Have You Met All 10 of These Legendary Characters in World of Warcraft?
Whether you love it or hate it, you have to admit that there are very few games out there with as much epic lore content as World of Warcraft. As we fans have grown to love the game over the last decade the question arises: Who is the World of Warcraft best hero? This list is a compilation of some of the most epic and legendary heros (or villans) in the Warcraft universe. They selection criteria involves the way that they changed the world, how epic their deeds are, and finally their base cool factor. Here we go! World of Warcraft best hero top 10 list:
10. Illidan Stormrage
The Night Elf demon hunter eventually led the scourge himself
The night elf demon hunter was supposed to aid Malfurion and Tyrande in the defense of the world tree, but instead he defected to Sargeras. He is no longer a night elf but neither is he a demon. Illidan has become something greater and is now the self-proclaimed ruler of Outland… or at least he was until a massive raid group destroyed him.
A quick search on the forums will reveal that Illidan is one of the most popular WoW characters in the game. For what reason? He is badass and dual-wields the coolest weapons in the game so that could be two reasons. Perhaps it is that he is just misunderstood and his fal truly is one of Azeroth’s most tragic stories. Illidan is number 10 on this list because while he is pretty awesome, he also reminds a lot of teenage angst.
“Betrayer… In truth, it was I who was betrayed. Still, I am hunted”- Illidan Stormrage
9. Jaina Proudmoore
She is the most powerful human mage alive
She fought with prince Arthas before he turned into the Lich King, she ruled the Theramore Isle, and now is the leader of the Kirin Tor. She makes this list simply by being the most powerful human wizard in the WoW universe. That has to count for something. Additionally, her rampage across Dalaran after the destruction of Theramore was very impressive. She rules with an iron fist and also happens to want to obliterate each and every blood elf she sees.
8. Vol’Jin
With Vol'jin as a new leader, the Horde sees a new dawn
Vol’jin is the current warchief of the Horde which is pretty insane since it wasn’t all that long ago that he and his people were being hunted by the Orcs.
Vol’jin makes this list because he kept a cool head and was willing to do what no one else could, rebel against Garrosh and reclaim the Hordes honor. Vol’jin has been a part of the WoW universe for a long time, but it wasn’t until Mists of Pandaria that we all really got to see what he was made of.
7. Arthas/Kel’thuzad
Both frozen and cold. These villains have no souls
These two share a spot because it is difficult to decide who is ultimately responsible for the utter destruction of Lordaeron by the Scourge. Prince Arthas was an aspiring paladin and the promising crown prince of the kingdom. In his zeal to save the world from the scourge he ended up corrupting himself and eventually taking over the frozen throne as the Lich King. None of that would’ve been possible had it not been for the meddling hands of Kel’Thuzad, the creepiest necromancer in the game.
All in all, the destruction of two continents (the Eastern Kingdoms and Northrend) plus the annihilation of the Kingdom of Lordaeron certainly earns a spot on this list. That still doesn’t change the fact that no one likes Arthas though.
6. Deathwing
I think I saw this guy in the Hobbit movies
Deathwing the Destroyer, he is the insane dragon aspect of death who wants nothing more than to torch everyone and everything for no apparent reason. You know how villains always have a motivation? Sometimes they are misunderstood and secretly just want to be loved, or maybe they are greedy and want money. Well, Deathwing has no other motivation then the fact that he wants everything to be destroyed. Fantastic!
Luckily for the people of Azeroth, the massive dragon was slain in the Dragon Souls raid, but not before he managed to change the face of the entire planet.
5. Grommash Hellscream
The most legendary of Orcs!
We haven’t gotten to see much of this amazing blademaster Orc in World of Warcraft since he died in Warcraft III. However, when it comes to epic Orcs there is only one that trumps this man but he will be discussed later down the list. While he was the first orc to drink the demon blood that bound the orc race to the demon, Mannoroth the destroyer, he was also the one break it.
Not a lot of fans watched his dying cinematic with dry eyes. The change that takes place inside Grom’s heart as he overcomes the demon blood and sacrifices his life for the salvation of his people is incredibly tear jerking.
“No old friend, you’ve freed us all” –Thrall
4. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner
After breaking free from the Lich King's controll, Sylvanas rallies the undead to her side
Once she was a ranger that fought for the high elves of Silvermoon, but now she is the faction leader for the undead: The Banshee Queen. She and her people were murdered by Arthas and she hates him more than anything. After being resurrected she managed to rip control of her mind back to herself from the Lich King which was no small feat. That act demonstrates the immense power of will and strength of character that Sylvana’s possesses.
She is one of the most mysterious and lore intensive characters in the game. There are lots of quests in the upper Eastern Kingdoms that reveal interesting characteristics and history behind the pale faced Queen of the undead. Hopefully future expansions will evolve her character even further.
3. Uther the Lightbringer
Uther provides guidance even in death
If Uther could be summarized in one word it would be righteous. The man was the first man to be trained as a paladin in the second war against the horder. The valor and righteous fury he displayed on the battlefield, as well as the saving of thousands of souls awarded him the title of Lightbringer. He was one of the most loved characters in Warcraft III and as such he has been given many tributes in World of Warcraft.
There is an entire quest chain that revolves around his tomb in the Plaguelands. When we had to control Arthas to slay Uther it felt a little bit like betraying our own father. Uther the Lightbringer is one of the most beloved characters of all time.
2. Thrall
Thrall is the orc that has done more for the world than any other character in the Warcraft world.
The only reason Grommash Hellscream couldn’t take this spot on the list is because Thrall still needs to be written about. This is the most epic and important Orc in all of history. First he leads his people to safety over the vast ocean. After defending the world from Sargeras with the help of human and night elf allies, which by the way no other orc had ever dared to try, he established the nation of Durotar for the orcs to live in peace.
He fostered diplomatic relationships with the Alliance. He led the fight against deathwing and restored balance to the world, and finally he put down the rabid dog which was Garrosh. Thralls resume is incredibly impressive and one has to wonder if the people over at Blizzard aren’t giving him a little too much love.
1. Gamon
Gamon you poor scrub
This probably comes as a huge surprise that Gamon is number one on the list. Gamon has next to no backstory. He is an NPC Tauren that used to be a part of a low level quest in Orgrimmar. Players would have to pickpocket him to complete the quest. However, as a result of having a killable level 12 NPC smackdab in the center of the Horde capitol, he was never alive for more than a few seconds. Since Mists of Pandaria he became a level 90 mob and now the joke is on unfortunate low level characters that misclick.
The reason why Gamon is on this list is because there is probably no other mob or creature that has suffered death quite as many times as this unfortunate Tauren. Not only that, but players would often drag him out to publicly execute and ridicule him in front of the auction house. But you know what? He kept coming back and he even helped take out general Nazgrim during the Siege of Orgrimmar.
It takes a big man, and an even bigger cow to be willing to help out a player base that has so ruthlessly murdered him time and time again since the game's release. That is why he is number one.
Thus concludes the World of Warcraft best hero list and it is now up to you to again venture into the land of Azeroth and discover who you consider to be the ultimate World of Warcraft best hero or villain. So who do you consider to be the greatest character in World of Warcraft? Let us know what you think in the comments!
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