themed transmogs.
How to get Citadel Crusher’s Gauntlets:
- Very rare drop from many creatures at The Waking Shores such as Battlehorn Pyrhus and Rohzor Forgesmash.
2. Obsidian Dragontooth
This is probably the best cosmetic weapon when it comes to draconic-themed swords in World of Warcraft. Obsidian Dragontooth looks simply amazing with a fiery bright tip on the blade and a tribal handle to go along with it.
Why Obsidian Dragontooth is valuable:
- The highest drop rate for this item is 0.01%;
- Sells for 12600 gold (NA) and 10000 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Unique new transmog piece released in Dragonflight;
- Amazing choice of weapon for draconic-themed transmogs.
How to get Obsidian Dragontooth:
- Very rare drop from many creatures at The Waking Shores such as Cauldronbearer Blakor, Agitated Keystone and Qalashi Skullhauler.
1. Citadel Crusher’s Chestplate
And now for the rarest item on the list, we have the last piece of the Citadel Crusher’s armor set, and the chest piece nonetheless. Citadel Crusher’s Chestplate is a very rare cosmetic plate armor released in WoW Dragonflight. If you manage to get this item, you will certainly stand out with your transmog even in competitions.
Why Citadel Crusher’s Chestplate is valuable:
- The highest drop rate for this item is 0.01%;
- Sells for 2100 gold (NA) and 4220 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Unique new transmog piece released in Dragonflight;
- Amazing choice of chest piece for ancient-themed transmogs.
How to get Citadel Crusher’s Chestplate:
- Very rare drop from many creatures at The Waking Shores such as Battlehorn Pyrhus, Battleseared Magmatusk and Qalashi Dusttwister.
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